Wii $250 - Nov 19th - The Nintendo 2-Day Press Event Thread!

[quote name='tilcfast']Anybody else watching the weird movies up on wii.com?[/QUOTE]

Wow a nintendo weather channel and the depth in that character creation. Oh I forgot to mention I love getting emails from old men; probably from the girls grandfather.
A few things:

Can anyone identify the game about, oh, 20 seconds in. Big guy made out yellow bricks, right before the first Red Steel part? Looks like you're slap boxing with people or something.

Can anyone identify the turnbased sorta game immediately after Red Steel?

Finally...the lamest thing I think I've said in a long time:

The interface looks really cool and I'm interested in the weather channel.

I feel shame.
A few points:

Yes, it would be nice if the VC pricing was cheaper. But it's pretty much what XBLA games are going for, so I'm not surprised. I'll give you three guesses what Sony will be charging for their service/games, and the first two don't count.

Same with the controller. OF COURSE the controller is gong to be more expensive than average. Seriously.

Yes, the Zelda delay is nuts. Freaking finish the thing already, guys. That said, it's still supposed to be out by the holidays, so the time frame from Nov. 19 to Xmas is ~ a month. Not the end of the world. And frankly, if it makes more people pick up third-party games on launch day, so much the better for Nintendo in the long run.

Lastly, I think quite a few of you people have let wishful thinking get the better of you. A late-November launch for $200 ($250 w/ pack-in, probably Wii Sports) has been the common consensus for months.

For the historical record, here's a quick-'n-dirty list of Wii price threads that have cropped up since May-ish. All I'll say is that some people got the price on the button, and reacted (positively or negatively) accordingly. Either way, that's fine. But some of you dumbasses crying "ZOMG Nintendoes is teh R.I.P!" are on record as saying $250 with a pack-in is a great price, and you'd get one on launch day, and other such silliness.

[quote name='maigoyume']i'm with you on this one bro, i feel better after watching it, but STILL[/QUOTE]

I gurantee you half of those titles could have easily been developed and looked the same on the NGC. This video makes me sick and even more pissed. By the time the life cycle ends for the Wii, a game developer will only be able to pull from it a title that might be on the same level as a 1st gen 360 title; this is a big maybe. I've always enjoyed Nintendo because their titles are fun, but to screw everyone on launch is absurd. If any of you don't think Nintendo is screwing you you're out of your mind. I will eventually own a Wii because I am a collector of all systems, but on lauch Wii will not get a dime from me.
[quote name='Blaine']A few things:

Can anyone identify the game about, oh, 20 seconds in. Big guy made out yellow bricks, right before the first Red Steel part? Looks like you're slap boxing with people or something.

Can anyone identify the turnbased sorta game immediately after Red Steel?

Finally...the lamest thing I think I've said in a long time:

The interface looks really cool and I'm interested in the weather channel.

I feel shame.[/quote]

the yellow bricks one MAY be dragon quest Wii, turn based one is fire emblem Wii
[quote name='tilcfast']Did anyone else see the character design video it's called Mii

isn't that disgustingly cute.


Yeah. I'm oddly intrigued by the little sound effects the interface makes.

Also the whole Google Earth thing they got going on with the weather channel is surprisingly hip.

Finally, towards the end of the game video it looked like a Bishi Bashi Special game.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']anyone know what game it was where the chick was swimming[/quote]
I'd like to know this too.
That video got me interested in alot of games I didn't know I wanted. :D
[quote name='Blaine']A few things:

Can anyone identify the game about, oh, 20 seconds in. Big guy made out yellow bricks, right before the first Red Steel part?[/quote]
Dragon Quest. That enemy was in the E3 trailer if I remember correctly.
All I can say is reguardless if ur a fan of sony nintendo or microsoft you can all share that the companys DID all lie to you so nintendo fans can get off there high horse.
These guys are in the buisness to make money they dont get a thrill out of making us happy.
Ill wait for a price drop.
I think if Nintendo priced this at $20 and packed in 10 free games some of the people here would STILL find a reason to complain.
[quote name='lawdood']I think if Nintendo priced this at $20 and packed in 10 free games some of the people here would STILL find a reason to complain.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Outside of the potential slight delay on Zelda I would say Nintendo has been pretty good to their word on the Wii. I'm pretty happy with what I got out of the Japan conference. Bring on the US conference is all I got to say. \\:D/
[quote name='Blaine']A few things:

Can anyone identify the game about, oh, 20 seconds in. Big guy made out yellow bricks, right before the first Red Steel part? Looks like you're slap boxing with people or something.[/QUOTE]

Dragon Quest Swords

EDIT: Wow, I'm slow. Like a zillion people beat me to it.
[quote name='jer7583']Just a random prediction that i'm making. After reading that 3 MSX titles will be available on the VC, does anyone else think that this might be part of the Kojima collaboration for SSBB? I think Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2:Solid Snake might be two of those MSX titles.

The third? Castlevania started out on the MSX.. why not?[/quote]

Once I heard that it was the first, if only, things through my mind. That's probably because those three are pretty much the most notable titles from the MSX's overall lineup but, even still, if that's true it would be highly impressive.

One of those looks like Marble Madness Wii.

It's sad that Zelda completely pwns everything else in terms of graphics, considering how old it is and that it started on the GC.
[quote name='Demolition Man']

Just for Strell... a picture of his future Wangmote. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Motherfucker, I am working on the casing as we speak.
[quote name='Skelah']All I can say is reguardless if ur a fan of sony nintendo or microsoft you can all share that the companys DID all lie to you so nintendo fans can get off there high horse.
These guys are in the buisness to make money they dont get a thrill out of making us happy.
Ill wait for a price drop.[/QUOTE]

I hear ya.

For the most part, I don't think people are upset they have to pay $250 for a Wii, I think most of us want to see Nintendo succeed. It's more of a feeling of disappointment for Nintendo than for our wallets. Most of us grew up on Nintendo, and most of us have a special place in our heart for them when it comes to video games (no matter how lame that may sound). I believe if Nintendo can't pull out of this console war successfully it may be the end of their home console division.

In my case (and I'm sure others) I wanted to see Nintendo reign supreme and get some great 3rd party support, further solidifying their place in the future. After the details tonight though, it's hard not to think about the Wii as a potential Gamecube all over again (GC may be critically acclaimed but not so much so in the market place).

So, while we all may be expressing ourselves as disappointed by the price and launch... I think the majority are fearful that Nintendo may have fucked up and could drop out of home consoles. Remember, Dreamcast... a tear.

EDIT: I will say I am disappointed personally about one thing from Nintendo... and that's the mini-game boom. I don't want a "50 mini-game" game damnit! OK that's all. :)
[quote name='Demolition Man']I'm usually up at this time anyways. :D[/quote]
My sleep schedule is reversed. It's weird, and nice, having an active thread while I'm up. :)
[quote name='Blaine']About 40 seconds in, "Wii Shopping Channel"

I'm guessing for buying VC games? Or maybe more?[/QUOTE]

I'll be selling Wangmotes.

And pictures of my wangmote.
I was pretty freaking excited for the Wii, now I'm just pissed. I think I'll wait for the first price drop before I by one, as I feeling it might come sooner than later.
[quote name='Strell']I'll be selling Wangmotes.

And pictures of my wangmote.[/quote]

Unless there's a nutchuck attachment... no sale.

Side note:

Looks like R-Type is on the Virtual Console. Good choice. Glad to see them getting the shooters in early and often.
I just realized there's no word on DVD playback that some people had speculated might be removed.

Ditto for the rumble.

Although I did read today that the Wii Madden supposedly uses the rumble feature in 2 on 2 play so you can send signals to your partner.

Not as sexy as Rez but maybe that'll get my girlfriend on board.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Well folks things could be worse....... Nintendo could delay the system launch until next year.[/QUOTE]

Fine by me, there already barrying themselves might as well get it right with a delay. I can't wait to play Mario on my PS4.

[quote name='neudog']Fine by me, there already barrying themselves might as well get it right with a delay. I can't wait to play Mario on my PS4.


Haha, that's so ridiculously stupid, it's funny.
bread's done