Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

It sounds like the general thought processes is you intentionally left out details about bugs or performance issues because of "Word count" issues which sounds like an incredibly poor excuse. The rest is you sugarcoating about how difficult it is to be a reviewer and how hard gaming journalists work.

If "Word count" issues prevented you from mention any bugs or performance I'm curious to know what prevented you from even touching down on the subject in your nearly 7 minute long video review. I'll admit I glanced over it briefly stopping at all the split-screen sections and you never mentioned any issues with it despite everybody else who has played it reporting split-screen issues.

It's not okay for reviewers to intentionally mislead consumers into thinking games are hitch-free. Some reviewers have started completely ignoring bugs or issues they run into while others are more transparent about the problems they've faced. I understand he liked the game, but him intentionally ignoring any glaring issue the game may have had because he essentially didn't have enough room to type it out (Nice excuse) is very poor.
No, it sounds like I explained how writing a review or any critical essay works. Explaining the mechanics of something isn't sugarcoating it, it's trying to fill in the voids of your understanding so that you can have a fuller understanding of how it works, and hopefully shape your opinions from there.

Like, there could be bad things about how reviews work and those would be worthy of pointing out, but I'm mostly explaining things academically and I think you're rejecting some of it due to what seems like an unreasonable preconceived notion of what reviews should be. Reviews are not really thorough Wikipedia or encyclopedia entries that also happen to tell you whether something is good or not.

Word count is a real thing that any writer has to think about, along with the tastes of his or her audience. Putting it in quotes, that's kinda disrespectful after I spent so much time elaborating on your original concern and pulling the curtains back for you. Unless you're just writing for your own personal satisfaction and nothing else, you absolutely must consider the audience while you write. Anyone who writes for a living does exactly that.

With the video review, instead of word count running time becomes a limitation that I have to work within. Still, it's not so much that as tone management that determined what I chose to talk about and what I did not choose to talk about. I did not have any issues or negative impressions regarding split-screen other than the aforementioned annoyance at Halo 3 and 4's split-screen ratio being 4:3 instead of 16:9. While some reviewers might choose to point the aspect ratios out, it's also something that speaks for itself (hence my choice to include split-screen at all).

Finally, that video took five hours to create - most of my working day today. I don't get paid anywhere near what would justify that level of time commitment for the video (it's more of a bonus on top of the written review). I made a real video review (instead of much easier gameplay highlights) because I thought the game was important enough for it. I could have spent a few more hours on the review and made it even better, but that's not the best use of my work day. And while I welcome criticism of everything I produce, which you and others will consume for free, the implications of dishonesty are unwarranted and frankly ignorant.

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I know from following G4's X-play, then later their Youtube channel RevGames, IGN's podcasts, Gameradar's, now Lasertime, podcasts that often times the reason reviewers leave out mentions of a game's bugs is due to strict review embargoes - aside from the assurance from the dev/pub that those bugs would be fixed on release or following thereafter. It's kind of sneaky how they've got it set up.
I could definitely understand that and I understand that the gaming press need to keep publishers happy lest they lose all their coverage and free early review copies, but Eastx is completely denying any integrity issues and instead chooses to tip toe around the subject.

Question: Anybody have experience with transferring warranties on an Xbox One or at a minimum an Xbox 360?

I'm going to sell my Sunset Overdrive bundle and use the funds to rebuy the AC bundle when BF comes around. So if I have my XB1 as a listed registered device under my MS account, what happens to the secondary user that's going to buy my Xbone? If something happens within the warranty period and he needs to open a claim, how will that work since it's under my profile? My understanding is that the warranty follows the console regardless of user. So as long as he calls it in and provides the serial number, he won't have any problems getting a repair? TIA.
Warranties usually aren't available for used purchases. They usually require receipts as proof of purchase for warranty repairs.

I could definitely understand that and I understand that the gaming press need to keep publishers happy lest they lose all their coverage and free early review copies, but Eastx is completely denying any integrity issues and instead chooses to tip toe around the subject.

Warranties usually aren't available for used purchases. They usually require receipts as proof of purchase for warranty repairs.
While you're generally correct, it's a little different for systems. I'm pretty sure it's Sony that requires receipts. MS doesn't require a receipt so long as the console is within the warranty period.

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I think I'm starting to regret my decision to go next gen. Between Halo and COD server issues, FIFA acting up on me (FUT results won't save and the freaking game is 2 months old), and long install / download times, it's easy to look back and miss the 360 where I don't think I've ever run into these issues. It's also disheartening to hear that ACU is having issues as well, making it seem like these things are becoming the norm instead of freak accidents. Honestly, when the games work, I have to say I'm really enjoying my Xbox One, but these type of problems really turn me off to this generation as a whole, especially because they appear to be happening so frequently. Hopefully companies will start to get it right on day one with future releases.

To be fair I imagine the COD and FIFA issues weren't specifically limited to next-gen systems. I agree though it's pretty annoying that we're just about one year into this generation and we're getting a ton of very messy game launches alongside some other glaring issues. 

In other news I just got my first complete crash with ACU. Game hard locked up my system and I had to completely shut it off and on.

To be fair I imagine the COD and FIFA issues weren't specifically limited to next-gen systems. I agree though it's pretty annoying that we're just about one year into this generation and we're getting a ton of very messy game launches alongside some other glaring issues.

In other news I just got my first complete crash with ACU. Game hard locked up my system and I had to completely shut it off and on.
That's a good point. I'm also sure that the 360 had its fair share of issues in the beginning too that I can't remember off the top of my head. I will say that I haven't played FIFA 15 on the 360 yet, and COD has had it's fair share of server issues in the past on all systems. But I have been playing FIFA Ultimate Team since it came out in 09 and I've never encountered any crippling bugs like I have on the One. So far I own 4 games, and 3 of them have some pretty serious issues, which really makes it hard for me to believe it's just one or two bad apples. I'm only paying $40 on release for these games with GCU so that softens the blow\, but even still, it might be a while before I buy a game at launch again just out of principle.

Ubisoft paid for some good reviews. Hell they didn't even send out review copies for rogue.
I'm really enjoying Rogue so far, it is very much Black Flag 2. One thing to note is it is reusing a lot of assets from AC3 and Black Flag, not that it's hurting the game, but you start in the homestead from AC3, Abstergo looks exactly the same as in Black Flag, and even the ship looks the same as the Jackdaw and the shantee songs are the same as well at least so far. Also I played Black Flag on current gen so getting use to the graphics downgrade of previous gen is a little tough. As for the story, it reminds me of Star Wars: Episode 3 where you are waiting for the point in which he turns.. good stuff.

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That's a good point. I'm also sure that the 360 had its fair share of issues in the beginning too that I can't remember off the top of my head. I will say that I haven't played FIFA 15 on the 360 yet, and COD has had it's fair share of server issues in the past on all systems. But I have been playing FIFA Ultimate Team since it came out in 09 and I've never encountered any crippling bugs like I have on the One. So far I own 4 games, and 3 of them have some pretty serious issues, which really makes it hard for me to believe it's just one or two bad apples. I'm only paying $40 on release for these games with GCU so that softens the blow\, but even still, it might be a while before I buy a game at launch again just out of principle.
Ummm really?! Red Ring of Death?

[quote name="Rozz" post="12235757" timestamp="1415851600"]Is Unity as broken and unplayable as the user reviews on Metacritic and Amazon are making it out to be?[/quote]
No, but there are some issues. It took a few tries to join my friend for Co op. We failed a mission because she randomly fell through the ground. There are framer ate problems. It is playable, but if you haven't picked it up yet I would suggest waiting to make sure they get fixed. While waiting there may be a sale and there are far too many other options out right now. This coming from somebody who has loved AC since the beginning. I actually put it down last night to finish Mordor.
50% of the next gen library is going to remasters at this rate.

I guess this means Gears 4 is 2016.

Companies wouldnt make remasters if it wasnt cheap and people didn't eat it up.

I don't mind remastered from PS1, PS2, Xbox era etc since its actually a good upgrade. Master Chief is good because Halo 2 had not been ported to 360.

But again, I suppose it makes sense for people that never owned a 360 so they can just get these without having to buy a 360 to play them

Companies wouldnt make remasters if it wasnt cheap and people didn't eat it up.

I don't mind remastered from PS1, PS2, Xbox era etc since its actually a good upgrade. Master Chief is good because Halo 2 had not been ported to 360.

But again, I suppose it makes sense for people that never owned a 360 so they can just get these without having to buy a 360 to play them
Yep, and also some people might have sold their Xbox 360s who would still enjoy the chance to play the older Gears of War games.

It takes a long time to make a brand new game. Collections like MCC give people something to play while the newer game continues development, and introduce the IP to new players who will become interested in the new game as well.

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Yep, and also some people might have sold their Xbox 360s who would still enjoy the chance to play the older Gears of War games.

It takes a long time to make a brand new game. Collections like MCC give people something to play while the newer game continues funded development, and introduce the IP to new players who will become interested in the new game as well.

Depending the game/games, I don't mind them either. Some like Sleeping Dogs and arguably Saints Row IV are not needed. Maybe there will be a SR5, but more wait and see at this point.


Depending the game/games, I don't mind them either. Some like Sleeping Dogs and arguably Saints Row IV are not needed. Maybe there will be a SR5, but more wait and see at this point.
I agree with this. A Saints Row collection would have been awesome, I loved the first game and had a lot of fun with the 3rd. I'm all for collections with 3-4 awesome games and tons of content for $60. Saints Row 1-4 (even 1-3) remastered likely would have been a day one buy for me. But just one game with slight improvements for $50-60 seems like a cheap cash grab. If I wasn't going to pay that when the game originally came out a few years ago, why would I do it now?

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Single remasters need to be priced at $39 or $49. Sleeping Dogs was an awesome game, but I don't think it sold well enough that people looked at a remaster and thought Oh I'll buy that for $60

I don't mind remakes/remasters, but they do cause polarising feelings.  On one hand if you have already played the game you usually regret your initial purchase because you could have waited and got the better experience.  And on the other hand if you skipped the initial release then you are glad you waited.

Won an plain XB1 with Kinect at the Microsoft Halo:MCC midnight launch. How much $$ should I be looking for it? With Black Friday coming up and the price drop to $450 plus the version that comes with the two AC games I don't know what a realistic price is.
Won an plain XB1 with Kinect at the Microsoft Halo:MCC midnight launch. How much $$ should I be looking for it? With Black Friday coming up and the price drop to $450 plus the version that comes with the two AC games I don't know what a realistic price is.
Unless you really want cash your best bet would be to trade it in at Amazon for $322. eBay Prices are all over the place, but some of them offer very good value for around that price.

Highest auction is $445, but I'm not sure how it sold for that given the other much better ones. Here are some examples below.

Amazon Link

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[quote name="Erad30" post="10925846" timestamp="1374449881"]I'd be a lot more ok with Kinect 2.0 if it was basically subsidized. We already know it's going to be used for targeted advertising. Why not make the system $350 or even $300? MS could afford that and make up the loss with ads that are already going to be there anyways. And was there big news out of comic con I missed? Your avatars smile if you smile? Hell that's kind of creepy. And the instant recognition? I mean that sort of falls under the same category as playing a game while match-making-nice but completely unnecessary and not enough of a difference when choosing a console. I think key will be the download experience. I won't expect it right out of the gate but if the PS4 doesn't offer similar speeds and ease of use within a year I think they'll have really dropped the ball. Matchmaking on PS3 is pretty good as is in my experience, so it doesn't need a huge overhaul, but seeing as they are charging for MP they definitely should work to make it at least close to on par with what MS will be doing.[/quote]
Why wouldn't you expect it out of the gate (other than how horrible the download experience was on PS3)? Especially with how hyped day one digital releases were for both consoles you should expect a good download experience. You should at least expect what the predecessors had. Sadly both systems underdelivered on that part, but at least they are improving.

Edit: did I just quote an old post? Damn Tapatalk.
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Yeah Judgement wasn't made by Epic, a few dudes from Epic worked on it but it was mostly People Can Fly. With Epic pretty much done with Gears, they sold that IP to Microsoft as their last game I heard they were working on was Fortnite, new Gears news has a lot of work to do before I can get excited again. GoW 1, 2 & 3 were great games.

My Kunai Tritton Stereo headset arrived today, updated my controller (glad I downloaded that a while ago) and really like them. I like that I got the adapter with it as well.
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4TB external HDD for $139.99 at Best Buy:

Seems to be an Amazon price match, as it's on-sale in the weekly ad for BB for $149.99, though Amazon has it for $139.99 right now. Seems to have good reviews working with an XB1 on both Amazon and Best Buy.
It's currently showing $149.99 at both Best Buy and Amazon.

I have this hard drive and it's terrific. I actually need a second one for my second console... But I'm reluctant to pay $150 (it's always that much or less at NewEgg) so close to Black Friday. Probably better too wait at this point, right?

Um that's not a processor that's a whole motherboard in Sunset Overddrive. #geekcomplaining  BTW i need to really play some more of that game soon. 

[quote name="eastx" post="12241463" timestamp="1416035037"]It's currently showing $149.99 at both Best Buy and Amazon.

I have this hard drive and it's terrific. I actually need a second one for my second console... But I'm reluctant to pay $150 (it's always that much or less at NewEgg) so close to Black Friday. Probably better too wait at this point, right?[/quote]
NewEgg has it for $124.99 right now.

Search for WDBFJK0040HBK-NESN on NewEgg, as Tapatalk is corrupting the URL.

Use promo code EMCWWWE25 for the $124.99 price.
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I know I'm a bit behind, but god damn. Shadow of Mordor was awesome. Really enjoyed it.

Even at maxed out status, there are some Warchiefs and Captains that are real dicks. I love it.
I know I'm a bit behind, but god damn. Shadow of Mordor was awesome. Really enjoyed it. Even at maxed out status, there are some Warchiefs and Captains that are real dicks. I love it.
There is also a good sale for it on Black Friday. Most retail place have it for $25 and if you have GCU it is $20 at Best Buy.

There is also a good sale for it on Black Friday. Most retail place have it for $25 and if you have GCU it is $20 at Best Buy.
I'm so tempted by that sale but (unlike most CAGs I think) I really prefer digital nowadays. Hopefully Xbox Live will have a strong Black Friday sale on Xbox One titles.

Weird. I can get into a match pretty much every time right now and haven't experienced any noticeable lag whatsoever.
It sounds like you're intentionally not telling us about the times you couldn't get into a game. It is your duty not enjoy the Master Chief Collection no matter how much you enjoy it. Are you sure Microsoft didn't pay you to say that? Maybe you're sleeping with someone who worked on it. Have you even bothered to harass a female in the games industry lately?


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It sounds like you're intentionally not telling us about the times you couldn't get into a game. It is your duty not enjoy the Master Chief Collection no matter how much you enjoy it. Are you sure Microsoft didn't pay you to say that? Maybe you're sleeping with someone who worked on it. Have you even bothered to harass a female in the games industry lately?

Nice subtle dig at Kazeno Katana and others who haven't agreed with you or your reviews, but Matt Young is posting on a forum, you are a reviewer. And unlike a forum poster I'm pretty sure it is your duty as a reviewer to point out all aspects of the game, be it negative and positive as people may drop up to $60 based on what you write, not omit the negatives and paint the game as a masterpiece based on the positives, doing this would be exact opposite to your satirical post and something you are guilty of doing making your satire little more than a deflection.

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So uh, I'm with eastx and Matt on this one. Enjoying the hell out of MCC now that I've had a chance to give it a shot. I'm only doing the campaign (start to finish on heroic), but no issues at all.
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I take part of that back: I'm having an issue with the stupid enemies not dying. But I think that's just because they're assholes and bullet sponges. Heroic and all.
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[quote name="Fearia" post="12243312" timestamp="1416118553"]I know I'm a bit behind, but god damn. Shadow of Mordor was awesome. Really enjoyed it.Even at maxed out status, there are some Warchiefs and Captains that are real dicks. I love it.[/quote]
I thought the controls were great and the story worked well. I just wish there were more story missions instead of side missions. They got to be repetitive and just came across as filler to me.
bread's done