The "welcome back JohnnyFoxDarko" OTT.

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I think I'm going to eBay Arkham Asylum tomorrow. I'll probably beat the game tonight and look for some Riddler stuff, but I doubt I'll ever play through it again.
[quote name='Rocko']I think I'm going to eBay Arkham Asylum tomorrow. I'll probably beat the game tonight and look for some Riddler stuff, but I doubt I'll ever play through it again.[/QUOTE]

How much do you want for it?
I take it it's the PS3 version, Rocko? If temp backs out I might be interested. Temp, if you do get it, let me know when you are done.
[quote name='Trakan']Don't take that shit lyin' down. Tell them to come out right away or you'll go with some other service.

Cable companies will bend over backwards to prevent losing a customer.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they have a total monopoly on the area. Only other provider is the school's internet. So I am guessing they know that and will call your bluff... I might try that tomorrow or Monday though. Not having full internet is driving me nuts and I have nothing better to do.


I was gonna go to the rec center and work out, and then maybe watch some TV. However, when I got over there around 8PM, they were already closed. But I did meet an interesting character on the way, some other guy was walking and so I asked him if the rec center was closed, he said he didn't know but he then asked me where the nearest gas station was.

Now this guy is a student, and he seemed kind of slow and stuttered, but that wasn't the funny part. We got to talking because we were both walking the same direction and we were talking about majors, so I said I was working with computers and then he asked me a computer question. He said that his friend jacked up his computer with a virus and now it won't get past the login screen. But he had some stuff on it he wanted to save. But he didn't want to take it to the local computer shop because he had some illegal stuff on there.

So he wanted to know if I would take his illegal stuff off the computer for him, and he said I wouldn't know what it was if I just looked at the filenames, but I would actually have to open the files to see what they were. :lol:

I dunno what he had, but he seemed really paranoid about it. My favorite part was his speech at the end about "Rights of Privacy".
"I say we live in America and so we have a right to privacy! If I want that shit, I should be allowed to have that shit! It's America!"


So then, I went to blockbuster to get Mad Men Season 1 to watch, but turns out you have to be 18 to get an account there. :[

Sorry for the long TMK-esque post guys, I am just really bored.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I love how you have to ask Mojimbo on CAG whether he hears you.[/QUOTE]

Not his fault, I got dropped at least a dozen times the first round. That, and it turned out my mic was on mute after fumbling with it.

We were a quiet bunch on there either way, though.
[quote name='st0neface']Not his fault, I got dropped at least a dozen times the first round. That, and it turned out my mic was on mute after fumbling with it.

We were a quiet bunch on there either way, though.[/QUOTE]

You haven't played with him enough. The only two things I ever remember him saying was that Metal Gear 3 was the best and "Radiohead!!!"
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Probably had kiddie porn.[/QUOTE]

That's what I was thinking.

[quote name='Moxio']Get huge, Darth's budge.[/QUOTE]

I ended up coming back and eating Sherbet. :oops:

The nights really are the worst for me... I have a tendency even when at home, to get depressed at night and it is even worse when I am by myself. That is why I usually watch some comedy shows before I go to bed. I was trying to find something to do to keep my mind busy or dulled but I am having a hard time.
[quote name='Moxio']Depressed? Seriously?[/QUOTE]

Not like I want to kill myself depressed or anything. But to me at night, I feel sadder, problems seem bigger, I feel lonelier and just overall everything seems worse.
I'm sorry to hear that, Budge. To be honest, it'd do you a world of good to socialize early and meet a lot of people. I doubt your technical college has a big party/frat scene, but go see movies with your friends, eat at restaurants, and just be active. College is great to meet people. Keep your door open and things should be good.

In the case that you do have the occasional lone night, yeah, watch some comedy stuff. Of course, you could always go to the gym. ;)
[quote name='Temporaryscars']How much do you want for it?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Eviltude']I take it it's the PS3 version, Rocko? If temp backs out I might be interested. Temp, if you do get it, let me know when you are done.[/QUOTE]
I don't own a PS3, it's 360.
[quote name='Moxio']I'm sorry to hear that, Budge. To be honest, it'd do you a world of good to socialize early and meet a lot of people. I doubt your technical college has a big party/frat scene, but go see movies with your friends, eat at restaurants, and just be active. College is great to meet people. Keep your door open and things should be good.

In the case that you do have the occasional lone night, yeah, watch some comedy stuff. Of course, you could always go to the gym. ;)[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Mojimbo']It will be okay, darthbudge.

Thanks for the kind words guys.

While this happens to me in general, it is still only my second night living on my own, so hopefully it will get better soon. It will also be nice once my roomates get back tomorrow night, they seemed really nice and if nothing else I have some other people around and noise going on in the background.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']You haven't played with him enough. The only two things I ever remember him saying was that Metal Gear 3 was the best and "Radiohead!!!"[/QUOTE]

He totally said a lot more than that in just a 30 minute session tonight.
Arkham Asylum was fun.

Final boss seemed like a waste. I also would've liked to see Riddler at some point.
[quote name='Rocko']Arkham Asylum was fun.

Final boss seemed like a waste. I also would've liked to see Riddler at some point.

Yeah Riddler would've been cool.

I don't know why, but I felt kinda upset that Mr Freeze wasn't in the game. It's weird, I don't even really like Fries that much as a villain, but I think he could've made a cooler boss to fight against than Killer Croc or even Bane.
Keep your chin up darthbudge, once classes start and you start meeting people and having things to do with your spare time, you'll be loving it.
[quote name='Moxio']
Yeah Riddler would've been cool.

I don't know why, but I felt kinda upset that Mr Freeze wasn't in the game. It's weird, I don't even really like Fries that much as a villain, but I think he could've made a cooler boss to fight against than Killer Croc or even Bane.
I thought Killer Croc was pretty lame, to be honest. I didn't even consider that a boss fight, just an annoying speed bump. The only part of the game I didn't like.

Mr. Freeze would've been fun. I just felt like after hearing Riddler for the whole game it would have been neat to have him appear at some point.

Anything other than Croc, really.

[quote name='Eviltude']Oh I thought the Joker stuff was PS3 only.[/QUOTE]
It is.
Sounds like someone is using a drill in the apartment above me. :lol:

I am glad I wasn't asleep... that would probably have given quite a jarring awakening.
My girl and I are going to go get tattoos tomorrow. I'm thinking of getting something on my neck.

I'm just hoping it doesn't cause me any problems finding a job later. You think I can just wear coverup make up on my neck at job interviews? :lol:

What do you guys think?
Dammit, i can't get NBC on this damn antenna no matter what i do. I don't ge this, we got great analog reception before, we aren't out in the sticks surrounded by hills or anything.

[quote name='zewone']My girl and I are going to go get tattoos tomorrow. I'm thinking of getting something on my neck.

I'm just hoping it doesn't cause me any problems finding a job later. You think I can just wear coverup make up on my neck at job interviews? :lol:

What do you guys think?[/QUOTE]
Meh, most waste management companies don't seem that concerned about the appearance of their trash men.:D;)
[quote name='zewone']My girl and I are going to go get tattoos tomorrow. I'm thinking of getting something on my neck.

I'm just hoping it doesn't cause me any problems finding a job later. You think I can just wear coverup make up on my neck at job interviews? :lol:

What do you guys think?[/QUOTE]
Get it, you've got a lot more to worry about on a job interview.

Like being a Mexican.
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