Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - (use spoiler tags please)

[quote name='Zann']Is there a CAG clan that normally gets together for U2?[/QUOTE]

Not really. I it kind of comes and goes. It isn't that hard to start up a game night though. I usually just FR a bunch of CAGs and then send out invites and start my own night when I am ready to play. Try it out. The clan night is discussed in another thread:


I think the guy who runs the "official" CAG night doesn't even like the game that much so he hasn't hosted in weeks.

Start your own (and invite me :)
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but just in case, Uncharted 2 won Game Informer's GotY.

I'm not sure how many it's won thus far but this is probably ND's biggest win so far...
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Well, I no longer have any reason to bitch about this game, as I dumped it today for the $19.99 for any newer release game promo.[/QUOTE]

Why would you get rid of such a great game? ;)
[quote name='jman619']Why would you get rid of such a great game? ;)[/QUOTE]

Because he can't dare face me in the eye after facing my KOMBAT
[quote name='Paco']Because he can't dare face me in the eye after facing my KOMBAT[/QUOTE]

I had a feeling you would reply. After seeing that video of you killing everyone. I don't blame him. =P
[quote name='jman619']I had a feeling you would reply. After seeing that video of you killing everyone. I don't blame him. =P[/QUOTE]

I'm also a suicide bomber too. There was a team all grouped up together and my team mates were dead. I ran up to them and just tossed grenades around and killed us all. I pelvic thrusted right before we all died too. The swearing that went with it was exquisite.
[quote name='Paco']I'm also a suicide bomber too. There was a team all grouped up together and my team mates were dead. I ran up to them and just tossed grenades around and killed us all. I pelvic thrusted right before we all died too. The swearing that went with it was exquisite.[/QUOTE]

Please tell me you have the video.
[quote name='Vinny']Please tell me you have the video.[/QUOTE]

Not for this one unfortunately. This was before I started protecting the good ones.
[quote name='jman619']Why would you get rid of such a great game? ;)[/QUOTE]
Because you cannot drive at 80mph shooting your gat gat gat gangster style while shouting at your hommies that they are "TEH $$$S!" and then rape a hoe...
[quote name='Law_Professor']Where's mah DLC, Naughty Dog?![/QUOTE]
Looks like Japan got it all. In more of a lolwut moment, one beggars the question of WHY?
I would assume that the DLC is a simultaneous release, but that article is pretty worthless without a confirmation. In fact, if you didn't read the linked article first, it's completely misleading and makes no mention that the dates are for Japan only so far.
it would be completely asinine to make the dlc japan only since u2 sold a paltry 0.11 million copies there compared to the 1.32 million in the americas.
Someone posted it earlier.
January 28
Demo (free)
Additional content pack 1 (free)
- Multiplayer Skins from Resistance 2, Infamous, and Killzone 2 characters

February 25
Additional content pack 2 (price TBA)
- Two Multiplayer maps, one from Uncharted 1’s ruins
- Multiplayer skins from Uncharted

April 15
Additional content pack 3 (price TBA)
- Multiplayer cooperative mode
- Four multiplayer maps
- Five multiplayer skins
[quote name='jman619']Someone posted it earlier.
January 28
Demo (free)
Additional content pack 1 (free)
- Multiplayer Skins from Resistance 2, Infamous, and Killzone 2 characters

February 25
Additional content pack 2 (price TBA)
- Two Multiplayer maps, one from Uncharted 1’s ruins
- Multiplayer skins from Uncharted

April 15
Additional content pack 3 (price TBA)
- Multiplayer cooperative mode
- Four multiplayer maps
- Five multiplayer skins


cant wait for the free stuff and im definelty paying for the other stuff just hope its failry priced and worth the purchase.
[quote name='lokizz']cant wait for the free stuff and im definelty paying for the other stuff just hope its failry priced and worth the purchase.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I really want some new maps.
Just finished 1st play through. I was thinking "man, that was my favorite chapter so far! Doubt that can top that one.." for every chapter, right up until the end. Fantastic.
I'm marking my calendar for the DLC! Loved Uncharted and Uncharted 2. I am still amazed looking at those games how incredibly beautiful they are. Really shows off the power of the PS3
[quote name='dallow']I want that Japanese gold box.[/QUOTE]

i wouldnt mind getting my hands on that version that came with the dagger. that version was pretty nice.
[quote name='smiggity']Coop and SP only please! No one plays U2 for the multiplayer. This could be the worst DLC outside of LBP[/QUOTE]

Speak for yourself. While I admit single player is amazing. I really wouldn't have bought the game for that alone. I actually really enjoy MP, and that's a added feature that made me buy it.
those skins arent worth 5 for me. id pay 5 for mp maps and weapons but not for skins. also theres a good chance at some point down the road one all dlc has been released they will sell it all together in on set at a discount. wish they would release some info on the maps already.
[quote name='smiggity']Coop and SP only please! No one plays U2 for the multiplayer. This could be the worst DLC outside of LBP[/QUOTE]

youre joking right?
[quote name='smiggity']Coop and SP only please! No one plays U2 for the multiplayer. This could be the worst DLC outside of LBP[/QUOTE]

Who are you again? The Multiplayer in U2 is challenging and exciting. And unlike Socom isn't filled with 12 year olds yelling in the mic at all the noobs. It's filled with ANGRY SCOTS yelling into the mics calling you noobs.
[quote name='smiggity']Not at all. The competitive MP in U2 is garbage[/QUOTE]

I really enjoy it. Aw well not everyone loves the same thing. I know you love Socom. I finally got it, and played it. I enjoy it,but to be honest I like the multi-player to uc2 way better.
[quote name='Paco']Who are you again? The Multiplayer in U2 is challenging and exciting. And unlike Socom isn't filled with 12 year olds yelling in the mic at all the noobs. It's filled with ANGRY SCOTS yelling into the mics calling you noobs.[/QUOTE]
How can you tell? The VOIP is awful and either a badger was mauling the last set of players while they were talking or they were foreign.

But seriously, MP is as exciting as who can grab the noobtubes first.
[quote name='Jodou']How can you tell? The VOIP is awful and either a badger was mauling the last set of players while they were talking or they were foreign.

But seriously, MP is as exciting as who can grab the noobtubes first.[/QUOTE]

Mics aren't universal on the PS3. Some can sound far superior to anything on other consoles, while most people get the cheapest shit they can get which in turn makes it sound like shit. The people ironically that try to be the most annoying seem to have the best mics for some weird reason.
[quote name='Supplice']Wonder why people complain about mics when the mute button is available. >.>[/QUOTE]

Because it's still 2006.
I never use my mic, and always mute people when I play. I don't want to hear there trash talk or talk about nothing in general. Only time I ever use a mic is with CAGS or someone I actually know.
[quote name='Supplice']Wonder why people complain about mics when the mute button is available. >.>[/QUOTE]
Why would anyone do something silly like that? No way I'd want to miss out on nerd-raging me.

Also, I lost 105k worth of money this weekend because Naughty Dog can't program a proper matchmaking system worth shit. Was playing a game where we were 5 kills from winning and I have just got the 20 kill streak medal when the game crashes (watching the replay video ALSO crashes my system; GG). So whatever 25k down the shitter, started it up again and 2 minutes into the match PSN disconnect. Router was fine, so it wasn't on my end (reset it anyways). Log in and 'greetings! we noticed our head is up our ass and can't differentiate a legit problem from ragequitting, so here's a 40k fine'.


fuck it, started up again and I'm in a lobby when. . .disconnected from PSN. What. The. fuck. . .

Another 40k fine later and I say fuck this game. Losing essentially 105k cash in 5 minutes is awful, especially when it's beyond your control and you've never raged a game. That was my super cool story, bro. Hope you liked it.

[quote name='Jodou']Why would anyone do something silly like that? No way I'd want to miss out on nerd-raging me.

Also, I lost 105k worth of money this weekend because Naughty Dog can't program a proper matchmaking system worth shit. Was playing a game where we were 5 kills from winning and I have just got the 20 kill streak medal when the game crashes (watching the replay video ALSO crashes my system; GG). So whatever 25k down the shitter, started it up again and 2 minutes into the match PSN disconnect. Router was fine, so it wasn't on my end (reset it anyways). Log in and 'greetings! we noticed our head is up our ass and can't differentiate a legit problem from ragequitting, so here's a 40k fine'.


fuck it, started up again and I'm in a lobby when. . .disconnected from PSN. What. The. fuck. . .

Another 40k fine later and I say fuck this game. Losing essentially 105k cash in 5 minutes is awful, especially when it's beyond your control and you've never raged a game. That was my super cool story, bro. Hope you liked it.


it happens ive been penalized a few times this month due to the same thing i dont care as much about the 40k fine since i can make it back by either playing arena or playing 2 or 3 games of mp but its frustrating as hell when youre kicking ass and sudddenly the game stops and you get the disconneted from psn message. when it hapens i just stop playing for a while and hope i dont get that annoying ass fine message screen.

used to be youd lose money and a rank but now i think rank may be leaderboard rank.
[quote name='lokizz']it happens ive been penalized a few times this month due to the same thing i dont care as much about the 40k fine since i can make it back by either playing arena or playing 2 or 3 games of mp but its frustrating as hell when youre kicking ass and sudddenly the game stops and you get the disconneted from psn message. when it hapens i just stop playing for a while and hope i dont get that annoying ass fine message screen.

used to be youd lose money and a rank but now i think rank may be leaderboard rank.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, it's pretty retarded that you have to just stop playing after one d/c or crash for fear of losing money. Can't imagine losing a rank, too; what kind of idiots do they have at ND who thought that was a good idea? Of course, had they designed the system to add players during a game in progress, it wouldn't even be an issue. Pretty funny since almost every game I play has ragequitters still, so all it does is penalize the good players and solves nothing. I've actually found my team does better once the awfuls rage. Won quite a few games 3v5 because once we dropped the zeroes who soak up the deaths, you can win with ease.

Oh and blind matchmaking is garbage. I love joining a lobby only to find myself fighting a pre-made 50+ team vs me and a bunch of scrub level ones. Guaranteed loss right there, even if the 50's are terribad.
[quote name='Jodou']Yeah, it's pretty retarded that you have to just stop playing after one d/c or crash for fear of losing money. Can't imagine losing a rank, too; what kind of idiots do they have at ND who thought that was a good idea? Of course, had they designed the system to add players during a game in progress, it wouldn't even be an issue. Pretty funny since almost every game I play has ragequitters still, so all it does is penalize the good players and solves nothing. I've actually found my team does better once the awfuls rage. Won quite a few games 3v5 because once we dropped the zeroes who soak up the deaths, you can win with ease.

Oh and blind matchmaking is garbage. I love joining a lobby only to find myself fighting a pre-made 50+ team vs me and a bunch of scrub level ones. Guaranteed loss right there, even if the 50's are terribad.[/QUOTE]

i was for the penalty at first due to how often you get in game where people just quit but having been penalized a bunch of times for disconnects they should just get rid of it it doesnt stop people from quitting ( especially new players).

and they should also do something to seperate the newer layers fromt he more experienced ones. maybe set it up so you have to be at least up to level 20 before you can play with people with levels 20 and up. that way new players dont get crushed as bad by the more experienced gamers nd it lessens the chances more experienced layers dont get landed on a gimped team.

i dont mind playing with new gamers that much but like you said when youre on a team wih 2 or more of them and the team youre against is stakced with experiened players more times than not your newer teammates will up and quit on you.
[quote name='lokizz']and they should also do something to seperate the newer layers fromt he more experienced ones. maybe set it up so you have to be at least up to level 20 before you can play with people with levels 20 and up. that way new players dont get crushed as bad by the more experienced gamers nd it lessens the chances more experienced layers dont get landed on a gimped team.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I thought about a tiered system to separate the ranks a bit, but realized it would just make wait times for a game skyrocket. Plus, their brilliant design can actually allow a game to start with FIVE people. Talk about boring when you're on the two man team and your partner quits. 1v3 would be fine by me if this game were about skill, but all they have to do is travel in a pack and you're guaranteed to die after picking off one of them. Lol one of my deaths was when three grenades came flying at me after I was spotted. That's why I like fort, because people actually have to aim for once.
bread's done