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[quote name='Sath666']What do you think guys, is 1800msp good deal for GoD version of Borderlands 2?[/QUOTE]

GoD version of Borderlands 2 is 3200 points. The season pass is 1800 points
[quote name='ZeroFlame15']GoD version of Borderlands 2 is 3200 points. The season pass is 1800 points[/QUOTE]

Full game is 1800msp as well on Hungarian marketplace. After looked around it seems pretty good price.
Decided to get Borderlands 2 season pass. I'm curious to see what my 2% will look like at the end of this month since I've spent a ridiculous amount of points.
[quote name='Sath666']What do you think guys, is 1800msp good deal for GoD version of Borderlands 2?[/QUOTE]

If you played Borderlands 1, you should know if it's worth it to you. 2 is more of the same.

If you haven't played Borderlands 1, you should! 2 is one of the best sequels I've played in a long time. But I feel the first is needed to fully appreciate it.
I Feel this thread is just an endless loop of the same questions being asked over and over again...well, more so then usual I mean.
life is an endless loop of the same things being done over and over again, until it stops looping and you end up holding nothing with no hope left.

anyway, I suppose even if I could get BL2 from Hungarian marketplace I would not be able to play it on my NA console with US account because of region lock.
They don't throw the BL 1 DLCs on, just the game itself and if people seem to love it, the DLCs are at their full price.

I although would buy the vanilla BL1.
Looks like I bought my last XBLA deal of the year now with the BL2 Season Pass.

It's not been a bad haul for deals for me during this holiday sale. Picked up the following;

MW3 Collection 3
Joe Danger 2
Mark of the Ninja
Sonic Adventure 2
BL2 Season Pass

Just gotta start playing these games now! O_O
[quote name='sram']They don't throw the BL 1 DLCs on, just the game itself and if people seem to love it, the DLCs are at their full price.

I although would buy the vanilla BL1.[/QUOTE]

Just wait a week or two.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Moment of truth coming up for the Walking Dead episodes gents and ladies.[/QUOTE]

Yes it is. My guess is that episodes 2-5 will be 300 points each which is still a solid price. At 200 per episode it's a no brainer.
[quote name='Bigmeat23']Me too....but I mean we know they can't be bad. It's worth every penny at 400 msp a piece (IMO) especially being that ep 1 is free right now too. But since we know they will be on sale it can only be better. I imagine they could be 200 a piece bringing it to $10 to play all 5 eps. But even if its like 240 or 300 an ep I cant wait, bring it ON![/QUOTE]

True. I just got done playing ep 1 and enjoyed it very much. I'll easily pay 320 for each episode, which is the most expensive I see it being.
[quote name='mirai'] anyway, I suppose even if I could get BL2 from Hungarian marketplace I would not be able to play it on my NA console with US account because of region lock.[/QUOTE]

Or if your 360 goes down and for some reason you can't reset the DRM on your account ... or you lose access to the Hungarian account, or Xbox Live's Enforcement actually decides to enforce the Terms of Use to the service, or the game isn't region-locked but the add-ons are, or ...

So is it really that hard to find a used disc on eBay for any more than $25, especially if the game has no online code to compel you to look for new copies? :)
[quote name='Cornelius']Or if your 360 goes down and for some reason you can't reset the DRM on your account ... or you lose access to the Hungarian account, or Xbox Live's Enforcement actually decides to enforce the Terms of Use to the service, or the game isn't region-locked but the add-ons are, or ...

So is it really that hard to find a used disc on eBay for any more than $25, especially if the game has no online code to compel you to look for new copies? :)[/QUOTE]
The true purpose of being a CAG is buying games at discounted prices...the lower the better. The logic of buying a cheaper bundle doesn't always factor into it. It's the ability to say...."haha I got Borderlands for 320 points...";)
[quote name='Seasick Pirate']But I feel the first is needed to fully appreciate it.[/QUOTE]

What makes you say that? Are the stories at all related (if BL1 even has a story, that is)?

I just got BL2 for Xmas. I have BL1 on PC but my PC sucks and I've only played 2 hours of it. I really don't know if playing through a 50 hour+ game is worth it just so I can "appreciate" BL2 more... unless someone can convince me otherwise.
Man the BL deal day is pretty bad...especially with the deceiving "gotta read it carefully" description in the OP. I saw the other stuff wasn't included in the SP after reading it once or twice but then for some reason thought the other stuff was still going to be on sale...just not included in the SP.

Disappointing to see it's ONLY the first game (no DLC) and ONLY the second game (no separate DLC) and ONLY the season pass (which is the only way to get any "sale" DLC and doesn't even include Mech).

At least Walking Dead tomorrow should be good, I just hope the total price evens out to actually be a good deal since I've been holding off getting it on PC as it's relentlessly been on sale. Then the day after I hope Toy Story 3 and Cars 2 are both good prices since I'll buy those as trainer games for my kids.
Was looking forward to the bl2 deals but a little disappointed, was hoping for 50% off the season pass and a deal on the mechromancer. I'll probably just wait on the GOTY edition rather than take the plunge now.
[quote name='mirai']
anyway, I suppose even if I could get BL2 from Hungarian marketplace I would not be able to play it on my NA console with US account because of region lock.[/QUOTE]
Borderlands 2 isn't region-locked on 360, is it? The European version and US version weren't.

And has DLC on 360 ever been region-locked for anything? I know the occasional piece hasn't been available in regions, but not actually locked out..?
I picked up the BL2 season pass, wish it had been cheaper but it is still a good deal to me since I missed the free DLC. I already own The Walking Dead on PS3 (free $20 PSN card from the juice promo) but if it is 200 per episode I might have to double dip.
[quote name='jthieme']Was looking forward to the bl2 deals but a little disappointed, was hoping for 50% off the season pass and a deal on the mechromancer. I'll probably just wait on the GOTY edition rather than take the plunge now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm going to wait and get the GOTY. I was also hoping that there were going to make a few more character classes. Plus I should pick up the GOTY of the first one.
[quote name='jthieme']Was looking forward to the bl2 deals but a little disappointed, was hoping for 50% off the season pass and a deal on the mechromancer. I'll probably just wait on the GOTY edition rather than take the plunge now.[/QUOTE]
There's absolutely no reason it should have been 50% off, that doesn't follow in line with anything that's ever happened on the marketplace.

You wishing it was 50% off was exactly the same as someone wishing it was 100% off.

People need to have some realistic expectations.
I was going to pick up the disc version of The Walking Dead to save some HD space, but found out it has some SERIOUS issues. So I guess I will be picking up digital copies instead. Just a heads up for anyone who had similar plans.
My guess is that they'll knock 100 msps off each episode. So it'll be 1200 MSPs for episodes 2-5.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']What makes you say that? Are the stories at all related (if BL1 even has a story, that is)?

I just got BL2 for Xmas. I have BL1 on PC but my PC sucks and I've only played 2 hours of it. I really don't know if playing through a 50 hour+ game is worth it just so I can "appreciate" BL2 more... unless someone can convince me otherwise.[/QUOTE]

I haven't played through all of Borderlands 2 yet, but there is little need to play the first one to enjoy the 2nd. So far, the only thing I can see useful from playing the first is a few subtle references to things like the ending from the first game. Also, appreciation of some of the world/people and how they operate may be slightly enhanced from playing the first one. Borderlands 2 is definitely fine to stand on its own.

That being said, Borderlands 1 is definitely worth anyone's time who is even remotely interested in it.
I am really amused here by people who seem to be disappointed in the Borderlands 2 season pass sale and are now stating they will wait for the GOTY version. It's not like the GOTY version will be available any time soon. As anyone on this site should know, the older a game gets the cheaper it gets. This is a popular game that just recently came out and only half of the DLC has been released.

Saying you will wait 6 months for a cheaper price is like saying the sky is blue. That's the nature of video games. Once the newness has worn off, the price drops.

I don't fault anyone for waiting for a cheaper price, but I do find it funny when people have unrealistic expectations for something they want and then compare the reality to an assumed value that will supposedly be available 6 months from now.
Geez guys, lighten up, everyone has their own game buying preferences, this is CAG, remember? I rarely buy dlc and almost always prefer to wait on the GOTY editions, that's just my preference. I have plenty of other games I can play in the meantime so I don't mind the wait on the GOTY. And yes, you can get much better deals most of the time if you wait.

As for the 50% off expectation? I don't see where that was unreasonable, pretty much all of the other daily deals during this sale were a minimum of 50% off.

I just love it when people get mad when I won't spend my money on one of their favorite games.
Not sure why people thought it was reasonable to expect 50% off the BL2 pass when half it's content hasn't even released yet. That would be kind of messed up for people who bought the pass at full price.

Throughout the numerous BL1 sales, the DLCs never went below 400 MSP a clip. With the current deal you're getting them for 450 a piece, and the game is barely 3 months old!
[quote name='PrarieD0G']What makes you say that? Are the stories at all related (if BL1 even has a story, that is)?.[/QUOTE]

The gameplay would still be enjoyable without playing the first. But I feel to enjoy the story, the first is needed.

Characters from the first are not reintroduced well. I was disappointed when I saw you couldn't play as the same characters from 1, but they are used very well in 2.

I would think it would be like watching Dark Knight Rises without ever knowing who Batman was before. At least watch Batman Begins first! ... That is if the story is important at all. Gameplay wise, Borderlands 2 is fine as a standalone.
[quote name='Seasick Pirate']I would think it would be like watching Dark Knight Rises without ever knowing who Batman was before. At least watch Batman Begins first! ... That is if the story is important at all. Gameplay wise, Borderlands 2 is fine as a standalone.[/QUOTE]

That's a pretty big hyperbole there. BL1 "story" was as bare bones as could be, and the events are recapped in sufficient detail at the beginning of BL2. There are a few minor details and references you will miss out on, but it's no big deal. Not to mention if you play both games back to back you will be super burned out on the formula.
[quote name='jthieme']
As for the 50% off expectation? I don't see where that was unreasonable, pretty much all of the other daily deals during this sale were a minimum of 50% off.[/QUOTE]
Every other season DLC package has been between 25-33% off, for some reason you think this is going to be 50%?

Ridiculous expectations
[quote name='Jaysonguy']Every other season DLC package has been between 25-33% off, for some reason you think this is going to be 50%?

Ridiculous expectations[/QUOTE]

I don't see any other season DLC packages on the first page so how would I know that?
[quote name='Jaysonguy']Every other season DLC package has been between 25-33% off, for some reason you think this is going to be 50%?

Ridiculous expectations[/QUOTE]

Faith is the support on which humanity rests. xD
To those on the fence about the season pass. All 4 dlc at 50% off will at least be 1600 points (assuming you didn't get that free one). So my reasoning was if the 200 point difference between 1600 on future sale prices and 1800 on the pass sale now, worth all the waiting time for individual dlc sales?

Totally worth it imho.
[quote name='ooga']I was going to pick up the disc version of The Walking Dead to save some HD space, but found out it has some SERIOUS issues. So I guess I will be picking up digital copies instead. Just a heads up for anyone who had similar plans.
My guess is that they'll knock 100 msps off each episode. So it'll be 1200 MSPs for episodes 2-5.[/QUOTE]

i got the disc for xmas, and it popped with an update as soon as i started, are the issues confirmed to exist POST update? would be nice to be able to save the 1200-1600 it will all be on sale for and just play through the disc, even though it sounds like someone is running the vacuum in the disc drive...
[quote name='Althax']To those on the fence about the season pass. All 4 dlc at 50% off will at least be 1600 points (assuming you didn't get that free one). So my reasoning was if the 200 point difference between 1600 on future sale prices and 1800 on the pass sale now, worth all the waiting time for individual dlc sales?

Totally worth it imho.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if I hadn't gotten Torgue for free I would have bit. But since I did, the other 3 DLCs would be 550ish a piece. Since I know it will be a while before I play them I'd rather wait and save the 450 MSP when they hit 400 MSP a pop.
[quote name='bajingo']i got the disc for xmas, and it popped with an update as soon as i started, are the issues confirmed to exist POST update? would be nice to be able to save the 1200-1600 it will all be on sale for and just play through the disc, even though it sounds like someone is running the vacuum in the disc drive...[/QUOTE]
If you have a 4gb Slim the game is pretty much unplayable. You should be ok with any other kind of Xbox. Don't just use one slot to save, though.
[quote name='GamerDude316']Yeah, if I hadn't gotten Torgue for free I would have bit. But since I did, the other 3 DLCs would be 550ish a piece. Since I know it will be a while before I play them I'd rather wait and save the 450 MSP when they hit 400 MSP a pop.[/QUOTE]

I follow. If I had gotten one free it would have been a much more difficult decision.
[quote name='ooga']I was going to pick up the disc version of The Walking Dead to save some HD space, but found out it has some SERIOUS issues. So I guess I will be picking up digital copies instead. Just a heads up for anyone who had similar plans.
My guess is that they'll knock 100 msps off each episode. So it'll be 1200 MSPs for episodes 2-5.[/QUOTE]

the digital version has plenty of issues of it's own with framerate

that cost it game of the year on a few sites
I don't even know how fit all the stuff I bought on my hdd. Now I'm contemplating if I should go for the season pass, again. Argh! I thought I had it all figured out!
[quote name='Barry Burton']the digital version has plenty of issues of it's own with framerate

that cost it game of the year on a few sites[/QUOTE]

I read somewhere that the framerate issue is still present in the disc version...damn If I can remember where.

The fact that a digital released episodic game has game of the year awards and nominations says you should overlook it and enjoy it.
thanks for the replies, ill just run off the disc and skip the sale, at least ill get a meager trade in.

would be so in for BL2 season pass if i didnt have a million other games to play now...

counter strike seamed boring and i sucked at it, but i can see the appeal for sure so im not hatin, anyone on the fence should demo it and youll know pretty quickly if its your thing.
[quote name='Jaysonguy']You wishing it was 50% off was exactly the same as someone wishing it was 100% off.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that makes sense. Totally. For sure. What a masterful way to kick a man while he's down - make nonsensical digs at his hopes and predictions for a discount on some damned video game downloadable content. For Pete's sake, at least try harder next time. Who the hell is Pete, anyway?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, even looking back to previous discounting trends, you only knew as much about what the discount would be as the rest of us - nothing.
[quote name='dark_inchworm']YFor Pete's sake, at least try harder next time. Who the hell is Pete, anyway?[/QUOTE]

One of the bosses in the BL2 Torgue DLC.
[quote name='ooga']I was going to pick up the disc version of The Walking Dead to save some HD space, but found out it has some SERIOUS issues. So I guess I will be picking up digital copies instead. Just a heads up for anyone who had similar plans.
My guess is that they'll knock 100 msps off each episode. So it'll be 1200 MSPs for episodes 2-5.[/QUOTE]

This is worth quoting and repeating because I am in the same boat. I would have preferred to have it on a physical disc as well since HDD space is more valuable than shelf space atm (and it can be resold), but there is a lot of grumbling over interface lag, frame rate stutters and game freezes with the retail copy. Telltale hasn't even addressed the issue.

Edit: Some have said it only effects the 4 GB Slim model, but I've read other reports saying it's all models. Not worth the chance imo.
[quote name='bajingo']i got the disc for xmas, and it popped with an update as soon as i started, are the issues confirmed to exist POST update? would be nice to be able to save the 1200-1600 it will all be on sale for and just play through the disc, even though it sounds like someone is running the vacuum in the disc drive...[/QUOTE]

The many reviews on Amazon make it sound like the update does not resolve the skipping issues. Which is hard to believe.
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