The Target Clearance Thread Part VII

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12 (100%)
Copied from OP of former Target Clearance threads* (Links Coming)

Winter 2k6 thread
Summer 2K5
Spring 2005 thread
Original Target Clearance Thread

Since the Target deals are usually of the "your mileage may vary" type, let's keep all the target clearance deals in this thread.

Here is a fairly easy way to check if your local Target has the games on clearance without making the store clerk unlock the display case and price-scan a bunch of games. Very often, games may be on sale, but will not be marked as such.

BigDirty came up with this nice time saver. Respect his cheap ass skills.

1) Check this thread for games that have been reported on clearance.

2) Go to, or similar website and search for the game to locate its UPC code number. Its in the grey box underneath the box art graphic.

3) Go to , , or and enter the code so you can print out the UPC.

4) Go to Target and use the price scanners to scan your printouts and search for cheap ass deals!

FYI: "When a game's price ends with 8 cents, further reduction is possible, when it ends in 4 cents, that's the ball game, pick it up cause it's not going any lower. If it ends in 9 cents, it's just on sale or on a non-clearance reduction." - BigDirty

Games that do not sell after being discounted are often donated to local Goodwills for sale at their retail stores, so check there when the clearance items dissappear.

This thread is for Clearance deals, not sale items or raincheck "scams"
Please Post City, State and Store (If City has many stores), game, system and price

Keep extraneous discussion to a minimum, as posts not pretating to clearance deals may be deleted by the mod crew.

As always-- YMMV


Philadelphia, PA Snyder Plaza
BigDirty's Wild Ride, XBox, $4.98

*Thanks to CheapyD and BigDirty for the info*

Keep it on topic or your post may be deleted to prune down the thread size.
Finally managed to pick up Dark Messiah: Might and Magic for $9.98 at the West Madison, WI Target.

Took forever for it to hit that price here...
[quote name='frostcoma']Picked up today:

NDS Super Mario 64 DS - $7.48
NDS Sims 2 - $4.98
360 Fight Night 3 - $7.48
360 Dead Rising - $14.98
Wii Avatar - $12.48

Pretty good haul...

Brent[/quote]Was your Target's game section the renovated kind with the larger cases? I'm trying to figure out if/when those newer Targets are going to start clearancing their games.
[quote name='RollingSkull']fuck you, fellow Okie. You're always taking all my Target phat lewts! That's why all my Targets blow! :p[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Stry-ker']Were those clearly marked clearance?[/QUOTE]

Yes, all orange-stickered and on an endcap. To answer the other person's question, yes, this is a remodeled Target (Rochester, MI). A few weeks ago some of the games were on a low shelf inside an open display case (still clearance stickered), but there are no more clearance games there now. Not much is left now, but I think there might have been a Wii SpongeBob game.

The strange thing is that I haven't seen these games on clearance at another local Target -- and they are usually in sync.

Oh, and there were some new additions to the endcap today: Wavebird controllers at $14.98. Might pick one up for my son if they hit $7.48 before they are gone...
I got these yesterday;

All 360 versions,

Chrome Hounds 7.48

Dead Rising 14.98 :)

Blitz The League 7.48

MotoGP '06 9.98

Table Tennis 7.48

X-Men TOG 9.98

I saw Prey (regular version) for 7.48 also

All these games were on a endcap with the famous red clearance stickers.
Grrrrr... You people and your Targets with Wii/360 clearances, it is driving me nuts.

I got NFSC (DS) for $7.48 at my normal Target - it was the only game on clearance. Let's see, Barnyward for Wii = $49.99, Chicken Little = $39.99, Kameo = $29.99, Table Tennis = $29.99, uh, Spongebob Wii = $49.99, GT Pro Wii = $49.99. I could go on, BfME = $29.99, Chromehounds = $29.99, uh, Happy Feet Wii = $49.99. Monster 4x4 = $49.99, etc...

To top it all off, the damn magnet boxes and Wii dog tags were still the same $12.48 they were last week :bomb:.

Then drove ALL the way across town to the one Target that had Kameo, Chicken Little, and Barnyard on clearance last week (but none of the other games). This is a NON-remodeled Target with just one wall of game cases by the way - in the old-style semi-sectioned off Electronics department.

Well, when you hide stuff you win some and you lose some. All three of my games were found and the only one I was able to get, it figures, was Kameo for $7.48. They didn't realize it was on clearance so it was just back with the rest of the loose games with a $29.99 tag. My one copy of Chicken Little and Barnyward were nowhere to be found. Why does it figure I found only Kameo? Because I just paid another CAG $13 to ship me one :bomb:.

Anyway, on the "You win some" side, I did bring the Chicken Little I bought for $19.98 two weeks ago and was able to do a return/repurchase even though the CSR said she really wasn't supposed to do that. So that at least made the drive worth it... I wanted some cheap Wii games for the EB/GS trade-in deal like everyone else seems to be getting though. This first Chicken Little is going to the kids though, so they'll be happy ;).

If anyone wants to trade ANY of the clearanced Wii titles (including Chicken Little) for Kameo or Need for Speed Carbon (DS), though, drop me a PM.

Oh, I also saw a few more Viewtiful Joe Double Trouble for the DS - they scanned $0.00 on the floor scanners and when I asked a guy with a hand scanner what they would be (hoping to get the last clearance price of $3.74) he said "$14.99". Meh...
Has anyone up picked up some clearance games at any NY targets?? Also,do all targets have there game behind a glass dispay place so you cant price scan them?? And lastly do any targets have a "clearance section" for games or are the clearance games usually mxied in with the other games ?? sorry for all the questions but I'd like alil info beofre going to the target thats very far from me.
Damn. I nabbed Viewtiful Joe and Gunpey (DS) at my Target here in Kansas City several weeks ago but they haven't had the next gen stuff on clearance yet...
[quote name='rppacis']Hmmm. Got to drop by Target today.[/quote]


I've been holding out for Dead Rising. If I can get it for $15, I will be very happy. There are 2 Targets in town here. Does anyone know if there is the possibility of one having them on clearance and the other not? I'm just curious if I should check both or not. Thanks.
[quote name='LunaticPuma']QFT.

I've been holding out for Dead Rising. If I can get it for $15, I will be very happy. There are 2 Targets in town here. Does anyone know if there is the possibility of one having them on clearance and the other not? I'm just curious if I should check both or not. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

It is most likely to be neither, but certainly it can be one and not the other so it is definitely worth checking both.
Are these games priced this low on the game? or do you have to get them to scan it? Also...can someone give me a link to the upc numbers so I can scan them at my nearest Target please. Thanks.

c'mon, people ! Since Target's clearance is getting more and more YMMV and is regional, can we PLEASE start listing the locations of the stores in question? It would be much appreciated by everyone, especially me.

BTW I found Chicken Little (Wii) for 9.98 at the Edgewood Target in Lansing, MI yesterday evening.
Target in Champaign IL

Totally Worthless. They have the all new cases (with signs for the Wii, PS3, and 360) and NOTHING is on clearence. They do have an endcap "Clearence" section, which currently has King Kong for $20, and Tony Hawk for $30. Going home for Easter, I'll report on some from back home in case it helps anyone out...
Most of the clearance stuff disappears at 30% can thank those really great EBAY JERKS. They love to buy the stuff and sell it for twice as much.

I walk a couple of targets's the only way to catch the good stuff. The larger (Chicago) targets, from what friends tell me, get cleared out so fast you have force your eyes open or you'll miss it! :D
I was at the Target in Fairfield, NJ yesterday. They did not have any clearance console games. NOTHING AT ALL! They did have a TON of PC Games.
2 Notables -
Splinter Cell : DA $9.98
Condemned : CO $7.XX

They had a lot of other PC games but don't remember the Prices.
[quote name='monkeywithanuzi']Most of the clearance stuff disappears at 30% can thank those really great EBAY JERKS. They love to buy the stuff and sell it for twice as much.


How is that different than the folks bragging in here about buying X amount of a certain clearance game just to trade them in at EB/GS?

It's all bullshit to me. I just want to find some cheap ass games TO PLAY.
[quote name='frostcoma']Picked up today:

NDS Super Mario 64 DS - $7.48
NDS Sims 2 - $4.98
360 Fight Night 3 - $7.48
360 Dead Rising - $14.98
Wii Avatar - $12.48

Pretty good haul...


Damn Super Mario for that price is a steal. I hate going to my target there is never really anything worth buying there. All they ever keep in stock are the more recent titles and when there is a price drop its gone before you ever get there. I have a feeling that its the employees taking them first.
Are you guys finding these games behind the glass? Nearly every Target within a 100 mile radius of me has completely phased out their clearance section, save for one endcap with GH games on it.
Though this isn't really a "Clearance" as much as a deal, I thought I'd add it here since it seems to be Target only for the time being.

Heroes of Might and Magic V dropped to $20.
[quote name='evilmax17']Are you guys finding these games behind the glass? Nearly every Target within a 100 mile radius of me has completely phased out their clearance section, save for one endcap with GH games on it.[/quote]
It depends on the kind of Target store it is. Newer ones don't seem to clearance as much or as quickly. The clearance pricing is store-specific for the most part. Games will generally be stickered, but are occasionally missed. Sometimes they are stickered at the wrong price, which is where the in-store scanners come in handy. I would probably check endcaps first for a clearance rack, then check the loose "value" games, then the glass case. It seems like many times the clearance games are in the glass case for their first week, then moved out quickly to the floor.
Factoria, Bellevue, WA Target had some Viewtiful Joe DS on the "value" games endcap which scanned at $0 Not Found. I didn't pick any up, but there were at least three copies yesterday.
[quote name='life.exe']Anybody from Southern Ohio find and good deals at Target?[/quote]

Cincinnati Area:

Every target I check has jack on clearance. I have seen some of the PC games mentioned at the Norwood(checked last week) and Western Hill(checked two weeks back) targets, but not much else. Tri-county(checked last week) sucks. Bridgewater Falls(two weeks) had a lot of games listed, but none scanned on clearance. I recall the Middletown Target(last week) as not being very good for deals either. The Target off near Eastgate area(I think the monroe exit) was a waste of my time couple weeks back, but things may have dropped since. I usually avoid Target now in my hunts for cheap games, as atleast in my experience they have not had much on clearance.

If anyone can get an extra copy of Mario 64 DS for cheap(
Cincinnati Area:

Every target I check has jack on clearance. I have seen some of the PC games mentioned at the Norwood(checked last week) and Western Hill(checked two weeks back) targets, but not much else. Tri-county(checked last week) sucks. Bridgewater Falls(two weeks) had a lot of games listed, but none scanned on clearance. I recall the Middletown Target(last week) as not being very good for deals either. The Target off near Eastgate area(I think the monroe exit) was a waste of my time couple weeks back, but things may have dropped since. I usually avoid Target now in my hunts for cheap games, as atleast in my experience they have not had much on clearance.

If anyone can get an extra copy of Mario 64 DS for cheap(
[quote name='monkeywithanuzi']Most of the clearance stuff disappears at 30% can thank those really great EBAY JERKS. They love to buy the stuff and sell it for twice as much.

Uh, no one is buying 30% off games at Target and selling them ANYWHERE for twice as much :rofl:. They may TRY to do that, but they won't sell them. Think about it, if Chromehounds (just to pick one I've never seen on clearance) is 30% off $29.99, it is $20.98. Who's going to pay $40 + shipping for that on eBay? There are some stupid buyers out there, but not THAT stupid ;). I would argue that they wouldn't make ANY money off that, actually - they'd probably lose money even at 50% for most of these games. And even at 75% for some of them.

Chances are if you didn't see any games it is because your Target didn't put them on clearance.
[quote name='monkeywithanuzi']Most of the clearance stuff disappears at 30% can thank those really great EBAY JERKS. They love to buy the stuff and sell it for twice as much.[/quote]

Uh, I don't think any of the recent Target drops would be worth buying at 30% off to resell on Ebay. Check the prices for those games on Ebay, most of them are selling for MORE than 30% off on Ebay.

It's when they get to 75% off that people can SOMETIMES make a small profit on them, depending on the game. Gunpey DS, for instance, was $7.50 at 75% off. You're looking at breaking even or making $1 if you tried to sell it on Ebay. These games are still sitting on the shelves for a reason when they hit 75% off...they're games that no one wants.

Of course, there are always flea market dealers and soccer moms who aren't that bright who think they can make a profit on this stuff, which may make it disappear faster in some areas. After they lose money a couple times they'll probably give up though.
[quote name='Rictor']Uh, I don't think any of the recent Target drops would be worth buying at 30% off to resell on Ebay. Check the prices for those games on Ebay, most of them are selling for MORE than 30% off on Ebay.

It's when they get to 75% off that people can SOMETIMES make a small profit on them, depending on the game. Gunpey DS, for instance, was $7.50 at 75% off. You're looking at breaking even or making $1 if you tried to sell it on Ebay. These games are still sitting on the shelves for a reason when they hit 75% off...they're games that no one wants.

Of course, there are always flea market dealers and soccer moms who aren't that bright who think they can make a profit on this stuff, which may make it disappear faster in some areas. After they lose money a couple times they'll probably give up though.[/QUOTE]
yeah one of the few games recently that made money on ebay was Kirby Canvas Curse for DS. My Targets had them for $4.98 and they were selling on ebay for $30-$35. But that is a rare occurance with these clearance games.
[quote name='spideymike']Today I picked up a Gamecube Wireless Wavebird for $14.98 and a 12-month Xbox Live membership for $34 or so.[/QUOTE]

Damn, I need more Wavebirds - my kids wear those things out quickly. Are these more widely on clearance, or just at the same limited Targets most of the games are? When I was at the one Target with the 2 (and only 2) Wii games on clearance I noticed the GC memory cards were on clearance, but they didn't have any Wavebirds. They seemed to have a lot of accessories on clearance, actually (lots of PSP stuff). I don't think my more local store had anything on clearance except the Wii magnet boxes and dog tags.
Picked up Splinter Cell:Double Agent for PC for $10.
at the target i went to, they clearenced the pc games but not the console games. if u live in boyton beach, fl (ill be shocked if any cager does lol) go to the target next week. they'll probably have the 360 games on clearence. i asked the guy to price check, dead rising was $60!!.
The Target in Hyattsville, MD had Dead Rising, but it rang up $59.95. They had a bunch of Republic Commando for PC and 3 Dark Messiah Might and Magic.
You can add the Mad Catz 4-In-1 Charging Stand for the Xbox 360 to the clearance list as well. It's down to $20.98 from $29.99.

It's a vertical stand for the 360 that plugs into the USB port. From there, it cools the system with the fans inside the stand, and also includes two rechargeable AA batteries (and the charger) for the controller or remote.

Best Buy has them here, for anyone wondering what it is.
[quote name='buster90']None of the Targets around Dallas have squat. I have not seen any clearence games at a Target in over a year.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, I work in DFW area and find stuff almost daily, it helps that I'm a Field Tech and can hit 4+ Targets a day. :p

It really is hit and miss with Target tho. I know a Dept. Manager at Target and he says some stores are designated "clearance" stores which means other stores ship their clearance stuff to them for sale.

Lewisville is one such store. GL hunting! :)
Had to pick up some cat food and kitty litter this evening so I went to Target. Still none of the Wii games on sale at my store. I saw some GC accessories on sale (no wavebirds), the Zelda Wii bags were marked down to about $20.00, saw a few of the metal box Wii dogtag things, and a few other misc DS accessories (stylus packs and a home & car charger). That was in the area next to the Wii and DS glass cases. I didn't see any video games jsut misc electronics clearance junk like USB flash drives, Sony memory stick pro duos (256MB for $20).
[quote name='Chitown021']Had to pick up some cat food and kitty litter this evening so I went to Target. .[/QUOTE]

Damn Target was the source of that recalled food (the Iams pouch stuff) that my cats ate. All our cats were ill to varying degrees in Feb and 2 went in for hospitalization. They seem to be OK now though a couple may have kidney damage. Cost me 500 fucking dollars though. They should have pulled this food by now but just make sure it isn't the same crap. Actually, I'd avoid any pet food with wheat gluten in it, even if it isn't part of the recall.
I didn't enjoy the first two Viewtiful Joes all that much (and I also picked them up at budget prices) but I reccomend VJ DS if you can find it for $10 or less.
[quote name='io']Damn Target was the source of that recalled food (the Iams pouch stuff) that my cats ate. All our cats were ill to varying degrees in Feb and 2 went in for hospitalization. They seem to be OK now though a couple may have kidney damage. Cost me 500 fucking dollars though. They should have pulled this food by now but just make sure it isn't the same crap. Actually, I'd avoid any pet food with wheat gluten in it, even if it isn't part of the recall.[/quote]

Man sorry to hear about the critters falling ill. We feed the little monsters Purina One sensitive systems dry food. I really should check the ingredients but I've been watching the news for recall updates and of course watching the cats very closely to make sure they don't fall ill. Vet bills are not cheap that's for sure. My wife's cat got some sort of eye herpes a few years ago. Long story short we had to take her to the only pet specialist in the Kansas City metro area for some steroid drops and a $300 bill!
Target Reisterstown Md. found 1 GT Racer Wii $12.xx and Barnyard, Chicken Little for $9.xx but I dont have a Wii so I left them.
Only markdowns I spotted today were Danny Phantom (DS) for $4.98, 12-mo Xbox Live membership for $35, and those 3 x 3-pack Gameboy game cases for $3.48.
[quote name='io']Damn Target was the source of that recalled food (the Iams pouch stuff) that my cats ate. All our cats were ill to varying degrees in Feb and 2 went in for hospitalization. They seem to be OK now though a couple may have kidney damage. Cost me 500 fucking dollars though. They should have pulled this food by now but just make sure it isn't the same crap. Actually, I'd avoid any pet food with wheat gluten in it, even if it isn't part of the recall.[/QUOTE]

Sorry to hear that. Hope everything turns out well.
[quote name='io']Damn Target was the source of that recalled food (the Iams pouch stuff) that my cats ate. All our cats were ill to varying degrees in Feb and 2 went in for hospitalization. They seem to be OK now though a couple may have kidney damage. Cost me 500 fucking dollars though. They should have pulled this food by now but just make sure it isn't the same crap. Actually, I'd avoid any pet food with wheat gluten in it, even if it isn't part of the recall.[/QUOTE]

I was very surprised to find that so many different brands all got the exact same meat from one source. I will definitely be very careful whenever I finally get my own dog. Hope your cats are able to live long happy lives despite.

Time for a lawsuit, IMO. Get those medical costs back.
Man, still can't believe some of these deals...

Visit the Target Clearance trading thread in the CAG Trading forum if people want to talk about wants and trades!
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