Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - (use spoiler tags please)

[quote name='gunm']Godammit, I'm trying so hard not to spoilerize too much of the game for myself, but ah well fuck it. I'm going to get it regardless anyways. :/[/QUOTE]

The story trailer doesn't really spoil anything beyond what the macguffin is.
[quote name='dallow']Link to the story trailer.

It is a STORY trailer so don't watch if you want to leave the story unspoiled.

It's amazing.


Holy fuck! That story trailer is incredible. They need to put that in the PSN Store so I can watch it in hi-def!

It even says "this fall" for the release date.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']apparently I got a code today from GAP... not bad.[/QUOTE]

I got the email from the GAP today as well. Nice bonus from them.
They need to fix the roll/cover shit, there's been a lot of times where I'm getting shot and all I want to do is roll out of the way but my character sticks to the nearest wall/pillar.

I also got stuck jumping down a ledge where I turned mid-air so that my body was parallel to the ledge and I got stuck there for the entirety of the game.
this mp is awesome.take the fighting and shooting controls of this game and add it to the world of gta and youd have one hell of a mp game.
[quote name='menikmati']They need to fix the roll/cover shit, there's been a lot of times where I'm getting shot and all I want to do is roll out of the way but my character sticks to the nearest wall/pillar.

I also got stuck jumping down a ledge where I turned mid-air so that my body was parallel to the ledge and I got stuck there for the entirety of the game.[/QUOTE]

report any bugs if you find any so they can polish it up before the final release
the only bug ive seen so far is when me and a guy collided and our characters were stuck together for a few seconds.
The online beta is awesome... I did not notice any lag while playing it, the gameplay is sublime, the controls feel just right and tight, and the graphics are looking pretty spiffy as well... It is a lot of fun. I could totally see this becoming a popular game for CAG nights. :D
[quote name='freakyzeeky']The online beta is awesome... I did not notice any lag while playing it, the gameplay is sublime, the controls feel just right and tight, and the graphics are looking pretty spiffy as well... It is a lot of fun. I could totally see this becoming a popular game for CAG nights. :D[/QUOTE]

Yup. I just finished up playing about 10 rounds of competitive and one complete round through the co-op chapter. Loved both modes quite a bit but especially the co-op (which I normally dont care for in games). It still feels exactly like playing Uncharted which is all I could ask for. Definitely will be playing more of this in the next few days.
level 10 bitches!!!!! question since this is a beta will you be able to keep your rank when you play the full version of the game or will you have to start from scratch?
Sweeeet, still good at shooters. Went 22-4 in the only competitive game I joined and got first place in my team for the co-op mode. That co-op mode is looking to be a lottttttttttttttt of fun.
[quote name='lokizz']level 10 bitches!!!!! question since this is a beta will you be able to keep your rank when you play the full version of the game or will you have to start from scratch?[/QUOTE]

Judging from every other beta, you'll probably start from scratch.
[quote name='yohsh']Should I sell my code or redeem it? Not really interested in playing the game.[/QUOTE]

You should kindly give it to a fellow CAG without a code, specifically the one who made this post ;).
So is there confirmation this is gamesharable? Sorry just needed to know what to do to get all the RagTag CAG's with PS3's into the beta (ie need to know if we can share 1 code or if we need to get multiples.) Thanks in advance.
ugh my copy of infamous i ordered didn't have a code. anyone planning to gameshare it or just don't want to redeem for free or cheap? i so want to play the beta.
[quote name='mythus']ugh my copy of infamous i ordered didn't have a code. anyone planning to gameshare it or just don't want to redeem for free or cheap? i so want to play the beta.[/QUOTE]

It was a Gamestop exclusive I believe. If you ordered online they should've emailed it to you. Store pickups got a rave card.

The beta is fun, but I found it fairly run-of-the-mill. Its not bad, I just don't see myself playing this for multi, especially considering whats going to be out (COD, new Halo, Left 4 Dead 2, + who knows) at the same time. Those games are built for multi, this is not. I like how they've done it though and the beta could make it really good, I'm just not feeling it.

I love Uncharted for the story and the single player, but I found the multi lackluster and it felt tacked on. Co-op is bitching though.
Damn it! I just sent my PS3 in its coffin back to Sony this morning to get fixed. Those fuckers better hurry up; I have a code and an unopened Infamous sitting around waiting.
At work now, but ready to go home and play some, I downloaded it this morning...hope to see y'all on there!
Just played my first match, and as soon as the round starts..... my teammate lobs a grenade at everyone in the spawning room. TK'ed.

I was starting to rebound, getting on a nice kill streak.. when I'm having a fire-fight with someone while inside the middle-room of the map; and a grenade rolls up to my feet. No, it's not the enemies. It's another teammates grenade. TK'ed.

End game.

Not the best experience so-far, thanks to stupid teammates.
Needs some kind of chirp or indicator to let you know you've killed someone.

Graphics are very clean so far though, only played one match to try it out. Will do a lot more tonight.
Can you pick who you play with or is it totally random?

Maybe we can setup some CAG-only matches to avoid the aforementioned teamkill debacle.
[quote name='bmachine']Can you pick who you play with or is it totally random?

Maybe we can setup some CAG-only matches to avoid the aforementioned teamkill debacle.[/QUOTE]

You can pick who you play as, and it has a system for two "upgrades" as well, kind of CoD4ish in that regard (except nothing as huge as a CoD4 upgrade). You can choose either 5 or 6 skins for characters, both on the Heroes and Villains sides.
[quote name='MSUHitman']So is there confirmation this is gamesharable? Sorry just needed to know what to do to get all the RagTag CAG's with PS3's into the beta (ie need to know if we can share 1 code or if we need to get multiples.) Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]

MSU, I'm downloading from the gameshare right now. We'll see if it's like Burnout/SOCOM/GT5P and locks out others for 24hrs.
Played a cooperative match (Not sure I entirely understand the point of it yet?) and a single match of TDM and I have to say it's pretty enjoyable so far. Liking it more than I did with Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 for sure.
[quote name='woodcan']MSU, I'm downloading from the gameshare right now. We'll see if it's like Burnout/SOCOM/GT5P and locks out others for 24hrs.[/QUOTE]It does.
Co-op was really fun and death match was good, but it wasn't drastically different from any other game out there. I'm going to buy the game for single player and the rest is just icing.
id like to know how many more areas there will be for mp and coop play. the 2 you get to use in mp are ok i hope the others are bigger and more diverse.
[quote name='sotc1988']Co-op was really fun and death match was good, but it wasn't drastically different from any other game out there. I'm going to buy the game for single player and the rest is just icing.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, I like the fact that Drake's Fortune was such a strong single player experience. I just hope the addition of multiplayer doesn't distract Naughty Dog's efforts on the single player.
bread's done