The Undertaker's Horse's Wrestling Topic

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Who is that with Mean gene? Better yet, what the hell ever happened to Surge soda? i drank the hell out of that stuff back then....
[quote name='pitfallharry219']It doesn't need to be tagged because it's not even a spoiler. Bitch about the post right above yours, if you feel the need to.[/QUOTE]

Oh, you need to concentrate more on keeping your panties from getting in a bunch and just relax.

I wasn't criticizing neo at all and I think you know it since you neglected to quote my reasoning for thinking it should be spoilered. Someone hides a spoiler of "Cody Rhodes vs.
" and then the next person asks, "Is Goldust even on TV right now?" Now tell me that that doesn't sound like he just spoiled the match mentioned?

I'm not saying he did. I made a false assumption and so decided to click the tag thinking the match reveal had already been spoiled. And that's why I said it should have been spoiled. And that's also why I added the next line you didn't quote - to show that I wasn't blaming neo and to explain why others might do what I did. Heck, even you spoiler tagged the part that you mentioned Goldust in your comment. So you obviously thought it shouldn't be talked about. For some reason you just felt you needed to bitch at me, complaining about my supposed bitching.

Don't be so quick to jump to unfounded conclusions.

And sorry neocisco, if you took my comment wrong. I was just making a suggestion because I know people get upset about these things in this thread. I frankly don't care...
A number of places are reporting that WWE has been trying to sign #DemBoys to a contract, but ROH won't allow them (as they are under contract to ROH).

I don't know what guys make in ROH, but it can't be close to what WWE is offering. So, is this a dick move by ROH, or a sensible business decision?

Also, let's play a game - if signed, what name and gimmick will the Briscoes get upon their hypothetical WWE TV debut?
Why the hell would you possibly be upset about a throwaway match? Like you give a rubber dog dick about Cody Rhodes, Big Show, La Femme Nikita, Silk Stalkings, USA Up All Night, The Honky Tonk Man's sideburns, or Ernest The Cat Miller.
[quote name='mykevermin']Also, let's play a game - if signed, what name and gimmick will the Briscoes get upon their hypothetical WWE TV debut?[/QUOTE]

PG13, obviously.
I'm cool and the gang, morphiend. Let's just all let it be.


Briscoes might be the biggest draws for ROH right now so I can understand why they might not be keen on the idea of them leaving (especially after just putting the belts back on them plus losing KoW last year). ROH might be feeling a little burned about building talent only to have WWE swoop in and snatch them up. Sure, it's business but it still has to be frustrating to keep having your top draws getting sniped and not be in a financial position to do anything about it.
[quote name='mykevermin']A number of places are reporting that WWE has been trying to sign #DemBoys to a contract, but ROH won't allow them (as they are under contract to ROH).

I don't know what guys make in ROH, but it can't be close to what WWE is offering. So, is this a dick move by ROH, or a sensible business decision?

Also, let's play a game - if signed, what name and gimmick will the Briscoes get upon their hypothetical WWE TV debut?[/QUOTE]Clyve and Cletus Jesper. Eternally mocked for being born from kissing cousins, they have developed a bad attitude and a taste for ruthless, bloody fighting. They brawled their way out of every country music bar and hoedown in the south-east before becoming WWE Superstars to pay for their booze and gold front teeth for Cletus. Their uniform of choice is the pair of overalls that Granny gave each of them before she passed away from alcohol poisoning from a bad batch of moonshine.
[quote name='neocisco']Briscoes might be the biggest draws for ROH right now so I can understand why they might not be keen on the idea of them leaving (especially after just putting the belts back on them plus losing KoW last year). ROH might be feeling a little burned about building talent only to have WWE swoop in and snatch them up. Sure, it's business but it still has to be frustrating to keep having your top draws getting sniped and not be in a financial position to do anything about it.[/QUOTE]

Fair points. We can't simultaneously want indies to succeed and also cheer on their talent when they move onto WWE programming.

ROH needs a motivated Samoa Joe to leave TNA. Sadly, I think a motivated Joe is an historical artifact at this point.

[quote name='BlueSwim']Clyve and Cletus Jesper. Eternally mocked for being born from kissing cousins[/QUOTE]

Their parents, as it turns out:
They tried to sign the Briscoes and recently Adam Cole but both were blocked by ROH because they're under contract.

I don't think the Briscoes should ever make the jump. There are no teams for them to compete against in a nonexistent tag division.
[quote name='mykevermin']A number of places are reporting that WWE has been trying to sign #DemBoys to a contract, but ROH won't allow them (as they are under contract to ROH).

I don't know what guys make in ROH, but it can't be close to what WWE is offering. So, is this a dick move by ROH, or a sensible business decision?

Also, let's play a game - if signed, what name and gimmick will the Briscoes get upon their hypothetical WWE TV debut?[/QUOTE]

Much like how Bellator binds their fighters to lengthy, extensive contracts, I would have to say this is a sensible business move for Ring of Honor. They are trying to build a brand and the Briscoe Brothers are a big part of that brand. It would be a poor decision to simply release them from their contracts. Much like Eddie Alvarez in Bellator, the Briscoes are stuck until their fulfill their agreement.

Also, I'll bite.

WWE name: The Puggz
WWE gimmick: White-trash version of the Bulldogs, complete with toting a pug to the ring

(A spin on their real surname.)

Edit: Imagine the possibilities!


ROH also specializes in slow, steady builds for their feuds. For them to hotshot the belts off the Briscoes would almost certainly rough up their plans.
[quote name='mykevermin']Fair points. We can't simultaneously want indies to succeed and also cheer on their talent when they move onto WWE programming.

ROH needs a motivated Samoa Joe to leave TNA. Sadly, I think a motivated Joe is an historical artifact at this point.[/QUOTE]

Yup. I was disappointed when the news first broke that Kings of Wrestling were going to sign with WWE. With a puddle of a tag division there was never any real chance they were going to stay together as a team.

[quote name='JJSP']I think the world would end if the Briscoes wrestled Hero & Claudio in a WWE ring.[/QUOTE]

No such people.
Possible WM28 spoiler for HHH/Undertaker:

The Undertaker's time away from the ring has included surgeries on both his shoulder and hip. He was lighter than ever before when he showed up backstage at last week's Raw SuperShow, estimated at 275 to 280 pounds. The belief that he would retire following his WrestleMania XXVIII encounter with Triple H is largely gone since it's not being hinted. Peers expect him to continue wrestling for a few more years if he's able to compete once annually.
1) Does WWE realize that stamping their company name all over the place (the logo, "WWE Superstar EDGE™," etc.) actually harms public perception of the film?

2) Jamie Kennedy. Wow, on multiple levels.

3) "Bending the Rules" sounds like the name of some kind of early 1980's wannabe "Porky's" movie. Some college comedy with loads of girls in bikinis that inexplicably takes place at a ski resort and/or surf shop. I'm pretty sure that if I look at what's on Cinemax tonight, there will be a movie on at 2AM, starring Shannon Tweed, called "Bending the Rules."

4) Ok, New Orleans is a cool city. I'll credit them for the location. That's about it.
Back to the other topic, what are the chances that the Briscoes would survive in WWE? Even if they keep the redneck gimmick, it's going to be greatly neutered. We'd probably get Jesse and Festus again. And even if they getting a working gimmick going, who do they feud against? Mid/upper card tag teams last about 2 to 3 months max, so forget having a lengthy feud with some guys who are actually important. And then you have the Carlitos and the Usos, neither of which anybody cares about.
[quote name='Chronis']Back to the other topic, what are the chances that the Briscoes would survive in WWE? Even if they keep the redneck gimmick, it's going to be greatly neutered. We'd probably get Jesse and Festus again. And even if they getting a working gimmick going, who do they feud against? Mid/upper card tag teams last about 2 to 3 months max, so forget having a lengthy feud with some guys who are actually important. And then you have the Carlitos and the Usos, neither of which anybody cares about.[/QUOTE]

There are no tag teams anyone gives a fuck about.

Quick, name the last WWF/E tag team champs that you thought were awesome.
I can't even remember who the tag champs were before Epico and the other guys. Anyway, as an actual team...? Shit..... Probably going back to Edge & Christian. More recently, I do like Miz so I was cool with him having the tag belts with Morrison, even though I wasn't a big Morrison fan. So take that for what you will.
[quote name='Chronis']I can't even remember who the tag champs were before Epico and the other guys.[/QUOTE]

That'd be Kofi and Evan, before Evan screwed himself over. Twice.

Couldn't tell you who they won it from, though.
[quote name='mykevermin']There are no tag teams anyone gives a fuck about.

Quick, name the last WWF/E tag team champs that you thought were awesome.[/QUOTE]

Miz and Morrison, and that was about 3 years ago.
[quote name='mykevermin']There are no tag teams anyone gives a fuck about.

Quick, name the last WWF/E tag team champs that you thought were awesome.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Scorch']That'd be Kofi and Evan, before Evan screwed himself over. Twice.

Couldn't tell you who they won it from, though.[/QUOTE]
Otunga & McGillicuddy.
You guys gotta go back that far? I find that hard to believe.

I asked about the last tag team you were really into, not necessarily your favorite tag team.

Smackdown in 2003(?) was awesome, with Edge/Mysterio, Team Angle, Los Guerreros and Angle/Wah.

Since then, though, I'd probably find a tag team I dug, but I'll have to really think about it.

Here's a meager reference:

It's interesting that the active tag title is the one that started its lineage as the "Smackdown" tag titles. A silly, childish, egotistical decision by WWE. Who would want the title with all the history to be the active one?

Anyway, look at some of the former champs. Who the fuck remembers that Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri ever tagged together, let alone held the titles? Kenzo "Hirohito" Suzuki held WWE Gold? What the fuuuuuuck?

Hardys were great, Dudleys were great. London and Kendrick were exciting, but never pushed. But tag team wrestling has been dead in WWE for nearly a decade, it appears.
[quote name='JJSP']Not just Kenzo, but Kenzo and RENE DUPREE.[/QUOTE]

For real.

I'd rather watch Natalya farting the Canadian national anthem to end Wrestlemania 28.
The fact that WWE is lacking/has a non-existant tag division would be a great promo for the Briscoes. They come in and simply dominate Epico and Primo in thier debut match, winning the titles. Then they proceed to beg any team worth a dayum to "come and get em'".

WWE would change thier names anyway (meaning besides the fact that they always do and it's usually horrible) because they wouldn't want fans to associate/confuse themselves with Gerry Briscoe.(Spelling? I'm on an iphone and don't care)

Suggested alternate names: (WWE style)

-Shemp and Moe, the Bodine Brothers
-Tank and Dozer, the Hickem Brothers
-Doolie and Dobbbie, the Tucket Boys (No
Z at the end)
[quote name='mykevermin']For real.

I'd rather watch Natalya farting the Canadian national anthem to end Wrestlemania 28.[/QUOTE]
Quiet you, Vince reads this. We might get Santino dancing around the ring to Natalya's butt trumpet salute.

WWE The Music Vol 34.
[quote name='mykevermin'] London and Kendrick were exciting, but never pushed.[/QUOTE]

I find it funny you say that, and while I don't fully disagree with you, they did have the tag belts for nearly a year straight before they lost them to the fucking Greasers.

And I thought that all mentions of Benoit had been deleted from the WWE site?
Sorry for the double post (kinda) but if Show is facing Rhodes at WM then I'm assuming they will put the IC belt on Show, since he's
never held it in his career and it'd complete his resume. (He's held every other belt in WWE except for the Euro and Cruiserweight)
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I find it funny you say that, and while I don't fully disagree with you, they did have the tag belts for nearly a year straight before they lost them to the fucking Greasers.[/QUOTE]

"Crack em' in da mouth" was their finisher I believe: A running kick to the face while the opponent was seated.n

Give me a break! I did like Cherry though, she was cute.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I find it funny you say that, and while I don't fully disagree with you, they did have the tag belts for nearly a year straight before they lost them to the fucking Greasers.

And I thought that all mentions of Benoit had been deleted from the WWE site?[/QUOTE]

That's true, but it was past the point where the tag titles meant a fucking thing. Wasn't that roughly the same time that Triple H was single-handedly squashing the entire tag team division for an apertif before he destroyed the Spirit Squad for a main course...every...goddamned...week?

King Shit of fuck Mountain is still a king, I suppose.

As for Wah, they can't deny that he held the titles, but none of his title reigns have any text or photos if you click on them.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's true, but it was past the point where the tag titles meant a fucking thing. Wasn't that roughly the same time that Triple H was single-handedly squashing the entire tag team division for an apertif before he destroyed the Spirit Squad for a main course...every...goddamned...week?

King Shit of fuck Mountain is still a king, I suppose.

As for Wah, they can't deny that he held the titles, but none of his title reigns have any text or photos if you click on them.[/QUOTE]

Triple H almost killed my love for pro wrestling. And it didn't help that the McMahon-Hemsley era preceded the horrific, vomit-spewing-from-every-orifice Invasion angle. Those were tough times.

This is why I say that the last couple years to present have been the best years for WWE's entire history. No Hogan or Triple H burying everyone and holding people back. No Rock every week lending a large helping hand in transitioning the last bits of pro wrestling in the WWF into sports entertainment. I'd take today's WWE over any year in WWE's past. Cena is boring—but at least he gives up the spotlight and doesn't have to hold the title every two months.

Sorry for the tangent.

The last time I considered a WWE tag team legit is probably JeriShow in 2009. I really dug them as a tag team. Before them, Miz and John Morrison in 2007—who were buried by Triple H and Shawn Michaels, by the way. Before even them, Los Guerreros in 2002 and Edge and Christian in 2000.
Looking through that title history, I completely forgot that Kane and Big Show were tag champs somewhat recently. Bring them back. Or better yet, Kane destroyed 3 tag teams the other day, just give him the titles. At least then, they'll have to build up a half decent tag team to take him down.
I thought they worked well together and I dug it, but they were obviously a mishmash of stars they had no idea for. They made the best of it though. 33
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