Xbox Live Arcade explosion on eBay!

Cartman:[off screen. Stan and Kyle look] You guys, you guys! You're not gonna believe it! [excited, he rushes up and stands between then, holding an ad]

Stan:Uh oh.

Cartman:Everything's gonna be okay, you guys! Life isn't so crappy after all!

Tweek:It's not?

Cartman:No! I was looking in this magazine, and I found an ad for little ocean people that you can buy and raise in your room!

Kyle:No way.

Cartman:Look! [the boys draw close. The ad is shown] Sea people. You keep them under a big tank of water and they like, build castles and play basketball and stuff.

Kyle:Nuh uh.

Cartman:Yeah! And look! They ride around on turtles and they play games with fish.

Kyle:No way.

Cartman:[shows irritation] Okay, Kyle, you're being a Negative Nancy. Stop it. Eh, unless you want everyone to call you Negative Nancy from now on. [turns to Stan and Tweek and continues excitedly] Now, what we need is to all chip in four dollars, and we can have them here tonorrow!

Kyle:Only sixteen dollars? They can't be cool if they're only sixteen dollars.

[Cartman's smile vanishes and he shuts his eyes. He stays quiet for a long time, calming down] If Nancy doesn't want to chip in, then it will be $5.35 per person!

Stan:Alright, I'll chip in.

Tweek:Gah! Me too.

Kyle:[resigned] Naw, alright.
Can we please steer this thread back on topic. Take this holier then thou conversation to another thread or another site, I'm pretty sure nobody wants to read through post after post of people debating on the legality of these deals. If you think it's shady and choose not to purchase from these guys then go away. Meanwhile us that do choose to purchase will have about twice as many games to play, but you might need that extra time saved on less games to read your bible.
Arcane, you could be right. Or you could be wrong. Simply you don't know. There are ways for them to obtain this legally, as well as illegally.

But for the most part, I understand you would like to chime in and question peoples morality to make yourself feel batter. But youre kind of a fucking prick for berating people getting deals based on nothing. There are people who can get live/point cards and sellling them for under msrp. Look at gamingroomdeals or whatever its called.

But you can always do this one thing, simply not buy them. Comparing people to stealing when they buy these things at a reduced prices is just retarded.
Wasnt one of the first posts that these guys probably got in on that MS points deal and are just making a profit from it? Im sure there are plenty of other theories but I really dont care because we are purchasing from a legit site and to say everyone on ebay is honest is like saying everone you meet is a good person. I think its more about how you feel about ebay than these two in general. So why doesnt everyone calm down with their ethics arguments and talk about whats really important, the games.
Man this is good burn reading ^_^ arcane93 & silva made my work day a little easier .. oh well .. any idea when Jamaicanwif will be back on ebay?
[quote name='EnronLackey']Man this is good burn reading ^_^ arcane93 & silva made my work day a little easier .. oh well .. any idea when Jamaicanwif will be back on ebay?[/QUOTE]

Hehe made my day easier as well, I also sent a msg to jamaicanswif asking for an ETA when he will be back up and running and if he would consider putting up Boggle and Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix
[quote name='decrot']But for the most part, I understand you would like to chime in and question peoples morality to make yourself feel batter. But youre kind of a fucking prick for berating people getting deals based on nothing.[/QUOTE]

Batter? I barely know her! But seriously, at what point did I "berate people for getting deals"? And what, precisely, do I need to "feel better" about, anyway? (that doesn't even make sense to me) My argument was not about getting deals, it was about the statement (actually, your statement, come to think of it) that you don't care whether they're getting the codes illegally or not. I take it from what you said that even if you did find out that they're getting them illegally (through theft or money laundering, as your post and the one you were replying to referred to), you wouldn't care as long as you got some games cheap. And you asked whether we care -- I told you that I did, and why. If you don't want the answer, don't ask the question.

[quote name='decrot']There are people who can get live/point cards and sellling them for under msrp. Look at gamingroomdeals or whatever its called.[/QUOTE]

Clearly you weren't paying attention when we discussed Troy and gameroomdeals several posts ago.
[quote name='EnronLackey']Man this is good burn reading ^_^ arcane93 & silva made my work day a little easier .. oh well .. any idea when Jamaicanwif will be back on ebay?[/QUOTE]

Haha, it's made my work day a little easier too . . . man, this place is boring. :lol: I'm not sure who you think got "burned" though. :roll:
I didn't say I care if they were stolen, I don't care to really speculate on where they got them. If they were stolen I don't think anyone would buy them. I certainly wouldn't care enough to act like a douche. that's for sure.
I'd like to see one of these guys start selling Carcassonne, Catan, Shred Nebula and Ticket to Ride. It seems like you can never really be sure if they'll add anything new and what it'll be if they do.
WOW this thread went to complete trash. GTFO and let us continue with our morally ambiguous purchases. BYE. Requesting bans for threadcrappers.
You know what? You guys are right; it's pointless to speculate, because none of us have any idea. So fuck it -- I'll send him a message this evening and ask. If he doesn't want to answer he doesn't have to, but if his answer is satisfactory, I'll happily become one of his best customers. If I find out anything I'll post back here, and that'll close the question for good.
i'm a little confused as to why you would think someone would steal someone's identity and then use their credit card info to buy xbla codes from amazon at full price just so they could then resell them on ebay at a loss. why wouldn't they just buy the stuff they really wanted with the card in the first place instead of going through all of the trouble? if the card is stolen and they use it anywhere, it can be tracked, so none of this makes any sense.

b.o.t. I am totally torn on what to buy next! was thinking about portal, i would totally go through that again.

i like penny arcade, but didnt really like the game much.

any suggestions? to make it easier, i have all the super awesome games. think obscurely.
Dishwasher Dead Samurai!!! or The Maw try those demos I enjoyed them both. I just asked if either will put up SuperStreetFighter2THDRemix and Boggle
[quote name='silva']Dishwasher Dead Samurai!!! or The Maw try those demos I enjoyed them both. I just asked if either will put up SuperStreetFighter2THDRemix and Boggle[/QUOTE]
you know ssf2hd is going on sale soon on xbox marketplace for 800 points right? though it might be cheaper by about 1-2 bucks from them, just FYI.
How are they getting so many. It seems at least the one guy is connected to Amazon somehow considering he has world of goo available to buy.
Yea I know about the 820 price point for next weeks deals but i'd rather spend money in my paypal account which would be a buck or two cheaper than using my precioussss *golem voice* points
[quote name='Outinthedark']Has anyone gotten their code from Jamaican that ordered in the last 48 hours?[/QUOTE]

I ordered Duke Nukem from him 2 days ago and have yet to receive the code.
I purchased 6 games between the two of them on the 28th and I still haven't received any codes. Hopefully things start chuggin' along here soon! I take off for a week on Sunday so if I don't see the codes this weekend, hopefully I'll have them in my inbox when I get home!
I bought Lumines Live to test this out and have yet to receive a code. And that was on the 28th. Hopefully they don't disappoint because I want more games.
Jamaican's store is empty, I do not think he will sell more stuff anytime soon.

He has been away the whole week, I think some of his auctions are still open for some reason.

PS: Please ignore the troll
Silva can you please update us if he responds, I also rather buy SF with paypal than with points since I would have to buy some.

By the way the last time I bought something from jamaican was on May 24, and I got the code fast, almost immediately, but like I said before he has been away the whole week.

Outinthedark, like the Beck gif, I loved that anime.
^ Definitely bro as soon as I hear something I will inform everyone. My Dishwasher code came in like 20 minutes but my Penny Arcade took like 3 days. I guess they both need a little time to spend all that money :whistle2:D but hopefully he gets back to his business and SOON I want alot more stuff. Portal Chess etc.
I also bought something on the morning of the 28th from akino91783, Mega Man 9, and have yet to receive my code :/
Quick 1 day response to inquiries my butt. I've e-mailed him three times, and he's yet to respond. Worse yet, I've noticed he's still getting frequent feedback from folk, so obviously SOME are getting codes :(
Glad it is not just me. I ordered at 11 am so this guy has another 24 hours to "ship".

I loved Beck too MasterWolf! :D I need to take another look if they continued the series. I only watched the 26 original episodes.
[quote name='Otimus']I also bought something on the morning of the 28th from akino91783, Mega Man 9, and have yet to receive my code :/
Quick 1 day response to inquiries my butt. I've e-mailed him three times, and he's yet to respond. Worse yet, I've noticed he's still getting frequent feedback from folk, so obviously SOME are getting codes :([/QUOTE]

Give it some time. I ordered a lot from him and only once or twice did I have to wait a couple of days for a code. Not to mention the recent feedback could have been from people who got their codes days ago, but never got around to leaving feedback.
[quote name='Otimus']I also bought something on the morning of the 28th from akino91783, Mega Man 9, and have yet to receive my code :/
Quick 1 day response to inquiries my butt. I've e-mailed him three times, and he's yet to respond. Worse yet, I've noticed he's still getting frequent feedback from folk, so obviously SOME are getting codes :([/QUOTE]

Don't worry too much about it. Mine have taken anywhere from five minutes to two days to get sent to me. They're probably getting backlogged with the amount of requests, and I can see them needing a break every now and then. Think of how many people must be sending him inquiries and requests on a daily basis, and you'd agree that his time on ebay is better spent sending people their codes than answering every question that comes in.
[quote name='G33']Don't worry too much about it. Mine have taken anywhere from five minutes to two days to get sent to me. They're probably getting backlogged with the amount of requests, and I can see them needing a break every now and then. Think of how many people must be sending him inquiries and requests on a daily basis, and you'd agree that his time on ebay is better spent sending people their codes than answering every question that comes in.[/QUOTE]

You are cool as hell because you have a monkeylord as your avatar but im hoping you're smart and play it on PC because it blows on the xbox 360 :whistle2:D
[quote name='Otimus']I also bought something on the morning of the 28th from akino91783, Mega Man 9, and have yet to receive my code :/
Quick 1 day response to inquiries my butt. I've e-mailed him three times, and he's yet to respond. Worse yet, I've noticed he's still getting frequent feedback from folk, so obviously SOME are getting codes :([/QUOTE]

I ordered two games from Akino as well on the 28th and just received my first code this morning. I imagine he/she/it is just backed up. I'm not optimistic about getting ALL my codes before leaving for work on Sunday, but hopefully when I get back mid June, all my codes will be sitting in my inbox! So with that said, I know it's hard to wait and it's a bit nerve racking not sure if you've been "had" or not, but from the looks of things, the codes ARE coming! Hope this helps!
I got my Duke Nukem code a few hours ago. It ended up taking about 3 days to get it. The other codes I bought from him I got within an hour.
Finally got my Scrabble code! :D

I may order from again but now I know it will take 3 days. You all must have gotten him on a good day when he replied within minutes...
He just emailed me some codes that he owed me. He said "sorry for the delay" so you guys should be getting your codes soon. I've bought around 10 games from both sellers so they are legit
I got one of two codes from Akino and all six codes from Jamaican. Still waiting on one more code but I've got the other 7 downloaded and all is legit! So those of you waiting to see if it's for real, jump on it while you can! It's a great deal!
[quote name='jlarlee']Been waiting on Castle Crashers for a day or so from Akino. DoesJamiacan usually process quicker I want portal[/QUOTE]

Both seem to be a bit delayed on delivering lately. It's been taking 2-3 days to get the codes from either seller. Prior to the current situation, most folks were getting their codes quicker from Akino.
Glad to see he is back, I was holding out on buying.

Outinthedark, it would be cool if there was a sequel to Beck, specially since the ending was not really an ending.
[quote name='Janaak']Is Penny Arcade any good?[/QUOTE]

I bought them both at full price and loved them both. Helps if you actually find humor in Penny Arcade Comics. If not, you could probably give the demo a shot.
bread's done