Xbox One CAG Game Night

In evolve the monster has to run initially or it will get killed super fast. But once it's leveled up to level 3 it take real teamwork from the hunters to bring it down. We have the perfect setup cause we can do private matches and have a really good time with it. Some of the modifiers for custom matches are pretty cool too, like adding a 2ND AI controlled monster

For 12.99 from Gamefly it should be a no brainer kinda. I have no bought any dlc but wish I bought the first hunting pass when it was on sale
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I wasn't serious about Happy Wars! And I noticed that sweet, sweet Tittyfall was no longer an option, so I voted for Hardline again. I was the only one who didn't get dropped on our attempt at that game Friday night.
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In evolve the monster has to run initially or it will get killed super fast. But once it's leveled up to level 3 it take real teamwork from the hunters to bring it down. We have the perfect setup cause we can do private matches and have a really good time with it. Some of the modifiers for custom matches are pretty cool too, like adding a 2ND AI controlled monster

For 12.99 from Gamefly it should be a no brainer kinda. I have no bought any dlc but wish I bought the first hunting pass when it was on sale
The Evolve Hunting Pass Season 1 DLC is still $14.99 after dropping a month or so ago (from $24.99) - I don't think it's been cheaper (unless you got it free with the ad error at BBY within the first few hours it went on sale) individually (the digital collection with the game and hunting pass was $32.50, with the base game $20, but pass itself wasn't on sale for $12.50). The Season 2 Pass is still $24.99.

*edit* - I wonder if the matchmaking with parties is "better" than when student and I tried before (months ago)...maybe it was just my internet settings tho...

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The Evolve Hunting Pass Season 1 DLC is still $14.99 after dropping a month or so ago (from $24.99) - I don't think it's been cheaper (unless you got it free with the ad error at BBY within the first few hours it went on sale) individually (the digital collection with the game and hunting pass was $32.50, with the base game $20, but pass itself wasn't on sale for $12.50). The Season 2 Pass is still $24.99.

*edit* - I wonder if the matchmaking with parties is "better" than when student and I tried before (months ago)...maybe it was just my internet settings tho...
Just bought the 1st hunters pass. Doesn't seem worth the $24.99 they were originally asking, but $14.99 is not unreasonable
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Me and student slayed some monsters last night.. you guys missed out on the achievement shower known as Evolve...


Evolve was really fun last night. It's pretty great when you find a class or character you really like. So far I'm really digging Maggie the trapper and the bug looking medic. Hoping we can get a full 5 at some point, or even 4.

I imagine the matchmaking time would be really quick of we were in a party of 4 because it would only need to find someone who prefers playing as the monster
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Current tie between Advanced Warfare and Forza Horizon 2. Tie goes to the newcomer so if it stays this way we will be starting off with some AW tonight
I voted for Horizon 2, but with working tonight and being up in Hershey all day tomorrow, there's a good chance I may not make it tonight.

I don't own Advanced Warfare or Horizon 2, so I won't be able to join. Have fun, gentlemen!
Do you have Evolve? I know Me and Champloo will be trying to move things in that direction later during the night, and if it goes that way I can send you an invite if we do

Also looks like Horizon with the late victory. Should have some fun racing around and playing that tag game.
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I'll be on in a couple hours. Lookin' forward to it as always, gents. We could mix things up and do FH2: Storm Island... assuming everybody has the DLC...

And Evolve late night!

Looks like its tied up between AW and FH2. Gonna party up in a minute and then we'll figure out which to play
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I just bought NHL 15 from that Gamefly sale and I don't even know shit about hockey. I couldn't even tell you one hockey player's name. Wayne Gretzky. Does he still play? lol.

What have I become...

Yes, do it BrownWing. Hardline is fun. There are vans that you can drive around in a mode called Hotwire... Right up your alley cuz it's kinda like a bangbus.
SOLD! I think I am going to see if it changes to free shipping. It is showing free shipping, but charging me at checkout. When they fix it, I will grab a copy.

Edit: I bought it.
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Was just coming in here to post about the Gamefly sale. These Gamefly sales seem like the best opportunity to grab cheap game night games.
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Take the cucumbers out of your ears. We've been over this...

Not yet because I already own just about everything in the Vault. Once more stuff gets added over the next year, I will join. 

If they add a slew of :360: BC titles to Access, as was reported the other day, then I will join immediately. Dead Space trilogy, Mass Effect trilogy, Crysis, Skate, Mercenaries, Godfather II, etc... would be amazing.

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That's what I'll be doing in the short term but it's not ideal at all. Gonna need to find a good deal on a TV. Wish that deal with the X1 was bigger than 40"
Dammit Stryker, you waited too long! It is sold out now.

And Student, wtf happened to your TV? Won't turn on - or won't wont read HDMI ports... describe this shit. What does this mean for game night? Oh, the humanity!

I recommend waiting until Black Friday to get your new TV. I got this 55" Samsung LED last year at Target BF for like $600.

I'm sure there will be similar deals this year.

Dammit Stryker, you waited too long! It is sold out now.
Thought that may be the case. Checked the main page and didn't show up there either. Probably for the better since I just popped down 4000 on a car over the weekend.

As for waiting, it's not my fault. Was in Hershey since all day since I was seeing Alice Cooper and Motley Crue live.

Evolve will probably pop back in stock. Keep checking if you want it

As for the TV. The Standby light isn't lit red or green like its supposed to be, and I get nothing when pressing the power button. When I plug the TV into an outlet I can hear a relay closing inside the TV but nothing happens. It's a Sony Bravia from 2010, from what I am reading it is likely the Logic board which is like $50 to order and I could install, or the power board which I'm not sure the cost of but I could also install myself. May try to order the logic board and see about that but also kinda just wanna buy a brand new TV. I should wait for black Friday, but that's 4 months away and I'm not waiting that long. What I'll probably do is try to replace the board and if it works then just keep using the TV til I get a new one at black Friday.

As for game night it means that I'll be playing remotely on Windows 10 or not playing at all until this is taken care of (or I move my X1 to one of my smaller TV)

Edit. Just tried streaming onto my laptop. Both my X1 and laptop wired the home menus were sluggish as hell, dropped the quality to medium instead of high and everything started running fine. Played a few missions of destiny and it'll work temporarily
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Hey...sooo I'm planning on getting forza horizon 2 Used today..can you guys hook me up with some links for all the free stuff on forza horizon 2? Codes.. promotions..bang bus codes lol. Links. All greatly appreciated.!!
Hey...sooo I'm planning on getting forza horizon 2 Used today..can you guys hook me up with some links for all the free stuff on forza horizon 2? Codes.. promotions..bang bus codes lol. Links. All greatly appreciated.!!
Download the Forza Hub app onto your Xbox One. It gives you credits, & sometimes free cars. Had you bought it by August 11th, you could of gotten the free Playground Select Car Pack. There are free cars for FH5, even if you don't have VIP, or the car pass, so there should be free cars on the marketplace for FH2 as well. I don't have it yet, so I can't tell you for sure.

Thanks! .. i guess ill have to wait till i get home.. im at work right now that's why iwas kinda calling on the CAG's powers
Moved my 24" TV into the living room for now.

Finally got through the part of the Thorn bounty in Destiny where you have to get 500 points with just void kills (kills are +5, deaths -2). Now I gotta do a special strike that has no matchmaking. If anyone wants to get down with some destiny tomorrow I'll be finishing up this bounty.

And I need to see xur for the first time as well, have a bounty for that and also 37 strange coins to spend. Went from 27 to 30 today
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What are we playing Friday night? (tonight or tomorrow night depending on your time zone)

I'll be on around 930 probably.

Just got evolve through GF so subscribing to this thread, sounds like I may need some friends to play with.

XBL GT = The Dude 419

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Well, last Monday we played FH2, Battlefield 4. Why don't we start with COD:AW since that was tied with FH2 on the Monday poll and I was the only person playing it.

Just a thought I'll be on tonight for comedic relief at the minimal.
I like Omens idea. Start with AW then see where we go from there.

Hopefully I make it tonight. Missed the past two fridays
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Just picked up Evolve and NHL 15 from the Gamefly sale so I should be good to go if/when we decide to play Evolve.

In the process of purchasing a 55" TV now. I know it's unCAG like me to not wait for tax free day tomorrow, but I'd rather spend the extra $30 than deal with that shitshow tomorrow
In the process of purchasing a 55" TV now. I know it's unCAG like me to not wait for tax free day tomorrow, but I'd rather spend the extra $30 than deal with that shitshow tomorrow
Fvck yes! Ever since I got my 55" my gaming life has been full of glory. Glad you will be gaming on it tonite - and not that lil' 24".

I'll be on late night tonite as usual. Hopefully you guys are still playing CoD AW by the time I join up... I'll party up after husband-ing...

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bread's done