Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Depends on how you define great.. it seems to be doing just fine and it can only get better right? It admittedly is missing a few bells and whistles at launch but it sounds like any KI or fighting game fan will eat it up.
Actually if you use IGN's own definitions, a 8.4 rating is considered great.

I've heard its pretty bad.... super short as well.. That being said. i picked it up anyways because I got the 360 version super cheap from Walmart and then just paid $5 for upgrade to XB1.
How did you buy it at walmart then upgrade for cheap? walmart isnt doing that deal are they?

Like I said the games are scoring meh... they can still be fun and score average... simply saying there is no game for either system that is a must buy. I thought maybe Forza would be but from even your comments you are considering NFS. The best games at launch are available for both systems and that is not good, I wish each system had at least one must have title that blew away expectations, but alas neither does. So both owners can play there games, enjoy them, and really neither is a winner at launch,
Only reason I am not sold on Forza is because I have always LOVED Need for Speed. I like slightly unrealistic driving titles and so a more realistic one like Forza needs to score perfectly for me to want it over NFS haha.

While I do agree that there may not be any clear huge winners, I personally have been really looking forward to Dead Rising and Killer Instinct and so to me there are 'must buys.' I will get a PS4 down the line and nab Killzone and probably even Knack, but for me those are not must buys. I think a big reason is that BF4 and CoD are just now out too and so having one of your main titles be another FPS seems really silly.

In that regard then, I am glad that my Xbox One lineup of games will be extremely varied with BF4 and CoD being fun fps titles, DR3 being a nice open world action adventure, Killer Instinct for a great competitive fighter, Forza or NFS for an excellent racing game and Powerstars Golf for a simple and fun experience.

That isn't even factoring in Zoo Tycoon and possibly Ryse as well.

I by no means want to be a fanboy but I personally at this launch prefer all of the Xbox One titles available and really appreciate the variety in them.

I just listed every review, they are ok... so far no game for either platform has really hit the good category. 8.5-10 are what I consider good. 6-8 are ok, and anything below is a possible skip unless I really want to try myself. Like I said there really has yet to be a single game for either console to average 8.5-10. Ki is a 7-8, it's ok, that is all I was talking about. If the developer put out a complete game at launch, ki would have killed.
I see, yes if you go off of metacritic average. I usually identify with a few reviewers that fit my tastes and usually do not put too much stock in metacritic, especially user reviews on metacritic. It is rather easy for a few really poor reviews to pull down the average.

I agree and hope double helix adds more to killer instinct, but I am sure I will love it with what offers at launch. I forgot how much I loved KI, such fond memories.

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How did you buy it at walmart then upgrade for cheap? walmart isnt doing that deal are they?
Walmart had a pricing issue a week or two ago and had the game for $19 so i ordered it... and then traded into Amazon for $55 and paid $4.99.. So end of the day roughly paid $25 for a new release.

Just watched the IGN video for KI. Looks way better than I was expecting, and I had high expectations to begin with. The next Street Fighter needs to copy some of those features instead of having a hype meter.

Haha, I'm getting caught up and can't believe what I'm reading. Neo I give u props for being open and putting yourself out there, thats for sure.

I believe IGN will be putting out reviews in a little over half an hour. Can't wait to see what the games are going to get.

Come on Friday, its game time!!!
Just caught up myself and I also have to give props for the Suicide Girl. So... umm... whats her Suicide name lol :whistle2:k

Back OT, I'm pretty disappointed in Crimson Dragon. I was planning on that being my first digital game. I might wait for a discount now or maybe it'll be one of the first Games with Gold.

Only reason I am not sold on Forza is because I have always LOVED Need for Speed. I like slightly unrealistic driving titles and so a more realistic one like Forza needs to score perfectly for me to want it over NFS haha.

While I do agree that there may not be any clear huge winners, I personally have been really looking forward to Dead Rising and Killer Instinct and so to me there are 'must buys.' I will get a PS4 down the line and nab Killzone and probably even Knack, but for me those are not must buys. I think a big reason is that BF4 and CoD are just now out too and so having one of your main titles be another FPS seems really silly.

In that regard then, I am glad that my Xbox One lineup of games will be extremely varied with BF4 and CoD being fun fps titles, DR3 being a nice open world action adventure, Killer Instinct for a great competitive fighter, Forza or NFS for an excellent racing game and Powerstars Golf for a simple and fun experience.

That isn't even factoring in Zoo Tycoon and possibly Ryse as well.

I by no means want to be a fanboy but I personally at this launch prefer all of the Xbox One titles available and really appreciate the variety in them.
I understand but you missed my point, I wasn't talking about you, I meant in general. You have to be a fan of those type of games to consider them a must buy. if I was buying an Xbox one I would buy DR3 because it is really the only difference between the PS4 and Xbox one. My simpel statement is that there are no must buys for the general public or reason to get either system because of a must buy. Titanfall would be a must buy type game (although not really since it's coming to xbox 360 and PC, which to me is not exclusive), or Infamous Second Son. Games that score high, get huge publicity and deliver on every aspect. Sure KI is a good fighting game with a good engine, but you are paying money for an incomplete game.

Someone just posted its a good score for an incomplete game. THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE! I have never in my life heard gamers say they are ok with an incomplete game. I wish people would really talk with their wallets, because if publishers realize gamers will pay for an incomplete game, then more will start doing it! I will never buy a game or pay a cent for an incomplete game ever.

Overall I am just saying neither launch is really that good, and the really good games are cross-platform.

Im sure people will take it this way but I am in no way bashing Xbox One or its games. Simply stating that the games are getting about what id expect for launch title games. They are average to good and thats about all one can expect.

Im sure they are still fun games and great to play but none are on the level of "OMG YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS".

But I honestly don't think anyone was expecting that anyways.

Im sure people will take it this way but I am in no way bashing Xbox One or its games. Simply stating that the games are getting about what id expect for launch title games. They are average to good and thats about all one can expect.

Im sure they are still fun games and great to play but none are on the level of "OMG YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS".

But I honestly don't think anyone was expecting that anyways.
Deader, you and I are ont he exact same page!!! Add me on PSN!!

I understand but you missed my point, I wasn't talking about you, I meant in general. You have to be a fan of those type of games to consider them a must buy. if I was buying an Xbox one I would buy DR3 because it is really the only difference between the PS4 and Xbox one. My simpel statement is that there are no must buys for the general public or reason to get either system because of a must buy. Titanfall would be a must buy type game (although not really since it's coming to xbox 360 and PC, which to me is not exclusive), or Infamous Second Son. Games that score high, get huge publicity and deliver on every aspect. Sure KI is a good fighting game with a good engine, but you are paying money for an incomplete game.

Someone just posted its a good score for an incomplete game. THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE! I have never in my life heard gamers say they are ok with an incomplete game. I wish people would really talk with their wallets, because if publishers realize gamers will pay for an incomplete game, then more will start doing it! I will never buy a game or pay a cent for an incomplete game ever.

Overall I am just saying neither launch is really that good, and the really good games are cross-platform.
I suppose I see your point, but in my head there are very few titles that ever can be considered 'must buys' for the general public.

I think it is smarter to make multiple 'must buys' for various demographics and that way you have a larger lineup and a more broad audience. To many KI is a must buy. To many DR3 is a must buy. To MANY Forza is a must buy.

I understand the point you are trying to make more clearly now, but I disagree that one console needs ONE amazing game. I would imagine it is more successful and beneficial for them to have multiple great games and cast a wider net than put all their eggs in one basket.

To speak directly again to Killer Instinct being a 'non complete game' I think that is absurd. To many it is a complete game. I never really understood the reason for Arcade modes in fighting games and I know many people feel the same way. Judging solely by the reviews I would say Killer Instinct is a far more 'complete game' than Knack which is knocked down for its repetitive and boring gameplay, or to be unbiased even console-wise, LocoCycyle is a similar one to compare to. Killer Instinct has the core of a great fighting game (I have already played it and can attest to its amazing gameplay) and to me that is what counts.

Plus when you factor in their pricing model I think it is honestly great. Many people don't play as all the characters in a fighting game anyway and so if players choose to only play as two or three characters online as most usually do anyway, you get all of that still for very cheap. Not to mention all of the characters cost only $20. If they were asking for $60 then I would agree, but they are not. In the end they want $60 for all of the characters and that is fine because with a full roster, people with your mindset will then consider it a 'complete game' and worth their money.

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It's doing as well as you could expect for a fighter with only 6 characters and no story mode to do. Which is pretty great, considering how those things work against it.
My thoughts exactly

BTW-Are we going to play KI Friday or Saturday!? :)

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IMO battlefield 4 is the game im most looking forward to.  I hate COD and always though BF was meh alright,  but vs these other titles for either console id say BF4 is prob the only one that id prob keep playin.  I plan to buy BF4 around xmass with my giftcards i get.  While im buying DR3 on launch and forza free from doritos and KI free from MS.  Im still more excited overall to just get into BF for some reason.  Thats kinda bad when EA has the game ill prob play the most on a new console =/   Neither systems launch lineup or launch window games are that exciting. "yes even titanfall seem overrated IMO"   In all honestly im more excited about the actual console right now then the games set to release for it.  Hopefully in a year we will have good games but for know, we will have to deal with it.  Game wise i think thise next gen has pretty dull release titles.  PDZ,COD2,Kameo,Motorstorm,Resistance, while not all great games or even good games they still had me pretty excited to play when ps3/360 hit.

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IMO battlefield 4 is the game im most looking forward to. I hate COD and always though BF was meh alright, but vs these other titles for either console id say BF4 is prob the only one that id prob keep playin. I plan to buy BF4 around xmass with my giftcards i get. While im buying DR3 on launch and forza free from doritos and KI free from MS. Im still more excited overall to just get into BF for some reason. Thats kinda bad when EA has the game ill prob play the most on a new console =/ Neither systems launch lineup or launch window games are that exciting. "yes even titanfall seem overrated IMO" In all honestly im more excited about the actual console right now then the games set to release for it. Hopefully in a year we will have good games but for know, we will have to deal with it. Game wise i think thise next gen has pretty dull release titles. PDZ,COD2,Kameo,Motorstorm,Resistance, while not all great games or even good games they still had me pretty excited to play when ps3/360 hit.
I forgot that next-gen BF4 supports 64 players! I was thinking it was all graphical changes but there are indeed max player count increases for BF4 and CoD that I am greatly looking forward to as well; BF4 on the 360 feels a bit off especially after playing the PC version of 3 and 4's beta.

IMO battlefield 4 is the game im most looking forward to. I hate COD and always though BF was meh alright, but vs these other titles for either console id say BF4 is prob the only one that id prob keep playin. I plan to buy BF4 around xmass with my giftcards i get. While im buying DR3 on launch and forza free from doritos and KI free from MS. Im still more excited overall to just get into BF for some reason. Thats kinda bad when EA has the game ill prob play the most on a new console =/ Neither systems launch lineup or launch window games are that exciting. "yes even titanfall seem overrated IMO" In all honestly im more excited about the actual console right now then the games set to release for it. Hopefully in a year we will have good games but for know, we will have to deal with it. Game wise i think thise next gen has pretty dull release titles. PDZ,COD2,Kameo,Motorstorm,Resistance, while not all great games or even good games they still had me pretty excited to play when ps3/360 hit.
Agree 100% you get what I was saying. I think we were so excited for that launch and the games because of our chance at HD gaming and what a leap they were. There is only so much that can happen with games getting better. The biggest thing that can happen this gen is epic massive titles that include so much. I mean with the disk space Blu-ray affords you and the new bigger BluRays coming out. Not to mention the Ram that both systems bring. I can see games growing on a biggerscale rather then better graphics. I mean DR3 is an example, it can have that many zombies on screen, but that it really all that bings. It needed to make the whole experience bigger. I am shocked that GTA V was able to do what it did. Imagine what a next gen GTA will bring!?!?!?!

I have my day one edition pre-orded through Amazon with standard shipping.  Is there any chance I'll be getting my console before next week?   

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I'm just curious to know when Amazon will start shipping them out. 

I also thought someone mentioned controllers and stuff already out so hope Amazon starts shipping those out too

Finally launch week!  Guess i'll have to plan out my game purchases at some point, but with most of the games not releasing until Friday I'll have some time to figure it out.

Anyone pre-order online from BB with in store pickup?   When do we think we will get 'ready for pickup' messages?  Sometime on Thursday?

OMG! This is my favorite quote ever!! Ever heard of le manz?

I really hope that you are being sarcastic and I am just not getting it through the way you posted... :rofl:
Please don't think that special races are in any way like mainstream racing.

What's next? Going to bring up mud bogging?

wanted to update the instocks at my bullseye store. we now have the 8 preordered day one editions in along with 14 standard addition xbox ones. so 14 will be up for grabs friday morning.

Please don't think that special races are in any way like mainstream racing.

What's next? Going to bring up mud bogging?
you are trying to compare Le Manz to Mud bogging... you seriously are entertaining. That is mainstream, let me guess, your a nascar fan? What about Rally racing? Any F1 race, they race int he worst conditions... I can't even believe this I am talking about racing and I hate it... shows how much you really know and understand.

Please don't think that special races are in any way like mainstream racing.

What's next? Going to bring up mud bogging?
Yes, but the Lemans track is IN the Forza games. And the minimal effort required for night driving and headlights would easily be worth the extra visual variety it would bring.

I forgot that next-gen BF4 supports 64 players! I was thinking it was all graphical changes but there are indeed max player count increases for BF4 and CoD that I am greatly looking forward to as well; BF4 on the 360 feels a bit off especially after playing the PC version of 3 and 4's beta.
Yeah not only better graphic but better gameplay. 60 frames per sec is something that effects gameplay heavenly, and the 30fps that 3 had on consoles really annoyed me. FPS shouldnt be 30fps in this day in age. Was annoyed that halo never went to 60fps. Glade to see the next halo will be 60fps.

Reviews are about where I expected.  I'm surprised Crimson Dragon didn't score a little bit higher, I thought it had potential.  Also thought that KI would have scored a little bit lower than it did, so kudos for them.  Honestly the game I'm most jealous of is Zoo Tycoon, I think that looks interesting.

I think Ryse will put up LocoCycle numbers and Forza will probably score a little higher than DR3.  

[quote name="BrolyB593" post="11252254" timestamp="1384797064"]
What are you going to play until then though? You getting digital copies of some or just going for the strictly downloadable titles?[/quote]
I've got my ps4,ps3,and 360 to keep me busy.

I just don't feel like dealing with friday night mall traffic when i get out of work at 6. So I'm picking them up on early.

I forgot today is Monday.
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I've got my ps4,ps3,and 360 to keep me busy.

I just don't feel like dealing with friday night mall traffic when i get out of work at 6. So I'm picking them up on early.
Ah gotcha gotcha.

I may or may not come down with something Thursday night and have to call in sick for Friday myself : P

wanted to update the instocks at my bullseye store. we now have the 8 preordered day one editions in along with 14 standard addition xbox ones. so 14 will be up for grabs friday morning.
What are the colors of the packages? Are the Day One editions black and the standard editions green?
bread's done