London Underground, Villains have to throw the plunder treasure across two train tacks while navigating the shooting gallery above while dodging the occasional train that darts by with little to no warning.
Airstrip, Villains again have to deal with congested paths, another shooting gallery from the rooftop, oh and a turret. (Granted, the turret can be used for defense but you mostly see it used by the heroes...
Syria, this map just blows for everything else minus plunder so I've played few games on it even while playing plunder... (Honestly, I've seen this map lose a vote by a 9-0 margin.) I do think the map favors the heroes but only slightly.
Chateau, fairer than most of the maps but again the heroes have great sight lines on the villain's box while the heroes' box is rather accessible but well protected.
High Rise; like Syria its a horrible map for everything minus plunder... but the villains have to carry treasures upwards through the twisting maze... Heroes box is on the lowest level and it is easier to throw treasures downward than carry them upwards. (And most of the time it does come down to using the stairwell on the villains' side.)
Flooded Ruins/Volcanic Ruins, really I think the names themselves are enough to speak of their Plunder evils but I will go on.. With the possible sole exception of Museum there is not a worse Plunder map ever made... It favored the villains in UC2 but seeing the above it might not this time.
Oh, and I've spent the bulk of the previous beta spawning as the villains and I've spent the bulk of the new beta spawning as the villains...