XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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[quote name='Cleaner7']I was still on the fence about this even after playing the trial but hearing about that terrible health system pulled me back. If it ever goes on sale for 400 MSP I'll get it otherwise 600 is too high a price for something so divisive.[/QUOTE]

Actually, there are various items that replenish your health and I don't think they were added post-patch only... keep in mind to check your inventory with LB and map or use one of the three items that resemble a drop with a + sign in the middle. Starting from the top of the wheel and going clockwise, they heal small, medium or large quantities of health, but you can carry only a limited number of each item and the game doesn't switch to the next if you deplete your current stash, so you gotta re-map another health item manually.

Notice that I often incurred in a little glitch which caused me to spend TWO items when i used one item with A button and then pressed X to map it, so you're better off mapping items only and then using them with LB in-game. Plus, it is true that the game refuel your health from time to time, so I never found myself in critical situations except maybe in a couple of sections where I died for my swagger.

That said, I'm enjoying Bloodforge a lot and found its artistic direction especially satisfying: even though I have the feeling that most of the game has been "crammed" to speed up its development (you almost have no time to try all of a weapon's combos that you find her next power-up) and I've already started craving for more since I'm almost at the end of the story, I like what I've seen so far. Some monsters are the spawn of Silent Hill's better days and, while sometimes your worst enemies are the camera and some janky animations, combat is solid and fulfilling with a nice, albeit a little trite, tale of betrayal and revenge to top it all.

In short, 600 MSP well spent on a fun beat'em up romp which I'd like to see expanded and refined in a full-fledged retail sequel :)
rather late question - but are the FX2 pinball offers this week worth it? i never owned the first FX pinball so does that matter?
[quote name='basis']rather late question - but are the FX2 pinball offers this week worth it? i never owned the first FX pinball so does that matter?[/QUOTE]

Why don't you go and answer that for yourself? Since Pinball FX2 is really nothing more than a table delivery system every Pinball FX table has a trial mode. So if you like what you are playing for that short time you'll probably love owning the full tables.

While the Marvel tables are better crafted overall, the original Core tables are still lots of fun and sometimes the laid back, more classic style is a nice change of pace.
I'm enjoying Limbo a lot - creepy and some scares/jumps in there - but I hit a point where I'm pretty stumped. A box and a teeter totter that I need to get the box across without the teeter totter teetering. LOL. I had to sit the game down and take a break. Hopefully it becomes clear when I fire it up agai. But man does it have great atmosphere.
[quote name='crunchewy']I'm enjoying Limbo a lot - creepy and some scares/jumps in there - but I hit a point where I'm pretty stumped. A box and a teeter totter that I need to get the box across without the teeter totter teetering. LOL. I had to sit the game down and take a break. Hopefully it becomes clear when I fire it up agai. But man does it have great atmosphere.[/QUOTE]

If you get stumped I am sure there are a couple of hundred walkthroughs on Youtube. :)
[quote name='eastx']The other problem is the difficulty was off. Not sure why Tyler didn't have a problem with this as he generally favors games being easier, but it definitely bugged me. There was a boss battle that took me 8 or 9 tries, and it just sapped most of the goodwill I had for the game up to that point.

Thing is, you restarted with whatever tiny amount of life you had when you reached the battle. There was never any event that actually filled your life all the way up - dying, reaching checkpoints, beating levels - none of it filled your perpetually low life meter. The devs defended this to me, but there's definitely a reason no other game treats health that way.

I understand the patch adjusted the life levels to be higher after dying, which should make things more pleasant. Gotta go back and try it sometime.[/QUOTE]

You're definitely referring to the 2nd boss, who was a huge pain in the ass, and has been fixed post-patch. I actually lost a lot of my positivity towards the game at that boss, but it also made me stop running through the game, and instead focus on finishing battle sections while taking as little damage as possible. Once I started playing that way (rather than playing God of War-style and just slashing my way through everything) the game really started to open up.

And funny you should say that, you're right that I definitely have an affinity for easier games, tough-as-nails games do nothing for me.

[quote name='Junpei'] so I never found myself in critical situations except maybe in a couple of sections where I died for my swagger.[/QUOTE]

That's a great way of putting it! Glad to hear you're liking the game.

[quote name='crunchewy']I'm enjoying Limbo a lot - creepy and some scares/jumps in there - but I hit a point where I'm pretty stumped. A box and a teeter totter that I need to get the box across without the teeter totter teetering. LOL. I had to sit the game down and take a break. Hopefully it becomes clear when I fire it up agai. But man does it have great atmosphere.[/QUOTE]

Nice to hear such positive things about Limbo in this thread. I really enjoyed the game, though I thought it was too short to justify the 1200msp price tag.
Limbo is one of those games where there's so many people that absolutely love the game and then there's so many people that absolutely despite it. It's crazy really.
I absolutely loved Limbo, such a fantastic experience. It's also a great game to throw on when you have your "non-gaming" companions around, it plays out like a really suspenseful movie (sans dialogue of course).
[quote name='Tsel']Limbo is one of those games where there's so many people that absolutely love the game and then there's so many people that absolutely despite it. It's crazy really.[/QUOTE]

I thought Limbo was okay. :)
I love Limbo as well. In fact, it's one of my favorite XBLA games of all-time, but still, I've seen plenty of hate for it across the internet and even on this forum.
I'm in the love Limbo camp for sure, at least so far. I don't have a problem with short games as long as they are good. Indeed tend to prefer them. Of course it's nice when they are half off too. :)
Hey everyone, figure this is a good place to mention that the Indie Games Uprising III for XBLIG starts today. 9 games released between now and the 20th. All the games combined only cost $11! My site has previews of each game and interviews with all the developers (click the image in my sig) if you want more info.

Great value and some really fantastic looking games.
Budz - I think someone should start a new thread to talk about Uprising III(hint hint). I think this year's lineup looks awesome. I am buying all of them for sure.
[quote name='hufferstl']Budz - I think someone should start a new thread to talk about Uprising III(hint hint). I think this year's lineup looks awesome. I am buying all of them for sure.[/QUOTE]

On my phone but I'll happily put a thread together later.
Is the Forza Porsche pack just like the other DLC packs, meaning you still have to purchase the cars with in game credits even after paying for the DLC?
Haven't tried geometry wars2, but I tried GW1 last night; you would be hard pressed to find anyone worse than me at that game. I am a disgrace.

Still debating Rayman 3. Demo was fun but I just bought origins during the bestbuy sale in august and haven't gotten to it yet.
[quote name='Whedon']Haven't tried geometry wars2, but I tried GW1 last night; you would be hard pressed to find anyone worse than me at that game. I am a disgrace.[/QUOTE]
I'm by no means a GW pro, but the most valuable lesson I learned was to never shoot behind you, despite the huge line of enemies that trail you. Always work on clearing a path in front of you.
[quote name='Thrinn']I'm by no means a GW pro, but the most valuable lesson I learned was to never shoot behind you, despite the huge line of enemies that trail you. Always work on clearing a path in front of you.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to blame my failure on a combination of old age (you start losing fast twitch muscles at 30 ;)) and not staying cool under pressure; "Holy shit there's so much stuff on the screen /FLAIL!"

But not trying to shoot behind you makes a lot of sense and if I brave it again I will try that, thanks.
[quote name='Whedon']I'm going to blame my failure on a combination of old age (you start losing fast twitch muscles at 30 ;)) and not staying cool under pressure; "Holy shit there's so much stuff on the screen /FLAIL!"

But not trying to shoot behind you makes a lot of sense and if I brave it again I will try that, thanks.[/QUOTE]

I've already claimed those two excuses along with "bright lights are confusing me" so come up with something else. If it makes you feel any better I am probably worse at the game than you.
[quote name='weeman43302']So does anyone know this weeks deals? :booty:[/QUOTE]

Pop Cap sale and Kinect Central Rhythm Party.
[quote name='Whedon']Haven't tried geometry wars2, but I tried GW1 last night; you would be hard pressed to find anyone worse than me at that game. I am a disgrace.

Still debating Rayman 3. Demo was fun but I just bought origins during the bestbuy sale in august and haven't gotten to it yet.[/QUOTE]

I liked GW2 way more than GW1, FWIW.

[quote name='weeman43302']So does anyone know this weeks deals? :booty:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Antarael Dulacre']Same here but that may be because the second game is much easier and less frustrating lol[/QUOTE]

Yup, that's exactly why I liked it more. It also had A LOT more variety.
I still play Geometry Wars 2 at least once a month hoping to somehow improve and get better with practice. Sadly, I never even get close to my previous high scores.
in for alan wake, sonic episode 2 and bloodforge all stuff i was waiting for a half off sale. and all stuff that should be beatable pretty fast too
[quote name='Japakneez']Mark of the ninja is fantastic. Probably the best XBL game of 2012.

I strongly encourage you all to try the demo[/QUOTE]

Off-topic but I have to say, your avatar makes me smile every time I see it. Definitely one of my all-time favorite movies.
I decided to bite on both Sam & Max games and I'm so glad I did. I love the humor even more than the Monkey Island games.

Now, I'm contemplating possibly getting the Showtime DLC pack for Joe Danger, and maybe even the Ranger DLC pack for Metro 2033 since I actually just purchased the game about 2 weeks ago.

Those would be my final 2 purchases from this big sale, but I would like to wait and see what the "Loser Deals" are for the Scratch & Match game tomorrow. If I wait, do you think it'd be too late for those 2 DLCs and all the sale prices will be back to normal?
^Judging from past weeks, you should have a small window between when the Scratch & Match deals go live and these sales end. But if you actually think you might regret not buying either of those things you want, I'd get them now just to be safe.
I'm on the fence with Alan Wake. I still have to complete episode 2, the writer, from the main game, and this would sit in my backlog for a few months. I'd be inclined to believe/assume it'll go on sale once again around the holidays.

600 is a great price, I'll gladly pick it up at that price if it goes on sale again, but maybe not right now.
I told myself I was just going to wait until Sonic Ep 2 hit 400 on one of the countless Sonic/Sega sales they have 6 times a year, but I may just pull the trigger now.

Curse you sentimental memories of my childhood. I've spent more on this weeks deals than I have for the an entire years worth combined I'd say.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']Is the Forza Porsche pack just like the other DLC packs, meaning you still have to purchase the cars with in game credits even after paying for the DLC?[/QUOTE]

Yes, except it appears they do give you 2 free "tokens" unlike the other monthly packs which do not.

For what its worth, as a regular but not "hardcore" Forza 4 racer, the Porche DLC is only worth it if you're a huge fan of Porche or you're a hardcore Forza 4 racer (as in you play enough to get your moneys worth). There are SO MANY good cars in the original game without any of the DLC that so far I'm finding the Season Pass(purchased at Xmas discount)+Porche DLC is overkill.

Honestly these days I'd be more interested in something that adds more tracks or race modes to the game, as the amount of cars is fairly satisfactory at this point.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']I told myself I was just going to wait until Sonic Ep 2 hit 400 on one of the countless Sonic/Sega sales they have 6 times a year, but I may just pull the trigger now.

Curse you sentimental memories of my childhood. I've spent more on this weeks deals than I have for the an entire years worth combined I'd say.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly what happened to me Saturday night! I ended up getting it for 600 points even though I bought it on the ipad for my son. Sonic on mobile devices works surprisingly well, but nothing beats it on a console with a controller.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']This is exactly what happened to me Saturday night! I ended up getting it for 600 points even though I bought it on the ipad for my son. Sonic on mobile devices works surprisingly well, but nothing beats it on a console with a controller.[/QUOTE]

I ended up grabbing it within 2 min of posting, haha.

I'm so far gone in this sale that one more won't take me any deeper :lol:
I decided to wait on sonic episode II because I have not played episode I yet. :|

the only game I am on the fence with is warp. Cannot decide. Is it more of a puzzle type game. i only got a few minutes of the trial before i got busy.
^Yeah, it's a puzzle game, but not like brain-numbingly difficult one. I definitely recommend it, though if you're an achievement completionist, maybe look up the cheevos first as it takes several runthroughs.
This past week's sales was of such quality, it made the post count on this thread jumping. A great change of pace from the "blegh" or "meh" of many weeks. I too lost a lot of Microsoft Points from the sales on Alan Wake's American Nightmare, Rayman 3 HD, the 2nd Marvel pack on Pinball FX2, the War for Cybertron DLC packs, and the final one and only pack of cars which was not on sale before for Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. While it does add to the backlog, I am happier knowing I have stuff I will enjoy at lowered prices. I did choose to pass on a lot of 200MSP games this sale, even when I regret not getting a few titles which were offered at 240MSP or less price, I am just getting a bit more picky to adding to my backlog (just a bit). This sale made it less easy to have Microsoft points at the ready for more surprise great sales, but that's how I would love it to be consistently. Coupled with the upcoming XBLA releases of Jet Set Radio and NiGHTS: Into Dreams the next couple months which I intend on purchasing at 800MSP each, I will have to hit the rewards and Bing a bit harder (sorry, Marvel Vs. Capcom Origins, I desire you but your base price tells me to wait on a sale).

Sine Mora and Sonic 4 episode 2, you guys need to get a larger discount for me to bite. Hope to see you guys again on a sale, but only if you are at a more palpable price. I'm still holding out for an ultimate edition of Forza 4 as I did with Forza Motorsport 3 which included almost all the DLC, but knowing that EA owns the rights to Porsche vehicles in video games, think this is my only chance to have this particular DLC on a discount? Also, I do not know if I will purchase Metro 2033, and the DLC does tempt me a bit. Think I should?

[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Theres nothing wrong with it being fake and scripted, it is simply entertainment afterall, though it shouldn't be considered a sport.

I always found it to be more akin to a soap opera than a comic honestly.[/QUOTE]

Even all the way back in the day, I had felt it was odd how the real life combatants fight, never trying to disrupt their opponent's balance/equilibrium by attacking their base and slingshot-like borders to the arena forcing a grown man/woman to uncontrollably run. In a video game, I accepted it as the game's play mechanics. So NES Pro Wrestling, arcade WWF Superstars, N64 titles by AKI, and Fire Pro were just entertaining fighting/brawlers to me. Just being a video game, the context makes it more acceptable to me than a television program.

Speaking of which, dunno if I had mentioned it before, but the screenshots on the Xbox Dashboard for Wrestlefest looks like a poor XBLIG title. I do remember the original in pixel art, but this release for XBLA looks more like a cheaper Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix drawn over to me. I'm not saying anything about the quality of the game, just my impressions from the dashboard screenshots. I hope the developers give consideration to the format of the game on XBLA, since the original was purposed for arcades taking in money to extend play by buying in for more health/extend play, the game mechanics hopefully changed to account for a home system owned purchase (controls, difficulty, online multiplayer, etc.).

[quote name='BudzMcGee']Hey everyone, figure this is a good place to mention that the Indie Games Uprising III for XBLIG starts today. 9 games released between now and the 20th. All the games combined only cost $11! My site has previews of each game and interviews with all the developers (click the image in my sig) if you want more info.

Great value and some really fantastic looking games.[/QUOTE]

I do like to support some indie titles. After seeing the list, I was sad a title I had anticipated for XBLIG is not on that promotion, when it was due out a while back. I just learned it is no longer planned for XBLIG and went to just Steam for now =(. They Bleed Pixels, you were supposed to be XBLIG I wanted to give Microsoft Points to. Ah well, I'll look up these games and see if anything catches my favor like They Bleed Pixels did, because I've not purchased from XBLIG in a while.

The game looks so good to me ... http://www.theybleedpixels.com/ ... you can see in the older videos, it was supposed to be an XBLIG. What will it take from Microsoft or the developer to bring this to my 360?
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