XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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i just bought anomaly also cause it was cheap lol. no idea if i will like it or not.
well most of us got that 300 msp from rewards anyway so basically a 800 msp game free.
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[quote name='tylerh1701']Thanks, but it was actually first found here.[/QUOTE]

I very much want to believe that was some sort of joke post considering all but 3 or 4 posts on the previous page are about the game including a half dozen or so immediately preceding it.
[quote name='tylerh1701']Thanks, but it was actually first found here.[/QUOTE]

I know it was mentioned about being 320 points, but I don't recall anybody posting if it was a price drop or sale (or when it ended). At least not in this thread.

Granted, I also didn't know until afterwards that apparently somebody posted about the sale in an entirely new thread.
[quote name='JStryke']I know it was mentioned about being 320 points, but I don't recall anybody posting if it was a price drop or sale (or when it ended). At least not in this thread.

Granted, I also didn't know until afterwards that apparently somebody posted about the sale in an entirely new thread.[/QUOTE]

Oh ok. I think someone else mentioned that it probably had to do with the "Because We May" sale but didn't have confirmation.

To me, this begs the bigger question of why MS is letting the Anomaly devs do this? All we ever hear is that MS is in full control of the pricing and that devs couldn't drop their prices even if they wanted to, and then they do it for Anomaly no problem. And like someone else said, why not also do it for the Penny Arcade games, Darwinia, Super Meat Boy, Stacking, Costume Quest, Eets, and Braid, which are also part of the "Because We May" sale?

In fact, the entire point of the "Because We May" sale was to take a shot to distribution methods (like XBLA) that supposedly don't allow developers to put their games on sale. The first line of the "Because We May" sale page says:

We believe that developers should have the freedom to price their games how they like, without interference from the online stores that sell the games.
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Has anybody been able to beat the Survival Levels (settlement & swamp) on IRon/Trenched ? even with four people I cannot make it anywhere close. On Swamp I can make it to about wave 16. Settlment I made it to a couple waves higher I think. seems like I can play with 3 people have perfect connection with everybody but soon as we try survival it lags so bad till the point where one guy drops out so it's down to 3 people to make it to wave 20 - 30. frustrating stuff : (
[quote name='Royal High Knight']Thanks man, but WTF!!!! Over a year? Man where the hell was I when these games were on sale. I love this classic n64 games, plus their download sizes are barebly anything. 48 MB is nothing[/QUOTE]
I really want Banjo Tooie too. The moment after I buy it though, it's gonna go on sale LOL D:
[quote name='cereal_killerxx']I really want Banjo Tooie too. The moment after I buy it though, it's gonna go on sale LOL D:[/QUOTE]

exactly where I am. i've been sitting on points for over a year waiting for a sale on it
I couldn't get into Anomaly. Whenever I've played a good tower defense game, I've occasionally thought "ha, it must really suck to be the offensive side!" Playing the Anomaly demo just seemed to confirm for me that, yes, it does suck to be the offensive side...
Also in for anomaly, quick look looked interesting enough to justify 320 points.

Also thanks to whoever posted that the Steel Batallion demo was up... downloading now.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's been pushed to June.[/QUOTE]

I cant wait for it, I am not a big fan of the show(honestly never gave it alot of time, it just came off slow and boring what I seen) and never read the comic but the game is really fun. I like how it is a basically choose your own adventure type game and hopefully we can see more games like this, since this one translated to the 360 nicely and it sold very well too.
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']a tower defense game where you don't defend with towers? am I understanding that right? skip for me too then...[/QUOTE]
Perhaps a bit was lost in that translation. It's a tower defense game where you're the one attacking the towers. I think it's a cool idea and a good game if you like TD games. The only one I've ever been able to stand longer than an hour is Plants Vs. Zombies, and that's barely a TD game.

Everyone should at least check out the demo while it's on sale.
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']a tower defense game where you dont defend with towers?[/QUOTE]

I haven't been keeping up with this discussion, but that sounds like a pretty interesting concept. A Tower Offense game? I'll give them points for creativity.
[quote name='Kerig']Perhaps a bit was lost in that translation. It's a tower defense game where you're the one attacking the towers. I think it's a cool idea and a good game if you like TD games. The only one I've ever been able to stand longer than an hour is Plants Vs. Zombies, and that's barely a TD game.

Everyone should at least check out the demo while it's on sale.[/QUOTE]

That's a siege game then. I tend to enjoy those more.
Just finished all the Iron Brigade missions a few hours ago. Anyone who passed on the game while it was on sale has made a grave mistake, IMO. Too awesome of a title. I shifted to Orcs Must Die hoping for something similarly great, but so far the stiff movement is off-putting (funny, having jumped from a game in which you control what is basically a mech...).

Anomaly was fun on Android, might have to pick it up for XBLA.

If anyone's seeking a co-op partner for Iron Brigade cheevos, I'll be here.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']XD Astropop is a DOTW!!!!

Looks like it's all popcap stuff, Plants vs Zombies, Zuma, etc.[/QUOTE]

I finally will pick up Astropop then. :D

Today will be released Batman AC story dlc and tomorrow two more SEGA Vintage collections, right? Looks like i will burn lot's of msp this week.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']XD Astropop is a DOTW!!!!

Looks like it's all popcap stuff, Plants vs Zombies, Zuma, etc.[/QUOTE]

Where are you getting this from? The only pop cap news sale i can find online is from last year around this same time.
only ones from this week I don't have are both Bejeweled games and the Feeding Frenzy games how are the Frenzy games? Bejeweled isn't my kinda game
I got astropop along with Time Pilot and Frogger a couple years back with an arcade stick for a dollar or two at microcenter when they were trying to get rid of those (which I heard about on CAG). Surprisingly the stick has been useful several times when I've needed an extra controller for something.

I'm not a huge fan of puzzle games, so most of these don't interest me, but I enjoyed Feeding Frenzy enough that I'll consider picking up FF2.
Just finished Iron Brigade. Anyone looking to do survival or the Martian Bear DLC, feel free to add me.

Hopefully Major Nelson reveals something different for next week.
Yawn, seen all these "deals" before and at the same prices to boot. If they're gonna keep dropping the same stuff all the time they might as well drop it permanently.
Still, it's nice to see Microsoft doing their bit for recycling.

Anyway check out Heavy Weapon that game is amazing.
[quote name='Exu']
Anyway check out Heavy Weapon that game is amazing.[/QUOTE]

Bought Astropop,Heavy weapon and Zuma (dunno why, already have superior pc version). I'm ok with recycling XBLA stuff. Would love to see both Banjo games, which were deals few times before as well.
Hmm I have all of them except Astropop and Feeding Frenzy 2. Recommendations? The first feeding frenzy was fun for about 10 minutes then I became annoyed with it.
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