Wii U - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='crunchewy']I couldn't care less about Madden, but I think it's time for the big price cut/ambassador program. :)[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure $2 for six VC games was the ambassador program.
I've exhausted my three plays and this is a terrible free-to-play game. The game itself is okay, but the bullshit they used to cut it up to give to us for free is awful since it's obvious that this was a full price game that they gimped for you to play for free. Three plays means three attempts at any of the three MP modes, which is one session for the two straight MP modes and mostly two fights in the one co-op mode. I don't see a way to unlock stuff through pure perseverance, so it's more of a demo than anything.

The only good thing is that you can get a bunch of Club Nintendo points of out this.

Edit: It does look like there's a sale on just My Kong Mode for 80% off until 5/15, but here's all of the DLC that's available:

Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Industrial Complex - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Ruins - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Canyon - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Coastal Area - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Volcanic Area - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Lunar Base - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - My Kong - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Monster Battle Ruins - $3.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Monster Battle Industrial Complex - $3.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Story Missions - $9.99

So it's $32 right now to get the full game or just $9.99 if you just want the single-player. Purchasing any pack here removes that daily limit.
Hmmm - wonder if the single-player is worth $10?

I only need 30 coins for platinum but I might as well use this to push me over the top.
I'm surprised no one has created a stickied thread yet that lists all Wii U games that can be played on the gamepad. I'm planning on buying a Wii U this coming holiday season, and one of the big selling points for me is the ability to play games on the gamepad whenever the TV is in use.
[quote name='Erad30']I think it's also important to remember that EA is in deep trouble right now. Nothing is really selling for them like they hoped and they have a terrible public image atm.[/QUOTE]
This is accurate. Their CEO recently resigned.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I think it's because American football has a very limited appeal around the entire world compared to baseball, golf, tennis, soccer, and even basketball.[/QUOTE]

This. Nintendo doesn't cater to American's. You're supposed to like the Japan-centric games or don't buy their stuff.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I've exhausted my three plays and this is a terrible free-to-play game. The game itself is okay, but the bullshit they used to cut it up to give to us for free is awful since it's obvious that this was a full price game that they gimped for you to play for free. Three plays means three attempts at any of the three MP modes, which is one session for the two straight MP modes and mostly two fights in the one co-op mode. I don't see a way to unlock stuff through pure perseverance, so it's more of a demo than anything.

The only good thing is that you can get a bunch of Club Nintendo points of out this.

Edit: It does look like there's a sale on just My Kong Mode for 80% off until 5/15, but here's all of the DLC that's available:

Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Industrial Complex - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Ruins - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Canyon - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Coastal Area - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Volcanic Area - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Versus Lunar Base - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - My Kong - $1.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Monster Battle Ruins - $3.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Monster Battle Industrial Complex - $3.99
Tank! Tank! Tank! - Story Missions - $9.99

So it's $32 right now to get the full game or just $9.99 if you just want the single-player. Purchasing any pack here removes that daily limit.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's a demo. It's dumb fun. I really liked the photo-taking and the simplicity of it. The enemies were really creative in the demo, and the play sessions were pretty lengthy, about 10-15 minutes.

It sells for $40 in-stores. Slicing it up in ten and two dollar increments doesn't seem that despicable to me, especially since it adds up to less than the retail price (as opposed to say, Theatrhythm IOS, which clocks in over $100 if you buy all the songs). When this ends up in a clearance bin for $10 I'd heartily recommend it.

IMO the free-to-play model suits the Wii U. On mobile, you assume everything's a dollar, so when someone wants $10 after you buy it, you feel cheated. On Wii U, charging more for multiplayer or maps seems fine to me if you're not asking $60 out of the gate. Zen Pinball is a good example. I'm never going to want to buy 30 pinball tables, so why should I spend $60 on it?
The thing is that it's not an appealing, respectful form of free-to-play. They don't give you access to every mode to see what it is and let you pay to fully unlock everything. It's just a poor demo disguised as a free-to-play game on the eShop.

Zen Pinball 2 isn't free-to-play. It's just a hub of demos that you can play before you pay for the tables. Nothing about that is designed like a free-to-play game.

Free-to-play games give you mostly full access to the full game that you can play freely as much as you want. If you want to get all of the content, you just have to spend more time with the game to get it for free and never have to spend money to get it, but you can speed up that process or get cosmetic items for a few bucks.
Hope? Also new 3D Mario in October would be EPIC

CVG writer says “there are some really special things lined up for Wii U”

May 3rd, 2013 Posted in News, Posted by Valay, Wii U | No Comments » Following up on his article published on CVG earlier today, Rob Crossley added on Twitter a short while ago that “there are some really special things lined up for Wii U.” Christmas will be an “interesting” time for the console, Crossley says.

What we’re referring to, of course, is CVG’s report that Mario’s new 3D adventure for Wii U will be available by October. The site also claims that Nintendo is getting ready to promote its console through a big and global marketing campaign.

Edit-here's the article itself
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The thing is that it's not an appealing, respectful form of free-to-play. They don't give you access to every mode to see what it is and let you pay to fully unlock everything. It's just a poor demo disguised as a free-to-play game on the eShop.

Zen Pinball 2 isn't free-to-play. It's just a hub of demos that you can play before you pay for the tables. Nothing about that is designed like a free-to-play game.

Free-to-play games give you mostly full access to the full game that you can play freely as much as you want. If you want to get all of the content, you just have to spend more time with the game to get it for free and never have to spend money to get it, but you can speed up that process or get cosmetic items for a few bucks.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I mean microtransactions
It may sound really strange, but I hope that there aren't too many unnannounced games coming before Xmas. Nintendo has always released good products, and I'd hate to think that the Wii U market has them pushing things out in a panic.
[quote name='nbballard']It may sound really strange, but I hope that there aren't too many unnannounced games coming before Xmas. Nintendo has always released good products, and I'd hate to think that the Wii U market has them pushing things out in a panic.[/QUOTE]

Same here, but more from a financial outlook. I don't want to pick and choose.

My guess is 2-3 big titles for the holidays (including WWHD) and the rest for spring 2014.
I realize that putting things out in a reactive mode isn't great, but I have to think that there are at least one or two titles that are in limbo until the Fall marketplace picture becomes clearer.

As of now, Nintendo knows they're competing with, at the minimum, the PS4 at some point in the Fall. No date, no price. The assumption is that Microsoft is also launching, but that's yet to be confirmed. I'd be shocked if they don't launch in Fall, but there have been rumors that suggest it might get pushed. There's no way to be sure until they come out and say it. So, the next XBox *might* be this Fall, and we have no announced price.

Yes, the Wii U needs some major rehabilitation this Fall, but... how much? Is it competing for mindshare and dollars with one new console? Two? Will it be priced competitively? That's on top of the concern about still competing with the 360 and PS3, both of which have decent Fall line-ups and could see a price drop.

If nothing else, Fall will be... interesting. New Mario and Mario Kart are all but guaranteed, but I have to wonder what else Nintendo will throw out there.
Well Mario Kart has been rumored for a fall release recently. If they released Mario 3D, Kart, and Wind Waker this fall plus Pikmin in August, I would easily be satisfied.
[quote name='moothemagiccow']I'm still waiting on Wii U Fit to shape up my fat ass. Not sure what happened to that one[/QUOTE]

You ate too much? Not that I should be casting stones.

I do hope that the new Wii Fit is actually vetted by some folks in the industry, while Wii Fit had a nice interface there were lots of complaints that the form was atrocious for some exercises.
im really shocked nintendo is not having a giant e3 press conf. I understand they now do these mini conf's but wii u is having issues in sales. Unless you are a giant nintendo fan you don't watch those mini conf's you might read stuff about them on game new sites but don't watch. Everyone upon everyone in gaming watches e3 stuff that would be perfect time to show off giant nintendo first party games coming out like im sure new zelda and other 1st party games.
[quote name='techstar25']What is surprising is that the exclusivity contract they have with the NFL allows them to do this (assuming it does). Obviously by being exclusive, it means that nobody else can make an NFL game on the Wii U either. Not having a game on the Wii U only hurts the NFL and the NFLPA, whereas EA gets to save money on development. What the NFL should have negotiated is the requirement that EA continuously publishes their NFL game for all platforms.
The NFL and NFLPA are actually getting screwed big time by the exclusivity agreement.[/QUOTE]

how does it hurt nfl? i higly doudt the major nintendo fans that got wii u on day 1 even enjoys football. plus playing football with that giant screen controller is not what i would want. Plus nintendo systems never really had a true madden game on the wii features were cut out and the game looked awful. ncaa football has never been on nintendo system
[quote name='Erad30']Maybe it will be like the Dreamcast, Nintendo will say screw EA and make their own far superior football game :) Yeah the Dreamcast died but that was mostly due to Sega already being in a huge financial hole, Nintendo's in a much better place.[/QUOTE]

no one would buy a non license football game lol and ea is under contract for couple more years and im hearing nfl loves what ea has done with madden so expect a extension
Well I will miss watching it but any games/news/videos will go out to pretty much every single website so that point is a little moot. That happens with Nintendo directs already. I think other companies may follow suit. E3 is trying to appease all people all the time (hence crap we think is completely pointless but investors/analysts and non-gaming media care about). Stuff outside of that pretty much allows you to control the message and make sure you are getting all the headlines. Sony's holding a few things back, but they most likely already brought out their biggest guns back in Febuary. MS' presser will probably be even more so because again all attention will be focused on them that day.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']how does it hurt nfl? i higly doudt the major nintendo fans that got wii u on day 1 even enjoys football. plus playing football with that giant screen controller is not what i would want. Plus nintendo systems never really had a true madden game on the wii features were cut out and the game looked awful. ncaa football has never been on nintendo system[/QUOTE]

Stop spreading your retarded misinformation. Several versions of NCAA Football have been on Nintendo systems.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I think it's because American football has a very limited appeal around the entire world[/QUOTE]

And yet Madden tops the charts month after month. Football may not have worldwide appeal but you can't deny the appeal (and sales) in this country. How many NFL franchise games have their been over the years(Madden, Blitz, Fever, QBClub, Joe Montana, Gameday, 2K, Tecmo, etc)? Dozens. Before EAs exclusivity there were some years sustaining multiple titles.

No Madden is a blow to the WiiU on US shores. I'm not a Madden player, but I can see the potential of multiplayer with the pad seems pretty cool.

I think a Mario football game could go a long way to introducing the world to American football.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']how does it hurt nfl? i higly doudt the major nintendo fans that got wii u on day 1 even enjoys football. plus playing football with that giant screen controller is not what i would want. Plus nintendo systems never really had a true madden game on the wii features were cut out and the game looked awful. ncaa football has never been on nintendo system[/QUOTE]

Please stop posting bad info.


P.S- That isn't the only one ;)
[quote name='Corvin']And yet Madden tops the charts month after month. Football may not have worldwide appeal but you can't deny the appeal (and sales) in this country. How many NFL franchise games have their been over the years(Madden, Blitz, Fever, QBClub, Joe Montana, Gameday, 2K, Tecmo, etc)? Dozens. Before EAs exclusivity there were some years sustaining multiple titles.

No Madden is a blow to the WiiU on US shores. I'm not a Madden player, but I can see the potential of multiplayer with the pad seems pretty cool.

I think a Mario football game could go a long way to introducing the world to American football.[/QUOTE]
It tops the charts in Japan and Europe? The only charts I've ever heard it top were the NPDs for the obvious reasons, so you need to post some evidence to support your claim. FIFA is easily EA's best sports franchise because it's blown way past Madden due to the worldwide popularity of the sport.

NFL games were numerous back in the day due to licensing being cheaper when the NFL wasn't the huge juggernaut that it was today and changed how they approach licensing altogether. The sports market has changed greatly in the past ten years to force out subpar competition in favor of one or two titles at most.
Frisky's right. The sports game market has changed a lot over the past decade. Back then, each of MS, Sony, and Nintendo usually had their own game of any given sport, not to mention EA, 2K, Midway, and whatever else. Now, in football, we're down to one. Baseball has two left, or really only one since 2K13 can barely be considered a new game. The NBA has one game. College basketball hasn't had a new game for a few years now. College football has one left.
Sorry for the noob question, but I have an inquiry regarding the classic controller pro for the original Wii: will it work (plugged into a Wii remote, of course) for Wii U Virtual Console games, or will it only function when the system is in Wii mode?
I'm not 100% but since you can use it on Wii U titles I would think you can use it on Wii U VC games.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It tops the charts in Japan and Europe? The only charts I've ever heard it top were the NPDs for the obvious reasons, so you need to post some evidence to support your claim. [/QUOTE]

Reread my second sentence. I never claimed any such thing.

Forget worldwide, nearly 5m in the US alone for any given Madden year(across all platforms) is nothing to sneeze at. Most games don't even see worldwide figures that large.
[quote name='Corvin']Reread my second sentence. I never claimed any such thing.[/QUOTE]
Then I'm not sure what your point was. Madden sells well here, so Mario Football would also sell well? Not having the NFL license would be a huge hurdle to getting that mass appeal and then I'd guess that this game wouldn't have a franchise mode, career mode, or ultimate team mode for the added long-term value that is expected from the genre.

We agree that American Football's appeal is really limited to this continent, but the hurdles it has to overcome beyond that doesn't seem worth it at all to a company that doesn't have much of a Western stable of developers that could do the sport justice. If the 2K guys couldn't make the licenseless football game work at the height of the hype/appeal for that specific product, I don't see Nintendo making it work solely on the idea of having Mario characters playing football.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Then I'm not sure what your point was. Madden sells well here, so Mario Football would also sell well? Not having the NFL license would be a huge hurdle to getting that mass appeal and then I'd guess that this game wouldn't have a franchise mode, career mode, or ultimate team mode for the added long-term value that is expected from the genre.

We agree that American Football's appeal is really limited to this continent, but the hurdles it has to overcome beyond that doesn't seem worth it at all to a company that doesn't have much of a Western stable of developers that could do the sport justice. If the 2K guys couldn't make the licenseless football game work at the height of the hype/appeal for that specific product, I don't see Nintendo making it work solely on the idea of having Mario characters playing football.[/QUOTE]

american football is pretty big in england and still growing over their every year nfl has a game in england and it sells out at over 90 k people but i agree nintendo is a japan company i doudt the leaders of nintendo could care less about american football.
i hate to say it seeing i payed for a system i want games for it. I'm scared once the next xbox and ps4 come out nintendo wii u will be like the wii again with low number of 3rd party's support it. With ps4 and next xbox they are so close to pc that it will not take much work to make games for those 3 where as it will take some time and effort to port a game to wii u. at this point i have paid for one game since launch games which was lego city and even that game was a let down. just would have liked nintendo to have taken more time and did a over all better specs system.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Then I'm not sure what your point was. Madden sells well here, so Mario Football would also sell well? Not having the NFL license would be a huge hurdle to getting that mass appeal and then I'd guess that this game wouldn't have a franchise mode, career mode, or ultimate team mode for the added long-term value that is expected from the genre.

We agree that American Football's appeal is really limited to this continent, but the hurdles it has to overcome beyond that doesn't seem worth it at all to a company that doesn't have much of a Western stable of developers that could do the sport justice. If the 2K guys couldn't make the licenseless football game work at the height of the hype/appeal for that specific product, I don't see Nintendo making it work solely on the idea of having Mario characters playing football.[/QUOTE]


It's an old article from four years ago, but it shows that American Football does have a following around the world.

And why wouldn't it work with just Mario and the crew, without NFL licensing? IIRC, Mario Super Strikers wasn't connected to FIFA, or any other soccer association, as well as Super Star/Super Sluggers having any affiliation with MLB. Those games were fairly successful, resulting in multiple releases.

Mario sells, and Nintendo knows this.
Have you gone to an NFL game outside of this country? Or to a Soccer game in this one? Soccer is the world's most popular sport by a longshot, but not all that big in America. I'm not saying football only appeals to Americans but that doesn't change the fact that it's not hugely popular outside of America.
This thread is starting to build up my ignore list, in a way it's too bad the Blaster Man thread was closed so the trolling/bitching wasn't consolidated in there.

Anyway, I'd buy the fuck out of Mario Football, this needs to happen immediately.
I'm not sure I'd be down for yet another Mario sports game, but there is space for more casual sports games, or ones with an interesting twist. I'd love a revival of Play Action Football and especially Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 (even though that one's by Jaleco not Nintendo).
[quote name='RedvsBlue']This thread is starting to build up my ignore list, in a way it's too bad the Blaster Man thread was closed so the trolling/bitching wasn't consolidated in there.

Anyway, I'd buy the fuck out of Mario Football, this needs to happen immediately.[/QUOTE]

With Beetlejuice you have to say his name three times. With me a single time is enough.

Forget announcing games that won't be coming to Wii U. Is this confirmation that EA is abandoning the platform altogether?
Is that engine used for a lot of their games or just battlefield?
[quote name='Blaster man']With Beetlejuice you have to say his name three times. With me a single time is enough.

Forget announcing games that won't be coming to Wii U. Is this confirmation that EA is abandoning the platform altogether?
Is that engine used for a lot of their games or just battlefield?[/QUOTE]

Mostly FPS before, more going forward.


Curious about just how contentious the EA/Nintendo negotiations went. EA must have been involved early, but boy did it sour.
[quote name='coolz481']I'm not sure I'd be down for yet another Mario sports game, but there is space for more casual sports games, or ones with an interesting twist. I'd love a revival of Play Action Football and especially Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 (even though that one's by Jaleco not Nintendo).[/QUOTE]

I would love a new Play Action Football, that's still one of my favorite football games ever.
[quote name='sp00ge']http://bleacherreport.com/articles/218330-growth-of-american-football

It's an old article from four years ago, but it shows that American Football does have a following around the world.

And why wouldn't it work with just Mario and the crew, without NFL licensing? IIRC, Mario Super Strikers wasn't connected to FIFA, or any other soccer association, as well as Super Star/Super Sluggers having any affiliation with MLB. Those games were fairly successful, resulting in multiple releases.

Mario sells, and Nintendo knows this.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the link. I don't believe I ever said that nobody outside of North America follows the game or anything like that, but that the percentage of people that care about it in this country and Canada is probably way higher than those that care about it in every other country. The percentage of those people that play football games is also probably similarly higher in their native countries than those overseas, which would be more important for them to know. Nintendo obviously has access to the sales reports for every region, so they probably have a good idea for what the audience would be for that sort of game in every region.

I doubt that it would work because Nintendo doesn't really have a developer capable of doing the kind of quality football game that would gain an audience close to what Madden gets. I'm looking at the list of first-party studios and Retro is the only developer in the west, but they're too important to Nintendo to be doing that sort of game. There's one second-party studio that sort of fits the bill in Next Level Games, who made Mario Strikers and Punch-Out!, which could work if they're given that task.

Not having the NFL license would eliminate most of the audience that buys Madden, which would mostly require them to appeal to the Nintendo fanbase that has some interest in football games. The Mario sports games don't necessarily sell all that well with the recent Mario Tennis barely getting over 1 million and Mario Strikers Charged getting 1.8 million, though it doesn't help that the games aren't great games. They can't just coast on making a game based on a popular sport and expect that to be enough.

The thing that would be nice to know is how much Madden sells overseas and how much of that audience are Americans/Canadians who now live in those countries, which would give us more of an idea as to how a Mario Football game could do. The
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']american football is pretty big in england and still growing over their every year nfl has a game in england and it sells out at over 90 k people but i agree nintendo is a japan company i doudt the leaders of nintendo could care less about american football.[/QUOTE]
It's not hard to sell out one novelty game every once in a while, but that doesn't really have much of a connection to how well a game could do.
[quote name='sp00ge']

And why wouldn't it work with just Mario and the crew, without NFL licensing? IIRC, Mario Super Strikers wasn't connected to FIFA, or any other soccer association, as well as Super Star/Super Sluggers having any affiliation with MLB. Those games were fairly successful, resulting in multiple releases. [/QUOTE]

Bingo! Mario is the franchise. No need for the NFL license*. My ultimate point was Madden manages to push 5m games in the US alone. That's a staggering number without worldwide figures. Looks like Strikers & Sluggers did a couple mil each. No reason to think a Mario Football title couldn't do the same.

Ignoring the 5 million anual Madden buyers, how many gamers have been turned off football games since they became hyper-realistic the past gen or so? :wave: I, for one, miss the days when football games were fun first and realistic second. Fun went out the window years ago in favor of realism.

*that being said, imagine a game that mixed the two with real players and Nintendo characters. That would be some mix. Are former/"legends" NFL players still bound by current NFL licensing rules? i.e. Montana to Luigi for the Touchdown!
bread's done