Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - OUT NOW - Trophy Patch Released!

[quote name='mrlokievil']I played through the entire thing and didn't have a single problem.[/quote]

Same here.

But listening to these lock ups, assassins creed lockups and others, it seems like it's a firmware problem. I mean some people have them, some don't. They don't seem to happen at the same place either and happens on different games.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Same here.

But listening to these lock ups, assassins creed lockups and others, it seems like it's a firmware problem. I mean some people have them, some don't. They don't seem to happen at the same place either and happens on different games.[/quote]

x3, beat it in a day... such a fun game
I had one freeze.. and it was the start of Chapter 15, if I recall..

Just fine for the whole rest of the game. Playing through again on "Crushing".
Blah, I was enjoying this game up until
the damn zombies! So, out of place. Why couldn't it just be Dude Raider/Indiana Jones? Did they really need to throw some Resident Evil up ins"

I imagine the game is more exhilarating with rumble, I do miss me some force feedback.
i had one freeze so far sometime in chapter 6 I think. I was climbin up over a ledge and it glitched me in mid climb. Was able to PS button it out of there though.

Played from chapter 4 up to chapter 11 or 12 i think....it got kinda addicting... I get sorta dizzy from playing it though.
[quote name='zewone']Blah, I was enjoying this game up until
the damn zombies! So, out of place. Why couldn't it just be Dude Raider/Indiana Jones? Did they really need to throw some Resident Evil up ins"

I imagine the game is more exhilarating with rumble, I do miss me some force feedback.[/QUOTE]

I felt that way at first, to be honest. I eventually came to deal with it. I'm not convinced they're the best thing ever (
all it is, after all, is the developers thinking "HEY! Let's make the regular AI even faster, so as to artificially bump up the difficulty!" - which is so fucking cliche
), but recognize it as part of the game design that's been done before, like the "GoW" style of avoiding being shot until you're fully healed.
The zombies definitely feel out of place and really pulled me out of the game. From then on I just kept getting more and more detached from the game and quit caring.
Then I got to the end, and I must say I totally agree with Myke about the final boss.

Having the final boss battle come down to just press this button now crap was just dumb. It feels very anticlimactic way to end a game with so many interesting and satisfying action sequences. Not only that but it seems as if there's no rhyme or reason as to why sometimes when you push the button it registers and he fights back and then other times it doesn't register it and you die.
Overall, I'm a little disappointed with the game and I'm VERY happy I just rented it and didn't buy it because despite all the rewards and stuff, I can't see myself ever playing this game again.
About your comments
The creatures you fight arne't zombies, you have to stop thinking of them like that and you'll enjoy them more. They're called the descendants. The spanish settlers of that island that were exposed to El Dorado, mutated and went feral.

Also, the game was setting them up, and the effects of el dorado, from damn near the first few missions, and they fit perfectly in with the game when you consider what el dorado can really do. It doesn't revive people from the dead, it's basically a special airborn nerve toxin that produces effects like in 28 days later.

The AI for the descendants was programmed to make them not as difficult. First, don't try to fight them the same way you've fought normal humans so far. Don't get into cover, don't stand still, and you don't need to aim so much. Use the run and gun, it works better against the descendents because they're not in cover and often bunch up.

You'll notice that only 1 or 2 will attack you at a time despite there being more of them in an area. If you hit them anywhere, they play a long stunned animation, maybe even hop back startled which is enough time to finish them off.

They also only spawn in front within view, or if they spawn out of view, they usually come from obvious entrances or have a very distinctive noise.
Just finished it. I liked the
descendants. It was fun to stop taking cover for a little while.
May play again on a harder difficulty someday, but I dunno. Some of those fights would get pretty tough.
[quote name='zewone']Finished it this morning.

All in all it was good, but I'm glad I just borrowed it instead of buying.[/quote]

Thats the same way I felt.. Glad I duped my friend into buying it :)
[quote name='magiic']Did the final "Boss Battle" make anyone else want to punch babies?[/QUOTE]
My first couple of tries, but like myke said, after figuring out his pattern it's too easy.
[quote name='magiic']Did the final "Boss Battle" make anyone else want to punch babies?[/QUOTE]
I preferred it over the possible alternative of a cheap, frustrating shootout.
The main problem with the final boss battle was that the type of battle you do wasn't setup or taught to the player earlier. So we go in expecting a normal gunfight, instead we get something that's closer to those timed button presses in cinematics.
Just finished it last night on easy (I didn't last past chapter 4 on normal lol. Same place in the demo) it got downright
resident evil-ish near the end which I wasn't too fond of
, but overall still enjoyed the game. Hands down one of the prettiest games I've seen so far on the ps3. Makes me excited to think of what as of yet mostly unknown games will look like (FFXIII and such yadda yadda).
Finished the game, and it did't freeze one time. I do have some weird problem with the controller on games like it will start spinning around and I have to pause it for it to stop lol
I finished Uncharted last night as well, 11 hours of total playing time, and I found somewhere around 50 treasures and got almost 500 points. So now comes the time to figure out what medals I can unlock on replay, and if I can collect all the remaining treasures! I know the replay value of that for some isn't so great, but I have never been so excited to play through even parts of a game again. :joystick: So far I've discovered rewards like
the weapons screen, meaning instant ammo reloads, and you can use it to give yourself the shotgun or other guns early in the game to rack up the required 30-50 kills for yet another medal. I've also snagged enough points to unlock slow-mo mode, which is quite handy in big firefights. Still have a few odd medals that haven't been revealed, but based on their placement in the list, I suspect they include killing more than 5 guys with one grenade, X kills with the advanced weapons (grenade launcher; golden gun), and hopefully a few more fun ones
Excellent game! I for one also liked the zombies. It was a pretty shocking change of gameplay style.

Does anyone else think that Nathan Drake looks a lot like Nolan North, the character that he is voice-acted by?


Note that Nolan North is basically in every video game ever made.
[quote name='Vanigan']Brandon, use spoiler tags, there will be people reading this topic who haven't played the game yet.[/quote]
Yup, like me :/
[quote name='brandonabley']Excellent game! I for one also liked the zombies. It was a pretty shocking change of gameplay style.

Does anyone else think that Nathan Drake looks a lot like Nolan North, the character that he is voice-acted by?


Note that Nolan North is basically in every video game ever made.[/quote]

A bit off-topic, but I always thought that Joe Flanigan from Stargate: Atlantis would make a good Nathan Drake.

Anyway, I just beat the game on Normal last night and liked it. I didn't care too much for the
either though. I found like 44 treasures on my first run, so I might play through on Hard with a guide to get some more.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Yup, like me :/[/QUOTE]

Annnnnd me (Well I have it, but I'm waiting for winter break to really dive in.)
I'm on Chapter 13 and
have 24/60 treasure. How am I doing? Did I miss a lot?
[quote name='Scorch']Picked it up today and i'm having a TON of fun with it.. it's in my top five of the year, easily.[/quote]

As am I. This is definitely PS3 GOTY for me (well, that's not saying much I guess) but definitely in my top 5 as well.

And I'm not necessarily one for sequels or franchises per se, but I sure hope the sequel rumor for this game is true...
[quote name='whoknows']So is there a list of all the unlockable costumes/how you get them?[/QUOTE]
In-game it tells you the names of the costumes and how many points you need to unlock them.
fuck! the ps3 just froze just when youre running away from the zombie looking things. anyone else have problems with freezing?
Played a couple of hours of this last night -- picking it over Heavenly Sword, Bioshock, Mario Galaxy and Mass Effect -- and was pretty disappointed. Yes it looks great and the story's compelling, but why do I have to shoot it out with endless hordes of dudes? I wanted something like Tomb Raider, not Gears of freakin' War! To me, this is a classic example of a game that pads its length with superfluous gun battles. And for that, I banish it to the shelf.

I know full well that critics/gamers will disagree with me in droves. But it's holiday 2007, and if a game hits me with lameness, I'm taking a pass.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Played a couple of hours of this last night -- picking it over Heavenly Sword, Bioshock, Mario Galaxy and Mass Effect -- and was pretty disappointed. Yes it looks great and the story's compelling, but why do I have to shoot it out with endless hordes of dudes? I wanted something like Tomb Raider, not Gears of freakin' War! To me, this is a classic example of a game that pads its length with superfluous gun battles. And for that, I banish it to the shelf.

I know full well that critics/gamers will disagree with me in droves. But it's holiday 2007, and if a game hits me with lameness, I'm taking a pass.[/quote]
Blame yourself for assuming the game was Dude Raider. Go play Tomb Raider Anniversary if you want Tomb Raider.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Played a couple of hours of this last night -- picking it over Heavenly Sword, Bioshock, Mario Galaxy and Mass Effect -- and was pretty disappointed. Yes it looks great and the story's compelling, but why do I have to shoot it out with endless hordes of dudes? I wanted something like Tomb Raider, not Gears of freakin' War! To me, this is a classic example of a game that pads its length with superfluous gun battles. And for that, I banish it to the shelf.

I know full well that critics/gamers will disagree with me in droves. But it's holiday 2007, and if a game hits me with lameness, I'm taking a pass.[/QUOTE]
While I think you're being ridiculously harsh (the game is a lot of fun and I enjoyed it all the way to the credits), you do have a very good point.

The gun fights in the game just went on for too long. Every shootout could have done with about 5 less enemies in it. It was just plain ridiculous at some points.
[quote name='phear3d']fuck! the ps3 just froze just when youre running away from the zombie looking things. anyone else have problems with freezing?[/QUOTE]
Happened to me in that exact spot. Only happened once though.
Mine froze once while on the jet ski.

I just beat the game and holy shit. I really liked Uncharted.

The only complaint I have with the game is that it is really fucking hard sometimes, even though I am playing on normal. I've died so many times haha.

I haven't beat Mass Effect yet but now Uncharted is my game of the year. I hope this game sells really well.
It is too bad that they didn't change easy-mode to have 1/4 of the pirates. They us TR fans would enjoy it, and you Gears fans could play on med, or hard. To me, this seems an obvious choice, I don't know how they overlooked it.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Blame yourself for assuming the game was Dude Raider. Go play Tomb Raider Anniversary if you want Tomb Raider.[/quote]

[quote name='Razzuel']The only complaint I have with the game is that it is really fucking hard sometimes, even though I am playing on normal. I've died so many times haha.
[/quote] i know what you mean. i died so many times during the 2nd to the last gun battle.
i try heading towards the guy with the lazer pointer but he f'in kills me everytime. then i find out after 16 rounds of the shotgun that he cannot be killed yet. thats kinda lame. i shot at him directly while he was running behind the crates, not even a nudge! and damn those zombies! i wasn't even expecting them at all! they ran out of ideas or something?

and about the freeze ups, i think it happens randomly in the game. but the best thing is that it is saved at the last checkpoint so theres very little thing that you have to backtrack if not none.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Blame yourself for assuming the game was Dude Raider. Go play Tomb Raider Anniversary if you want Tomb Raider.[/QUOTE]
Tried that already, and it was too buggy. Silly me for thinking the pre-release hype was accurate: exploration, platforming. I know now that this is Gears of War II: Jungle Book Edition.
I just beat the game last night and I have to agree that it could have used fewer gunfights and a bit more exploration. But the overall polish of the title makes up for this - my favorite game of the year, just edging out Ratchet & Clank Future.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Tried that already, and it was too buggy. Silly me for thinking the pre-release hype was accurate: exploration, platforming. I know now that this is Gears of War II: Jungle Book Edition.[/quote]
I'm sorry you didn't do anything like playing the demo or reading previews before the game to find out what kind of game it was. By all means blame the game for not being what you assumed it was.

You know what happens when you assume, right? ;)
The first segment of the game, after the initial short gunfight, has a very long segment of just exploration, platforming, and discovering ancient ruins with your pal Sully.

While the game does get more combat focused later on, and I did find myself wishing for another long stretch of just that, there was enough platforming in there to make it enjoyable.

Frankly, Tomb Raider's platforming was pretty tedious at times, although Legend had a lot of good exploration based platforming puzzles. If they could combined the more fluid platforming and gunplay from Uncharted with the puzzles of Legend, they could easily come up with a longer game.

The problem here is appeal. To do this, the game has to appeal to both gamers while not leaving either one behind. For action gamers, the gunplay is good, but sadly the puzzles had to be very toned down. For platforming puzzles gamers, there's less there admittedly, I think they should have included a lock on targeting for gamers that aren't into the combat as much. Then they could provide two difficulty settings, one for combat and one for puzzles. Higher combat settings means no lock on, more waves more difficult AI routines. Higher puzzle difficulty means exploring larger sections of areas and deciphering clues without a book to instantly tell you the answer.

I hope this happens for Uncharted 2 now that they've got a lot of the base content creation out of the way.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I'm sorry you didn't do anything like playing the demo or reading previews before the game to find out what kind of game it was. By all means blame the game for not being what you assumed it was.

You know what happens when you assume, right? ;)[/QUOTE]
I sure do: You get those who have differing opinions than you acting like asses because there's no possible way someone can dislike something they enjoy. But by all means feel free to blame someone who doesn't like the game for not thinking how you assume they would.

I'm glad you and others enjoyed it. Personally, I've done enough shooting -- better shooting to boot -- elsewhere. My copy of Uncharted came free from Sony, so it's not like I'm out money on the thing. I just figured people may want to hear an opinion that was other than glow-tastic. You obviously didn't want to hear it, but I am confident there are more open-minded, less totalitarian individuals on CAG.
I didn't like the gunfights for the most part, but they got better as the game progressed and you had access to different weapons/scenarios.

Still couldn't recommend more than a rental of the game though.
This may sound like a strange question, but is this game very quick(camera-wise). I ask because I am getting my PS3 sunday and am considering getting this game sometime in the near future because it looks pretty decent.

I have simulation sickness and because of it have my choices of games greatly reduced. FPS are out of the picture. This game and Assassin's Creed are making me nervous because I am not sure how it will react with these. Usually it's just sports games and racing games(and some racing games are no-nos).

So would this game be a bad choice?
[quote name='Vanigan']The first segment of the game, after the initial short gunfight, has a very long segment of just exploration, platforming, and discovering ancient ruins with your pal Sully.

While the game does get more combat focused later on, and I did find myself wishing for another long stretch of just that, there was enough platforming in there to make it enjoyable.

Frankly, Tomb Raider's platforming was pretty tedious at times, although Legend had a lot of good exploration based platforming puzzles. If they could combined the more fluid platforming and gunplay from Uncharted with the puzzles of Legend, they could easily come up with a longer game.

The problem here is appeal. To do this, the game has to appeal to both gamers while not leaving either one behind. For action gamers, the gunplay is good, but sadly the puzzles had to be very toned down. For platforming puzzles gamers, there's less there admittedly, I think they should have included a lock on targeting for gamers that aren't into the combat as much. Then they could provide two difficulty settings, one for combat and one for puzzles. Higher combat settings means no lock on, more waves more difficult AI routines. Higher puzzle difficulty means exploring larger sections of areas and deciphering clues without a book to instantly tell you the answer.

I hope this happens for Uncharted 2 now that they've got a lot of the base content creation out of the way.[/QUOTE]
I appreciate your input. I played past the Sully part, to where your plane crashes. You then happen upon dozens of heavily-armed people who come at you from several inconvenient angles, and dying respawns you in a different corner than you started in -- thus confusing you.

After a bit of this, I realized I was having no fun and my sealed Mario Galaxy and my still-not-beaten Assassin's Creed were beckoning.

As I said to that troll guy whose name escapes me, I'm glad other people are digging the game. I tend to be more of a melee guy, because of my own personal background, so I can tolerate swords more than guns. And again, this just wasn't what I was expecting. Sony sent a big book of promo stuff and most of it was pictures of lush jungles or animated characters. There wasn't a single AK-47 in the bunch.
bread's done