Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - (use spoiler tags please)

[quote name='Jodou']Yeah, I thought about a tiered system to separate the ranks a bit, but realized it would just make wait times for a game skyrocket. Plus, their brilliant design can actually allow a game to start with FIVE people. Talk about boring when you're on the two man team and your partner quits. 1v3 would be fine by me if this game were about skill, but all they have to do is travel in a pack and you're guaranteed to die after picking off one of them. Lol one of my deaths was when three grenades came flying at me after I was spotted. That's why I like fort, because people actually have to aim for once.[/QUOTE]

I played a 3 vs 3 game , unintentionally, not too long ago that was pretty fun itd be fun to do more smaller player games. the fort i hated at first especially since it seemed like everyone would just camp at either side and use flals but once you get used to the level its fun to charge at people who hang back and demolish their team. its one of the better built levels in the mp game as far as options to how you play in it.
[quote name='Vinny']Sweet. I'm definitely gonna get the skins pack.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Its going to be hard replacing Navarro and Chloe for me lol
[quote name='lokizz']the fort i hated at first especially since it seemed like everyone would just camp at either side and use flals but once you get used to the level its fun to charge at people who hang back and demolish their team. its one of the better built levels in the mp game as far as options to how you play in it.[/QUOTE]
The map reminds me of speedball in CS; loved that map. You can either rush and potentially wipe out their side quickly or camp while trying to defend your side. I like it because there's really no room for noobsticking, since snipers will just take you out quick.
I Like fort for the simple fact that once I capture the treasure and score a point, I can just lob the treasure into the water and it will glitch and the enemy team will never win. The game was 4-3 and the enemy was about to make their point. With one minute on the clock, I lobbed it into the water where they couldn't get it and I did our team a great service.
I lost 160K totally. Horrible system. I would probably be 47 by now if it hadnt been for the DC = money loss the first time they implemented the system. Then system crashes.
[quote name='pram12']I lost 160K totally. Horrible system. I would probably be 47 by now if it hadnt been for the DC = money loss the first time they implemented the system. Then system crashes.[/QUOTE]

No you wouldn't. The upper levels have stupid high money requirements. To level up from Level 47 to Level 48 requires about 600,000. That 120k isn't even enough to wipe your butt from Level 47 to 48.
Yeah, I haven't played many Plunder matches, but when I do I just go around playing it like it was DM. You get massive points for it too. I dislike Fort though because of how much a camp fest it is in TDM, but at least in Plunder people are moving.
[quote name='smiggity']Not at all. The competitive MP in U2 is garbage[/QUOTE]

:applause::applause::applause: Once you're done with the single player game, there's really nothing FUN left to do. The co-op mp is annoying at best, but not so much as the competitive mp.

I kind of wish they would've allowed you to backtrack through all of the levels you've been on prior after you finish the main storyline, so maybe you could try and find treasures you missed or just mess around.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:applause::applause::applause: Once you're done with the single player game, there's really nothing FUN left to do. The co-op mp is annoying at best, but not so much as the competitive mp.

I kind of wish they would've allowed you to backtrack through all of the levels you've been on prior after you finish the main storyline, so maybe you could try and find treasures you missed or just mess around.[/QUOTE]

Bullshit. I've had just as much fun with the multiplayer as with the single player. You just don't know how to get your KILLING ZONES right.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I kind of wish they would've allowed you to backtrack through all of the levels you've been on prior after you finish the main storyline, so maybe you could try and find treasures you missed or just mess around.[/QUOTE]
But. . .you can? You can start from any level on any difficulty, with cheats on and search for treasure. GL finding them all without a guide though, because they put some of them in the most retarded places.
[quote name='Paco']Bullshit. I've had just as much fun with the multiplayer as with the single player. You just don't know how to get your KILLING ZONES right.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but you like to grief. Don't get me wrong, I DO AS WELL but this game it's hard to do without getting kicked/losing ranks. I've never played plunder, but glitching the treasure sounds funny as hell.

Let's be honest: the MP is a joke if you're trying to play it seriously since grenades and noobtubes are guaranteed kills at the press of a button. It really comes down to dumb luck and who sees who first unless they're really, really bad. Spawning with a grenade is the absolute fucking worst idea ever, too.
You can deal with grenades in the game and they aren't guaranteed kills, unless you're stupid enough to let someone get that close.

There are no noobtubes in the game, unless you mean the hammer which spawns only 3 times a match. Get to it first if you don't want it used against you.

I don't think the MP is supposed to be competitive but it's definitely one of the most fun out there.
if youre complaining about connection issues, its your connection. granted im sure we've all been disconnected at least once with this game, but if its a constant thing, it isnt naughty dog. plus the 40K penalty isnt really an issue once you get to the roman ranks and get 50K for one match, almost every match.

also, ive been disconnected before after they implemented the 40K penalty and i never got a message stating i lost 40K. where does the message show up?
[quote name='Frank Deluded']You can deal with grenades in the game and they aren't guaranteed kills, unless you're stupid enough to let someone get that close.[/QUOTE]You don't have to be close to get grenaded lol. Most people when they know they're going to die will toss a grenade and 9/10 will end up killing you because of the huge radius + lag. Close combat is inevitable so don't even go there.
[quote name='8bitArtist']if youre complaining about connection issues, its your connection. granted im sure we've all been disconnected at least once with this game, but if its a constant thing, it isnt naughty dog. plus the 40K penalty isnt really an issue once you get to the roman ranks and get 50K for one match, almost every match.[/QUOTE]
Because PSN is flawless and never drops people amirite? Don't be stupid, I've had my brother playing on Steam without issue when PSN dropped me three times in a row. And good for the 50's, not everyone has the stomach to play this game that much. I'm only playing it while I wait on an RMA to come this week. I'll never play it again once my PC is back up and running.
[quote name='8bitArtist']if youre complaining about connection issues, its your connection. granted im sure we've all been disconnected at least once with this game, but if its a constant thing, it isnt naughty dog. plus the 40K penalty isnt really an issue once you get to the roman ranks and get 50K for one match, almost every match.

also, ive been disconnected before after they implemented the 40K penalty and i never got a message stating i lost 40K. where does the message show up?[/QUOTE]

thats the funny thing about it it doesnt always show up. its kinda random as far as when you get penalized or not. ive never quit a game ever even when im outnumbered i i play to the end but ive been penalized for psn disconnects sucks but it happens.

the only thing i dont get about grenades is how people can toss them at you from a distance after theyre dead. ive had it happen a couple of times where i shot someone down , they drop and a grenade soars away from them and lands near me. i can see doing that if you kill them up close but not when youre 10 or more feet away.
[quote name='lokizz']the only thing i dont get about grenades is how people can toss them at you from a distance after theyre dead. ive had it happen a couple of times where i shot someone down , they drop and a grenade soars away from them and lands near me. i can see doing that if you kill them up close but not when youre 10 or more feet away.[/QUOTE]
It's lag. I've had times where I had no clue they even dropped a grenade because it would go off before any beeping. Other times I'd swear I was a million miles away from the blast radius and it would still kill me. The best is when you do a pull down and they drop a grenade right on the ledge killing you because you have zero time to get away during the animation. It's pretty pathetic and noob, which is why you can't take this game seriously.

8bitArtist said:
if youre complaining about connection issues, its your connection. granted im sure we've all been disconnected at least once with this game, but if its a constant thing, it isnt naughty dog.

also, ive been disconnected before after they implemented the 40K penalty and i never got a message stating i lost 40K. where does the message show up?

I agree about the connection issues. Oh the 40K penalty from what others say shows up when you sign back in.

lokizz said:
the only thing i dont get about grenades is how people can toss them at you from a distance after theyre dead. ive had it happen a couple of times where i shot someone down , they drop and a grenade soars away from them and lands near me. i can see doing that if you kill them up close but not when youre 10 or more feet away.

It might be due to that player's high latency. Their ping may be slower than what the server is registering. By the time you kill them--the server still registers them as being alive for another second or two even though they show up on your screen as dead. During that time, they may have thrown a grenade before their death registers with the server. :whistle2:?
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I stick to co-op in MP, it's less stressful that way :) I played MP for a few rounds to unlock two MP trophies and i haven't play MP since. However, i do find co-op mode is more fun as to competitive (got killed numerous time). Regardless, this game is a great buy and guess what? There's no LE, CE or UE either... Isn't that amazing?
[quote name='Serpentor']I stick to co-op in MP, it's less stressful that way :) I played MP for a few rounds to unlock two MP trophies and i haven't play MP since. However, i do find co-op mode is more fun as to competitive (got killed numerous time). Regardless, this game is a great buy and guess what? There's no LE, CE or UE either... Isn't that amazing?[/QUOTE]

technially there are theres that new one in japan and the ones that were prizes that came with a knife and what not. i hate co-op if you could choose to play gold rush over survival then id be more into it pluss it sucks to get stuck with people who drag ass when it comes to reviving downed members.
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Yep, when I play I UC2 MP I play Co-op as I just got tired of being paired with random folks vs. a team of 3-4 high-levels who have linked up to jump from game to game.
[quote name='Paco']No you wouldn't. The upper levels have stupid high money requirements. To level up from Level 47 to Level 48 requires about 600,000. That 120k isn't even enough to wipe your butt from Level 47 to 48.[/QUOTE]

Yo do realize I'm going to 47 right? Plus I've already got a lot of money into the 46 rank so the money I lost would've boosted me up. Not that I care about ranks now that I got Situation Awareness.
[quote name='Paco']Bullshit. I've had just as much fun with the multiplayer as with the single player. You just don't know how to get your KILLING ZONES right.[/QUOTE]

But see, I never play the mp of any game seriously, so I don't really give a crap to 'get my killing zones right'. I still think the GTA IV mp is wayyyy better due to the mini map and blips. I always hated mp modes with no blips.:bomb:

[quote name='Jodou']But. . .you can? You can start from any level on any difficulty, with cheats on and search for treasure. GL finding them all without a guide though, because they put some of them in the most retarded places.[/QUOTE]

But that requires me to go back and kill all of the enemies again. I'm talking about just going back through the various levels without having to bother with beating enemies again, like a sort of free roam mode.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But see, I never play the mp of any game seriously, so I don't really give a crap to 'get my killing zones right'. I still think the GTA IV mp is wayyyy better due to the mini map and blips. I always hated mp modes with no blips.:bomb:

But that requires me to go back and kill all of the enemies again. I'm talking about just going back through the various levels without having to bother with beating enemies again, like a sort of free roam mode.[/QUOTE]

or they could add a "here just take it" mode where as soon as you start the game the main enemy of the game comes out hands you all the treasures in a big bag with a dollar sign on it and tells you he gives up and thanks for playing.

just admit it cheapest the games mp was too hard for you and instead of trying to get used to it you gave up because realistically as much as you talk about playing gta4 and how good you are at it if you put in a quarter of the time you put into that game into u2 mp youd have gotten better.

if you want a game that just gives you everything without you having to earn it get a wii they make games with an easy button of sorts from what i recall but u2 just like gta4 takes time and effrt to get better at. i doubt you just jumped into gta4 and dominated you had to keep playing until you got better. its cool that you dont like it but alot of yoru complaints about whats wrong with u2 are kinda off base.

im nowhere near the best at u2 mp but i know im not the worst either that said everytime i played the mp for u2 ( and i was in on both betas) i got stomped for a while until i got better. i learned by losing and over time my mp skill got so good that the sp game was a breeze even on crushing. when someone in the mp game kiced my ass with something i couldnt do i kept playing until i figured it out and thats what you do when it comes to games. very few people can ump into anything new and dominate it takes time and practice.
Meh. I still(and always will) hate the games where there's no map, vehicles(which supplement my shitty shooting skills) and blips.

I only play to have fun. When I have to 'practice' to play a game, it's no longer fun for me.
[quote name='lokizz']or they could add a "here just take it" mode where as soon as you start the game the main enemy of the game comes out hands you all the treasures in a big bag with a dollar sign on it and tells you he gives up and thanks for playing.



Damn that would be so awesome. Could also be like this.

Start New Game
Continue Game
Skip all the b.s. and just get to the end.
[quote name='mwynn']

Damn that would be so awesome. Could also be like this.

Start New Game
Continue Game
Skip all the b.s. and just get to the end.[/QUOTE]

LOL That reminds me of the Robot Chicken skit 'Only the good parts', where they made a show that showed only the good parts of movies.

Personally, that's why I like Tivo and in the old days VCRs, since you could record something and just fast forward through the commercials.
[quote name='Jodou']You don't have to be close to get grenaded lol. Most people when they know they're going to die will toss a grenade and 9/10 will end up killing you because of the huge radius + lag. Close combat is inevitable so don't even go there.

If you keep your distance and keep them at bay with your rifle/gun you'll see the grenade come at you with enough time for you to roll away.

The window is smaller to evade when they're closer to you because all they have to do is aim down and throw it.

It always works for me. It's really part of the game and I think grenades in this game make it extremely fun.

lokizz said:
just admit it cheapest the games mp was too hard for you and instead of trying to get used to it you gave up because realistically as much as you talk about playing gta4 and how good you are at it if you put in a quarter of the time you put into that game into u2 mp youd have gotten better.
Just ignore the senile troll. :lol:

Frank Deluded said:
If you keep your distance and keep them at bay with your rifle/gun you'll see the grenade come at you with enough time for you to roll away.

The window is smaller to evade when they're closer to you because all they have to do is aim down and throw it.

It always works for me. It's really part of the game and I think grenades in this game make it extremely fun.
:applause: Adapting goes a long way too.
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PSN just got the $4.99 Heroes Pack add-on, if anyone got it, please let us know if the add-on has additional trophies? My guess is not, since it's just new playable characters from other PS3 exclusive titles...
[quote name='Serpentor']PSN just got the $4.99 Heroes Pack add-on, if anyone got it, please let us know if the add-on has additional trophies? My guess is not, since it's just new playable characters from other PS3 exclusive titles...[/QUOTE]

No. Even thought I dont have it. It's only skins + multiplayer does not have any trophies (only play 1 multiplayer match and play 1 co-op match).
The game itself have two multi-player trophies (thank goodness, it's not like Warhwak or KZ2). They were pretty easy to get.

It sucks that you spend $4.99 and no additional trophies :( Thanks pram12 for the confirmation.
[quote name='Serpentor']The game itself have two multi-player trophies (thank goodness, it's not like Warhwak or KZ2). They were pretty easy to get.

It sucks that you spend $4.99 and no additional trophies :( Thanks pram12 for the confirmation.[/QUOTE]

No prob man.
[quote name='Serpentor']It sucks that you spend $4.99 and no additional trophies :([/QUOTE]
Well what would you expect? You earned the trophy 'Spent $5 on e-costumes'?
[quote name='Jodou']Well what would you expect? You earned the trophy 'Spent $5 on e-costumes'?[/QUOTE]

lmao so when you get that trophy does a picture pop up with a guy bent over geting ass raped or is it just an image of someone laughing and pointing towards you ?

did any of you get the eye of indra dlc in america an if so did you get the 2 mp skins?
[quote name='lokizz']lmao so when you get that trophy does a picture pop up with a guy bent over geting ass raped or is it just an image of someone laughing and pointing towards you ?[/QUOTE]
Actually, it pops up with a picture of horse armor.
[quote name='lokizz']lmao so when you get that trophy does a picture pop up with a guy bent over geting ass raped or is it just an image of someone laughing and pointing towards you ?

did any of you get the eye of indra dlc in america an if so did you get the 2 mp skins?[/QUOTE]

Skins for the EoI only for EU IIRC.
[quote name='pram12']Skins for the EoI only for EU IIRC.[/QUOTE]

damn that really sucks i feel bad for anyone in the us who bought those crap comics hoping to get some skins. wish heyd make a commander quark skin though.
February 25
Additional content pack 2 (price TBA)
- Two Multiplayer maps, one from Uncharted 1’s ruins
- Multiplayer skins from Uncharted

April 15
Additional content pack 3 (price TBA)
- Multiplayer cooperative mode
- Four multiplayer maps
- Five multiplayer skins


I'm not looking forward to the skins, the Heroes skin pack pretty much gave me everything I need. Plus, I have the Navarro Skin. Unless the two maps on Feb 25th are free, I'm not buying. I am looking forward to the new Coop mode though and the four maps.
I had to fight my urge to get the heroes pack but I'm definitely getting the two other packs that are coming out later. New maps and new co-op sounds great. I think they need more variety in guns as well.
[quote name='Frank Deluded']I had to fight my urge to get the heroes pack but I'm definitely getting the two other packs that are coming out later. New maps and new co-op sounds great. I think they need more variety in guns as well.[/QUOTE]

hell yes!!!! i wonder though if the 3rd set of dlc that has 4 mp maps if it will be 4 new mp maps or possibly the 2 mp maps from the 2nd set of dlc pluss 2 more.
I'm wondering if those four maps are just for the new Coop mode, but I'm assuming those 4 new MP are new and not from the 2nd set.
Finally played this. Loved the first one and was just putting off the second. I started it and then the next day I finished it. Just like the first, one more chapter... just one more chapter... turns into the whole game. Good stuff.

Almost time for some multiplater action.
I ordered this game like 2 weeks ago from half.com and still haven't gotten it.. see if I order from there again.
I've been really pumped to play it though, at first I didn't see what the big deal was but now i'm really looking forward to it.
Stay away from half.com when it comes to games =| I don't know, but it feels like the sellers there are worse when it comes to selling games than the actual ebay site (I guess seeing personal pictures helps a lot than text descriptions). Hope it works out though. =3

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bread's done