Tiger Woods spent 750 million to have sex 2 times and gets DIVORCED!


I am shocked that someone didn't start a thread yet.

Tiger gets into a fight with his wife, crashes his car in the driveway and has facial lacerations.

Now the ish is finally hitting the fan. Text messages, voicemails, etc etc etc are all coming out with all of the women he has been hooking up with the past 3-4 years.
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I just wanna know how someone hits the fire hydrant next to their house or how they hit something but not fast enough to deploy the airbags (means under 30mph) and still get "serious injuries".

The rest I don't care... seems the norm these days.
the whole "fight" thing hasnt been proven or disproven yet everything outside of the car crash is speculation and rumor. that said this is only a big deal because people want it to be true because alot of people hate the fact that hes so squeaky clean and theyre jealous of his talents. as far as the car damage goes cars are made of plastics and it doesnt take much to ruin them. you hit a metal hydrant and then a tree your car will be fucked up.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I just wanna know how someone hits the fire hydrant next to their house or how they hit something but not fast enough to deploy the airbags (means under 30mph) and still get "serious injuries".

The rest I don't care... seems the norm these days.[/QUOTE]

I believe I read that there wasn't any blood found in the car meaning his injuries happened before the accident.
^Oh, so is there some where that's reported at actual incident or do I have to wait longer though this ET/Access hollywood/Fox news bull shit speculation... ?

[quote name='lokizz']as far as the car damage goes cars are made of plastics and it doesnt take much to ruin them. you hit a metal hydrant and then a tree your car will be fucked up.[/QUOTE]

1. He wasn't on any "drugs or alcohol".
2. It's not like he hasn't seen that area before, he lives there.

So... regardless of the accident or hitting things, how... ?
Who gives a shit?


What do a golf ball and a SUV have in common? Tiger Woods drives both into trees on occasion.

[quote name='pitfallharry219']It's good to see CAG's intellectual heavyweights are on the case.[/QUOTE]


People love to build you up and then tear you down.
[quote name='BigPoppa99']His wife put him 1 under car[/QUOTE]


Now a statement.

"I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone.

Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives. The stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident were utterly false and malicious. Elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect.

But no matter how intense curiosity about public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple, human measure of privacy. I realize there are some who don't share my view on that. But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one's own family. Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn't have to mean public confessions.

Whatever regrets I have about letting my family down have been shared with and felt by us alone. I have given this a lot of reflection and thought and I believe that there is a point at which I must stick to that principle even though it's difficult.

I will strive to be a better person and the husband and father that my family deserves. For all of those who have supported me over the years, I offer my profound apology."
[quote name='perdition(troy']Now a statement.[/QUOTE]

I love all these BS celebrity apologies -- so eloquent and rehearsed.

Be a man of the people! "I done fucked up. Mind your bidness".
I wouldn't have minded him cheating so much if he didn't act like such a douche in the time from the accident up to him finally admitting he cheated (and it did it very indirectly in that post). This includes avoiding the cops, canceling events, etc. He's a douche.
wow... its about time with any sort of apology, though I doubt it will be enough to keep the hounds at bay

Great talent, though never as squeaky clean as some lead him be... He just gets away with more. Ive seen plenty of occasions of his temper on TV cursing or throwing clubs. That said, everyone makes mistakes
From Wiki: The airbags in his SUV did not deploy which suggested that he was not travelling above 33mph.[31]

What the shit is this? Who here knows how airbag deployment works and can explain this to me? How do they know 33+ would've deployed airbags? How would his SUV have known it was a crash? I always thought airbag deployment was based on deceleration as measured by accelerometers, how can they know velocity from something that measures acceleration? Who cares about the marriage, what the hell is up with 33 miles per hour
[quote name='Koggit']From Wiki: The airbags in his SUV did not deploy which suggested that he was not travelling above 33mph.[31]

What the shit is this? Who here knows how airbag deployment works and can explain this to me? How do they know 33+ would've deployed airbags? How would his SUV have known it was a crash? I always thought airbag deployment was based on deceleration as measured by accelerometers, how can they know velocity from something that measures acceleration? Who cares about the marriage, what the hell is up with 33 miles per hour[/QUOTE]

I always thought it had to do with how hard your front bumper gets hit so anything below 33 mph (which still seems quite fast) wouldn't put enough force on the bumper to cause the airbags to deploy. Of course, all of my technical knowledge comes from watching tv and reading thesuperficial.com so I could be way way off.
I was going to guess that maybe one of his 3 girlfriends was giving him road head.

From the photos, I don't understand why Elin would need to smash out the window?
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I don't like making posts that don't contribute to the conversation, but I figure this can be an exception:

I don't give a shit.
What is fascinating about this whole thing is that he obviously thought he could get away with the affairs. Man, money must really go to people's heads and make them feel invincible. He is the most famous athlete on the planet and he is probably in the Top 10 of most recognizable people in the world. Of course this was going to come out eventually! Dumbass!
As soon as twitter.com/fanscapegaming reaches 300 followers, I'm giving away a copy of TIGER WOODS PGA 10 for the 360. So if you want to hit the links as hard as TW hits fire hydrants and trees, send a follow my way.
[quote name='GameStopTom']As soon as twitter.com/fanscapegaming reaches 300 followers, I'm giving away a copy of TIGER WOODS PGA 10 for the 360. So if you want to hit the links as hard as TW hits fire hydrants and trees, send a follow my way.[/QUOTE]
:spam: :spam: :spam:

this is 'almost' as bad, and in poor taste, as the couple whom robbed the deceased Sonoma family's home after the entire family was killed by a 19 yr old speeding, red-light running, repeat offender.

link to source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/12/02/BAOG1ATQCT.DTL
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I don't understand why anybody with celebrity status even gets married anymore. The ass that comes your way with fame/money is ridonkulous and more than most people can say no to.
[quote name='QiG']I don't understand why anybody with celebrity status even gets married anymore. The ass that comes your way with fame/money is ridonkulous and more than most people can say no to.[/QUOTE]

well said. power and fame corrupts. opportunity and temptation galore.

the hollywood way would be to marry, make love *PG-13 version*, divorce. rinse & repeat.
[quote name='QiG']I don't understand why anybody with celebrity status even gets married anymore. The ass that comes your way with fame/money is ridonkulous and more than most people can say no to.[/QUOTE]

I promise that I almost posted this exact thing earlier.

The avalanche of poon that anyone with that level of fame, success, and money would have to dodge would be rough. Couple that with the financial means to get away with stuff (flying to a booty call across the country) and I'm stunned that we don't hear about this kind of stuff every other day.
You know why this doesn't surprise me?

Big names in the last few years in which sex got them in trouble.

Tiger Woods
David Letterman
Ben Roethlisberger
Steve Philips
Mark Sanford
Eliot Spitzer
Michael Jordan
Kobe Bryant
Shaquille O'Neal
Jim Nantz

All of them are known to have cheated on their spouse except Big Ben, who just put himself in a really bad position. We you have as much to lose as these people I just don't get it.

The only thing Tiger has as leverage are the scratches on his face. If she wants to divorce he can just press charges on domestic abuse. Either way Tiger is a remarkable dumbass.

If these stupid ass athletes want to fuck around don't get married and risk hurting your wife or losing half in a divorce, get a fucking vasectomy (see Shawn Kemp or any other athlete with more than one "baby mama"), or pour ice water on your dick when you get the urge to fuck everything in sight. Sorry for the vulgarity, but cheating is one thing I see as unforgivable as it is disrespect of the highest order and I feel strongly about it.
[quote name='javeryh']I always thought it had to do with how hard your front bumper gets hit so anything below 33 mph (which still seems quite fast) wouldn't put enough force on the bumper to cause the airbags to deploy. Of course, all of my technical knowledge comes from watching tv and reading thesuperficial.com so I could be way way off.[/QUOTE]

But speed doesn't directly affect force, all that matters is the rate at which speed is changing... force = mass * acceleration... knowing a force isn't enough to know a speed, it only tells you how rapidly the speed changed
He should just shrug it off, admit he was wrong and pwn some noobs at golf again.
Seriously, outside of his injury (and potentially this?) how often has Tiger been pwned at golf?
[quote name='GuilewasNK']You know why this doesn't surprise me?

Big names in the last few years in which sex got them in trouble.

Tiger Woods
David Letterman
Ben Roethlisberger
Steve Philips
Mark Sanford
Eliot Spitzer
Michael Jordan
Kobe Bryant
Shaquille O'Neal
Jim Nantz

All of them are known to have cheated on their spouse except Big Ben, who just put himself in a really bad position. We you have as much to lose as these people I just don't get it.

The only thing Tiger has as leverage are the scratches on his face. If she wants to divorce he can just press charges on domestic abuse. Either way Tiger is a remarkable dumbass.

If these stupid ass athletes want to fuck around don't get married and risk hurting your wife or losing half in a divorce, get a fucking vasectomy (see Shawn Kemp or any other athlete with more than one "baby mama"), or pour ice water on your dick when you get the urge to fuck everything in sight. Sorry for the vulgarity, but cheating is one thing I see as unforgivable as it is disrespect of the highest order and I feel strongly about it.[/QUOTE]

Although I usually agree with you Guile your entire point is moot as you are "everyday John Bay."

Its "easy," for not to cheat because as cool as you are I am sure there are only 1 or 2 girls trying to throw it at you. None of use can even comprehend what its like to have so much power that upon just entering a room makes every girl and half the guys want your dick.

Dont get me wrong, I have never cheated and will never cheat on my wife but I only have to reject 2 or 3 girls a year I couldnt imgaine having to reject 30-100 girls a day.

It reminds me of one of my best friends....he and I both played college level sports. I played soccer and he was a top recruit for a D1 school. A constant stream of newspaper articles, interviews, etc etc. Going to parties with this guy was insane, walk into a room and 8 girls would drop their guys and walk right up to him.

Hell, it was hard enough for me to stay faithful with all groupies that where constantly around.
What in the fuck does he have to apologize for? I love how people are calling him a douche for the way he has handled things. He's done nothing so far that would require him to give an apology to anyone but his family.

It's not like he Chris Brown'd his wife.
He should be forced to pay for any repairs on that poor fire hydrant he damaged. Other than that, he owes several hundred apologies to his wife for being a cheating fuck.

Than again, in the words of George Carlin, "...and fuck Tiger Woods!"
[quote name='darkslime']Anyone who seriously thinks that happened is retarded. Its a fucking publicity stunt.[/QUOTE]

Yeah...because Tiger Woods needs publicity. ::rolls eyes::
[quote name='Soodmeg']Although I usually agree with you Guile your entire point is moot as you are "everyday John Bay."

Its "easy," for not to cheat because as cool as you are I am sure there are only 1 or 2 girls trying to throw it at you. None of use can even comprehend what its like to have so much power that upon just entering a room makes every girl and half the guys want your dick.

Dont get me wrong, I have never cheated and will never cheat on my wife but I only have to reject 2 or 3 girls a year I couldnt imgaine having to reject 30-100 girls a day.

It reminds me of one of my best friends....he and I both played college level sports. I played soccer and he was a top recruit for a D1 school. A constant stream of newspaper articles, interviews, etc etc. Going to parties with this guy was insane, walk into a room and 8 girls would drop their guys and walk right up to him.

Hell, it was hard enough for me to stay faithful with all groupies that where constantly around.[/QUOTE]

That's not it. All I am saying is if you want to fuck around don't get married.

As a high profile man playing the field you should get a vasectomy so you aren't making child support payments out the ass for a night of fun, wear condoms so you don't end up like Magic Johnson or Michael Vick (aka Ron Mexico), and don't try to project an image of a perfect family when you are just a human being. That is as big a problem as anything. This goes for politicians as well as athletes because they want to project a fake ass image of themselves. Rock stars don't try to be anyone but themselves and that is why no one cares if they screw a girl a night.

Or at the very least just go to a legal brothel in Nevada instead of trying to shit on the DL. You might as well be open from the start because hiding it makes Tiger look like that Stanford education was remedial.

New Tiger themesongs BTW...


seriously, is this guy that fawking stupid.

first rule of cheating is no technology, and no second visits. damn tiger, get with the program. at least have a separate cell just for your whores on the side.

Elin and Tiger Woods had a prenuptial agreement, as expected. The couple is undergoing marital counseling, as you'd also expect. And now The Daily Beast is reporting that Elin Woods is renegotiating that prenup to get an immediate $5 million payout from her husband and as much as $55 million more to stay with him for two more years.

The initial prenup was worth $20 million after 10 years of marriage. However, the Chicago Sun-Times' Bill Zwecker has reported that Elin Woods will receive an immediate payment "into an account she alone controls," and that the 10-year timeframe -- which began when they married in 2004 -- has been shortened and the value increased "substantially."

The Daily Beast quotes "a lawyer familiar with the couple's negotiations" in reporting that the term of the prenup has been shortened to seven years, and that a series of staggered payments could increase the total value to $75 million.

But apparently there's also a behavioral component to all this: Elin Woods must "be a dutiful wife in showing up with him at social events and in public as if they were still the perfect couple, and sign a nondisclosure form that will prevent her from ever telling her story."

It's important to note that to date, there's no concrete evidence that Elin Woods has ever been anything but the perfectly dutiful golf wife. I'm sure the Woodses would like nothing more than to portray domestic calm to the world, and Elin Woods now apparently has several million more reasons to do just that.


Man, Tiger is control freak. If he values privacy that damn much, why is he down with OPP? What an ass.
The woman chased him down like T-1000.

I'd give her the money if only because I would fear for my life otherwise.
You say something like "I'll make you look like the biggest bastard in sports history if you don't give me money."
[quote name='wildcpac']I am shocked that someone didn't start a thread yet.[/QUOTE]
I'm shocked anyone gives a shit.
bread's done