The Welcome back Jimmiemac OTT; it still will suck

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I'm looking to get a Stagecoach Double Barrel Flintlock, with a Bayonett attachment...I saw one on Pawn Stars, and it looked awesome!

My sister is a gun collector...she has a few WWII bolt action rifles and a small arsenal of guns that she could probably use to take over Rhode Island. Comes with the territory of being a police detective in Philly, I guess.
I remember that episode of Pawn Stars. Great show. I love how people get so bent out of shape when they find that their precious family heirloom is a fake.
Are XBLA games no longer allowed to be sold on eBay? I was hoping I'd be able to get Snoopy Flying Ace or Deathspank at a discount.

I really want Deathspank. :[
[quote name='Rocko']Are XBLA games no longer allowed to be sold on eBay? I was hoping I'd be able to get Snoopy Flying Ace or Deathspank at a discount.

I really want Deathspank. :[[/QUOTE]

Not for awhile now -- there was that whole fiasco where the two sellers had people reporting them for selling codes at discounts (for whatever reason), so the two sellers pulled all the codes. I haven't seen them back yet.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Not for awhile now -- there was that whole fiasco where the two sellers had people reporting them for selling codes at discounts (for whatever reason), so the two sellers pulled all the codes. I haven't seen them back yet.[/QUOTE]

That was the best last summer.

So many cheap games...
I guess I have to buy Amazon points then. ;__;

Limbo looks really good too, but I don't think I want all 5 games this summer. Tomb Raider and Monday Night Fight both look kind of uninteresting.
I just bought points. 5,600.

I'm gonna get Limbo, MNC and Castlevania. That'll at least get me 400 points back.

MNC is basically a TF2 rip off. But if it's half as good as TF2 it'll be fun.

However, I have a new problem. So I built my new computer and before it exploded I download a bunch of stuff off of steam. Well, between June and July I've downloaded 360 MB of data. Lucklily it crossed over into June so I din't reach my limit. But for July I have 210 MB down. SO I have to watch my usage for the next ten days.

The thing is, since my computer blew up, I'll have to download it all again next month.
[quote name='Rocko']You get points back if you buy 3 games?[/QUOTE]

400 for 3. 1200 for all 5.

I don't know why Deathspank isn't in the summer of arcade. Hydro thunder looks like shit.
[quote name='Eviltude']Mad Men is the shit. Almost done with season 3. :whee:[/QUOTE]

I watched all 3 seasons in 3 weeks, finishing up this past Saturday. I'm not going to be able to handle waiting a week between episodes.
That's kind of fucked how AMC has been spoiling the shit out of last season's finale in pretty much all of their promos for season 4. You guys who still haven't gotten into Breaking Bad should probably do that before AMC does the same with that show next spring.



Where was I when Amazon put The Shield on sale for
[quote name='Mojimbo']That's kind of fucked how AMC has been spoiling the shit out of last season's finale in pretty much all of their promos for season 4. You guys who still haven't gotten into Breaking Bad should probably do that before AMC does the same with that show next spring.[/QUOTE]

They played that thing during every scheduled break watching season 2 on AMC on demand. It took a bit of effort, but I managed to avoid ruining the finale.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']400 for 3. 1200 for all 5.

I don't know why Deathspank isn't in the summer of arcade. Hydro thunder looks like shit.[/QUOTE]

Or Scott Pilgrim...Hydro Thunder is also the one that I'm least looking forward to, but if it's somewhat fun and I get the other 4, I might just get it since it would technically be free at that point.
[quote name='rabbitt']Deathspank is a gig? Yeesh.[/QUOTE]

There goes getting that for now. Stupid car issues when I was going to buy Sean's 120 GB. Grrr. One of these I'll upgrade to a bigger drive. Maybe through the CAG Gamestop GC contest....yeah right.
[quote name='rabbitt']Deathspank is a gig? Yeesh.[/QUOTE]

I got it off a friend two days ago. He is in love with it, but I don't see what is so great about it yet. It only took me a few minutes to download it, though. :cool:

I bought Infamous yesterday, too. It's been pretty fun, but I feel like I'm playing it wrong and I keep thinking I should have more powers or something.

Holy shit, Mad Men just got really interesting.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']400 for 3. 1200 for all 5.

I don't know why Deathspank isn't in the summer of arcade. Hydro thunder looks like shit.[/QUOTE]

Probably because they didn't want it to be exclusive to XBLA for a month. That could explain why Shank and DeathSpank are bookends for Summer of Arcade.

The Medal of Honor beta killed my XBL connection, as it died when I try to start it and couldn't get back on until just now.

Why is Epic threatening to kill off one of the GoW3 characters unless people by their stupid Avatar clothing?

The fate of Carmine lies in your hands! For the first time in franchise history, Epic Games and Microsoft are giving fans the chance to decide the fate of a character in “Gears of War 3.” By purchasing avatar gear on Xbox LIVE Marketplace, fans and gaming communities around the globe will decide the destiny of the newest Carmine brother set to appear in “Gears of War 3,” with all the proceeds going to the Child’s Play Charity.

Keeping with the series’ tradition, Clayton Carmine will be introduced in the trilogy’s final chapter, and like Anthony and Ben, the newest rookie brother runs the high risk of meeting an early death. However, unlike in the previous games, the Xbox community will choose whether Carmine lives or dies by purchasing special “Gears of War 3” avatar gear on Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Starting July 29 two new avatar t-shirts will be available on the Avatar Marketplace on Xbox LIVE – one shirt reads “Save Carmine” and the other reads “Carmine Must Die.” By purchasing the “Save Carmine” shirt, you’re casting your vote to let Carmine live in “Gears of War 3.” Conversely, purchasing the “Carmine Must Die” shirt means you want to see Clayton follow in the fate of his brothers.
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[quote name='h3llbring3r']What are you referring to?[/QUOTE]

The whole used game thing for Gears 2 and their following lag to fix the damn game. I dare say they will attempt something similar with the third. I'm still bitter.

Eh, not really.
[quote name='tiredfornow']Drake is in Gears of War 3. I'm sold. Drake. Drake.[/QUOTE]Hopefully just to be killed by Ice-T's character.
[quote name='Rocko']That's tempting. I wish they all weren't 1200. I mean, Limbo is only like 4 hours long. We'll see.[/QUOTE]

Yo could just wait until the games you want go on sale for 800 or under, which always happens at some point. All of last year's summer of arcade games have been marked down during a weekly sale a few months later, which made me feel I wasted money even with the rebated points. Sure, you get 1200 back, but when you overpaid at least 400 points for each of the games, you're still in the hole.

[quote name='Chika']My awesome luck strikes again. Kidney stones. Due to my high protein, spinach, berry, nut, and dairy filled diet.[/QUOTE]

That's what you get for weird food. Straight burgers and pizza over here!

[quote name='tiredfornow']Who the fuck is super skrull and why is he wasting a char spot in mvc3? :[[/QUOTE]

fuck you, dude. A super skrull will fuck a bird up.
[quote name='tiredfornow']Who the fuck is super skrull and why is he wasting a char spot in mvc3? :[[/QUOTE]

Super Skrull, as I've come to understand, is basically a nice way of putting the fantastic four in the game without wasting 4 roster spots, since Super Skrull has all their powers anyway.

[quote name='wikipedia']Thanks to bionic re-engineering by Skrull scientists, the Super-Skrull has a version of the Fantastic Four's superhuman abilities at the levels the team possessed when first receiving their powers. These powers include a heightened degree of physical malleability (a trait common to all Skrulls); superhuman strength, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes; the ability to envelop himself in fiery plasma and to utilize this heat energy for various effects, including flight, formation of fiery shapes, and energy release in the form of heat blasts, "nova flame bursts", and concussive force blasts, the ability to control ambient heat energy in his immediate environment allowing him to take control of flames not of his own generation and to absorb heat from outside sources; and the ability to render himself and others invisible and the creation of invisible force fields. If the current Skrull ruler permits, a satellite can send a broadcast augmentation energy beam that amplifies the Super-Skrull's abilities beyond the Fantastic Four's current levels. Kl'rt possesses the Skrull's innate racial ability to shape-shift, as well as the unique ability to project a potent hypnotic force from his eyes.
The Super-Skrull is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, and is an expert in all forms of armed and unarmed combat known to the Skrulls, and is highly trained in the combat uses of his superhuman powers. He was extensively trained in warfare by the Skrull Empire, and is a graduate of the Skrullian military academy. The Super-Skrull has detailed knowledge of and access to technology centuries ahead of conventional Earth science. He is a trained starship pilot, and is also a skilled impersonator.[/QUOTE]

The better question is:

Why the fuck are they wasting a roster spot on Trish?

Edit: What the fuck? I love how they generally made up Trish's moveset. And Chun-Li's voice sucks.
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