*UPDATED* Best Buy @ Gamer - 9/30/12 - 11/10/12 | Wikified


For those of you who are wondering the cover of this months @gamer is CoD, hence the CoD themed discounts.

NOTE : These coupons will be in a special edition of @Gamer that sells in-store for $9.99 and will NOT be shipped to Gamer Club Unlocked Members.

$20 Off Call of Duty Blops (ps3 / xbox 360)

$20 off CoD: Modern Warfare 3 (ps3 / xbox 360)

$20 off select gunnar optics for gaming

$15 off hauppauge HD-PVR2

$15 off 12-month subscription for xbla, posa, and digital

$15 off 12-month subscription for psn, posa, and digital

$10 off CoD: MoD 2 for (ps3 / xbox 360)

$30 off turtle beach call of duty: black ops 2 tango headset

This link is going to be outdated shortly but I'm leaving it here as there are a few days left.
Link to what versions the coupons apply to
Updated : http://forums.bestbuy.com/t5/Rewar...all-of-Duty-Special-Edition-Gamer/td-p/586998
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What is the chance of both Mass Effect 3 and Lollipoop Chain being $10 a pop?

Also, have not got my mag yet. subscribed in store about 2 months ago and have not gotten my first issue.
[quote name='YBX87']are u sure it would work on collectors edition, because the sku is totally different[/QUOTE]Doesn't matter anymore CE are in play

[quote name='Borellius']Buy a visa prepaid card.[/QUOTE]You only get points when you purchase a BB pre-paid visa not when you spend it. I convert BB credit to BB pre-paid visa, then goto walmart & get a walmart GC which I then convert to a walmart moneycard($3 fee no matter what amount). Then I use the moneycard anywhere including BB.

Also, for those who have trouble reaching silver status
just purchase the pre-paid visas from BB & use them to pay your bills. If your phone bill is say $100/month there's $1200 right there. Add in a car payment or insurance & you got $2500 real easily.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But if you max out the pre-paid Visa by putting the full $200 on there and use game trade credit to do so, then it's like having CASH that you can spend ANYWHERE. To me the $6 fee is a small price to pay to get a gift card that's available to be used at more than just BB.[/QUOTE]yep yep I'd suggest getting a pack of stickers to put the amounts on them though if you really purchase alot. I'm sitting on 4-7 of them but several I'm keeping for 2 months just for price matches then they get recycled.
Take my advice & invest in a walmart moneycard the flat $3 is the best deal out that I've seen.
I joined Gamer's Club Unlocked over a week ago, and I haven't gotten any email from Best Buy acknowledging that I joined. I signed up for digital subscription too, so this inaction on their part does worry me slightly.
[quote name='WatTsu']Not to, uh, derail the derailment, but I was wondering...

I'm not a big fan of modern military shooters (I'm sorta bored/repulsed by CoD) but I'm sort of intrigued by the idea of BF3 for $10. If I'm put off by the attitude and gameplay of CoD would I possibly enjoy BF3 on a gameplay level? I like the idea of jumping into vehicles and I remember enjoying Battlefield 1943 back in the day.[/QUOTE]

Yes, you can have fun even if you aren't a big shooter fan. I like driving the tanks.
[quote name='UltraMysteryDopplega']Console games: $60 new, $40 after 3 months

PC Games: keys available online for $25-$35 within a week of release, generally $5-$15 after 3 months.

Also, a PS3 was $600 new and a 360 was $400. Then there were $50 controllers, a $100+ ripoff hard drive just to give the 360 enough space to download more than a few demos, the Xbox live scam at $50/yr. And most people buy more than one console.

Console gaming is more expensive than PC gaming over the long run yet vastly inferior. I play my games at 2560x1600 constant 60fps, ridiculous eye candy and AA...honestly console games give me a headache now to even try to play them due to eyestrain from the lack of clarity. Many Xbox 360 games could not even run at true 1280x720 and are upscaled from a lower resolution, it just looks horrible. Then add in that any 3d game with even the most basic graphical effects, like Gears of War, runs at 30fps or less. (I call gears of war basic because even though it's one of the best looking console games, the graphics are simplistic by pc standards). I once worked it out and my PC has 50x or more the graphical crunching horsepower of a 360. Go look at some computer charts:


See that 8800 GT four cards from the bottom that can run the game at a whopping 3fps? It's like twice as fast as a 7800GTX...the PS3 and 360 are comparable to but somewhat weaker than a 7800GTX. And that chart doesn't even have the newest generation of cards, or the best multiGPU systems. For example, I have three 6970s which would probably put my FPS at around 85 on that chart. Compared to the 1-2 FPS that a 360 or PS3 could maintain in Metro 2033 at those settings.

Sorry, but LOL, just LOL at console peasants. I only use mine for 2d games now.[/QUOTE]

My kid plays once upon a monsters, kinectimals, fantastic pets, and a bunch of other games like that. Can your pc play those games? Why are you calling people peasnats without acknowledging the shortcomings of your platform. A 2 seat sports car that gets 8 miles per gallon may be fun to drive but you won't drive your family crosscountry in it. Or mayby I'm a stupid peasant that just doesn't get it.
[quote name='UltraMysteryDopplega']

Sorry, but LOL, just LOL at console peasants. I only use mine for 2d games now.[/QUOTE]

I love the PC fanboys when they pick fights. The fact is that there are countless console exclusives, delay for PC releases, and nearly all PC games that are multi-platform are ports of the console version makes someone like you look like you have a mental disability. BUT EYE CANDY!!!!!! How much did that eye candy cost you? Probably cost you more games you could have boughten.

You get a much more stable experience on consoles due to the certification process, cost of patches (first one is free on 360 for the dev/publisher), and the unification of the hardware between users.

There are advantages to consoles and the PC. I own all three consoles and a very capable gaming PC (GTX 480) which cost me about $500 a few years ago.

I hope people learn to stop being loyal to a platform, the gaming world does not work this way anymore. Not all games come to PC, not all games come to consoles. If you want the chance to play any game that may be released you need to own every console. That even includes handhelds, but I dont have the resources to buy those and games for them.

Anyways I've been very happy so far with GCU and I plan to preorder at least one CONSOLE game to get the $20 deal, probably AC3 which is delayed for PC.
[quote name='WatTsu']Not to, uh, derail the derailment, but I was wondering...

I'm not a big fan of modern military shooters (I'm sorta bored/repulsed by CoD) but I'm sort of intrigued by the idea of BF3 for $10. If I'm put off by the attitude and gameplay of CoD would I possibly enjoy BF3 on a gameplay level? I like the idea of jumping into vehicles and I remember enjoying Battlefield 1943 back in the day.[/QUOTE]

Damn you for derailing the thrilling PC vs Console discussion! I really cant believe it got this far all because I agreed with IATCG that PC gaming is a pain in the ass due to the variety of things folks have pointed out the last few pages. And for the record, if you love PC games, great. I dont blame you, they are the best technically, but all I was saying is that TO ME its not worth the effort when I can just pop a console game on and play right away for the most part.

Anyways, as far as BF3 is concerned, why are you bored/repulsed by COD gameplay exactly? Are you just not happy that a shit ton of people play the "same game" every year? I enjoy nearly all the COD type of games as I always wait for them and the Medal of Honors and the like to drop to $20 or less. I pick them up to play the SP only then trade them back in and usually get near or more than what I paid depending on promos. IF you like to blow shit up and enjoy military scenarios then you will like these games. IF you dont enjoy blowing shit up with the military then you wont like the games.

Obviously I enjoy blowing shit up and always find playing military shooters fun and relaxing as killing "insurgents" and bad guys is a good stress reliever for me. So I will be picking up BF3 for $10
[quote name='kayne2000']lol no. PC gaming is better technically sure....but it is far more annoying and at times just royally pisses me off. i could PC game but its too much of a pain.

constantly upgrading drivers and graphics cards and CPU and everything else. downloading patches to no end. DRM crap. and a general lack of ability to just put a game in the CD drive and play instantly. and if you have friends over PC gaming is mostly a 1 man show if couch potato multiplayer is your thing PC gaming fails.

console gaming while not superior it is much easier to deal with.

and to get the superior affect of PC gaming one has to constantly have THE BEST graphics card and CPU...well especially graphics card or you will get graphics that look on par with the console peasants as you put it.

then there is this...

this. i really dont get it. i have a gaming PC also...there is a game or two i use it for now and then and i have gamed on it sometimes but quite frankly its just not worth the hassle half of the time.

now to the bolded....i seriously dont get this. of the gaming fanboys that exist in real life and on forums Pure PC gamers are generally by far the worst in system wars type of forums. i dont really get the concept of sticking to just one system out of some misguided Elite status. while the 360 is my choice console i dont have any ill will towards the other systems.

there is also something that is odd and strange about PC games they are usually 1000x more addicting.[/QUOTE]

That's a lot of hyperbole. Video card drivers, unless they are brand new and bleeding edge (Ie $500+ cards) come out less often than firmware updates for consoles. CPU Drivers (wot?).. Patches are just as common on PC gaming now, and it's largely much more convenient considering Steam auto updates games.

Second point about popping in a CD, I'm not sure if you've used PC gaming much in the past 5 or so years but it's the leader in digital distribution. I have my library of games two clicks away.

I own a PS3, Wii and gaming PC, and I'm sure someday I'll buy a 360. They all have their advantages and disadvantages.
[quote name='Enuf']Doesn't matter anymore CE are in play

You only get points when you purchase a BB pre-paid visa not when you spend it. I convert BB credit to BB pre-paid visa, then goto walmart & get a walmart GC which I then convert to a walmart moneycard($3 fee no matter what amount). Then I use the moneycard anywhere including BB.

Also, for those who have trouble reaching silver status
just purchase the pre-paid visas from BB & use them to pay your bills. If your phone bill is say $100/month there's $1200 right there. Add in a car payment or insurance & you got $2500 real easily.

yep yep I'd suggest getting a pack of stickers to put the amounts on them though if you really purchase alot. I'm sitting on 4-7 of them but several I'm keeping for 2 months just for price matches then they get recycled.
Take my advice & invest in a walmart moneycard the flat $3 is the best deal out that I've seen.[/QUOTE]

Want to quote just the green part but I'm on mobile; damn!!!!! Never thought of that!! I'll have to do that next year. I always get around halfway but movies and cheap games aren't enough
[quote name='chunlirocks']I am not a member yet so if I join up will they give me these coupons in person ?


If they have new magazine in store you'll get when you sign up. Better ask though as most forget.
[quote name='chunlirocks']I am not a member yet so if I join up will they give me these coupons in person ?


Yes. Pick up the magazine (can easily be found in the gaming section) and everything you want to buy. Take all of it up to the cashier and tell them you want to purchase a subscription to get Gamer Unlocked status. The cashier should scan the magazine - which you get free because you are buying a $15/year subscription, then have them scan the games/accessories, then the coupons. It can all be done on the same transaction. Important to note that you must already be a Reward Zone Member in order to achieve Gamer Unlocked.
[quote name='slppedyoursster']Yes. Pick up the magazine (can easily be found in the gaming section) and everything you want to buy. Take all of it up to the cashier and tell them you want to purchase a subscription to get Gamer Unlocked status. The cashier should scan the magazine - which you get free because you are buying a $15/year subscription, then have them scan the games/accessories, then the coupons. It can all be done on the same transaction. Important to note that you must already be a Reward Zone Member in order to achieve Gamer Unlocked.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='elessar123']Got ours on either Tuesday or Wednesday.[/QUOTE]

So Cal here as well, and I got mine on Tuesday.
[quote name='slppedyoursster']Thanks for posting the link! This should answer a lot of questions for the community. :applause:[/QUOTE]

Actually prepare for the questions to be repeated over and over all this month :D
Most people are too lazy to skim even a few pages back
[quote name='mars009']Dang gotta decide whether to jump on ME3 from Gamestop or wait and see if it drops to $10. What do you guys think?[/QUOTE]

Wait for $10 if you have other games, if it doesn't drop to $10 you can still pick it up for $20 later this month.
[quote name='mars009']Dang gotta decide whether to jump on ME3 from Gamestop or wait and see if it drops to $10. What do you guys think?[/QUOTE]
Buy it at gamestop. But, do not open it. You have 30 days to return and hope for 10. FYI. Gamefly has the used version for 15. That comes with the online pass too.
[quote name='uiengineer']shit. i got ME3 collector's edition for $30 a few weeks ago. going to knock that down to $10 now![/QUOTE]
So it's actually $29.99 regular price now and not $49.99?
[quote name='GaMeR_2007']So it's actually $29.99 regular price now and not $49.99?[/QUOTE]
it was on clearance at my store....so they might not let me use the coupon. (it was $49.99 with 40% off)
Are there any digital subscribers here? Did you get your Sept. coupons? I'm at myrewardzone.com and can't find anything. How do you get the coupons? Nothing for September was emailed to me either. I can view the Sept. issue online by going to atgamermagazine.com but still can't find the coupons anywhere.
damn I gotta renew mine before the 26th. I hope there's no delay in service like when you just signed up where i won't receive the next 2 magazines.
[quote name='marjincharge']Whoohoo! Got my mag in today, just in time, here in Austin, TX![/QUOTE]

FYI - the store on I 35 and slaughter gets cleaned out pretty quick when good sales happen. Gotta jump on those deals.
[quote name='kouleefoh']damn I gotta renew mine before the 26th. I hope there's no delay in service like when you just signed up where i won't receive the next 2 magazines.[/QUOTE]

I have to renew this month also. I hope it kicks in right away like the GI mag does.
I got PS3 prototype steelbook case (empty) for free when I ask how much for it. Just ask for it when you buy PS3 Prototype2 at the Gamer section in store. THey said it was originally for the X-box but some kind of mishap happens and they've giving the PS3 steelbook away free for those who are buying the regular PS3 Prototype2 game.
[quote name='doc_j88']Quick question. How are you able to buy pre-paid visa's from best buy?

what section can i find them?[/QUOTE]

Where the BB gift cards are. Ask an associate for help
[quote name='THT']Sorry fellas, but I am a tard. I don't have Gamer access. How do I get it?[/QUOTE]

Go into Best Buy, grab an @Gamer magazine, take it to the gaming clerk and tell them you want to sign up for Gamer's Club Unlocked.
My gamers unlocked expires on September 12, when I bought something the other day they asked if I wanted to renew. I did and it showed up on my receipt but it cost nothing. Did that happen for anyone else as well? But when I look at my reward zone account the expiration date has not changed yet.
[quote name='jkircos']My gamers unlocked expires on September 12, when I bought something the other day they asked if I wanted to renew. I did and it showed up on my receipt but it cost nothing. Did that happen for anyone else as well? But when I look at my reward zone account the expiration date has not changed yet.[/QUOTE]
They probably rung it up wrong, not sure how.
Anyone know if you can use the Mass Effect 3 coupon and have Best Buy price match Gamestops $19.99 price, essentially making it free?
[quote name='redraid8']Anyone know if you can use the Mass Effect 3 coupon and have Best Buy price match Gamestops $19.99 price, essentially making it free?[/QUOTE]

You cannot price match and use a coupon. It's called double dipping.
[quote name='mars009']So you guys think Prototype 2 Blackwatch CE is worth $30, dang I wish it was cheaper :D[/QUOTE]

I paid $80 in credit because I thought it would be rare (my store only got 2). #-o
So kitties of CAG, can coupons be used on collectors items like ME3? my BB has two of them and I want one, not even sure if it's worth $30 but will the coupon work?
bread's done