Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - (use spoiler tags please)

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Haha, that is so wrong. Did anyone else unlock the Pump taunt before actually being eligible to unlock it?[/QUOTE]

you havent played me in a while. or else you'll see a constant stream of chole pumps
[quote name='lokizz']what i mean is that
I can't read that yet, I haven't played U2 single player yet. Note for others if you quote a spoiler it shows the spoiler text :bomb: I only read a little of it though.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Uncharted 1 is a pain in the ass. All it is, is constant shooting. And the friggen set up each room so they will ALWAYS flank you - and the cover is set up in such weird ways that you are never fully covered. Friggen evil![/QUOTE]
Keeps you shooting fast and moving. You really flew through it, I'm taking my time and trying to really follow the story & naturally find the treasures. Almost done. Crushing totally changes the game, it's so awesome. Instead of running and gunning, you really need to use the cover well and change from cover to cover. I friggin love it. It feels closer to their original vision for designing the game.

[quote name='lokizz']thats the best part of the game is beating the crap out of shit talkers. it never ceases to amaze me how much trash people talk in that game and then when they get shut down they whine about it. the only thing worse than that are the people who get in your way on your own team.[/QUOTE]
I remember playing the demo we got into the lobby and only one guy had a mic on and he kept asking why noone was talking and trying to get people to talk. I felt like plugging my mic in and saying some of us came to play the game not have a friggin conversation. Then in the game he started yelling about it some more.
[quote name='enufs8d']you havent played me in a while. or else you'll see a constant stream of chole pumps[/QUOTE]
Well - then let us play! I haven't played online in a few days. Any up for it?
[quote name='J7.']I can't read that yet, I haven't played U2 single player yet. Note for others if you quote a spoiler it shows the spoiler text :bomb: I only read a little of it though.

Keeps you shooting fast and moving. You really flew through it, I'm taking my time and trying to really follow the story & naturally find the treasures. Almost done. Crushing totally changes the game, it's so awesome. Instead of running and gunning, you really need to use the cover well and change from cover to cover. I friggin love it. It feels closer to their original vision for designing the game.[/QUOTE]

That "spoiler" didn't spoil anything, just talking about the combat in the game. So don't worry.

And playing Uncharted 1 on hard did that for me. On Crushing it was just trial and error + frustration.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Well - then let us play! I haven't played online in a few days. Any up for it?[/QUOTE]Just missed me.

Also, even though this is old, I thought I should post it just in case any of you missed it. They plan on making an Uncharted: Drake's Fortune movie. Too bad it isn't for Among Thieves, but they might make it where it's a mix of both.

Here's the link for that.
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Man crushing really tested my skills but that was pretty satisfying when the trophy popped up. Next I need to finish my trophy playthrough.
[quote name='defmonkey05']Isn't that the last boss on the first uncharted? Was that a speical preorder or something? I want!:bomb:[/QUOTE]

I believe they only gave them out at Comic Con. Look to be about $4 on ebay.
fun game and i love the mp but the ending boss battle was crap. id still play the game again though since the rest of the game was amazing but damn that was too easy and anti climatic. and before someone says anything i was playing it on hard for my first playthrough. well now i can focus on mp again!!!!!
[quote name='Magus8472']I believe they only gave them out at Comic Con. Look to be about $4 on ebay.[/QUOTE]
Yep, I paid $4.75 total a few days ago when I ordered mine off of eBay. Not too shabby.
Does the MP mode of this game allow spectator? I was thinking I could be spectator and Broadcast CAG Nights of Uncharted 2 on JustinTV for our members to enjoy.
[quote name='lokizz']fun game and i love the mp but the ending boss battle was crap. id still play the game again though since the rest of the game was amazing but damn that was too easy and anti climatic. and before someone says anything i was playing it on hard for my first playthrough. well now i can focus on mp again!!!!![/QUOTE]
People keep saying this! I so highly doubt you killed the boss in one or even two tries.

Also - After refinishing Uncharted 1 and starting my Crushing game in Uncharted 2, it really makes Uncharted 2 THAT much better. The game is such an improvement in every aspect that it is insane. The most "epic" scene in Uncharted 1, is the scene at the beginning where you are running across those rafters that are falling apart. So cute...

So, if anyone has not played Uncharted 1 and is planning on going straight into Uncharted 2 - I say don't. It really helps you appreciate the caliber of U2 much more so.
So I just spent two hours with the game (first time playing it) and I'm actually pretty disappointed in the direction they took. Spending the first half hour watching cutscene after cutscene with the only 'action' being sneaking around or climbing on unnecessary obstacles just didn't give off the same vibe of the first. That and everything is so damn dark in the stealth levels, there's really not much to appreciate graphically. I'm really hoping it starts to pick up, because the game is off to a very slow start for me.

Bottomline: I'm not digging how cinematic intense the game has become nor the stealth element at all. The two new characters just feel obtrusive and just don't have the same chemistry that the original crew did. Sully and Drake together are just magic, so that's one highlight still retained. Lastly, environments feel almost too action-packed in the sense that something doesn't NEED to happen every two steps I take. I mean JFC, it's like watching Indiana Jones where everything he shoots at does a flying leap off a building, catches fire, and blows up or everything he touches crumbles, falls over, creates a tsunami, cures cancer, and then explodes.

I get it Naughty Dog, you want your game to be interactive but it doesn't need to be a constant Chuck Norris fight scene FFS.
Great two hour disappointed review, give us another once you finished with the other 80%.

And you should have replayed Uncharted 1 first - or play it again after you are done. U2 has built up soo much positive praise and media attention, that it is set up to only be a disappointment. Playing U1 first, helps you calibrate your game snobbery into a much more suitable sense.

P.S. Get an HDTV...
Honestly Jodou, if the first part of the game don't hold you, then it really just isn't for you. You also might want to adjust your brightness settings.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Great two hour disappointed review, give us another once you finished with the other 80%.

And you should have replayed Uncharted 1 first - or play it again after you are done. U2 has built up soo much positive praise and media attention, that it is set up to only be a disappointment. Playing U1 first, helps you calibrate your game snobbery into a much more suitable sense.

P.S. Get an HDTV...[/QUOTE]I actually just got and played Uncharted a few months ago when it dropped to $30 and loved it start to finish. In fact, I almost played it start to finish in one sitting I was so enthralled. This one just isn't grabbing me like the first.

Oh and my HDTV says hi. ;)
[quote name='dmunkee']Honestly Jodou, if the first part of the game don't hold you, then it really just isn't for you. You also might want to adjust your brightness settings.[/QUOTE]I'm still very hopeful that it gets better and it only can from here on out really. I just feel like I'm being teased with tidbits of great gameplay (the pew, pew parts), then sat down to watch 10 minutes of storyline again. Is my ADD showing yet lol?
The first hour is pretty much a tutorial & introducing the plot/characters/location. The 2nd hour still is introducing the villian characters with some more added action compared to the first hour. Then after that, the action sky-rockets.

Just don't give up hope on U2 just yet....
[quote name='DarkNessBear']People keep saying this! I so highly doubt you killed the boss in one or even two tries.

Also - After refinishing Uncharted 1 and starting my Crushing game in Uncharted 2, it really makes Uncharted 2 THAT much better. The game is such an improvement in every aspect that it is insane. The most "epic" scene in Uncharted 1, is the scene at the beginning where you are running across those rafters that are falling apart. So cute...

So, if anyone has not played Uncharted 1 and is planning on going straight into Uncharted 2 - I say don't. It really helps you appreciate the caliber of U2 much more so.[/QUOTE]

yeah actually i only died twice fighting him. i
knew as soon as i entered the tree room that to beat him youd have to shoot those explosive resin clumps add that to he fact ive played the mp for this game for a long time now ( was in on the first beta and the early mp release) and that in itself made the game alot easier because ive learned how to run and gun alot better as well as blind firing. the boss was easy even with all his cheap grenade tossing people do stuf like that all the time in mp so it wasnt hard to keep my distance from the explosions. most of the enemies in the game are very predictable as well.

the games final boss was to easy even on hard maybe on crushing he will be more of a challenge but not by much.
that said i enjoyed the game alot but there were many other parts that were way more challegning than the final boss.
[quote name='blader16']The first hour is pretty much a tutorial & introducing the plot/characters/location. The 2nd hour still is introducing the villian characters with some more added action compared to the first hour. Then after that, the action sky-rockets.

Just don't give up hope on U2 just yet....[/QUOTE]
Yep, having played it for a couple more hours now I'm definitely over the rocky start. I prefer the environments in the first game so far though. The creative freedom they had because it was literally an uncharted island made exploration fun. Because they based the environments (from what I've seen so far in four hours) on real life locales this time, it just feels unoriginal if that makes sense.

Honestly, it's just a matter of personal taste because the game still rocks. I'm just disappointed it's not sucking me in like the first did.
HAHAHA, I liked #2 the best.

Well I just beat the game on Hard mode, and I must say, that was epic. The stat clock says it took me 9:48:44. I guess you can use the tweaks and still get the trophies which is kind of stupid, but it'll get me to run through Crushing sometime.

Also, I loved the ending cinematic; it was hilarious, and a great way to close out the game. Bravo Naughty Dog, you've done it again
[quote name='Jodou']Yep, having played it for a couple more hours now I'm definitely over the rocky start. I prefer the environments in the first game so far though. The creative freedom they had because it was literally an uncharted island made exploration fun. Because they based the environments (from what I've seen so far in four hours) on real life locales this time, it just feels unoriginal if that makes sense.

Honestly, it's just a matter of personal taste because the game still rocks. I'm just disappointed it's not sucking me in like the first did.[/QUOTE]I'm surprised that you liked the first and aren't getting into the second. I was a little like you though in the beginning as I was really looking forward to some gunplay and jumping into action as opposed to just climbing and sneaking for the most part. I found it interesting that each time I thought to myself that I had enough of this segment and wanted to move on, the segment moved on to the next. On my second go round on crushing I'm sure I won't be bothered by the slower pace at the beginning as much.

Also, Chapter 2's night setting amplified my need to brighten the game's settings a little bit as it was too dark.

I just reached Chapter 18 and I'm finding this game to be just as good as I expected. Frankly, just more of UC1 would have made me happy, but I like the upgrades and MP. Although I liked that Gears 2 rewarded Gears 1 players with extra mp skins, UC2 has a nice little bonus in the store for beating UC1 previously which allowed me to buy that revenge booster alot quicker. I like the campaign stats, now I can see that I had a 74 kill streak at one point (1 less than the trophy requirement:bomb:). I still need to run through UC1 on hard (shoulda started there to begin with) and crushing, but I've been putting it off after hearing about lockups after the last update.

EDIT: Your ADD may be showing as the early movies aren't really that long, I think most are 1 or 2 minutes with one 4 minute one. It's no MGS.
[quote name='jdawgg76']I'm surprised that you liked the first and aren't getting into the second. I was a little like you though in the beginning as I was really looking forward to some gunplay and jumping into action as opposed to just climbing and sneaking for the most part. I found it interesting that each time I thought to myself that I had enough of this segment and wanted to move on, the segment moved on to the next. On my second go round on crushing I'm sure I won't be bothered by the slower pace at the beginning as much.

Also, Chapter 2's night setting amplified my need to brighten the game's settings a little bit as it was too dark.

I just reached Chapter 18 and I'm finding this game to be just as good as I expected. Frankly, just more of UC1 would have made me happy, but I like the upgrades and MP. Although I liked that Gears 2 rewarded Gears 1 players with extra mp skins, UC2 has a nice little bonus in the store for beating UC1 previously which allowed me to buy that revenge booster alot quicker. I like the campaign stats, now I can see that I had a 74 kill streak at one point (1 less than the trophy requirement:bomb:). I still need to run through UC1 on hard (shoulda started there to begin with) and crushing, but I've been putting it off after hearing about lockups after the last update.

EDIT: Your ADD may be showing as the early movies aren't really that long, I think most are 1 or 2 minutes with one 4 minute one. It's no MGS.[/QUOTE]I keep having to adjust my brightness because some sections seem washed out and others are just so damn dark. Never had any problems with other games, so it seems there's a consistency issue. Also, WTF is with the flashlight? It keeps clipping with objects and will sometimes just disappear for a second or two. I'm nitpicking but it's annoying when you're searching for treasure.

The early movies truly aren't that long, I know. I just didn't like how long it took to finally get to the meat of the gameplay. I could do without the stealth missions altogether as well. In fact, just drop me two hours into the game and I would have been like 'yeaaaaaah, this is awesome'.
Weird, I never had any issues with the brightness or the flashlight.

The only place it messed up was were it frooze near the end of ch. 25. While I was walking out of the room, on the right stairs, after the fight.
[quote name='Jodou']I keep having to adjust my brightness because some sections seem washed out and others are just so damn dark. Never had any problems with other games, so it seems there's a consistency issue. Also, WTF is with the flashlight? It keeps clipping with objects and will sometimes just disappear for a second or two. I'm nitpicking but it's annoying when you're searching for treasure.

The early movies truly aren't that long, I know. I just didn't like how long it took to finally get to the meat of the gameplay. I could do without the stealth missions altogether as well. In fact, just drop me two hours into the game and I would have been like 'yeaaaaaah, this is awesome'.[/QUOTE]I haven't had the consistency issue you've had. I just had to adjust the level once and it's been great since. I noticed the flashlight cutting out and agree it's a little annoying and yeah a little nitpicky.

UC1 and 2 have beginnings that are pretty opposite. 1 has a combat intro and then more combat earlier on and 2 has more of a control intro and more platforming at first. From a gaming perspective I would kinda prefer to jump right into the action, but I thought it worked really well from a storytelling perspective.
UC1 was - combat then combat and then some more combat, followed by a little combat and finishes off with some combat. But, I still love Uncharted 1.

And about the brightness I had absolutely no problems with it - maybe it is something you should look at your TV for. I've calibrated my TV to a very OCD degree and I never have problems with games.

OT - I just had a dream, where my entire family wanted to see me play Uncharted 2 (which is insane for them). And for like thirty minutes in my dream, I was trying to get the game to work. But it would not start from the beginning! It kept loading up online game videos or put me into weird SP parts. So frustrating! And the whole time, they kept trying to turn down the volume because it was, "too loud". Screw you! It sounds good that way...
Question: I am up to chapter 22. But on the menu screen, when I try to select chapters, I can only pick chapter 1. Do I have to beat the whole game in order to pick individual chapters? Or do I have to have a game save file for each chapter? Maybe I am just doing something wrong.

Me = Idiot. Looks like I need to select the picture for chapter 1 and a submenu of sorts comes up to select pictures of other chapters I have beat.
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[quote name='blader16']Weird, I never had any issues with the brightness or the flashlight.

The only place it messed up was were it frooze near the end of ch. 25. While I was walking out of the room, on the right stairs, after the fight.[/QUOTE]

Mine did that as well. I figured great I'll have to play the other part over,but it started right there when I turned the ps3 back on. This game has the best saving system I've seen. ^_^
Can someone explain the whole "crushing trophy" thing for me? I've heard some people say you have to start a brand new save file- and I've heard others say that you can use your existing one (bringing in the treasures and stuff).

I beat the game on hard, and I'm ready to start in on crushing, but I sure as hell don't want to miss out on my trophy.
[quote name='Darknyss']New save... do not carry over medals or treasures.[/QUOTE]
The guys over at PS3Trophies are saying that you can play your existing file via chapter select in any order you want as long as you cap it all off with the last stage.

I just don't know if I trust those guys.
see... this is what i'm talking about :)

There is (supposedly) a glitch floating around now that unlocks cheats on your first play through of crushing. If the chapter select thing works for the trophy, here I come, infinite ammo, one-shot kill uzi run!
@ shrapnellistic - my thoughts exactly. At first I was like fuck you crushing, then I saw the MP skins and I was all in on getting that platinum.
I really wish for the preorder bonus that they just made the controller vibrate anytime you were near a treasure instead of this map crap. I missed 8 treasures in U1 and am using a guide now but there must be a more efficient way to find the treasures than consulting the list in game which lists the treasures in the order you've found them, cross-reference this list to the chronological list posted online, load up the chapter, make it all the way to the treasure, find the location online, find in game. ???

[quote name='lokizz']yeah actually i only died twice fighting him.

that said i enjoyed the game alot but there were many other parts that were way more challegning than the final boss.[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately that is becoming very common now as developers want everyone possible to finish the game the final bosses are made easier than the other parts of games.

[quote name='Jodou']Yep, having played it for a couple more hours now I'm definitely over the rocky start. I prefer the environments in the first game so far though. The creative freedom they had because it was literally an uncharted island made exploration fun. Because they based the environments (from what I've seen so far in four hours) on real life locales this time, it just feels unoriginal if that makes sense.

Honestly, it's just a matter of personal taste because the game still rocks. I'm just disappointed it's not sucking me in like the first did.[/QUOTE]
That is odd, unless you've been to those places/are very familar with them they should still be very novel exploration experiences.
[quote name='J7.']That is odd, unless you've been to those places/are very familar with them they should still be very novel exploration experiences.[/QUOTE]
What I mean is it feels very 'been there, done that'.
Just finished Crushing. I need a couple more trophies to finish up. 200 kills with the GAU, 10 grenade kills while hanging...and, that might be it.
@ DarkNessBear
The most annoying thing about online games: Getting kicked/dc'ed when you are doing well. Ugh...

I was on this team and we were playing against all these high levels and I was doing awesome and we were about to win and then I got disconnected... ugh, worst thing ever.
No kidding. I gave Naughty Dog the benefit of the doubt in the 1st beta and couldn't believe they didn't solve that (especially with access to Guerrilla Games' and Insomniac online experience).

After learning that co-op DLC is out of the picture (time and file size) I'm finding it easy to let go. PM fair offers.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']After learning that co-op DLC is out of the picture (time and file size) I'm finding it easy to let go. PM fair offers.[/QUOTE]
Where did you read that?

I started my crushing run last night and it's brutal! It was really easy up until the fire fights started. I don't remember hard being nearly this difficult. I got to the grenade introduction portion of the game and died a few times before i shut it down for the night.
[quote name='nbballard']Where did you read that?

I started my crushing run last night and it's brutal! It was really easy up until the fire fights started. I don't remember hard being nearly this difficult. I got to the grenade introduction portion of the game and died a few times before i shut it down for the night.[/QUOTE]

I made it to chapter 12 on Crushing. That one fight which starts during the grenade tutorial was probably the hardest one. I had trouble with other firefights too but not as much as I did with that one.

I am not looking forward to the final boss fight...:lol:
It's been pretty much confirmed now based on Gamefaq and PS3Trophies that you can trick the game into letting you use your tweaks in the first playthrough of crushing and still get your trophy.

Essentially- you play the game on crushing until your get your first gun. Then you save, and downgrade to hard. Turn on some tweaks, and quit out of the game. After that- you can go to the chapter select and relaunch the level on crushing again and the tweaks will be there.

I haven't tried it with my game yet- but if i am stuck at the grenade fight much longer- i'm going to give it a whirl.
[quote name='nbballard']It's been pretty much confirmed now based on Gamefaq and PS3Trophies that you can trick the game into letting you use your tweaks in the first playthrough of crushing and still get your trophy.

Essentially- you play the game on crushing until your get your first gun. Then you save, and downgrade to hard. Turn on some tweaks, and quit out of the game. After that- you can go to the chapter select and relaunch the level on crushing again and the tweaks will be there.

I haven't tried it with my game yet- but if i am stuck at the grenade fight much longer- i'm going to give it a whirl.[/QUOTE]
Lol, nice glitch. I've saved all my money so far and once tweaks unlock, I'll buy them up.
bread's done