[quote name='Firecrest']Came into this thread expecting rampant, mindless fanboyism, "not a deal" copypasta, el hoardos, Michael Pachters, and the 2012 national debate team champions. Needless to say, my expectations have been met.
Personally, I've been enjoying my WiiU since launch. Miiverse is far more entertaining than expected, Mario has some of the best stage design out of all the games in the series and looks downright gorgeous at times, and ZombiU is an intense, underappreciated hit. Can't say much for Nintendoland since I barely put time into it. So uh, on behalf of those who actually need help tracking down a unit, thanks OP.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Hemi']im reading/posting this on a wii u, its worth it, netflix is better then the 360 ps3 counterparts, miiverse is great, zombi U rocks unbeleivably, and its a good system... its bc so if you dont have a wii then its a wii + better graphics more functionality with the tablit etc. Only got 2 game so far but its worth it as an investment. and nextyear theres mh 3 ultimate, pikmin 3, bayonetta 2 i hope, and a few more probably. Dont knock it till u buy it, and this isnt fanboyism, i got a nintendo console for the first time since the old ds/gamecube before that, i have TWO 360's, one is a halo 4 bundle one... I dont need 20 mediocre launch titles, 2 great ones is fine, and ppl love ac3, nintendoland, and batman armored, but i dont have so speculation, quality over quantity...[/QUOTE]
I bought my wiiu for bayonetta 2 :lol:. I am very suprised by miiverse and zombiu. Both are great. Haven't even tried other games yet.
Happy with the purchase but do have 2 big complaints. Long load times and freezes are really annoying.