Viva Pinata 2 Trouble In Paradise - Gen. Discussion & Info - New Killer Instict Cards

[quote name='Roufuss']When games get "simplified for a wider audience", per the article's wording, it usually means they are getting dumbed down.

I've got a feeling they'll aim this one right for the younger gamers, whereas the old one seemed to be geared towards, well, everyone. I didn't play it myself, but other people who did loved it for that reason, and I am even thinking of getting a cheap copy.

Hopefully I'm wrong, but that's just what I got out of Kotaku's article (that came from the mouth of a Rare developer). Hell, Kotaku even thinks they should simplify it *more* so that fans of the cartoon buy it. Most people I know enjoyed VP because it was a bit complex, from the article it seems like they'll strip some of the complexities out.

It'll probably sell like crap to the intended audience and Rare will complain anyways, so it's a moot point. At least they are putting it in September all by itself, instead of up against GoW (again). (If most people don't get the reference, it's that Rare blamed low sales of VP on being stacked against Gears of War, and that GoW got all the advertising and hype while VP got nothing).[/quote]

It will be as complex if not more than the original...
[quote name='RARE'] While the look of the game does belie its depth, Rare is committed to making the game easy to pick up and play for anyone, and VP2 will have a "free play" mode that has no pressures whatsoever and feels a bit like the game's equivalent of Halo 3's Forge. Another way to tackle the game for those who don't want the pressure or depth is to use the new co-op mode.[/QUOTE]

Free Play is the "dumbed down" mode that Joystiq was referring to.
Hopefully this time people will actually buy this game. The first game was one of my favorites and I have fond memories of playing this game to contradict my Gears of War play time.

Oh, 2006. Good times.
I'm highly interested in this one, but given the fact that I could find the original VP for a mere 9.99 a few months after release, I'm going to wait this one out.
[quote name='mtxbass1']I'm highly interested in this one, but given the fact that I could find the original VP for a mere 9.99 a few months after release, I'm going to wait this one out.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly my dilemma. I want to support one of my new favorite game series, but at the same time, I have a feeling if I wait I'll get it hella cheap. ARGH
[quote name='mtxbass1']I'm highly interested in this one, but given the fact that I could find the original VP for a mere 9.99 a few months after release, I'm going to wait this one out.[/QUOTE]

I can understand that but it came out at the same time as Gears of War, Rainbow 6: Vegas, FEAR, and a couple other big titles. Couple that with the fact that it was a new IP that people didn't understand. Plus the Wii launched a week later and offered a much better family friendly selection. Basically, there were many factors at play against the first game succeeding which led to early price drops. MS chose a very poor release date and I think they are aware and are giving the franchise a second chance.

As for VP2, there will be much less competition in September and now the game has a built in audience from people that picked VP1 up on the cheap. People are aware of the brand now and the critical praise the first one received. Chances of this failing as quick as the first are slim.

It still might fail, but I wouldn't expect any deep discounts soon after release.
Has anyone actually seen the sales figures for the original? It actually sold pretty well. Not nearly as big a flop as most are claiming...
[quote name='Corvin']I can understand that but it came out at the same time as Gears of War, Rainbow 6: Vegas, FEAR, and a couple other big titles. Couple that with the fact that it was a new IP that people didn't understand. Plus the Wii launched a week later and offered a much better family friendly selection. Basically, there were many factors at play against the first game succeeding which led to early price drops. MS chose a very poor release date and I think they are aware and are giving the franchise a second chance.

As for VP2, there will be much less competition in September and now the game has a built in audience from people that picked VP1 up on the cheap. People are aware of the brand now and the critical praise the first one received. Chances of this failing as quick as the first are slim.

It still might fail, but I wouldn't expect any deep discounts soon after release.[/quote]

VP: Party Animals fell quite rapidly as well. Granted, it was a "meh" game, but it was more marketed towards kids. I don't see VP2 being any different, regardless of the release schedule. It seems that most any game published my Microsoft themselves suffers this same fate. See Kameo and Fusion Frenzy 2 for more details.
which is what I don't understand the only one of those games mentioned I didn't really care for was fusion frenzy. I didn't care for the first one either but Kameo and Viva Pinata are both fantastic games. Kameo was a "very" solid platformer and the different animals you could become made it one of the more unique ones in years. As far as Viva Pinata that game is just flat out fun I pickd it up "before" gears of war because I thought I would get more entertainment value for my buck and I was right!
I am buying this the day it comes out :D
love viva pinata so much, even though I haven't been able to get a chippopotomus (sp?)
[quote name='Chrisorz']I am buying this the day it comes out :D
love viva pinata so much, even though I haven't been able to get a chippopotomus (sp?)[/QUOTE]

Isn't that the one that requires your garden to be 90% water? That's one that's easier to just have sent to you.
[quote name='Corvin']Isn't that the one that requires your garden to be 90% water? That's one that's easier to just have sent to you.[/quote]

Yeah, and then you have to have 14 of one of the water plants so he can eat 10 of them, or something like that XP
I popped the first on in over the weekend after a year hiatus. I only touched it a bit back then but my wife played the hell out of it. She was upset that I even bothered this time around saying the game was "stupid." But she sat with me as I started a new garden and reminded me how to play. Then I gave her the controller last night so I could make dinner for us. I haven't gotten her off my 360 since. :whistle2:(
[quote name='kevlar51']I popped the first on in over the weekend after a year hiatus. I only touched it a bit back then but my wife played the hell out of it. She was upset that I even bothered this time around saying the game was "stupid." But she sat with me as I started a new garden and reminded me how to play. Then I gave her the controller last night so I could make dinner for us. I haven't gotten her off my 360 since. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

[quote name='LinkinPrime']Cards!?!?!?! :whee:
:whee: I still don't completely understand how this card thing will work, but it seems like it could be some fun.
On a side note: this game was up at $40 too when Banjo-Kazooie was, but they since took it down. Now, you can still preorder it at the store where it is $40, I think. My question is, if I preorder it in full at the store, will that guarantee me the $40 price? Thinking of putting down $40 for both Banjo and VP, as I would rather use the money now than spend an extra $20 or even $40.
[quote name='mrcheapo11']:whee: I still don't completely understand how this card thing will work, but it seems like it could be some fun.
On a side note: this game was up at $40 too when Banjo-Kazooie was, but they since took it down. Now, you can still preorder it at the store where it is $40, I think. My question is, if I preorder it in full at the store, will that guarantee me the $40 price? Thinking of putting down $40 for both Banjo and VP, as I would rather use the money now than spend an extra $20 or even $40.[/quote]
What store? If it's a B&M near me I'll go ask them about it and preorder it myself for that price!
I didn't know VP was that price as well, I would have definitely ordered it. As it stands I ordered Banjo for $40 but if VP is still $40 in store I might have to look into it. Anyone have any info?
[quote name='YodaEXE']What store? If it's a B&M near me I'll go ask them about it and preorder it myself for that price![/quote]

XD, I can't believe I didn't mention it in my post, it's Gamestop.

[quote name='Corvin']I didn't know VP was that price as well, I would have definitely ordered it. As it stands I ordered Banjo for $40 but if VP is still $40 in store I might have to look into it. Anyone have any info?[/quote]

Well, since they took it off the website, I would bet there is a chance the price will change (hopefully not though). But it was indeed $40 on the website, as I have read posted elsewhere. In the Banjo thread, I read that someone preordered Banjo in-store for $40, so I assume the same could be done for Viva Pinata. Hopefully I'll be able to get to GS today and figure this out...
[quote name='mrcheapo11']XD, I can't believe I didn't mention it in my post, it's Gamestop.

Well, since they took it off the website, I would bet there is a chance the price will change (hopefully not though). But it was indeed $40 on the website, as I have read posted elsewhere. In the Banjo thread, I read that someone preordered Banjo in-store for $40, so I assume the same could be done for Viva Pinata. Hopefully I'll be able to get to GS today and figure this out...[/QUOTE]

Cool let us know. I don't plan on going out tonight, but might if I need to pre-order at $40.

*edit - do they even do a price guarantee like that? Amazon is showing $59 for Banjo and Viva.
the card thing is pretty cool, but it seems like an awful waste of paper and time when you could just email them back and forth in game.
[quote name='Corvin']the card thing is pretty cool, but it seems like an awful waste of paper and time when you could just email them back and forth in game.[/QUOTE]

First thing I'm trying when the game comes out is simply holding my laptop up to the camera. Hopefully that'll work just as well. It's been shown to work on coppied Eye of Judgment cards, and those were supposed to feature copy protection (that didn't really work, but still...)
[quote name='Zmonkay']First thing I'm trying when the game comes out is simply holding my laptop up to the camera. Hopefully that'll work just as well. It's been shown to work on coppied Eye of Judgment cards, and those were supposed to feature copy protection (that didn't really work, but still...)[/quote]
Same here. The really nice thing in my case is I have a tablet PC, meaning I can fold the screen flat and make it easier to hold and use :D I look forward to this game. I already have it preordered and now it's just a waiting game.
[quote name='YodaEXE']Same here. The really nice thing in my case is I have a tablet PC, meaning I can fold the screen flat and make it easier to hold and use :D I look forward to this game. I already have it preordered and now it's just a waiting game.[/QUOTE]

lol, same here actually. It's one of those HPs that swivels into a tablet configuration. Here's hoping they put up a lot of free cards online (instead of buying packs of cards. I don't remember if they said they'd do that, but I think it's only printables, right?.)
[quote name='Zmonkay']lol, same here actually. It's one of those HPs that swivels into a tablet configuration. Here's hoping they put up a lot of free cards online (instead of buying packs of cards. I don't remember if they said they'd do that, but I think it's only printables, right?.)[/quote]
Hahaha sweeet :D Same here! I've got the tx1220us model ^_^
Demo in Microsoft's hands going through certification...expect to see it soon:
lead programmer Will Bryan confirmed details regarding a Trouble in Paradise demo releasing to the Xbox Live Marketplace saying that it will release "as soon as possible."

According to Bryan, the demo is finished and is currently in the hands of Microsoft's certification team. Then, once it's approved by cert, it will be released to the Xbox Live masses. As far as demo specifics go, we're being told that it'll include 25 minutes of gameplay from the core game including a few Live features and the "Just For Fun" game mode. Sadly, the demo will not include any co-op support, local or Live, so we'll just have to imagine playing with three other piñata gardeners.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Can't wait...what about the DS one? Same day?[/quote]

According to Rare, yes. Though has it for the 8th.
I'll be getting this for Christmas, most likely. I still haven't played much of the first (bought it for $11 at GS), so I'll do that before then. I'll also have Spore, Rock Band 2 and Banjo to help tide me over.
will be picking this up day one - great price on it! My wife loved the first one and her playing it drew me in - so we are excited about two-player co-op mode.
bread's done