Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - OUT NOW - Trophy Patch Released!

there are 22 chapters.

just beat the game in a little under 8 hours on normal with 380 of 1000 medals.
it's cool that they added chapter select so you can play your favorite parts.

this and Bioshock are currently GOTY in my book.
Anybody unlock the Next-Gen filter? I have a feeling that it's a joke filter, so I'm wondering if anybody that unlocked it can spill the details.
just picked this up at FYE, but won't get around to playing it till later. Maybe after I finish Assassin's Creed. They only had one copy and there was a note on it saying not to sell until today lol. $15 after using up the rest of my store credit :D
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Anybody unlock the Next-Gen filter? I have a feeling that it's a joke filter, so I'm wondering if anybody that unlocked it can spill the details.[/quote]

Off the top of my head it makes...

...The screen change color. Such as turning it Black & White, Sepia, and one other I don't remember that I think mightof been called "Next-Gen Color."

EDIT: Answer two replies down. Since I was thinking of it slightly differently apparently, I went a double checked with someone else since I don't have my copy of the game since I lent it out to a friend.
[quote name='Draekon']Off the top of my head it makes...

...The screen change color. Such as turning it Black & White, Sepia, and one other I don't remember that I think mightof been called "Next-Gen Color."

That's not what he was asking. He meant specifically what the "Next-Gen Filter" does. I haven't unlocked enough points to find out, but I'm close.

OMG. The scene in the
place where you're turning on the generator, and all those freaky things are attacking in that room with the two hallways on the sides
is both pissing me off and freaking me the fuck out. I hate that it starts you over at the beginning if you die, rather than after you pull one of the levers. Lame. This game has been pretty intense all along, but now it's just ridiculous. Just awesome.
[quote name='orko60']That's not what he was asking. He meant specifically what the "Next-Gen Filter" does. I haven't unlocked enough points to find out, but I'm close.[/quote]

Meh, I was thinking that took you to the filter selection menu for the three. If he's talking about the third one, then I believe all it does is make it look more realistic game by tinting it brown and giving it extra bloom. Much like panel 4 + 7 in VGCatz.

EDIT: Fixed for orko60's satifaction! Guaranteed by the U.S. Mint.
[quote name='Draekon']Meh, I was thinking that took you to the filter selection menu for the three. If he's talking about the third one, then I believe all it does is make it look like an "older" game by tinting it brown. Much like panel 4 in VGCatz.[/quote]

You "believe" or you know? I'm sure it's some kind of joke filter; I had assumed it would make everything super-shiny. Brown is a possibility. I'll have to keep making those 50 kills with every weapon to see it! Just got my 100 head shots achieveme...err...medal.
damn, i had no interest in this game til I started reading the reviews of you folks here, then I played the demo and now I must run out and pick it up today.
[quote name='orko60']You "believe" or you know? I'm sure it's some kind of joke filter; I had assumed it would make everything super-shiny. Brown is a possibility. I'll have to keep making those 50 kills with every weapon to see it! Just got my 100 head shots achieveme...err...medal.[/quote]

I looked it up elsewhere after you said I interpreted wrong to correct myself since I had already beat the game Sunday. I wouldof double checked initially but I let my friend borrow the game after I beat it Sunday.

I even went another step and harassed my friend just now for you to check it himself. Now I have evidence I know to be correct that it does indeed tint brown. Though I didn't add before that it also adds a bit of bloom as all. Before, all had I found for an answer was "Browner and hurts eyes" when I was reading around to fix my mistake. I am allowed to do that, right?

If it's so much of a problem I'll make a note never to answer a question from you so I don't accidently give out misinformation by interpreting the original question wrong.
Here's what the "Next Gen Filter" is. It tints the world slightly brownish, and turns up the bloom effect to a ridiculous amount.

To best see the next gen filter in action, go to chapter select and replay the first segment where you're on the boat with the filter on. It's hilarious.
Pretty fun so far, At like stage 13 or something. There is a slight repetitiveness and it is pretty challenging like COD4 was but it's pretty fun so far.
So. Does this game really let you explore, or is it more on rails?

What I mean is... is it more like an Indiana Jones game, or is it more like Prince of Persia?
[quote name='Draekon']I looked it up elsewhere after you said I interpreted wrong to correct myself since I had already beat the game Sunday. I wouldof double checked initially but I let my friend borrow the game after I beat it Sunday.

I even went another step and harassed my friend just now for you to check it himself. Now I have evidence I know to be correct that it does indeed tint brown. Though I didn't add before that it also adds a bit of bloom as all. Before, all had I found for an answer was "Browner and hurts eyes" when I was reading around to fix my mistake. I am allowed to do that, right?

If it's so much of a problem I'll make a note never to answer a question from you so I don't accidently give out misinformation by interpreting the original question wrong.[/quote]

Just busting your balls, man. Thanks for the correction! I am just jealous because I haven't earned enough medals to get it!
[quote name='Gourd']So. Does this game really let you explore, or is it more on rails?

What I mean is... is it more like an Indiana Jones game, or is it more like Prince of Persia?[/quote]
Well, I haven't played any of the new PoP titles -- just the classic PC sidescroller from 1989! -- so I can't compare there, but all the Indy games I've played were more pure adventure games, whereas Uncharted is more of a hybrid.

You can explore in the sense that, once you clear an area of bad guys (if any), you can roam around, climb on things, look for treasures, collect ammo, or just enjoy the scenery and the graphics. You can't wander from the end of the island back to the beginning GTA-like or anything like that, but there is a good amount of leeway.

I think it's a great balance, keeping you interested with gunfights and puzzles, while not just forcing you to go through endless cycles of: (a) fight and watch cutscene, (b) repeat, like some other shooters do.
^ Gonna start Galaxy soon as I finish this. :D

I'm at 6 hours and 24 minutes and 78% done so the 8-9 hours on normal sounds just about right. I hate that it's coming to an end soon though as i'm having a blast with this game! This is right up near the top of the list for single player games this year across all platforms not just the PS3.
I'm glad I was wrong about the narrative so far. I think that the demo kinda spoiled
Sullivan's early demise
, but it was still kind of a downer in the game when it happened.

There appears, early on, to be a great deal of cheesy dialogue ("how bout them young Peruvian bartenders, eh Sully?" kinda crap); but, somehow, equally balanced, are moments where Nate mimics my exact thoughts about the game, turning a "christ this is cheesy" reaction into "AWESOME!"

For instance, his "hinky?" reaction to Sullivan had me in stitches, as well as a few others moments. I'm about 2 hours in, right in the middle of chapter 4. IMO, thus far, 2 and 3 were a fuckin' blast.

What's with all this "medal" crap? Is this their answer to gamerpoints/achievements? It's fine, I suppose, but I don't see how they can mimic what MS has done if they don't (1) implement this in all future titles or (2) display this as a score tagged with your PSN profile. I personally don't care, but I have a feeling that they'll get more shit from gamers for half-assing an achievement system than had they just never tried to implement one.
[quote name='mykevermin']What's with all this "medal" crap? Is this their answer to gamerpoints/achievements? It's fine, I suppose, but I don't see how they can mimic what MS has done if they don't (1) implement this in all future titles or (2) display this as a score tagged with your PSN profile. I personally don't care, but I have a feeling that they'll get more shit from gamers for half-assing an achievement system than had they just never tried to implement one.[/quote]
It's Naughty Dog's way of rewarding the player with bonus content as they play through the game, pretty much the same way that Insomniac has done for years. ND's mentioned some type of Home integration, but that's as far as they've said about that.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's Naughty Dog's way of rewarding the player with bonus content as they play through the game, pretty much the same way that Insomniac has done for years. ND's mentioned some type of Home integration, but that's as far as they've said about that.[/quote]

Yes. I hope all of these medals are somehow lifted out and thrown into Home when it comes out. I hope all of this stuff (Ratchet's, too) is modular and working in the same way. I think the HOme dev kits have gone out, so people should know how to format "trophies" for use in Home, I would think. I'll be proud to have my Sony Nerd Points someday.

Shane Bettenhausen from EGM and 1upYours still claims that there will be a Home Open Beta this year. Here's to hoping he's right.
Picked this up just now @ GS w/10% off coupon and my remaining credit. Can't wait to play as soon as I get back home.
Just finished this AWESOME freakin game! If you own a PS3 you must play this game, if you don't own a PS3 you now have something to drool about.

Finished it in 9 hours exactly on normal, didn't find half the treasures but i'm not into fine tooth combing everything looking for that kinda stuff. Ending was great and leaves you wanting more.

I've got a pristine copy going on my trade list right now if anyone wants in at a black saturday price. :D Or I may just keep it since it's a great game and i'll pick it up again sooner or later anyway.
fuck the final boss. That's all I'm sayin' for now.

EDIT: Okay, beat the game on Normal. The final boss was mind-numbingly frustrating to the point of thinking it ruined the whole game. When you figure out the pattern though, it becomes far too easy all of a sudden. A pretty big letdown of a finale for a great game overall. I'll try it on hard, as I did enjoy the game very much, so perhaps it was the difficulty level.

I do think the game is a little too forgiving with checkpoints, and ends up with a Bioshock-like atmosphere where dying isn't a very big deal. That's unfortunate. I also thought there were a number of times where the hit detection could kiss my ass. More often than not, I ended up with my satisfying (BOOM!) headshot. Still, many times I had perfect aim and missed as a result of hit detection or the "invisible" parts of columns protecting enemies.

I also disagree with whomever thought the game was more exploration than killin'. It's easily 60/40 in favor of killin', in my opinion at any rate.

I look forward to playing through this again. It's a great platformer, and any accusations of its brevity are rather shortsighted, IMO, given just how bloody short other games lacking multiplayer tend to be (e.g., MGS series, Resident Evil series, Stranglehold).

I was very disappointed that
the game did not give you the satisfaction of killing Roman yourself, even if the sudden twist of "the main enemy is someone else now" was a unique surprise

27/60 treasures the first time though, not paying much attention to them or using a FAQ. Not too shabby, IMO. I look forward to seeing where the remainder are hidden.
myk: I agree somewhat with your spoilered comment.
However, I think it was fine that Roman died the way he did, after all, in a lot of these pulp adventure stories the villain is killed by the thing he's looking for. It seemed like a very acceptable way for him to die. My main problem was that the other guy, I don't even remember his name that tries to take El Dorado at the end wasn't introduced in a meaningful way earlier in the story. He was always a background character until suddenly he has speaking lines. When he finally became a full character I was wondering, "Who are you and where did you come from?" Instead of, "This is intriguing."

Im in chapter 18 in the genertor room and want to know WHERE THE HELL ARE THE GOD DAMN SWITCHES I have been looking for them for ages.
[quote name='nharmon91']I need HELP PLEASSSE

Im in chapter 18 in the genertor room and want to know WHERE THE HELL ARE THE GOD DAMN SWITCHES I have been looking for them for ages.

after you turn the generator crank, there are two side rooms (hallways, really) that both have switches. Walk to the end and hop up on the platform. They're on the other side of the cage doors.

This is a very, very good game, but I don't agree with a score of 10.
Yeah I just finished today. Although spoiled a little because I kinda saw my wife go through it first it was stilla top notch ride.

My personal rating would probably be a 9.25 and this should really be the template for all future similar games.
Saw a picture of the Doughnut Drake skin in the Official Forums on the PS site. :lol:



Wanna hear a major bummer? I was at my Hollywood Video tonight dropping off some games I'd rented that were due today. I figured what the heck I'll look to see if Uncharted is here. Go to look..On the shelf they had the display case plus one of the rental cases. I was really excited thinkin this is what I'm gonna rent for sure! Get it to the counter, the girl goes to get it..comes back and tells me they don't have it :( It's like awww man they should pull the rental case off the shelf till it comes back! I'm definitely gonna go back and try to get it in the next few days. Problem is they have ONLY ONE copy at my store. 1! :( Soooo needless to say it's gonna be a pain just to get my hands on it but I definitely want to play it :) Just thought I'd share my bummer story...what a way to end the weekend :(
[quote name='bh7812']Wanna hear a major bummer? I was at my Hollywood Video tonight dropping off some games I'd rented that were due today. I figured what the heck I'll look to see if Uncharted is here. Go to look..On the shelf they had the display case plus one of the rental cases. I was really excited thinkin this is what I'm gonna rent for sure! Get it to the counter, the girl goes to get it..comes back and tells me they don't have it :( It's like awww man they should pull the rental case off the shelf till it comes back! I'm definitely gonna go back and try to get it in the next few days. Problem is they have ONLY ONE copy at my store. 1! :( Soooo needless to say it's gonna be a pain just to get my hands on it but I definitely want to play it :) Just thought I'd share my bummer story...what a way to end the weekend :([/quote]

There's a simple solution to this delimma.. simply buy the game, and sell it on here when you're done if you don't want to keep it :)
[quote name='Robobandit']There's a simple solution to this delimma.. simply buy the game, and sell it on here when you're done if you don't want to keep it :)[/quote]Maybe it's too much of a hassle.
This is actually one of the games I really wanted to buy this year and I'd definitely just go ahead and buy it, same with a few other games. But money's enormously tight right now so renting's the only option. If I like Uncharted and looks like I will I'll slap it on the Christmas list :)
Picked up this game at TRU with the $25 gift card from Super Mario Galaxy. Decided to plug it in tio check out the first area and see how it looked on my new 46" LCD. I intended to play for about 15 minutes before heading to bed.

3 hours later, I find myself looking at the clock and wondering where the hell the time went.

To me, this is the ultimate praise for a game. Very seldom do I get so immersed into a game that I loose track of time. Very happy with the purchase so far.
Beat it last night. Really awesome game, but I feel like the graphical excellence of the beginning started to wane in the last few levels. Some of the textures, design, etc. was just downright ugly near the end. Also, disappointing last encounter, but that seems to be par for the course these days. Had the same problem in Ratchet as well.

Overall, great game. Going to play through again!
I just finished the game, enjoyed it thoroughly. Dont know exactly how long it took because I never looked at the clock when I was playing it. Good story, cant wait for the next one to come out. I guess I'll have to wait another 2 years or so eh?
I'm at 90% complete and I'm taking my sweetass time with the last bit...trying to savor every remaining moment of this experience. Such a good game!

Does the Nathan Drake character remind anyone else of Nathan Fillion, specifically his character from Serenity/Firefly? I see a lot of similarities...maybe they should make an Uncharted movie? :)
Not 16 for me but it completely locked up and froze on me in Chapter 4 & 5. PS Button wasn't able to work either.
I went & read the forums on the PS site & it seems alot of people are having problems with it....Other than the freeze ups its a great game though.
bread's done