XBLA - Bomberman LIVE - 800pts - Bomb Up Pack 3 Now Up

[quote name='BustaUppa']Anyone (East X??) have detailed info on the powerups in this game? There's a few that I'm not familiar with.

Also, what kind of poison system does this version use? Do the effects remain until you grab another powerup, or are they timed? Can you "infect" other players by touching them (I believe this was present in Atomic Bomberman for PC)?[/QUOTE]

It amazes me how many people never think to look in the Help menu.

It's an XBLA requirement to put everything you need to know to play the game in the help section of the game.
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']No kidding, EastX owned us like nobody's business yesterday. Man, you got some Bomberskills.[/QUOTE]

That's very nice of you to say! I'll be happy to join you in a different online game sometime, and you will surely stomp me at that. I'm just okay at most games.

Hopefully we can play soon Linkin. I have to work graveyards the next 4 days, but I'll be on a bunch anyway.
You got the Joy of Painting with Bomberman!? Holy heck man! That is impressive. I was going to get it earlier, but I got caught in my own crossfire and lost at 2 seconds to go :(
[quote name='KingBroly']You got the Joy of Painting with Bomberman!? Holy heck man! That is impressive. I was going to get it earlier, but I got caught in my own crossfire and lost at 2 seconds to go :([/QUOTE]

Wait, there's a Bob Ross Bomberman? Now I NEED this game! ;)
[quote name='KingBroly']It's an achievement...

However...I like the idea.[/QUOTE]

Yes, he will be named Bomb Ross.
I've been so close to getting the Joy of painting but always die within a couple seconds...Best way to do it is get the remote bomb, grab as many bombs and fire as possible, place the bombs so that you paint in 4 directions, make sure you get corners as well, get out of the way when you run out of bombs and blow those suckers up.

The other way, which may be easier is to get the "Dangerous Bomb", grab as many 'Flame Up' power ups as you can and stick to bombing near the corners and get the fuck outta the way....

Both methods are also easy methods for getting the Triple Kill achievement.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I've been so close to getting the Joy of painting but always die within a couple seconds...Best way to do it is get the remote bomb, grab as many bombs and fire as possible, place the bombs so that you paint in 4 directions, make sure you get corners as well, get out of the way when you run out of bombs and blow those suckers up.

You really just need Full Fire and Line Bombs. Definitely Line Bombs. Set the time limit to 2 minutes so you don't have to stay alive for too terribly long, as well.
[quote name='BustaUppa']Yup, after you select "Player Match" you'll be prompted to have any additional local players join in. Just make sure you have extra profiles ready for the additional players (you can just set up dummy profiles with no Live accounts).[/QUOTE]

Thanks that sealed the deal for me.
It's an awesome game. It still has multiplayer flaws (you can't change the settings in a room without kicking everyone), but it's still a blast. I'm not good at it either, but it's still fun on Live.

This could be the game that makes me get Gold, and I'm not just saying that. It's a really fun game.
For tons of fun:

Mode: Zombie
Arena: Any
Items: Flame up, Full Fire, Bomb up, Dangerous Bomb.
Fireproof Items
Scavenger On

If you're playing for fun, set the timer to 1:00. If you want costumes, set it to 2:00. You'll get a costume every match around the 1:00 mark. Even though you're invincible, kills still count as kills, so this is a very easy way to get the Dangerous Bomb achievement.
Just curious but can you play with a guest on Live? If so it has to be unranked I'm assuming? I'm too lazy to fire my 360 up right now. =d
[quote name='shinryuu']Just curious but can you play with a guest on Live? If so it has to be unranked I'm assuming? I'm too lazy to fire my 360 up right now. =d[/quote]

Yeah, in player matches.
Just got this (thanks for the BD present Smarterchild hehe) and it's my first time playing Bomberman, amazingly enough. Going to have to practice a bit, but I can already tell this is a great game. Anyone know of any deals on the vid cam?
[quote name='porieux']Just got this (thanks for the BD present Smarterchild hehe) and it's my first time playing Bomberman, amazingly enough. Going to have to practice a bit, but I can already tell this is a great game. Anyone know of any deals on the vid cam?[/quote]

I would also like to see some vid cam deals.
The possibilities. :lol:
[quote name='halfbent']

One thing I can't figure out - how do you load the saved custom settings?[/quote]

I spent 20 minutes looking around for it and i can't figure it out either. I'm able to save, but not load.
Found it, it's on the Arena Select screen, instead of picking the stage you play on, you can choose Custom Arena 1-3 and it loads all the settings for you. Can still fine tune Time Limit, # of Wins, Positions and power-up settings after that too.
[quote name='halfbent']Few of us were just playing, Paint Bomb with Revenge is so much fun.[/QUOTE]

Toy Parade/CAG Cribs is my favorite 'feature'. I've taken a virtual tour of a few Cags apartments/house. Good times!
If anyone is still playing with some CAGs, send me an invite as I am going to start playing again. Would love to play with other CAGs. I played it a ton today, and am relatively bad on Live. A great game though, and so much fun.
I've always got my Live voice output set to "Play Through Headset." But when I play Bomberman online with guests, all the voices come blaring through the speakers! I plugged a headset into the main controller to stop the voices, but they still play through the speaker. How can I shut the voices off, this is driving me nuts! I even tried turning down the voice volume in my Personal settings and nothing changed!

EDIT: if I take TWO headsets and plug them into the extra controllers, it switches them to headset chat. But that's ridiculous if I have to hook up three headsets juts to shut the fucking voices off during a Live game. Either I'm missing something or they better PATCH that shit pronto. It wasn't like this when you had guests in Halo 2.
I'm going to start a session in a half an hour. I hope someone comes dressed as a Cowboy! (hint hint)

I just wonder if I should make it a private match or not.
^^ Is there an achievement with the Cowboy outfit cuz if there is and you sent up a private match, I don't think you will get the achievement
[quote name='ZerotypeX']^^ Is there an achievement with the Cowboy outfit cuz if there is and you sent up a private match, I don't think you will get the achievement[/quote]

Okay. What exactly is the deal with achievements and private matches, even though they're considered to be on Live?
[quote name='KingBroly']I'm going to start a session in a half an hour. I hope someone comes dressed as a Cowboy! (hint hint)

I just wonder if I should make it a private match or not.[/quote]
Damn, I shoulda dressed up as a Cowboy.
and we should get more people next time.
[quote name='KingBroly']Okay. What exactly is the deal with achievements and private matches, even though they're considered to be on Live?[/quote]

I'm guessing so people would get them legitimately and not point boost.

Anyone going to play later tonight?
I'm up for some Bomberman action. I'll try to be on Friday evening. Wouldn't mind finally getting the "Girl Power" achievement either, if some of you guys are interested...
I'll help any CAGs who need the cowboy achivement and I still need to set up a girl match. BTW those to achivements are pretty lame I think.
The only Achievement you can't get in private matches is the ten tournament win Achievement.

I have also posted this at Hudson's forum... If you agree with my suggestions, please register and voice your opinion in that that thread.


Let me start by saying that I absolutely love this game. I'm so happy that we finally have an affordable, fun online Bomberman game for the Xbox 360. I love the 8-player support, the Vision camera implementation, and Ping displays in the lobby. With all that said, I have several suggestions that would make the game even more fun and polished.

Interface issues in need of fixing:

The Lobby:
It is frustrating that options cannot be changed from the lobby after a match ends. If players would like to tweak options or change the stage, everyone has to leave and a new game must be created. It would be far better to allow rule and stage changes from the lobby.

Pressing A between rounds:
After each round of a game, Bomberman Live requires every single player to press A before the next match begins. This is bad because often a player will not press A, preventing the other players from being able to play the next round. There is no on-screen description of who has and has not pressed A, either. It would be far better to only require the host to press A between rounds.

Voice chat descriptors:
Bomberman Live does not indicate who is talking during matches. This can be a problem when a player decides to use excessive profanity. It is difficult or impossible to tell who is talking, which means it's difficult or impossible to report people who are being rude and disruptive.

Odd design choices for Bomberman Live:

Starting blast radius:

The players' blast radius starts out only one space big rather than two. I know one-space explosions have been done in a few other Bomberman games, but it was bad then and it's bad now. Without explosions that are at least two spaces large, it is very difficult to chain multiple bombs together. This makes it hard for players to destroy soft blocks at the start of the stage, slowing gameplay down.

Holding the bomb button:
In many Bomberman games, if a player has laid all of his bombs down and he holds the bomb button, once his bombs have exploded, he will automatically lay a bomb. This is convenient. Unfortunately in Bomberman Live holding the bomb button will not lay a bomb after the player's other bombs have exploded.

Kicking bombs:
I can't think of any other Bomberman game in which kicking a bomb into a player will dizzy that player. Bomberman Live's change to Bomb Kick can confuse long-time players.

Ranked match items:
The items in ranked matches are pretty much the game's default items, right? Why are overpowered and non-traditional items like Remote Control Bombs and Dangerous Bombs included by default? These items make it easy for a skilled player to dominate the game and increase the challenge for beginners to an unfair degree. Few if any other Bomberman games have Remote Control and Dangerous Bombs on by default; please consider removing them from Ranked matches.

Achievement Critique:


This Achievement is annoying because costume balls do not appear in Xbox Live multiplayer games (that I know of). Since Bomberman Live does not have a real single-player component, it is not very nice to require players to play at least 60 games (but realistically more than that) offline to get the Achievement. Please enable Costume Balls during online play.

Did I just win... AGAIN?!
Multiplayer Achievements like this always lead to boosting. That is when players realize they will not be able to legitimately earn an Achievement, so they arrange to play with someone else who will throw matches and help them get the Achievement. A quick check of the achieve360points.com Bomberman Live forum shows that many people are already boosting to get this Achievement. Boosting harms the entire Bomberman live community because it compromises the integrity of the Leaderboards. How would I suggest this be fixed? The Achievement would be less aggravatingly difficult to get through legitimate means if Draws and Ties did not count against the 10 consecutive wins that it requires. Did I mention I'm a really good player and it took me several hours of trying to get this one? Like I said, other people won't go through that effort. They'll just cheat.

Level Critique

The non-classic levels in this game are mostly pretty bad. The traps in Ghost House are just plain annoying, especially since players reappear in a random spot after falling into them. Thin Ice is probably the least fun ice multiplayer level in Bomberman history. Lost World, being almost exactly the same stage, is also quite unfun. I know the downloadable stages are already planned out, but it would be great if you added some traditional Bomberman stages designs like conveyor belts, trampolines, overhead objects that limit visibility, hi-speed stage, or full powerup stage.

Custom Characters

I think it would be great if you added an orange martial arts outfit (like Bomberman wears in Saturn Bomberman and Bomberman Online for Dreamcast), Bomberman Max, and a Hige Hige Bandit. Since Dr. Ein has been turned from a human into a Bomberman in this version, you might as well do the same with Mujoe as well. Other classic Hudson characters (like Saturn Bomberman featured) would surely be popular too.
[quote name='eastx']Voice chat descriptors:
Bomberman Live does not indicate who is talking during matches. This can be a problem when a player decides to use excessive profanity. It is difficult or impossible to tell who is talking, which means it's difficult or impossible to report people who are being rude and disruptive.[/QUOTE]This is especially bothersome when playing with guests, as there appears to be no way to keep voice chat from coming through the speakers! Last night I joined a game, with my brother and sister as local guests, and I was very dismayed to find out that they would be forced to listen to all the (potentially offense, definitely annoying) chatter that would be going on. As far as I can tell, the only way around this is to have a headset plugged into EVERY controller, which is ridiculous. This basically ruins the "guest" feature for me until they fix the issue. Unacceptable!
eastx said it all. Except:
[quote name='eastx']
Kicking bombs:
I can't think of any other Bomberman game in which kicking a bomb into a player will dizzy that player. Bomberman Live's change to Bomb Kick can confuse long-time players.[/QUOTE]
Bomberman 64: The best Bomberman evar.
[quote name='eastx']The only Achievement you can't get in private matches is the ten tournament win Achievement.
Custom Characters

I think it would be great if you added an orange martial arts outfit (like Bomberman wears in Saturn Bomberman and Bomberman Online for Dreamcast), Bomberman Max, and a Hige Hige Bandit. Since Dr. Ein has been turned from a human into a Bomberman in this version, you might as well do the same with Mujoe as well. Other classic Hudson characters (like Saturn Bomberman featured) would surely be popular too.[/quote]

I would have liked to see a Ninja outfit, didn't think of the Max ones, but that would be pretty cool.
bread's done