Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - OUT NOW - Trophy Patch Released!

[quote name='Nephlabobo']Why would you sell it?

And I'd just like to add that Uncharted, with rumble, is GREAT! :lol:[/QUOTE]

I sold mine right after beating it to a CAG'r. I just didnt see much replay after I beat it the first time....the story doesnt change, there arent extra endings, and I got about 3/4 of the treasures.

I'm not really one for art galleries and "making of" stuff or new costumes/debug features.

It was a great game for the 8 hours it took, but I didnt see much need to replay it when my backlog is so extensive and there are other top tier games to play.
[quote name='Nephlabobo']Got it today. Just started the demo level. Digging it but I wish there was a button to center the camera behind you[/QUOTE]
Doesn't clicking in the right stick do that?
I've been enjoying the game until it turned into I Am Legend. Died at least 15 times trying to get that fucking elevator started.
[quote name='Nephlabobo']I've been enjoying the game until it turned into I Am Legend. Died at least 15 times trying to get that fucking elevator started.
Thats the most enjoyable part of the game for me at least. Trying to fend those fuckers off, strafing and pumping bullets into them were both exhilirating and freightening at the same time. I still get a qwesy feeling when I think of the times when they grab onto you and you need to shake the Sixaxis to get them off.
[quote name='knightsdwn']Thats the most enjoyable part of the game for me at least. Trying to fend those fuckers off, strafing and pumping bullets into them were both exhilirating and freightening at the same time. I still get a qwesy feeling when I think of the times when they grab onto you and you need to shake the Sixaxis to get them off.[/quote]

The whole seemed to come from nowhere and didn't make any sense until much later in the game.

It just really jarred with the rest of the game when it was introduced.

It reminded me of Psi-Ops, where you were fighting soldiers for the entire game until you suddenly had to start fighting ghosts out of nowhere.
[quote name='Nephlabobo']I've been enjoying the game until it turned into I Am Legend. Died at least 15 times trying to get that fucking elevator started.
I didn't die that much. I just ran around and shot at them, I didn't bother for the over the shoulder view.
Well, one thing I didn't realise is that you
were supposed to run for the door and run out of the room once you'd pulled the two switches. I was running around in the room, slowly running out of ammo, thinking I was supposed to kill them all - when I didn't need to!


And I fucking loved that jeep chase.
[quote name='Nephlabobo']Got it today. Just started the demo level. Digging it but I wish there was a button to center the camera behind you[/QUOTE]

click R3, or maybe L3, one of those does the trick.

oops...someone already answered...what can you do sometimes.
This game turned out to be a big disappointment for me, so far. Unless it picks up drastically in the last half I can't say that I would agree with the acclaim it has received. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot to like, it's the best looking game on any console, it's got a decent story with good acting, and that's really it. I enjoyed the first hour or so (up to the beginning of the demo), it featured a good balance of shooting and exploration. But after that, the developers decided to throw an unecessary amount of enemies at Nate for no reason. Where there should be 1-2 waves of enemies in a shootout, you're faced with 4-5. I guess they felt the need to artificially ramp of the difficulty or maybe the lengthen the game, either way it's a big annoyance. You just end up repeating the same pattern in a single area to take out the barrage of enemies. The shooting mechanic is good, but it's not that good. And while the exploration can be fun, the platforming elements got repetitive quickly.

I don't know, maybe I'm being a little harsh, but I don't feel like I'm doing anything "new" and what I am doing isn't much fun. I do know that after playing tonight, I went and finished HL: Episode 2 and had much more fun with a game using an engine that's over two years old.
Started the game yesterday and I cant believe how great it is. The sound and music are over the top. DTS! The game looks great of course but it plays really well and I love the story so far. It drew me in and I like how it plays out. I love how the camra is done so many times I am in awe of the visuals or how they setup a scene. Like at one point you need some way to get a little further along this path then you shoot a truck and it gets lodged in this area for a few minutes so you can pass. Very well setup and loads of fun.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']This game turned out to be a big disappointment for me, so far. Unless it picks up drastically in the last half I can't say that I would agree with the acclaim it has received. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot to like, it's the best looking game on any console, it's got a decent story with good acting, and that's really it. I enjoyed the first hour or so (up to the beginning of the demo), it featured a good balance of shooting and exploration. But after that, the developers decided to throw an unecessary amount of enemies at Nate for no reason. Where there should be 1-2 waves of enemies in a shootout, you're faced with 4-5. I guess they felt the need to artificially ramp of the difficulty or maybe the lengthen the game, either way it's a big annoyance. You just end up repeating the same pattern in a single area to take out the barrage of enemies. The shooting mechanic is good, but it's not that good. And while the exploration can be fun, the platforming elements got repetitive quickly.

I don't know, maybe I'm being a little harsh, but I don't feel like I'm doing anything "new" and what I am doing isn't much fun. I do know that after playing tonight, I went and finished HL: Episode 2 and had much more fun with a game using an engine that's over two years old.[/quote]
Are you talking about the courtyard scene (just after some jails) with a turret above and several waves of enemies? That's one of the boss-level battles you run into throughout the game that test your skill along the way. That whole white castle scene lasted a bit too long for my taste, but once you get to the jeep chase scene, it kicks back into gear.
Anyone have the sound just cut out on them? I was in Chapter 9 and it just quit. Everything but the game had sound. I even played a different game and it worked. It was the weirdest thing.
[quote name='Kendal']Anyone have the sound just cut out on them? I was in Chapter 9 and it just quit. Everything but the game had sound. I even played a different game and it worked. It was the weirdest thing.[/quote]
Happened to me at least 5 times, but for some reason it happens to a lot of other ps3 games I've played too. Luckily they go away after a couple of seconds though. Hope my ps3 lasts.....

I didn't expect this game to be that great either. I mean I expected a good time, but the reviews haven't done it justice. Sure it does a lot of things that have been done, but it does them extremely well and pacing is amazing. I'd rather play this than some crap game with unique gameplay.

Solid 9/10 for me. My nitpicks would be the annoying tearing and sometimes overdone shooting segments.
[quote name='k3fallout']I'm starting to regret buying Assassin's Creed over this.[/QUOTE]

How long do you think it will take you to beat Assassin's Creed? Because if you think you will get through it fairly quickly and want to trade Assassin's Creed for Uncharted, send me a PM or let me know. Again, depending on when, I would likely be interested.
I just beat the game, and here are my quick thoughts:

After finally getting home and sitting down with this game, I have to say it's definitely one of the best games I've ever played.

However, there are some problems that I'm sure a few of you have experienced, as well. First of all, at times, textures don't load as fast as they should, and the game leaves you looking at low-res underlayer textures, which just looks bad. Gears of War had this same problem.

I came across another trouble spot that was a lot more frustrating. I found, throughout the game, that the hit detection wasn't as accurate as it should be. I can remember countless times where I'd have an enemy dead in my sights while he's behind cover and my bullet would hit the object he was behind despite the reticule clearly having my enemy in view. Like I said, pretty frustrating.

I felt the game focused too much on action and not enough exploration and platforming. The shooting mechanic is very well done, but I felt Naughty Dog did a better job at implementing platforming in the game and would have liked to seen that been more of a focus. However, I say this after just recently beating Resistance and Heavenly Sword, so it could be that I'm just tired of run and gunning a bit.

Graphically, the game is better than nearly anything I've ever played. Everything from clothing to the water is simply gorgeus. Textures are all very detailed and the water is rendered more realistically than I've seen before. Just jawdropping.

Additionally the voice acting, script and motion capturing are all top notch. Kudos to Naughty Dog on getting nearly everything right.

In the end, Uncharted is a most excellent game, but I'd have to give my nod to Heavenly Sword as being the superior of the two. I felt it was much more epic, featured better implementation of the SIXAXIS controller and had a much, much more awesome boss battle. To be honest, I was kinda let down with Uncharted's final boss.

I just hope the game sales well enough to convince Naughty Dog to continue the series, cause it's one of the best out there today. I'm tired of playing these dark games and thoroughly enjoyed the colorful and exotic environment in Uncharted. Awesome, awesome game.
How long do you think it will take you to beat Assassin's Creed? Because if you think you will get through it fairly quickly and want to trade Assassin's Creed for Uncharted, send me a PM or let me know. Again, depending on when, I would likely be interested.

Well awhile because I just got my ps3 a month ago and haven't opened it yet due to waiting for my new 60" tv to come in..so I haven't even played it yet. Everything is coming in this coming thursday so I may or may not change my mind. I'll let you know.
I've got to get started on this game.. I bought this, and Rachet at the same time and I've been working on Ratchet first.
[quote name='Thomas96']I've got to get started on this game.. I bought this, and Rachet at the same time and I've been working on Ratchet first.[/QUOTE]
I am with you there. I bought COD4, Uncharted, and Ratchet.

I am doing COD4 first, then uncharted as I know Uncharted is shorter. I beat COD4 on single player this weekend and will dump it (might pick it back up later for Multi, but probably not).

Uncharted is turning into a shooting fest in my opinion. I do like the game, but the enemies just keep coming, at least Drake realizes this and makes comments on it, that helps.

I was hoping for an Indiana Jones, Pitfall, type game. I am sure it will end up like that, but they could have threw a little less enemies at me. I want to go explore not shoot people.

I am curious how everyone claims its the best looking game they have ever seen? I dont think its graphically much better than any other top tier game out right now.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']However, there are some problems that I'm sure a few of you have experienced, as well. First of all, at times, textures don't load as fast as they should, and the game leaves you looking at low-res underlayer textures, which just looks bad. Gears of War had this same problem.

I came across another trouble spot that was a lot more frustrating. I found, throughout the game, that the hit detection wasn't as accurate as it should be. I can remember countless times where I'd have an enemy dead in my sights while he's behind cover and my bullet would hit the object he was behind despite the reticule clearly having my enemy in view. Like I said, pretty frustrating.

I felt the game focused too much on action and not enough exploration and platforming. The shooting mechanic is very well done, but I felt Naughty Dog did a better job at implementing platforming in the game and would have liked to seen that been more of a focus. However, I say this after just recently beating Resistance and Heavenly Sword, so it could be that I'm just tired of run and gunning a bit.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this all around, with one caveat: while I think there could be more exploration, and there should be, I'd be satisfied with more challenging exploration. There's a fine line where platforming difficulty, tweaked a tad too much, becomes "frustrating" or "broken" gameplay. So I can understand why they'd want to be somewhat conservative. But I think that some of the stages, while very good, were either too linear or too obvious in their puzzles (e.g., the area with all the roman numerals in the floor). I'd like to fall to my demise a bit more, but with the challenge to keep trying. Maybe 10% more plummeting to my demise.

I also fully agree with the way the "invisible" polygons in things like stacked stone walls got in the way of a perfect (BOOM!) headshot. It happened enough to piss me off, but not enough to significantly ruin the game.

I also don't imagine Sony's going to let this franchise drop, given how highly it's been praised. I don't think it sold according to their expectations, but with Sony, a sequel is inevitable. Probably not in 2008, though.
Just finished the game and I too was disappointed.


- Best graphics I've ever seen in a console game
- Fun story complete with awesome voice acting and animations
- Music and sound effects
- Friendly and enemy AI
- Environment, atmosphere, and presentation are top notch
- Game has a good sense of humor


- There are too many enemies on the island and why are they always one step ahead of me even though they don't have the clues?
- Why is Drake positioned as an "every man" even though he can take on hundreds of enemies and pull off seemingly impossible jumping and climbing feats? The only difference between Drake and the stereotypical "bald space marine" is his appearance.
- Too much shooting. I was hoping this would be more of an adventure/platforming game.
- Platforming and "puzzle" elements are overly simplified and easy
- The shooting itself feels subpar. Enemies take too many bullets to kill and the aiming feels a little rigid. Also, the animations that the enemies make after barely missed shots are goofy.
- Cartoony death animations detract from realistic environment (e.g., enemies jumping five feet straight up into the air after getting hit by a sniper bullet)
- Too linear... I would have preferred some branching paths and more open areas.
- The "twist" towards the end was incredibly lame (
the undead enemies... they were pretty generic and I was hoping the game would stay grounded in reality
- Game was too short with little replay value for me (finding treasures is lame)

Despite all of the cons, I would still rate the game a solid 8/10 (on a no decimal scale) because overall it was a very enjoyable experience. I was just hoping for so much more given the hype this game has received.
So, I finally got a working PS3, and I can't stop playing Uncharted. Sure, it isn't innovative, but it does such a good job of being derrivative.

As someone who played the first Tomb Raider on the PS1, this is the game I always wanted. I hope that Naughty Dog gets the license to make the game version for the new Indiana Jones movie since Uncharted is as close to playing an Indiana Jones movie as I've seen yet.
[quote name='leveskikesko']Happened to me at least 5 times, but for some reason it happens to a lot of other ps3 games I've played too. Luckily they go away after a couple of seconds though. Hope my ps3 lasts.....[/quote]

Mine had to be reset. It was weird. I am going to try to play today. Hopefully the game will have sound!
[quote name='Snake2715']I am with you there. I bought COD4, Uncharted, and Ratchet.

I am doing COD4 first, then uncharted as I know Uncharted is shorter. I beat COD4 on single player this weekend and will dump it (might pick it back up later for Multi, but probably not).

Uncharted is turning into a shooting fest in my opinion. I do like the game, but the enemies just keep coming, at least Drake realizes this and makes comments on it, that helps.

I was hoping for an Indiana Jones, Pitfall, type game. I am sure it will end up like that, but they could have threw a little less enemies at me. I want to go explore not shoot people.

I am curious how everyone claims its the best looking game they have ever seen? I dont think its graphically much better than any other top tier game out right now.[/QUOTE]

One of the reasons why Uncharted is so combat heavy is due to the dev team spending so much time, on the precision hits, and the rag doll effects. I think that just really wanted to showcase their engine, and also, having lots of enemies on screen is a bit of a showcase as well. Exploring is good, but for most, people want action. Remember it is a video game... an action game needs a little Over the top action in it.

Since playing CoD4 online, I can't even get into the single player.. I know its good, but the online component has a grip on me.
[quote name='Aleman']Just finished the game and I too was disappointed.


- There are too many enemies on the island and why are they always one step ahead of me even though they don't have the clues?


Yes! I would always laugh my ass off when I would see a hoard of enemies in special areas that only Drake could get into. I was like "huh?".
[quote name='mykevermin']I agree with this all around, with one caveat: while I think there could be more exploration, and there should be, I'd be satisfied with more challenging exploration. There's a fine line where platforming difficulty, tweaked a tad too much, becomes "frustrating" or "broken" gameplay. So I can understand why they'd want to be somewhat conservative. But I think that some of the stages, while very good, were either too linear or too obvious in their puzzles (e.g., the area with all the roman numerals in the floor). I'd like to fall to my demise a bit more, but with the challenge to keep trying. Maybe 10% more plummeting to my demise.[/QUOTE]

I read a good interview in EGM where the creators talked about their preference for more challenging puzzles but that they kept getting feedback from focus groups that it was too frustrating. She even mentioned that she thought it might be an age thing where younger players just liked the shooting aspects more.

Also, I think they've all but confirmed that this is intended to be a franchise, at least for this console generation.
[quote name='Blackout542']Yes! I would always laugh my ass off when I would see a hoard of enemies in special areas that only Drake could get into. I was like "huh?".[/quote]
Would the game be interesting at all if there were maybe 20 total enemies in the whole game?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Would the game be interesting at all if there were maybe 20 total enemies in the whole game?[/quote]

Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking the game, in fact it's one of the best I've played in a while. I just always find things like that funny.
[quote name='Blackout542']Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking the game, in fact it's one of the best I've played in a while. I just always find things like that funny.[/quote]
I got that. It's something most movies and games have. Just look at the death animations and you can see that the devs didn't want to make the game ultra realistic and serious.
Just finished up the game. If they made it save and restart you just before each leg of the final fight, I could see it being a more enjoyable encounter. Having to restart unless you get to that third leg is a bad choice, but the game goes out the same way it starts. Love the story, the gameplay, and I look forward to trying it out on hard. I can't imagine some of these hard enounters being any harder.

How many medal points and treasures did you guys get by the end of your first run through? I got 360 and 29 treasures. I found treasures a bit hard to spot since you can't see most unless you see the glimmer or run into them in corners.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Just finished up the game. If they made it save and restart you just before each leg of the final fight, I could see it being a more enjoyable encounter. Having to restart unless you get to that third leg is a bad choice, but the game goes out the same way it starts. Love the story, the gameplay, and I look forward to trying it out on hard. I can't imagine some of these hard enounters being any harder.

How many medal points and treasures did you guys get by the end of your first run through? I got 360 and 29 treasures. I found treasures a bit hard to spot since you can't see most unless you see the glimmer or run into them in corners.[/quote]

I got about 300 something points and 48 treasures. I missed most of them at the beginning of the game. I'm on my second play through to get all the gun points.

Anyone play Crushing? How hard is it?
Can someone snap a in-game snapshot on their TV with HDMI settings? I want to see how the colors should be on my TV, since I messed around a lot with the settings.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Just look at the death animations and you can see that the devs didn't want to make the game ultra realistic and serious.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='pete5883']On 3speech they had an interview with someone from Naughty Dog saying that there used to be ragdoll physics for dying enemies, and you used to be able to shoot birds, but both were taken out for fear it would bump it up to an M rating. Dumb.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='pete5883']:lol:[/quote]
Just because they may have wanted to do that at one point during development doesn't mean that they didn't decide to move on and go for the movie-like deaths that are in the game now.
Here, because I stopped being lazy:

Best physics in a game, but why not incorporate the rag doll physics on downed enemies? I know they are there, but they only react when you run over them. Nothing happens when you shoot them. What was the reason behind this?

Actually we had the bodies reacting to bullets all the way up until the last couple of weeks of development. It came down to a ratings issue, and we really didn’t think that it was worth the risk of receiving a more mature rating for such a small feature.

[quote name='pete5883']Here, because I stopped being lazy:

http://threespeech.com/blog/?p=766#more-766[/QUOTE]Yeah, this is something SCE does force upon many developers these days. Do what it takes to keep games at a T level rating. Only M rated games they've published over the last years have been God of War II and Resistance. I mean, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror was M-rated on PSP and became T-rated on PS2. Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow, every Socom game after the third on PS2, Warhawk, Genji 2, Heavenly Sword, etc. were all T-rated. I heard from the developers of HS themselves them removed blood (and other violent actions) to keep the game at a T-rating level. SCEA mentioned before they prefer doing this so their games can be purchased by a wider audience (a good percentage of the PlayStation audience are young teens. And there are some states/stores have laws/rules requiring an I.D. on M-rated games). I'm completely neutral on this issue (I don't support nor do I dislike the idea). I don't want to spin this anymore off topic, but this is what I investigated once.

But anyway, I think Uncharted barely slipped under the M-rating. I thought the way enemies died was pretty cool, but could admit it could use some improvement I kind of wish headshots were better implemented (tough to get them in Uncharted, but easier to get them in Syphon Filter on PSP). Speaking about Uncharted makes me want to play again now. :)
Fun game, loved the little MC Hammer dance the A.I. does to dodge bullets. The only thing that killed it for me was the "curse".
after playing the game... if there's something better graphically on a console... then please find it... cause I don't think there is.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Yeah, this is something SCE does force upon many developers these days. Do what it takes to keep games at a T level rating. Only M rated games they've published over the last years have been God of War II and Resistance. I mean, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror was M-rated on PSP and became T-rated on PS2. Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow, every Socom game after the third on PS2, Warhawk, Genji 2, Heavenly Sword, etc. were all T-rated. I heard from the developers of HS themselves them removed blood (and other violent actions) to keep the game at a T-rating level. SCEA mentioned before they prefer doing this so their games can be purchased by a wider audience (a good percentage of the PlayStation audience are young teens. And there are some states/stores have laws/rules requiring an I.D. on M-rated games). I'm completely neutral on this issue (I don't support nor do I dislike the idea). I don't want to spin this anymore off topic, but this is what I investigated once.

But anyway, I think Uncharted barely slipped under the M-rating. I thought the way enemies died was pretty cool, but could admit it could use some improvement I kind of wish headshots were better implemented (tough to get them in Uncharted, but easier to get them in Syphon Filter on PSP). Speaking about Uncharted makes me want to play again now. :)[/QUOTE]

Perhaps I have not done the research on what material warrants a certain rating, but I cannot see how Uncharted got a T and all the Halos are rated M.

In Halo, there is no real swearing, not too much blood, and you are killing aliens.

In Uncharted, there is swearing, there is blood, and you are killing humans in a "real world" situation.

But regardless, great, great, great game. I am already looking forward to Uncharted 2. I wonder if they will keep it all one theme (like island) or will have you in different types of locations. I know it is a ways off (if ever coming) but it should be sweet!
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Okay, what does that have to do with death animations then? He's talking about after their dead and just lying on the ground.[/QUOTE]
Now that you mention it... nothing. I fail at reading.
[quote name='pete5883']Now that you mention it... nothing. I fail at reading.[/quote]
:lol: Just wanted to make sure that if we were talking about two different things, that we'd save time and abort.
Quick question:

Does the U.S., Asia, Japanese, U.K. editions have any differences at all (other than language/regional differences) in terms of gameplay?

I'm scared the Asia edition I ordered will have like, less blood compared to the U.S. version
[quote name='TyPe-ZeRo']Quick question:

Does the U.S., Asia, Japanese, U.K. editions have any differences at all (other than language/regional differences) in terms of gameplay?

I'm scared the Asia edition I ordered will have like, less blood compared to the U.S. version[/quote]
If I remember correctly, it's the region the system is from, not the game, that affects the blood.

bread's done