Wii Pre-Order Thread - Facts, Rumors and Everything In Between

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Some people have been asking about preordering the Wii. Right now there are two confirmed locations about where one can jump on the boat early.


1. Gamestop
For Previous Information on Pre-Order Deal for HAWAII ONLY - Refer to this post: this post
Status: Pre-Order Info Sign Up
Conditions: Unknown
Start of Preorder: Unknown
Link: http://www.gamestop.com/gs/wii/wii_signup.asp?

2. Amazon (Thanks to bmarquardt for the Heads Up)
Status: Sold Out as of September 15th
Conditions: Unknown
Start of Preorder: September 15th
Link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0009VXBAQ/

3. FYE
Conditions: Put down $50
Start of Preorder: Sometime during late spring 2006
Store Locations: http://shop.fye.com/StoreLocator.aspx

4. Lik-Sang.com
Conditions: No Money Down
1. Your pre-order is not binding and you can cancel at any time.
2. Once release details are known, you will receive an email that you need to confirm.
3. Should you decide to confirm, you will keep your position in the pre-order list.
4. Unit price and features are not confirmed and can change at any time.
5. Release date is not confirmed and might change.
6. The product is listed with a dummy price - your credit card is NOT charged.
7. All special pre-orders are limited to a maximum of 1 unit.
8. Depending on release schedule, you will be offered choice between European, US or Japanese.
9. Choices and changes are also allowed if several editions/colors are made available.
10. Once games and accessories are confirmed, you will be able to add them to your order.
Start of Preorder: I forgot ^^;
Link: http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=351&products_id=6998&

I will update the post as more pre-orders (hopefully) start up. Good hunting!
Did you guys see Kotaku latley?

Bits & Bytes & Pixels & Sprites (a website that is such a pain to type out I went ahead and created a TextExpander script for it) is rumoring that if you want to get a PS3 or Wii reserved for you on launch day, Friday is a very good day to incessantly whine to the drone with a face like a beige orange peel behind the counter.

According to B&B&P&S, a manager told him that all store managers are to find out on Friday how many units each store is getting. Shortly thereafter, they should start taking pre-orders. I'm not entirely sure if this is Texas only or nationwide — I was somewhat under the impression that pre-orders were already being taken.

Still, Texas has a few million people, and at least a couple of them probably read this site between tearing the flesh off of a BBQ-slathered sow. And if it can be extrapolated further, that might be an excellent time to start incessantly hitting the Gamestop speed-dial button. Florian Eckhardt
GameRush/Blockbuster is officially starting pre-orders for a $50 deposit when they know their allocation numbers, I was told sometime in October for both the PS3 and the Wii. My name is written down 3rd on the list of people they are going to call when they get the allocation numbers and start taking preorders.
[quote name='Diiz'](Or hopefully we will get in a good bundle at Costco and they will let me stay until midnight to buy one or just sell it to me an hour early).[/quote]

I dunno about you, but I've not seen the system in the Costco Computer system yet. There are a couple of games in there, but no system yet. Even online it says "available soon".
[quote name='TheGame']You do realize with the high margin in new games the only real profit made from GS/EB is from the used product right? Take a business or economics class and then bitch. Beside, where else are you gonna trade your games?

Also, if you trade in something like NFS Underground, GS/EB has like 1,000,00 company wide so why should they pay top dollar for a game no one wants. Ever heard of supply and demand? Want better trade in values? Trade in better games.[/QUOTE]

Holy damn.

I can't tell if you are joking or not, but it's hilarious either way.
Here's some potential shit news developing from a post in the Wii forum here.

[quote name='-Never4ever-']Now before I start let me be perfectly clear: I got this info from a Manager at EBgames. Every bit of info came from this person & I won't believe it until it's confirmed by other sources. I'm just posting this here to see if anyone can confirm or deny these rumors.

Rumor #1: EBgames will start taking preorders on October 9. Susposively that will be the date they enter in SKU in their systems.

Rumor #2: Every store will take 40 to 60 preorders.

Rumor #3: Preordering will no longer guarrentee you a system on launch day.

Rumor #4: It won't matter what "number" your preorder is. First come, first serve.[/QUOTE]

I'm a bit skeptical about rumor 4, as that wasn't the case in the Hawaii preorders. You weren't guaranteed one on launch (to cover their ass) but your preorder number did hold your spot in line.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Here's some potential shit news developing from a post in the Wii forum here.

[quote name='-Never4ever-']Now before I start let me be perfectly clear: I got this info from a Manager at EBgames. Every bit of info came from this person & I won't believe it until it's confirmed by other sources. I'm just posting this here to see if anyone can confirm or deny these rumors.

Rumor #1: EBgames will start taking preorders on October 9. Susposively that will be the date they enter in SKU in their systems.

Rumor #2: Every store will take 40 to 60 preorders.

Rumor #3: Preordering will no longer guarrentee you a system on launch day.

Rumor #4: It won't matter what "number" your preorder is. First come, first serve.[/quote]
I'm a bit skeptical about rumor 4, as that wasn't the case in the Hawaii preorders. You weren't guaranteed one on launch (to cover their ass) but your preorder number did hold your spot in line.[/quote]
Rumor #3 and #4 are enough to not have me hand over pre-order money, if true. If only one of the two is true, then I'm still not handing over pre-order money.
Yeah, that just wouldn't make sense. Someone who pre-ordered would have absolutely no advantage over someone who didn't, which completely defeats the purpose of pre-orders. Why would I just want to make myself $50 poorer before launch if it didn't land me any benefits?
[quote name='Diiz']Yeah, that just wouldn't make sense. Someone who pre-ordered would have absolutely no advantage over someone who didn't, which completely defeats the purpose of pre-orders. Why would I just want to make myself $50 poorer before launch if it didn't land me any benefits?[/quote]
I'm fairly certain that #4 means if you are number 1 on the preorder list, but you are the 10th person with a preorder to show up on launch day, and they only had 9 systems, you're screwed. I doubt it means that random people off the street get to pick up systems. Needless to say, you'd still need to wait outside the store, so why put money down there when you can wait outside a store with no money down everywhere else?

#3 is exactly what they were supposed to be trying to avoid after the 360 launch. So it seems that their method of avoiding it is to just state the fact so they can't be blamed if you don't get one right away.
I guess that makes a little more sense, and therefore I could now actually see that happening (thanks for the clarification). Hmmmm... decisions, decisions...
[quote name='shrike4242']Rumor #3 and #4 are enough to not have me hand over pre-order money, if true. If only one of the two is true, then I'm still not handing over pre-order money.[/QUOTE]

I could deal with number 3. If I'm number 15 and don't get one on launch day because they got 14 in, I can live with it and wait a few days for the second shipment.

But if you don't get a spot in line, it seems pointless since you still need to line up early.

I'll probably still preorder anyway since I have credit to use, and don't care that much about getting one on the 19th as I probably won't have much time to play until mid Dec. anyway.

I have a feeling most people will get more systems than preorders for the Wii anyway, with the 1 million or more at launch and demand likely not being as high as for the 360 or PS3.
Yeah, I imagine a lot of attention will be diverted away from the Wii for the PS3 madness that will no doubt occur.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Here's some potential shit news developing from a post in the Wii forum here.

[quote name='-Never4ever-']Now before I start let me be perfectly clear: I got this info from a Manager at EBgames. Every bit of info came from this person & I won't believe it until it's confirmed by other sources. I'm just posting this here to see if anyone can confirm or deny these rumors.

Rumor #1: EBgames will start taking preorders on October 9. Susposively that will be the date they enter in SKU in their systems.

Rumor #2: Every store will take 40 to 60 preorders.

Rumor #3: Preordering will no longer guarrentee you a system on launch day.

Rumor #4: It won't matter what "number" your preorder is. First come, first serve.[/quote]

I'm a bit skeptical about rumor 4, as that wasn't the case in the Hawaii preorders. You weren't guaranteed one on launch (to cover their ass) but your preorder number did hold your spot in line.[/quote]

Sooooo fake! the person I talked to at gamestop stated and I quote "We do not have any certain date yet for Wii pre-orders. Those who pre-ordered "Zelda" for the Wii will get a phone call the minute that we start taking pre-orders" nuff said.
I think there will be more then enough Wii's to go around. Preordering is a good thing to do but I doubt it will be needed as badly as it was for 360 or will be for PS3.
IF...keyWORD...they do start takin preorders that date...im going to be camping out at the front door the night before eb opens on Oct. 9th....but somehow im very doubtful of ebgames and all the crap they give out
[quote name='fuzz']Sooooo fake! the person I talked to at gamestop stated and I quote "We do not have any certain date yet for Wii pre-orders. Those who pre-ordered "Zelda" for the Wii will get a phone call the minute that we start taking pre-orders" nuff said.[/QUOTE]
At this point though I dont think any of the EB/GS employees know what is exactly going on. I know a DM in my region and he said has soon as they get number from sony and ninetendo they will decide how they will be doing it.
I live in D-Town the manager meeting isn't over until the AFTER the weekend. Whispers might have been slipping out but they haven't offically let everyone know what is going on yet.

As for the pre-order thing... It should be first on the list, first to get a system still. What sense does it make doing it first come first serve? That basically means you still have to camp out just to beat the people who also preordered which defeats the purpose to me.
[quote name='DomLando']At this point though I dont think any of the EB/GS employees know what is exactly going on. I know a DM in my region and he said has soon as they get number from sony and ninetendo they will decide how they will be doing it.[/quote]
Very ture. I am just sick of the rumors that spread like wildfire then people pretty much piss themselves over them.
[quote name='anderton']Gamestop employee at the SA forums says October 9th is the day, as was rumored previously in this topic.[/quote]

I called them 2 days ago and today (well EB games, but they are the same). They said Oct 9th one day ONLY so it might be true I hope that means I can use the 3 for 10 :D
It's funny to hear all the rumors and "I heard it from the Manager of EBGS" this week, seeing as this week

[size=+2]They're all away at their corporate/vendor conference!!!!!![/size]

ahem. When they return, they'll have relevant info, until then, corporate has not emailed any such information to the stores. The RMs/DMs and Store Managers were supposed to have been giving their store allocation numbers and pre-order dates this (friday) afternoon. So any employees giving out dates have, I would assume, been reading the same rumors at the same sites as all of us... October 9 maybe the golden day, it may not.

One would assume that Managers may start calling their stores later tonight (after about 7PM Mountain Time) to let them know what facts they have.

Sorry, I had to get that out of my system.
Well a week ago I didn't care when I got the Wii, but it seems the hype has me by the balls now. I think maybe I'll go pre-order Zelda tomorrow lol.
[quote name='animemaniac14']IF...keyWORD...they do start takin preorders that date...im going to be camping out at the front door the night before eb opens on Oct. 9th....but somehow im very doubtful of ebgames and all the crap they give out[/quote]
So you're gonna camp out on the night they begin taking pre-orders, which don't guarantee you a Wii on launch night, which means you'll have to be doing even MORE camping out? U R HARDKORE!
[quote name='nckillthegrimace']Bad news. Word from the vendor conference is that they might not even do pre-orders for the Wii or the PS3.

News Here[/quote]

Yep that is the rumor on the streets and in the stores. :cry:
fuck pre-orders if I'm not guaranteed one. That's the whole fucking point IMO.

I'm not sure if I want to camp out for a Wii, even though I really want one, since it's not clear how hard it'll be to get one. If I can show up really fucking early on launch day and get a Wii, I'd rather do that.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']fuck pre-orders if I'm not guaranteed one. That's the whole fucking point IMO.

I'm not sure if I want to camp out for a Wii, even though I really want one, since it's not clear how hard it'll be to get one. If I can show up really fucking early on launch day and get a Wii, I'd rather do that.[/quote]

yea that is fucking bullshit, why preorder if your not guaranteed? Takes out the fucking point...
[quote name='nckillthegrimace']Bad news. Word from the vendor conference is that they might not even do pre-orders for the Wii or the PS3.

News Here[/quote]

That article was written so poorly that I'm really not buying any of it
If true, that certainly sucks. I camped some 17 hours to get my 360... I'd prefer not to do it for the PS3. I don't really even want the PS3 at launch - I just think if I don't get it day one, I won't be getting it for months.

Wii, on the other hand, I think we'll all be able to go to Best Buy or something an hour or two before opening and get one - which I'll be doing.
I am not getting a PS3 so I could care less what Sony does with them. The Wii I really want, but not enough to camp out for. As long as my girl gets me a Wii for Xmas, I'm happy.
I just found out that the only reason that I'm not getting a Wii at launch is because my girlfriend wants to wait until they come out with a black one. The reason I would be buying one is for her to have a next gen console for her to play that is cheaper than the PS3 which she wants too but isn't getting because of the high price point. I own a 360 already and she really doesn't like most of the games on it so I can just play it for myself.
I don't see why they wouldn't guarantee you one as long as you pay for it in full. I don't see ANY reason to think they wouldn't do preorders... preorders are eb and gamestops favorite things ever. They push them on us like monsters. Why wouldn't they do them for something we actually care to preorder.
[quote name='Machikunas']I don't see why they wouldn't guarantee you one as long as you pay for it in full. [/QUOTE]

Because you can sell a lot more if you don't have to limit yourself to what you actually have in stock.
[quote name='cdeener']I just found out that the only reason that I'm not getting a Wii at launch is because my girlfriend wants to wait until they come out with a black one.[/quote]

once u go black, u dont go back eh ;)
[quote name='JasonTerminator']I thought the black Wii would be at launch.

That could affect my decision to buy, so I hope the Big N has 'em ready.[/quote]Are you effing serious?
They better be preordering Wii's. I got the 3 for 10 deal to take advantage of... Also I have thanksgiving break on that tuesday so I can play wii as much as I watnt. Evem with a million Wii's at launch, thats about 40 a store is Nintendo ships to the 25,000 distrabution points they said. I call my EB games in about 1-2 hrs, see whats up. Yeah I called both EB Games and Gamestop, one day only, OCT 9th.
[quote name='Z-Saber']Are you effing serious?[/quote]

It is so simple... People love colors man... Why they offer so many on other systems and they sell like hot cakes... :roll: I prefer plain black for mine but if I really wanted a Wii the white wouldn't stop me.

[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']They better be preordering Wii's. I got the 3 for 10 deal to take advantage of... Also I have thanksgiving break on that tuesday so I can play wii as much as I wabnt.[/quote]

I really don't think it will be that hard to find a Wii this year, even without pre-orders, unless resellers start hording them.
Alright, I have some potentially bad news. I've been checking the Costco computers every week for both the Wii and the PS3. For now, all we have are some games in the computer. This worries me for two reasons; one, we still have tons of the 360's that hadn't sold, and we had the 360 in the computers a couple months before they were supposed to have been shipping.

So until further notice, don't count on costco.
[quote name='sonderiaom']Alright, I have some potentially bad news. I've been checking the Costco computers every week for both the Wii and the PS3. For now, all we have are some games in the computer. This worries me for two reasons; one, we still have tons of the 360's that hadn't sold, and we had the 360 in the computers a couple months before they were supposed to have been shipping.

So until further notice, don't count on costco.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the only game showing in our system was the Tony Hawk one, but I haven't checked since Wednesday or so. We have a shitload of 360s left as well. Nintendo has been weird with the allocation numbers though, so maybe we'll get lucky...
Originally Posted by JasonTerminator
I thought the black Wii would be at launch.

That could affect my decision to buy, so I hope the Big N has 'em ready.

Are you effing serious?

Hey, once you go black, you never go back.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']So you're gonna camp out on the night they begin taking pre-orders, which don't guarantee you a Wii on launch night, which means you'll have to be doing even MORE camping out? U R HARDKORE![/QUOTE]

Do you live near Radford? Are you camping out per chance? I'm looking for
CAG campers in central, southern VA....
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