Xbox One CAG Game Night

I am just waiting for me and my wife to finish a movie on netflix, I'll be getting on whatever when we are done.

Gt - TheOmen24 add me, I'll add back. Please add to master list. See you guys in a bit
If I missed anyone who was playing last nights GT in the 2ND post let me know so we can add it.

What time did u guys keep playing Halo til?
So you guys finally got the Halo goin huh? I couldnt sit at the lobby/menu screen any longer i was exhausted.
Yup. I got off around 1:30 eastern and they were still going. Custom matches work great with MCC when we can actually get everyone in a lobby
Yup. I got off around 1:30 eastern and they were still going. Custom matches work great with MCC when we can actually get everyone in a lobby
Yeah, it certainly was some extra steps with inviting people to party chat and then into the game, since inviting friends from the in-game "roster" wasn't working (for me, anyway). But I think, with the work-around, it worked out ok :)

Me and Stranger left MCC when you did. We did CoD AW Exo Survival for a while instead. Needed something faster paced.
Yes, and it was a humbling experience ;)

If I missed anyone who was playing last nights GT in the 2ND post let me know so we can add it.

What time did u guys keep playing Halo til?
Maverick and I were the final two and I bailed around 2am. Had to leave to refuel the weed whacker.

Good stuff last night. I had to bail.... Emergency toilet time... Will play again. Wish I had Titan fall since it seems everyone owns it but me... :(
Good stuff last night. I had to bail.... Emergency toilet time... Will play again. Wish I had Titan fall since it seems everyone owns it but me... :(
Titanfall is on sale for $7.99 at Best Buy through today, with Amazon matching the price. I thinking of picking it up, but the fact that is MP only, I may just play it through EA Access instead. I believe it'll be on sale again at some point.

Was able to get in on the cereal promo deal thanks to a helpful CAG.  Now I have a bunch of Xbox credit burning a hole in my digital pocket.  Hopefully some game night worthy stuff goes on sale soon.

and I know its very uncag like, especially since I have it digitally on PS4 already, but I'm considering GTA5 digital on X1 cause that game never gets discounted.  Would probably be a better idea to save it for stuff I dont have though

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I know we may not do TItanfall again anytime soon, but if anyone wants to team up to tackle the 10 win-streak achievement (after we got the 5 win streak one on Friday), LMK and maybe we can set up another session for that specifically.  I already have the achievement, but it is a b!tch to get through random matchmaking, so I'm glad to help.  And I love Titanfall ;)

I love Titanfall so much, but it's a game that prompts lots of cursing when I get on a bad luck roll.

Any Diablo players? Leveling up a monk now, finished act 1 and dinged 21 once I realized I needed to up the difficulty.
I love Titanfall so much, but it's a game that prompts lots of cursing when I get on a bad luck roll.

Any Diablo players? Leveling up a monk now, finished act 1 and dinged 21 once I realized I needed to up the difficulty.
I played a bunch of Diablo 3 when it came out last year - I think I finished it with 3 character classes and on the 'no death' difficulty - but I wouldn't mind getting back to it if we have some interested folks. I had a lot of fun running rifts and finding loot.

I might be down for that 10-win streak in Titanfall. I don't think I have that yet, but definitely looking forward to the next game night. At least 8 in the lobby and we can rock some excellent MCC customs. I've got quite a few, but need to get better at handling the lobby setup and maneuvering that Halo UI, ugh.

I could be down for that 10 win streak cheevo too. Maybe we can set it up so we make the switch to Titanfall during one of these game nights. Thinking Monday night should be something we haven't played much of yet. Gonna set up a poll in a few

Also TandJame. I just grabbed DS2 and am terrible at these types of games, so I'd love to get some help from an experienced layer at some point if you ever have time

edit.  Set up a poll, same link in op.  Left off Halo, Titanfall, and PvZ because we've done those before but will put them back on next week.  Just trying to keep some variety. 

If anyone has any other ideas for games to add to the list please feel free to mention them.  We need games that can accomidate at least 8-10 people (if we get more we can always fall back to BF4, or Halo).  Gonna add Happy Wars, and World of Tanks  to the list next week as well, I've never played either, but Stryker had mentioned them, and they are f2p so they seem like good options

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Damn, you guys ended up doing Halo the other night?  Had to help my wife with something and by the time I got back I figured everybody had called it quits haha

I've been putting hardline on there cause with EA Access you get a 10 hour online trial I think. I'm sure that will make its way up the voting eventually, there's just so many games to choose from

Also just found out my girl and kids are going on a little vacation with her mom and sister for next week. May finally make a dent in my backlog
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Also just found out my girl and kids are going on a little vacation with her mom and sister for next week. May finally make a dent in my backlog
I know that feel. A couple years ago my wife went to China for work for two weeks. This was before we had our daughter, too. I've never played so many video games in my adult life during that time.
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We played until around 2am. Stryker and I did a couple games 4v4 since we were only a party of 2 at that point and after everyone called it a night, I finally tried Titanfall and was wowed. One because I'm new to next gen as a whole (I guess I can say 'current gen' now since I made it huh?) so the graphics are naturally going to capture me but more so because the pace of that game took me by surprise. Talk about fast paced intense action. Holy smokes! Also, I was surprised by the whole campaign being online and all but nonetheless, I had a blast whether my team was winning or losing. Definitely glad you guys talked up EA Access so much.

We played until around 2am. Stryker and I did a couple games 4v4 since we were only a party of 2 at that point and after everyone called it a night, I finally tried Titanfall and was wowed. One because I'm new to next gen as a whole (I guess I can say 'current gen' now since I made it huh?) so the graphics are naturally going to capture me but more so because the pace of that game took me by surprise. Talk about fast paced intense action. Holy smokes! Also, I was surprised by the whole campaign being online and all but nonetheless, I had a blast whether my team was winning or losing. Definitely glad you guys talked up EA Access so much.
That is precisely why Stranger and I left MCC to play CoD AW Exo Survival. Titanfall is similar in that it is non stop action. The pacing in some MCC games can be a slog. Kinda makes me think I am going to wait on Halo 5 until Black Friday. Plenty of better stuff for multiplayer coming (Gears, Blops 3, Battlefront, R6: Siege).

I'm probably going to get Halo 5 day 1 only because of GCU. Without that I'd be waiting until it hit 40.

Does NFS unlock things for multi or do I need to put some time in to be ready when its time comes?
I'm probably going to get Halo 5 day 1 only because of GCU. Without that I'd be waiting until it hit 40.

Does NFS unlock things for multi or do I need to put some time in to be ready when its time comes?
NFS or Forza Horizon 2? For FH2 you need to play a little bit before jumping online, so of that wins everyone should take a few minutes to do thag
So yeah, tomorrow is not Friday OP! :p
Wishful thinking came out in text form I guess. Fixed it though.

FH2 still out in front. In addition to playing through enough campaign to unlock the social aspect I would suggest people download the Forza Hub app on the marketplace to get some extra cars and credits so you can get a few cars upgraded before tonight. You can always rent cars for each class, but you're better off buying and upgrading a few (there's also a 1 free car from every dlc pack that has released)
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Hopefully people did not all trade in their FH2 copies for 60. And if they did have it digitally or rebuy at Walmart 39.96.
Happy Wars is actually pretty decent, and I have yet to try World of Tanks. Haven't touched Warframe yet either. That could be fun one of these nights.

Would like to find someone to partner up and play Neverwinter with eventually too. Not this week though. Too busy, probably wont make it tonight.

Neverwinter is a lot more fun than I expected. Not too heavy handed about f2p other than can't turn off some spam messages. Costs are way too high without a sale, but that's because you can literally get anything by grinding for it.
Neverwinter isn't bad for being f2p. I had extra xbox credit so after I grinded half the Astral diamonds to exchange for zen, I then bought the wolf mount and extra character slots when they were on sale. Now all my characters have the fast wolf.

Side note: Was pretty fun racing around and Smashing around in Horizon. Next time we need to make sure we have plenty of cars for all Classes and do Infection as well. BANGBUS time with wood paneling. Hah
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The bangbus was killing it last night.

Had a ton of fun with FH2. Nice change of pace. U guys wanna do FH2 again Friday or should I set up another poll?
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For anyone who missed last night, here's the bangbus in action.


I would be down to try World of Tanks. Forza Horizon was pretty fun, I would totally be interested in playing that again too. 

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I'm down to play most nights.. Just need an invite and confirm from me.. I'm in for this Friday definitely.. I got mcc. hard-line. WOT. x. And maybe far cry 4 by tonight.. Wish I had a forza.. Any forza :(
I'm down to play most nights.. Just need an invite and confirm from me.. I'm in for this Friday definitely.. I got mcc. hard-line. WOT. x. And maybe far cry 4 by tonight.. Wish I had a forza.. Any forza :(
Horizon 2 is the Forza to get if you do get it. I can't imagine we'd have half as much fun with F5.

I think Friday starts with some FH2 and then we move onto World of Tanks if everyone's cool with it. Might be a little bit late cause I am visiting family but we will see
Anybody know of any FH2 deals? Purchasable today.. Cheaply.. Like store pick up today around $30 or less preferred...or something downloadable super cheap.. Anything..
Won't be Able to play every time but interested in joining a few. Have battlefield 4, bf hardline, cod ghosts, forza 5, all Halos, world of tanks, plants vs zombies gw and titanfall.

Gt in sig
Won't be Able to play every time but interested in joining a few. Have battlefield 4, bf hardline, cod ghosts, forza 5, all Halos, world of tanks, plants vs zombies gw and titanfall.

Gt in sig
bread's done