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[quote name='DemonsMaster']Nobody is giving the developer of SMB any shit for (in that same movie) saying that Call of Duty and Halo are shit. Group think can do a lot of strange things to people and their opinions.[/QUOTE]
Exactly just people being babies.

Even Keiji Inafune said japanese games suck
[quote name='Blade']He called Japanese video games "shit" during a press conference, then he got all pissy about having to apologize for it. He thinks he can say whatever he wants about other developers' games but acts like an arrogant dick in defense of his own. He's nothing but a hypocritical man-child whose social skills border on mentally challenged.[/QUOTE]

If you take what he said literally, meaning every single japanese game sucks, you're an idiot. Here's how he qualified the statement later, in case you weren't smart enough to figure it out yourself.

"I stand by what I said. Most modern Japanese games are terrible. You can quote me on that."

I'd agree with him. I know I'm disappointed with many of the big japanese developers this gen. Especially when it comes to the products they've released on home consoles.
Personally, I think that him "winning" a ton of money from his buddy's rigged "contest" and his bitching about Microsoft's patching process after throwing Steam under the bus (once a game-breaking glitch was found in Fez).... yeah that stuff is worse than the asshat comments he made about Japanese games, even when you consider the fact that Fez is nothing but a mashup of Echochrome, Paper Mario and Cave Story.... or, you know, JAPANESE games.
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[quote name='doodofdoods']If you take what he said literally, meaning every single japanese game sucks, you're an idiot. Here's how he qualified the statement later, in case you weren't smart enough to figure it out yourself.

"I stand by what I said. Most modern Japanese games are terrible. You can quote me on that."

I'd agree with him. I know I'm disappointed with many of the big japanese developers this gen. Especially when it comes to the products they've released on home consoles.[/QUOTE]

I don't like a lot of Japanese made games. But not every single one, so I would have to agree with him within that quote. Although like 8 or so years ago I might of disagreed with him.
I think regardless of what Phish has said or how he has acted, if you enjoy platformers and miss this game over something that doesn't even effect the actual game or gameplay, you're an idiot. There are plenty of douches in the videogame buisness, just because this one is a little more outspoken and defensive than the rest is no reason to miss out on a good game.
I did - I skipped it until it went on sale.

...and now that I own it, I can honestly say - this game isn't anything special.

Decent, yeah.... but there are loads of games on XBLA/XBLiG that I would rather play.
Just my opinion so keep that in mind as I speak freely without looking to start a fight.

Fez and Mark of the Ninja, while quaint, don't really do much for me at all. I played both for a couple hours last night and I'm perfectly content to never load them up again, which is disappointing since I just purchased them both. They're a bit fun, with novel concepts that just seem better on paper than in practice.

Dust, on the other hand, has me enthralled. The production value alone on the quality dialogue and voice acting is leagues ahead of anything else on XBLA. Well worth the price of standard full admission. The game play is nothing revolutionary but its solid enough to support the gorgeous aesthetics and VA.
[quote name='ctclements']I think regardless of what Phish has said or how he has acted, if you enjoy platformers and miss this game over something that doesn't even effect the actual game or gameplay, you're an idiot. There are plenty of douches in the videogame buisness, just because this one is a little more outspoken and defensive than the rest is no reason to miss out on a good game.[/QUOTE]

I agree with the second sentence but not the first one. Everybody can decide for themselves what factors are or are not important to them and doing so does not make anyone an idiot.
[quote name='illennium']I agree with the second sentence but not the first one. Everybody can decide for themselves what factors are or are not important to them and doing so does not make anyone an idiot.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't make them an idiot, but it does make me wonder why such things matter.

Most modern Japanese gaming releases really are lackluster - I can't fathom how this blew up into a big deal other than perhaps being widely misinterpreted as an attack on all games that have ever come from Japan.
[quote name='dark_inchworm']It doesn't make them an idiot, but it does make me wonder why such things matter.

Most modern Japanese gaming releases really are lackluster - I can't fathom how this blew up into a big deal other than perhaps being widely misinterpreted as an attack on all games that have ever come from Japan.[/QUOTE]

Its not what he said, its the way he said it. Theres a difference between "I find your games to be rather lackluster these days" and then go on to detail as to why you feel that way, and simply stating "Your games are shit."

The former is the mature way to conduct yourself in a public and professional setting, while the latter is a being a rude little bitch.
Wow, such a big deal. Get over it guys. I absolutely loved FEZ, paid 800msp on release. Looking forward to next projects of Polytron. :)
Fez was fun because when it first came out everyone was trying to figure out the letters and languages in the game and what everything meant. It was fun contributing to threads and everyone working together to find the secrets in the game. The game was great fun though Phil Fish is still an ignorant asshole. Mark of the Ninja was one of the best games I've played this year due to it's controls and fluidity. Everything on paper made the game sound good but playing it was even better. Dust: An Elysian Tale was amazing. It still boggles my mind that only one person made the game and he was learning to code as he was making it.
I interrupt this Fish discussion with a question concerning the Borderlands 2 season pass and DRM.

Haven't dealt with the season passes before and was wondering if there will be any issue with me and the wife being able to both play the DLC on two boxes in the house with only one purchase? I.E. if i buy the pass on one xbox, will she be able to play on the original xbox which the purchase was made on while I play on a different box (while signed into my account)? I guess my question is does the season pass work like any other digital content, DRM wise?
[quote name='doodofdoods']If you take what he said literally, meaning every single japanese game sucks, you're an idiot. Here's how he qualified the statement later, in case you weren't smart enough to figure it out yourself.

"I stand by what I said. Most modern Japanese games are terrible. You can quote me on that."

I'd agree with him. I know I'm disappointed with many of the big japanese developers this gen. Especially when it comes to the products they've released on home consoles.[/QUOTE]

How is he an idiot by taking the statement literally? What other way would he have interpreted it? The guy stands by what he says and is just looking for attention. Saying "im sorry japanese guy! i was a bit rough, but your country's games are f****** terrible nowadays." makes him sound like an ignorant ass.
Well, somebody needed to say it...

When Team Ninja got a grubby hand into Metroid was anyone even remotely expecting a better outcome? You have the ever-excellent House of Mario, and a bunch of also-rans. Squeenix is off the rails. Capcom publishes about one good game a year, maybe. Konami? Good grief. Atlus has some good stuff.

Perhaps most damning is that not one of Sony's major exclusives for PS3 were developed in Japan.
[quote name='ERROR SUCCESS']
When Team Ninja got a grubby hand into Metroid was anyone even remotely expecting a better outcome? You have the ever-excellent House of Mario, and a bunch of also-rans. Squeenix is off the rails. Capcom publishes about one good game a year, maybe. Konami? Good grief. Atlus has some good stuff.[/QUOTE]
Are you kidding? I expected Other M to be good, but that's because I know Team Ninja made (when Itagaki was at the helm) fantastic games. I think most action fans had high hopes for the game.
Is Wreckateer worth 200 points? I didn't have a Kinect when it was free a few weeks back and didn't want to take up hard drive space. The CAG in me hates paying more for something after missing a deal. But I also wouldn't mind having another game to use the Kinect with.
[quote name='goldeneye64']Is Wreckateer worth 200 points? I didn't have a Kinect when it was free a few weeks back and didn't want to take up hard drive space. The CAG in me hates paying more for something after missing a deal. But I also wouldn't mind having another game to use the Kinect with.[/QUOTE]
My six year old loves it, but it is not my thing.
[quote name='carldisc']I interrupt this Fish discussion with a question concerning the Borderlands 2 season pass and DRM.

Haven't dealt with the season passes before and was wondering if there will be any issue with me and the wife being able to both play the DLC on two boxes in the house with only one purchase? I.E. if i buy the pass on one xbox, will she be able to play on the original xbox which the purchase was made on while I play on a different box (while signed into my account)? I guess my question is does the season pass work like any other digital content, DRM wise?[/QUOTE]

I believe the Season Pass content works the same as any other DLC. The only difference is how you obtain it (must go through in-game store). I could be wrong, so don't plan a purchase based solely on this statement.
[quote name='goldeneye64']Is Wreckateer worth 200 points? I didn't have a Kinect when it was free a few weeks back and didn't want to take up hard drive space. The CAG in me hates paying more for something after missing a deal. But I also wouldn't mind having another game to use the Kinect with.[/QUOTE]

It is.

You should have just downloaded it while it was free and deleted it for space. Can always redownload when necessary.
[quote name='goldeneye64']Is Wreckateer worth 200 points? I didn't have a Kinect when it was free a few weeks back and didn't want to take up hard drive space. The CAG in me hates paying more for something after missing a deal. But I also wouldn't mind having another game to use the Kinect with.[/QUOTE]

I think it's worth the points. It's a creative use of the Kinect and it works well enough to enjoy the experience. While not as good as free, 200pts is a still a good deal IMO.
Just some Facts in the OP that are still wromg....Sonic Adventure doesn't include the dx add-on on the dreamcast Collection (except for the pcversion)

The Mystery Wheel spins are 40 msp per Spin, Not 80 anymore...
[quote name='Antarael Dulacre']Just some Facts in the OP that are still wromg....Sonic Adventure doesn't include the dx add-on on the dreamcast Collection (except for the pcversion)

The Mystery Wheel spins are 40 msp per Spin, Not 80 anymore...[/QUOTE]

OK, thanks, I'll make the changes!

[quote name='WNYX585AM']I believe the Season Pass content works the same as any other DLC. The only difference is how you obtain it (must go through in-game store). I could be wrong, so don't plan a purchase based solely on this statement.[/QUOTE]

Nope, the BL2 Season Pass, individual episodes, collector's skins/grenade, Mechromancer/weapons, and Slaughterdome/bazooka are all obtainable via the Xbox Live Marketplace. The codes you would've gotten for the collector's editions or pre-order bonuses were all 5x5 codes. There IS an in-game store reflecting which content you've purchased so far, but it doesn't handle the transaction ... it only reports whether the content was purchased with your account and/or whether it's installed.
[quote name='ERROR SUCCESS']Scratch & Match is Splosion Man and Ms Splosion Man both 400 (half-off). I'm guessing the winner is some related theme or avatar items.[/QUOTE]

Done with the OP ... you can find out the Scratch prize in the S&S+ once they post the Facebook link for each item. In this case, it's a reindeer hat, which although it's cheap, is something I'd have my avatar wear for a week (at most). :)
[quote name='bardockkun']Borderlands 2 season pass is 1800 points.[/QUOTE]

I would have bitten at 1200 but 1800 is more than I paid for BL2 itself.
[quote name='Felder71']I would have bitten at 1200 but 1800 is more than I paid for BL2 itself.[/QUOTE]
I Was expecting 1600. Half off a season pass where everything isn't even out yet was expecting WAY more then you should've considering GoW3 season pass deal last year.
[quote name='bardockkun']Borderlands 2 season pass is 1800 points.[/QUOTE]

Well i called that. Are bl2's first two dlc packs discounted too?
Im hold out for the eventual goty edition. Gearbox even made ention of doing more dlc once the season pass is done. I might of jumped on the 1800 msp price, but I dont even have a copy on me currently.
[quote name='ZeroFlame15']Well i called that. Are bl2's first two dlc packs discounted too?[/QUOTE]
Without even checking, I'm gonna say no.


Though I'm also saying that to keep you in suspense while I check. Though I REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY doubt it.
[quote name='bardockkun']Without even checking, I'm gonna say no.


Though I'm also saying that to keep you in suspense while I check.[/QUOTE]

Well like the gow3 season pass went on sale last year an its first two dlc packs were discounted.
Nope, not on sale. Though then again I also say no because the speculation lists have yet to prove us wrong and it wasn't on there. Also when the hell is MajorNelson going to tell us next week's deals?
I know its active early, but the pass shows 1800 but wants to be purchased at 2400....boo, gonna have to wait it out i guess

NVM, just changed
[quote name='bardockkun']I Was expecting 1600. Half off a season pass where everything isn't even out yet was expecting WAY more then you should've considering GoW3 season pass deal last year.[/QUOTE]
I agree

Expecting it being less than 20 bucks was crazy
[quote name='merchie89']even with getting Torque free, 1800 for 3 DLC aint bad.[/QUOTE]

its not bad if you're going to play through them all right away. For me, I havent even started BL2 yet (got it for $25 on BF) and considering I just finished BL1 GOTY and havent even started that DLC...I think I'll just wait for them to hit 400 MSP each in a sale.
Man 1800 points is a tougher sell. I had assumed 1600 and hoping for 1200. I haven't started BL 2 yet and I have no problem waiting for the DLC to hit 400 a pop, but it is only 200msp more than I would have paid and I get it right away. Decisions..
[quote name='bardockkun']Borderlands 2 season pass is 1800 points.[/QUOTE]

As I said from the get go. Gears was 1800 last year. Still this is a great deal. $5.50ish/dlc is as about as good as it will be.
[quote name='GUNNM']Exactly just people being babies.

Even Keiji Inafune said japanese games suck[/QUOTE]

Yep, I think people are overreacting here as well. Though this discussion has reminded me to watch that documentary tonight on Netflix.
If it wasn't for the Torgue DLC that I got free, I probably would have bit for 1800 MSP. But I'm gonna pass for now, especially since I just finished playing through BL2 and the Torgue DLC and I am totally burnt out on the game. It was a good game, but I enjoyed Borderlands 1 a lot more, probably just because it felt new and original at the time.
If you buy something for 200 along the 1800 BL2 SP, you'll get 100 back. I'm just getting TWD episodes and I already bought Dust.
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