The Zen and Art of OTT Maintenance

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[quote name='Brak']That and
.[/quote]She'd best be prepared for the storm.
Hmm. Walking down the hall today some balck guy in a group of black guys said " and theres the white guy who wants to be a nigga. That's what I don't understand...." I laughed. I wanted to follow him to see if he could makeself look even more like an idiot.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']You are so in. Don't fuck it up. ;)[/QUOTE]
I ain't in until I'm in, you know'm sayin'?
[quote name='Punk_Raven']Hmm. Walking down the hall today some balck guy in a group of black guys said " and theres the white guy who wants to be a nigga. That's what I don't understand...." I laughed. I wanted to follow him to see if he could makeself look even more like an idiot.[/QUOTE]
Were you wearing Baby Sean Jean?
No. However I was wearing a back white striped track jacket and jeans ( not even baggy, just regular ). Maybe I slipped up and bought that pants and track jacket at the " nigga" store. For extra lulz, I'm an albino.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']No. However I was wearing a back white striped track jacket and jeans ( not even baggy, just regular ). Maybe I slipped up and bought that pants and track jacket at the " nigga" store. For extra lulz, I'm an albino.[/quote]

[quote name='Punk_Raven']No. However I was wearing a back white striped track jacket and jeans ( not even baggy, just regular ). Maybe I slipped up and bought that pants and track jacket at the " nigga" store. For extra lulz, I'm an albino.[/QUOTE]

Where you wearing a hat, and gold chain?

so i got the ps3 sitting here still in the box. I really don't feel like climbing behind the tv to hook up component cables if im just gonna get HDMI in the mail soon....blah
[quote name='wubb']Looking at dallow's list I think the PS3 is at least a year off for me. 360 is getting close to a purchase...[/quote]

Do it! You wont regret it. Especially if you make Bioshock your first purchase. Feel free to add me to your list when you get one.
[quote name='tiredfornow']QFT.

I'm getting into the achievement game and mannn does it make games addicting. I don't think I'll put myself through punishing games anymore though.. Tomb Raider Legend was enough for me. :/[/quote]
I was just thinking about this today. I dont care about my gamerscore or what people think of it ... but I still am addicted to and love acheivements. It just gives me such a sense of accomplishment for doing stupid shit and it extends the life of a game much longer than I'd play it without them. Plus I like to make myself angry by comparing my achievements in a certain game to what other random people have gotten (damn you zewone and having almost all Bioshock achievements already! ).

[quote name='munch']Mak, have you made any 2-day shipping purchases yet?
I've made like 5
Funny you should ask .. I bought a ps3 bundle today w/ 2 day shipping. :)
[quote name='Maklershed']

Funny you should ask .. I bought a ps3 bundle today w/ 2 day shipping. :)[/QUOTE]

Sweet! You gotta work that Prime account. I might start overnighting shit just because I can.
Hmm. Gonna throw Melee up on eBay as well. also want to get rid of Donkey Konga 2 and Metroid Prime but they aren't selling well. Neither is Phantom Brave... don't really want that, but I guess I'll keep it. It's still sealed, even.
[quote name='Maklershed']You needs to photoshop a refrigerator in place of the shark.[/QUOTE]

And a Graystone in place of the mayor of metro city.
[quote name='Maklershed']You needs to photoshop a refrigerator in place of the shark.[/QUOTE]
I need to photoshop Haggar piledriving Zangief piledriving Graystone lifting Demolition Man lifting a refrigerator with a stock of books on it.

But I don't think the world is ready cave in on itself.

[quote name='munch']Will someone pllleeeaaassee explain the refridgerator thing to me?!?![/QUOTE]
Graystone lifts 'em.

Here's some Fridge Lifter images I made:




In what scientists are calling "pretty gay," JollyDwarf and RaidenJack have come back on the same day.
And today was going so well, too :cry:.
[quote name='Graystone']Tots =

[quote name='Graystone']



[quote name='Graystone']Where you wearing a hat, and gold chain?


[quote name='dallow']Damn Mak, spring an extra $3.99 for the overnight on the PS3![/quote]
I was going to until I chose 1 day shipping and it turns out it was actually $14+ something. I'm all about paying $3.99 to get my stuff in a day but not much more than that. It's all good though .. I wont get my hdmi cables or a game until Friday anyway. Plus I got me some Call of Duty 4 beta to play.

Hey Angelic .. did you know you won the Shipwrecks contest?
[quote name='Maklershed']I was going to until I chose 1 day shipping and it turns out it was actually $14+ something. I'm all about paying $3.99 to get my stuff in a day but not much more than that. It's all good though .. I wont get my hdmi cables or a game until Friday anyway. Plus I got me some Call of Duty 4 beta to play.

Hey Angelic .. did you know you won the Shipwrecks contest?[/QUOTE]
Yeah I saw your post and I figured I'd better go listen to the podcast early. I usually wait til the weekend when I have more time. So yay! Thanks for the heads up.
[quote name='Rocko']Hmm. Wonder how much more it costs to ship a GCN game rather than a DS game.[/QUOTE]
I don't see why it would cost more. They're relatively the same weight.
Most of the freshman moved in today (not to my building thank god), but they tend to find their way over to my upperclassman building tonight. Hopefully, they won't bump into me.
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