The Undertaker's Horse's Wrestling Topic

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That's an extreme makeover? It's more akin to ordering a skim latte instead of a regular latte at Starbucks and calling it a "lifestyle change."

[quote name='mykevermin']That's an extreme makeover? It's more akin to ordering a skim latte instead of a regular latte at Starbucks and calling it a "lifestyle change."


[quote name='mykevermin']That's an extreme makeover? It's more akin to ordering a skim latte instead of a regular latte at Starbucks and calling it a "lifestyle change."


The difference isnt really extreme its kinda Black and White...
As seen on last night's RAW, John Cena pointed out that The Rock had notes written on his wrist for his promo. Several readers sent word that the following was written on Rock's wrist:

* 2 Reasons
* KRS to KPB
* Innovator-Camo
* Call out

In 2012, these "kung pao bitch", "boots to asses", and "fruity pebbles" chants sound like a 13 year old boy who just discovered his first curse words. I hate to say it, but Cena's got a point. Love me some serious Cena though, and it honestly seems that Cena and Rock can't stand each other.
Krs = ?

-- WWE Champion CM Punk fielded questions from fans during a thirty-minute interview with WISX FM in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania last week and was asked who his least favorite opponent in WWE is. The Straight Edge Superstar replies Elijah Burke, who he faced early in his career.

"Good question. I always get who's your favorite opponent. This is great because I enjoy talking trash. My least favorite opponent; does anyone even remember Elijah Burke?" Punk responds. "Oh, he was terrible. He is absolutely the worst. Absolutely the worst. Talk about a diva. Man oh man, sorry if you liked him."
Burke now compet

He probably just got TNA to push Pope.
[quote name='mykevermin'] The interplay is fascinating, in part to me, because it's the precise opposite of what I expected. Cena's sudden impressiveness on the mic, and Rock showing some rust - those are two things I didn't expect to see at all.[/QUOTE]

Maybe it's just me, but I definitely view this as Cena being allowed to break from his PG shell. PG Cena feels the need to be a corny goofball. But if Rock is trying to be edgy with his Kung Pao Bitch and ladyparts, then Cena is going lose his corny goofball PGness. And as far as I know, most people liked prePG Cena.
[quote name='Chronis']And as far as I know, most people liked prePG Cena.[/QUOTE]

I think this is accurate, but it's hard to tell entirely if it's a "PG" thing, or if it's because he was a heel then. Bull Buchanan as a sidekick ain't gonna get you a face pop. Being a white rapper ain't gonna get you a face pop (sorry, PN News).

So maybe it's that people liked him b/c he was edgy, but perhaps also because he was a heel, and he was slammin' dudes pretty hard on the mic in a way that we appreciated. I totally had (have? will have to check the boxes in my mom's basement next time I'm in town) those inflatable "Word Life" hands. The ringer t-shirt, even.

But I digress. Perhaps you're right. I want to say the moment every adult male jumped ship was the "JBL is poopy" segment. That shit's (no pun intended) hard to recover from.

So I'm not alone (aside from Brak, our perpetual contrarian, god bless his little black heart) in thinking that Cena is doing some pretty impressive mic work the past few weeks?
[quote name='mykevermin']So I'm not alone (aside from Brak, our perpetual contrarian, god bless his little black heart) in thinking that Cena is doing some pretty impressive mic work the past few weeks?[/QUOTE]

Sure. I definitely think he's doing pretty good. The Rock is bringing out the best in him. Another thing that might also contribute to this, even if only a little, is that this feud is based entirely on promos. Unlike every other feud he's had over the past couple of years, Cena can't put his hands on Rock yet. A lot of us lose interest once Cena "overcomes the odds" and beats up whoever he's feuding with, even outside of a match. Aside from the fact that's he's Kane, did anybody really see him as a threat to Cena after Cena beat him with the ring stairs, chairs, and whatever else? Once that happens, you lose a lot of steam. Cena can't do that to Rock, so the only way to build excitement is through promos, and I would like to think that someone is smart enough to know that the typical Cena promo won't cut it.
[quote name='Scorch'][/QUOTE]That video reeks of a desperate attempt to get himself back over with the fans after Cena verbally bitch slapped him. Insulting someone who wants to "rise above hate" doesn't sound like a legit reason to bust that fan's balls in front of a crowd north of 10,000. It also goes against the WWE's anti-bullying campaign. Dwayne came off looking like a dick.
Cenas mic work has been mediocre at best these past couple of weeks.

Only thing wrong is that Cmore bucks/jericho should take a higher spot on the card but knowing wwe they'll either curtain jerk 1 of the titles for mania.
[quote name='Chronis']Unlike every other feud he's had over the past couple of years, Cena can't put his hands on Rock yet.[/QUOTE]

Point well taken. Wasn't Rock v Brock (Summerslam) promoted the same way?


[quote name='renique46']Cmore bucks[/QUOTE]

I guess it's a good thing that ink didn't smear, otherwise he might have called Cena a General Tso's bitch.

Monday’s Raw SuperShow featuring the much anticipated return of The Rock garnered a 3.1 cable rating with 4.65 million viewers. The rating is down from 3.24 the week before. Viewership was nearly identical to last week’s post-Elimination Chamber program. Raw averaged 4.65 million viewers compared to 4.63 million last week. The first hour averaged 4.70 million viewers before declining to 4.59 million viewers.
I'm sure there was some viewership lost from the WWE/NASCAR crossover demo, but you know the WWE has to be disappointed that Rock's return to really start the ramp up to Wrestlemania didn't compel more people to tune in.
I dunno that Cena's mic work is better, so much as it's back to what we used to enjoy out of him before he started becoming a goofball. To me, he sounds like he's dropped back into his post "word life", pre "jbl is poopy" self.
[quote name='mykevermin']I think this is accurate, but it's hard to tell entirely if it's a "PG" thing, or if it's because he was a heel then. Bull Buchanan as a sidekick ain't gonna get you a face pop. Being a white rapper ain't gonna get you a face pop (sorry, PN News).

So maybe it's that people liked him b/c he was edgy, but perhaps also because he was a heel, and he was slammin' dudes pretty hard on the mic in a way that we appreciated. I totally had (have? will have to check the boxes in my mom's basement next time I'm in town) those inflatable "Word Life" hands. The ringer t-shirt, even.

But I digress. Perhaps you're right. I want to say the moment every adult male jumped ship was the "JBL is poopy" segment. That shit's (no pun intended) hard to recover from.

So I'm not alone (aside from Brak, our perpetual contrarian, god bless his little black heart) in thinking that Cena is doing some pretty impressive mic work the past few weeks?[/QUOTE]

For me, I dug Cena when he was actually playing a character. He had charisma and charm, and cut entertaining promos. For the past several years, he's been himself. And not even himself cranked to eleven. If anything, he's cranked down to four.

I get it. He enjoys being a role model for kids. (And probably enjoys the amount of coin they drop on his merchandise.) But someone with power needs to tell him that even Hulk Hogan changed things up. This is pro wrestling. If he wants to be a real "role model", he should work for a nonprofit or do something that actually betters the world. This is the entertainment business and he needs to get off his high-horse.

All of that said: I agree. His mic work has been pretty solid these past few weeks.
[quote name='mykevermin']Edge's movie is opening in 9 movie theaters.[/QUOTE]

He beat Triple H in the Chaperone by one theater :rofl:

Chaperone - 8 theaters
Bending the Rules - 9 theaters
That's What I Am - 10 theaters

[quote name='neocisco']Edge is in a movie? So much for quality control. [/quote]

I'm guessing you didn't watch Raw.
From the SD taping:

* Eve Torres comes out and cuts a promo like she did on RAW. Natalya comes out and farts, which leads to a match.
Makes sense.

Also for only the second time since WM X8, the IC title will be defended at Wrestlemania. Cody Rhodes vs
Big Show. So much for that brother vs brother match Goldust wanted.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Sporadically.[/QUOTE]

...As a comedy character in backstage skits, minus the one "serious" non costume appearance he made to berate Cody. I don't think he's wrestled seriously since his NXT run with Aksana (which was what... NXT Season 3? And we're on the never ending Season 5 "Redemption" now?) and subsequent injury.

I'm not wild about Cody vs Show at Mania, but the time for Cody vs. Goldust as a WrestleMania match already sailed in terms of setting up Goldust the way he needs to be reestablished. Now if they want to do Cody vs. Goldust at any of the other 11 throw away PPVs - go for it.
[quote name='neocisco']
Is Goldust even on TV right now?

Spoiler this, please. sheesh...:roll:

I figured you just spoiled the previous post, so I clicked on it to see what it said about the match. D'oh!
[quote name='MorPhiend']Spoiler this, please. sheesh...:roll:[/QUOTE]

It doesn't need to be tagged because it's not even a spoiler. Bitch about the post right above yours, if you feel the need to.
I hope he was joking considering that anyone who worries about spoilers would actively watch and thus know that Goldust hasn't been around.

Cena has always been a cornball. It's just easier to stomach a heel cornball who says that Brock's back tattoo is a picture of his mom, than it is to hear him talk about Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect.

Not for nothing, but Rock has always been a cornball too, he's just a flashy one. If he wasn't considered good looking and didn't have so much energy, everyone would be sick of him.
[quote name='davo1224']Not for nothing, but Rock has always been a cornball too, he's just a flashy one. If he wasn't considered good looking and didn't have so much energy, everyone would be sick of him.[/QUOTE]

PSST, the word you're looking for is Charisma.
So what happened to the angle stemming from Elimination Chamber between Show and Danielson? The Sheamus vs Danielson title match is weak sauce. I was hoping they'd throw someone else in there to make it a triple threat... even if that person was Show.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']It doesn't need to be tagged because it's not even a spoiler. Bitch about the post right above yours, if you feel the need to.[/QUOTE]

Yeah because Cody Rhodes antagonizing Big Show for the past few weeks about Big Show's terrible WM record was totally going to lead to something other than a WM match regardless of what this week's Smackdown spoilers may or may not say. :roll:
Just got done watching the part of Edge's DVD on Netflix where he shaves Kurt Angle's head... and the following steel cage match where Angle comes out with the headgear holding on the hair piece. I forgot how awesome that was.
[quote name='neocisco']Edge is in a movie? So much for quality control.[/QUOTE]
The trailer legit looked like it was an advertisement for a USA Original Series.
[quote name='HydroX']Just got done watching the part of Edge's DVD on Netflix where he shaves Kurt Angle's head... and the following steel cage match where Angle comes out with the headgear holding on the hair piece. I forgot how awesome that was.[/QUOTE]

I watched that match live, and fell asleep in the middle of it. I never went back to watch it, though I recall people raving about it. Maybe I should do that one of these days.
[quote name='mykevermin']As long as they don't cancel TekWar for it...[/QUOTE]

I got some bad news for ya Myke......
PWPotato is reporting that Edge refuses to air on the same network with that show. He is rumored to have called that a "dealbreaker."
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