Xbox Live Arcade explosion on eBay!

Kefflings is a blast, bought it when it first came out and was addicted to the point I beat the game in a day or two. The bad thing about the game is some of the achievements are multiplayer, and the multiplayer is just lame. I'm hoping they come out with a single player add on as I would like to revisit the game with new buildings and scenarios.
Broke down and got CC..waiting for code.


Hope it doesn't take too long to get.
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This is retarded. Got my code.

I had downloaded the game so it would be good to go. This didn't work. My HDD showed two copies. So I deleted one. Now the other shows corrupted and I can't delete it.
Well just to update from my earlier post. I just got the code for PQ: Galactrix. I had purchased it on Monday from Akino.

Also I just noticed that it no longer says he is "Away" from his store.

I'll probably pick up Maw and a couple others later this week.
How did I miss this thread! Only a few games I do not own already Gripshift, Roogoo, and Watchmen.

On the fence weather or not I will buy Watchmen when I can rent the retail disk later...will have to think about it. Thanks OP!
[quote name='kylerg']This is retarded. Got my code.

I had downloaded the game so it would be good to go. This didn't work. My HDD showed two copies. So I deleted one. Now the other shows corrupted and I can't delete it.[/QUOTE]

Never download the game before redeeming the code. It's not the same as unlocking. Delete both, and then go to your purchase history and re-download the full game.

I got my codes from akino for A Kingdom for Keflings and Peggle to...well technically it was yesterday.
[quote name='lolwut?']Never download the game before redeeming the code. It's not the same as unlocking. Delete both, and then go to your purchase history and re-download the full game.

what if I already did what you said not to do?

Like I downloaded SSF2HDR to try, got a code for it later, then redeemed it.

Would I be able to just delete it and try redeeming the code again? does live work like that? I've only d/led demos and free shows off live, so not too sure on buying stuff off of it.

and also are redeemable themes linked to your gamertag? because I redeemed a RE5 theme with the "redeem now", but when I found the same theme by browsing the "themes an gamer pics" it gives me a cost instead of "download again" any ideas?
[quote name='menewbe']what if I already did what you said not to do?

Like I downloaded SSF2HDR to try, got a code for it later, then redeemed it.

Would I be able to just delete it and try redeeming the code again? does live work like that? I've only d/led demos and free shows off live, so not too sure on buying stuff off of it.

and also are redeemable themes linked to your gamertag? because I redeemed a RE5 theme with the "redeem now", but when I found the same theme by browsing the "themes an gamer pics" it gives me a cost instead of "download again" any ideas?

Uh, if it works, then there is no reason to ask. If it doesn't work, delete it, go to your download history, and re-download. No, you don't enter codes again, Live doesn't work like that. Once you use them, if you try to re-enter, it will tell you the code has been redeemed or is not valid.

Themes are linked, and they are in your download history. If you already have the theme, why are you looking it up to buy?
[quote name='DreamSymphony']I bet these guys got in on the $5 1600 target point cards and are making profits still....[/QUOTE]

That or the 1600 point cards for a penny that Amazon sold by mistake when they started selling XBLA games.

I have bought 3 or 4 games between the two sellers so far. I'm tempted to buy more, but I'm torn between picking these up now or waiting for the Live Search Cashback to get a bit sweeter (its currently at 8%). If it jumped to 30% like it used to be I'd probably buy most everything I don't already have. Then again, who knows how long these guys will be around so if you wait too long you might miss out altogether.

EDIT: I just looked at the OP and it didn't mention the Live cashback promo. These all qualify so you might as well use it if you haven't been 8% isn't a ton, but we are all CAGs here so the 8% plus the eBay bucks add up on even these small pickups. :D
I just noticed they posted Feeding Frenzy 2. So I bought that and Poker Smash.

I also put in a request for Commanders Attack, Band of Bugs and Eets: Chowdown.
These are probably the last of the old titles I am interested in so lets see if they respond.

Edit: No Codes yet. I sent an email to both sellers.
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I love you CAG and OP. Picked up Geometry Wars 2 and Castlevania. I will never catch up with my backlog thanks to threads like these.
I imagine the 400 pt games aren't worth their time, think about it they would have to discount them about 50% to $3 - $2.50 to make people buy them, then you have eBay's take, by the time it's all done they might actually owe. :) j/k but it would definitely not be worth the time.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']EDIT: I just looked at the OP and it didn't mention the Live cashback promo. These all qualify so you might as well use it if you haven't been 8% isn't a ton, but we are all CAGs here so the 8% plus the eBay bucks add up on even these small pickups. :D[/QUOTE]

Since there is a limit to 20 eBay cashbacks, it would be cool if they could bundle like "pick 5" arcade games with 1 transaction. That way a $30 single transaction would make more sense. Anyone want to request this?
Got Castle Crashers to work. But now I have another problem. Downloaded the Castlevania demo, but decided I didn't care enough for it. When I go to delete it: "There was a problem with that action" - anyone ever got that before?
[quote name='movie_mike']Has anyone requested Game Night: Sorry! and Boggle?[/QUOTE]i haven't, but i'd be all over those 2 for $6 each.

i'd also like to see catan for $6...i already have it, but more people should play it.

my current wishlist for this ebay craziness would be sorry, boggle, yosumin, space invaders extreme, arkanoid, vigilante 8, and meteos.

i'd love to see some dlc added to this. map packs for halo and cod, add on content for fallout, gta, and fable, etc.
[quote name='DreamSymphony']I bet these guys got in on the $5 1600 target point cards and are making profits still....[/QUOTE]

How, exactly, would that help them get these for cheap? You can't transfer games, and you can't use points to purchase download codes...
Jamaican's games are down again. All I see is a note that says, "Shipping orders from the 28th to the 29th." I wonder if he's just got so many orders coming in that he's taking his games down to get caught up on delivery so he doesn't forget to send a code to someone. God knows during Christmas of this past year when I had about 80 games listed for sale at any given time, it was all I could do to keep up. Of course though I had to actually mail games though.
[quote name='trent82']i haven't, but i'd be all over those 2 for $6 each.

i'd also like to see catan for $6...i already have it, but more people should play it.

my current wishlist for this ebay craziness would be sorry, boggle, yosumin, space invaders extreme, arkanoid, vigilante 8, and meteos.

i'd love to see some dlc added to this. map packs for halo and cod, add on content for fallout, gta, and fable, etc.[/QUOTE]

They are clearly getting these codes from Amazon, as the games they have available are also available on Amazon. There have been requests for games like Banjo-Tooie but Amazon doesn't carry it and it has never appeared. So DLC isn't likely as that's not carried by Amazon.

If I had to guess if these guys were obtaining these illegally it would be via stolen credit card purchases at Amazon or they work directly at Amazon and are stealing the codes directly. I personally think they are legit though cause I doubt a crook would be as dumb as to do what these guys are doing with the kind of attention it would bring to them.
[quote name='RiPPn']They are clearly getting these codes from Amazon, as the games they have available are also available on Amazon. There have been requests for games like Banjo-Tooie but Amazon doesn't carry it and it has never appeared. So DLC isn't likely as that's not carried by Amazon.

If I had to guess if these guys were obtaining these illegally it would be via stolen credit card purchases at Amazon or they work directly at Amazon and are stealing the codes directly. I personally think they are legit though cause I doubt a crook would be as dumb as to do what these guys are doing with the kind of attention it would bring to them.[/QUOTE]
or maybe they are laundering money using amazon gc or something.

but who really cares? as long as we're getting the codes at a great price do you guys really care?
[quote name='GibbGA']Jamaican's games are down again. All I see is a note that says, "Shipping orders from the 28th to the 29th." I wonder if he's just got so many orders coming in that he's taking his games down to get caught up on delivery so he doesn't forget to send a code to someone. God knows during Christmas of this past year when I had about 80 games listed for sale at any given time, it was all I could do to keep up. Of course though I had to actually mail games though.[/QUOTE]
Hope she's coming back soon- I wanted to buy a few more!
[quote name='decrot']but who really cares? as long as we're getting the codes at a great price do you guys really care?[/QUOTE]

Actually, yes I do care. Would you steal a credit card? Would you stuff a game in your pocket and walk out of a store without paying for it? If the answer to these is "yes", then I guess we have nothing further to discuss. If it's "no", though, I don't see how you can condone it if it is illegal activity, because if they're buying them with stolen credit cards, or stealing the codes from Amazon, it is essentially the same thing.

I don't get the "don't ask, don't tell" attitude here. If these codes are being obtained through illegal and/or immoral means, then it's a bad thing to be supporting it. It's not the same as a store making a pricing mistake, or talking a cashier into price matching. If it is criminal activity, there is a victim -- it might be a corporate behemoth like Amazon, but it also might be some poor schmuck having his credit rating destroyed through identity theft. If it is one of those things, or if it's even possible that it's one of those things, then I'd damn well like to know that before I buy from them. Even if you support it not knowing, you're still a part of it.

I'm not saying that I know one way or the other. It's entirely possible that they're getting these codes through perfectly legal means (though I'd sure like to know what those are, considering that there's no one else doing it, and no sites other than Amazon selling these codes otherwise). But I'd sure like to know before I support them. Are those of you who say you don't care really that immoral, or are you just deluding yourselves?

If it is all legal and above-board, I'd love to buy from them. But I want to know that for certain first, and no one has been able to confirm anything one way or the other.
Why are some people so quick to think this is illegal or shady? And also why do you want to know their means of procuring these items. They run a business, good businesses and what business do you know will give up their business model secrets just to satisfy your curiosity? If you don't like their success or something makes you feel funny about buying from them on ebay, then simply do not buy from them. No this isn't a flame and no im not speaking to one person in particular but rather to everyone that asks these questions. Simply put; buy and enjoy like so many of us here (present company included :whistle2:D) or just close your browser and buy the game full price from your console :)
[quote name='silva']Why are some people so quick to think this is illegal or shady?[/QUOTE]

Simple -- because there's no one else doing it. If it isn't illegal or shady, then these guys must have one hell of an inside connection somewhere. Because if these codes were so easy to get they'd be out there elsewhere, and we'd almost certainly see them on other sites like gamedealdaily, gameroomdeals, etc. But we don't. I just find it hard to believe that these two guys with ebay stores and bad grammar have an inside connection that no one else has.

Really, seriously, snap out of your denial. The fact of the matter is that there is a good chance that these guys are doing something illegal, and by buying from them, you're a part of it. Plain and simple.

I keep watching this thread hoping to see someone come up with a real, solid explanation for how this could be legal and above-board, because as I said, I'd love to buy from them if it is. Instead all I see is a bunch of people willing to toss aside all sense of morality to save a few bucks. It's sad.
[quote name='arcane93'] Instead all I see is a bunch of people willing to toss aside all sense of morality to save a few bucks. It's sad.[/QUOTE]
So you mean to tell me you couldnt POSSIBLY see a website full of people dedicated on finding good deals?
[quote name='Don illmatix']So you mean to tell me you couldnt POSSIBLY see a website full of people dedicated on finding good deals?[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure I even get what you're trying to say, but . . . Finding good deals is one thing. There are lots of good deals out there that are absolutely, verifiably above board. I've found plenty of them through this site, and I'm sure I'll find plenty more. But if it looks like shit, and it smells like shit . . . guess what? It's probably shit. Convincing yourself that it's chocolate just because you have no direct evidence that it's shit doesn't make it any less likely to be so.
[quote name='arcane93'] I just find it hard to believe that these two guys with ebay stores and bad grammar have an inside connection that no one else has.[/QUOTE]

Ok Professor, is it their grammar you have a problem with? The fact that they are making money? Or is it the fact that you just cannot put a finger on their secret? I do believe, if they are doing something illegal, the powers that be will found out and punishments will be dealt out accordingly. Correct me if I am wrong but this is a website called CHEAP ASS GAMER...we look for the cheapest deals around, you bring up issues of morality and sheisting but your only grounds for coming to such a conclusion are that they are doing it and no one else is. Sooo, going by your logic, I'm also going to assume our best buddy troy from this site who runs is getting his games illegally because he is pretty much one of the only persons selling new retail games at about 20 - 30% off when gamestop and others are selling them for 59.99. We don't know how he does it and it's not our business to know, nor do we know how akino and jamaicanswif are getting their products and it's not our business to hunt the internet for explanations.

You either partake in the deal or you do not. But you just might be too much of a crusader to understand the notion of policing everything and everybody is wrong.

Much thanks to troy ( for the kickass prices on Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 when they first came out; you're an awesome seller both on your website and on ebay and I look forward to purchasing from you many times over.

The same goes for akino and jamaicanswif, your grammar may be deplorable but god damn your deals most assuradly make up for it ;):applause:
[quote name='arcane93']Instead all I see is a bunch of people willing to toss aside all sense of morality to save a few bucks. It's sad.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm attacking an entire group of peoples morality due to them not agreeing with your beliefs....not that's not very Christian now is it?

What you are saying is basically I stole my Dishwasher Dead Samurai because you THINK that the ebay seller jamaicanswif stole this code...Well that is pretty stupid because I simply went with my cheap ass gamer gut and decided not to buy from this guy [] who has the same code but for twice the price I paid for it as well as many other games. He has the same array of titles if not more than akino and jamaican only difference is his grammar is spot on and he charges double what they charge even though he probably gets the same discount as they do :)
Oh come the fuck on . . . seriously? First of all, though Troy's site is indeed awesome, he's not doing anything all that unusual. 20-30% is less than standard mark-up. Sure, he's not selling things for the same price as Gamestop. He knows he can't compete with them that directly, and that if he wants to do so he needs an edge. So he's sacrificing some of the profit on individual sales in order to bring more business into his site. He's also largely not selling the newest, best games -- so he's probably buying up overstock that was returned from retailers, at a discount. And his prices can, in nearly all cases, be found at any number of other places if you look for them. The other thing he's got going for him is that he's built up a rapport with people here to bring in continued business. It doesn't take an MBA to figure out what Troy does. I'd bet he'd even tell you if you asked.

These guys, on the other hand . . . Akino is selling Puzzle Quest: Galactrix, a game that just came out a little over a month ago and sells on Amazon for $20, for $8, which is a 60% discount! I guarantee you that Amazon themselves aren't getting it that cheaply. You're really not suspicious of that? And what do you know about them, anyway? You're so quick to defend them why, exactly? Your comparison to Troy is, again, totally off-base, because he's active here, and people here know him.

Anyway, I've said my piece. Do what you want (obviously you will anway), but don't even try to pretend that there's not a huge question mark on all of this.
[quote name='silva']Hmmm attacking an entire group of peoples morality due to them not agreeing with your beliefs....not that's not very Christian now is it?[/QUOTE]

I'm an agnostic, but thanks for playing.
Wow Silva...that guy you linked sells the games for more than they are worth on the XBL Marketplace WTF! :D

@arcane I could care less if there was a huge ? on all of this. Prices are good, don't particularly care where they came from, and I get to play the game I purchased. You are not the authorities so you really have no need to care about the questionable prices. Let those who are in charge care about such things.
why are you so quick to judge that what they are doing is illegal? all your statements are moot as of now unless you actually have concrete evidence. What is this, guilty unless proven innocent? It could be a number of things that are legal to get these codes. Maybe they found a way to get amazon GCs through those pyramid sites and cashing out by selling codes. you simply don't know. As for the stolen credit card, I highly doubt that since they've been sellling codes for at least half of a year and I think someone would've caught on. So I really don't know how you can stand on your soap box preaching morality.
I am quick to defend them because you are quick to cast a guilty verdict upon them.

All you had to say in your previous posts is, this looks strange I choose to not partake in this that's it. There is no reason to call everyone immoral because they purchased from these sellers like seriously it's not your place. Yes this is a forum where you can display your opinions but to go as far and continuously reiterate that you think what they are doing is wrong has no place here.

I understand you don't want to buy from them that's fine. Just don't buy from them plain and simple. People here look for whatever deal is posted and buy whatever is the cheapest. Troys site was an example because that is going by the same exact logic as you are going by: you don't see many people doing it, but there are others doing it on ebay, just like jamaicanswif and akino as I listed in my post previous.

Yes troy is a part of this community and interacted with us all but these two sellers are not so that gives you more of a reason to say that their business model is no good?

[quote name='arcane93']I'm an agnostic, but thanks for playing.[/QUOTE]

Believe what you will, I do not attack peoples religions, it is not my place nor is it very moral.

(Morality being relative, what I believe is moral, most assuredly differs from what your definition of morality is.)
[quote name='decrot']So I really don't know how you can stand on your soap box preaching morality.[/QUOTE]

lol I wanted to take the high road but you took the words right out of my mind due tell amigo due tell :applause:
[quote name='Outinthedark']@arcane I could care less if there was a huge ? on all of this. Prices are good, don't particularly care where they came from, and I get to play the game I purchased. You are not the authorities so you really have no need to care about the questionable prices. Let those who are in charge care about such things.[/QUOTE]

Well, for one thing, I've known people who have been victims of identity theft, and if there is something like that going on here, I don't want to play any part, regardless of how small, in doing that to someone.

[quote name='decrot']why are you so quick to judge that what they are doing is illegal? all your statements are moot as of now unless you actually have concrete evidence. What is this, guilty unless proven innocent?[/QUOTE]

Yes, actually it is. Have you ever heard the phrase "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is"? And note that I have not at any point judged that what they are doing is illegal -- I have said "if what they are doing is illegal" at every point that I've spoken. Believe me, I would like nothing more than for this to be perfectly legal and legitimate, and if it was, I'd buy most of the games they're selling from them. But because it seems too good to be true, I'd like some proof first.

[quote name='decrot']It could be a number of things that are legal to get these codes.[/QUOTE]

Such as? Seriously, I'm just waiting for someone to actually provide a concrete way in which these codes could be obtained legally. That's all I want to know. But all I ever see are vague statements like this one about how there are "a number of" ways that they could be, which never provide any more detail on how they could be.

[quote name='decrot']Maybe they found a way to get amazon GCs through those pyramid sites and cashing out by selling codes. you simply don't know.[/QUOTE]

Ah yes, those *cough* oh so legal and victimless pyramid schemes. I'd suggest you read up on how pyramid schemes work:

[quote name='decrot']As for the stolen credit card, I highly doubt that since they've been sellling codes for at least half of a year and I think someone would've caught on.[/QUOTE]

So they're using multiple cards. Or, maybe they've stolen someone's identity and have taken out a card that person doesn't even know about. There are any number of ways they could do it and not have been caught yet.

Again, I'm not saying that they are doing something illegal, I'm saying that I'd like proof that they're not. There's a big difference.
bread's done