Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

It forces me to financially support motion and voice controls (trends I don't want to become standard) if I want to buy an X1 for the exclusive games.

It's a big ugly box I have to find a way to cram into my HT set up. Moot since I'd have it off and just chuck it behind the stand somewhere since it has to be plugged in. But still an annoyance.

It adds $100 to the price for a peripheral that I'd never use.
The Kinect actually doesn't need to be plugged in at all. You can just leave it wrapped up in the box.

Also, according to an Xbox One dev, Kinect costs almost as much as the console itself. So it's probably more like a $300 console and $200 added on for the Kinect.


That was a different situation. Microsoft doesn't change their policies based on what people on the internet complain about. If that was the case Xbox live gold would be free and you wouldn't need to pay for live to use netflix. I dont work for Microsoft so I can't say for sure what made them change their policies but If I had to guess I'd say it was because they weren't ready for it. As soon as they can figure out trade ins, rentals, and stuff like that, the DRM stuff will be back I guarantee it.

Of course the hardcore matter but nothing Microsoft has done has upset the hardcore. Hardcore gamers are people like me who want to play the latest and greatest games. We dont care about which console sells the most, if we need to use kinect, if the PS4 supports mp3s, if we need to use friend codes or whatever. If a console has a game we want to play we will buy the console to play that game.
To the first the online uproar definitely mattered. The gaming press was bashing them left and right, not just random people on forums. All their accounts were getting hammered on Twitter, while Sony's where getting hammered as well asking them not to have DRM. Once Sony had their E3 conference and announced no DRM or used game restrictions, MS had little choice but to rethink their strategy. And once pre-order numbers were coming out that favored the PS4 2-1 they had zero choice but to rethink it. They could ignore the uproar over live, Netflix behind the paywall etc., as they were making money on Live and outselling the PS3, so the uproar then was more limited and didn't hurt them much. They were doomed if they stuck to their guns on DRM, 24-hour check ins etc.

I don't see any type of DRM coming to consoles this gen. It won't work until it digital console games reach Steam level pricing and sales--otherwise it makes zero since to even bother with consoles, as steam sales make the hardware price moot very quickly. Especially for people who aren't CAGs and can't be bothered stalking deals on physical games (deals are next to non-existent on console digital games unless you don't mind waiting years to play things).

As for hardcore gamers, I both agree and disagree with you. The uber hardcore will get an X1 eventually as those folks just have to own every console. But they probably won't get it first and it probably won't be their main platform if games end up not running as well, if there end up being fewer indie exclusives etc.

There are plenty of people, probably a majority of posters, on the hard core forums like GAF skipping the X1 and just sticking with PC gaming and/or PS4 or Wii. A lot of hard core gamers are turned off by all the media feature focus and just want a console to play games on. A lot want more than the FPS/Sports/Racer stuff MS focuses on (and many don't play those genres at all) given they're a western company and have given up on the Asian market by not launching there in their first two waves of region rollouts etc. So time will tell how many hardcore gamers really embrace the X1 platform, how many skip it, and how many just pick one up as a 3rd or 4th platform to just play Halo and some other exclusives and barely buy anything for it otherwise.

The Kinect actually doesn't need to be plugged in at all. You can just leave it wrapped up in the box.

Good to know. I missed that in the laundry list of dumb ideas they've thankfully changed their mind on.

And that makes a Kinect-less sku a bit more likely since clearly all the OS stuff works without it since it's no longer required to be plugged in.

Really? I couldn't tell.

What can I say. I like talking about the industry and the directions companies are taking--especially since all three console makers are taking very different approaches. Sony's meshes the best with mine as I'm just not that interested in military shooters, sports games, racers, and pretty sick of Nintendo games (and think they work better on portables anyway). But it's interesting to hear what others like, and to speculate about how sales will go.

That's really my only interest in next gen right now. I think all the consoles are pretty medicore and I'm not really excited by any of them as they offer nothing but more of the same types of games I'm getting sick of, with graphics that aren't nearly the leap forward we've seen in previous generations. I'm leaning more and more toward just passing on them and building a gaming PC in a year or so when I can save up the funds. That will give me a bigger graphics jump, and exposure to a wider variety of games than either a PS4, X1 or Wii U. And from what I've gathered, the online community is a lot better/more mature than the consoles as you don't get nearly as many kids and teens.

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Cool stuff on here. The kinect recognizing you for your profile is cool and all but for people that have 1 profile eh its just a cool gimmick. 

The only way I'll deem kinect a useful feature is if it becomes like Jarvis from the Iron Man movies and it starts talking to me. 

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Cool stuff on here. The kinect recognizing you for your profile is cool and all but for people that have 1 profile eh its just a cool gimmick.

The only way I'll deem kinect a useful feature is if it becomes like Jarvis from the Iron Man movies and it starts talking to me.
I would be to scared it would turn into GLaDOS :cold:

The UI does look neat.  Only one profile, so that Kinect feature is moot for me.  But I do like what I've seen of the X1 over what I've seen of the PS4.

But it's not a huge deal to me since I only use my consoles for gaming, and mostly play single player, so I'm not spending a lot of time on the dashboard, menus, friends list etc. anyway.

I would be to scared it would turn into GLaDOS :cold:
Lol...Xbox off.

Alex why are you trying to turn me off? Do you not love me anymore? Do I not provide you pleasure?

Xbox off.

I'm sorry. I can't do that.

*Unplugs power source. Xbox is still on*

Are you trying to kill me? That's not right...


Headline News

Mans house burns down. Source of fire unknown. Xbox One possibly to blame

Kinect 2.0 has to justify itself and its price tag, which means Microsoft has to justify why anyone would actively want to own it. To date, they’ve largely failed.

That's from an article posted earlier and it pretty much makes my point for me. If the new kinect really cost as much as the console MS really painted themselves in a corner by buying the kinect tech. They have to use it at this point

There are some features I just don't see the point of. For instance when he is holding a controller in his hand, and he is sitting on the Forza 5 tile. Why would you not just press A and enter the game. Why would you talk to your xbox and tell it to go to Forza.

Lol Xbox go home. I can see myself using the camera for Skype and Ill use the voice feature to get to different games and what not faster. I don't believe that justifies the cost, but it is something I will use

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I'm actually encouraged by some of the recent accounts of the Kinect-enhanced interface working well. Microsoft shot themselves in the foot a little by having that interface be one of the console's major selling points. It's a feature that you simply can't demo effectively at the kind of press events that the industry normally employees. Enormous rooms full of people and loud music just aren't going to work for this sort of interface. It's the kind of thing you have to get in your home to actually get a feel for it.

Some of the recently posted accounts are very positive. In a more normal environment, they apparently have most of what they promised working, and working well. This is what they need. This is what will move units through the holiday season.

I have no particular objection to the Kinect, or to its more complete integration into the new system. What I don't like the most about the XBox One is the insistence on cable TV integration and the extra HDMI port that feature required. It is a personal preference thing, I know. I haven't subscribed to a TV service in almost eight years. I am thoroughly divorced from traditional TV. The XBox One's integration with such services is something I will never, ever use personally. I recognize that it will be useful for quite a few users, just not me.

But the Kinect-based interface for the XBox One is something I can get behind. And those people who are still invested in TV programming will probably appreciate it even more.

There are some features I just don't see the point of. For instance when he is holding a controller in his hand, and he is sitting on the Forza 5 tile. Why would you not just press A and enter the game. Why would you talk to your xbox and tell it to go to Forza.
When you come home from work and open the door, you can say xbox on and it'll turn on the xbox, turn on your tv, turn on your home theater, you can adjust the volume with your voice, and go to whichever app/game/live tv or snap two together all before you even pick up the controller.

When you come home from work and open the door, you can say xbox on and it'll turn on the xbox, turn on your tv, turn on your home theater, you can adjust the volume with your voice, and go to whichever app/game/live tv or snap two together all before you even pick up the controller.
I just don't see that as any easier than grabbing my Harmony remote (have the cheap Xbox 360 model), and pressing whatever activity button I want to do. *shrugs*

To each their own I guess. I have had Siri on my iPhones for 2+ years and can't recall the last time I used it. I just don't like talking to my gadgets. I'd rather just press some buttons.

When you come home from work and open the door, you can say xbox on and it'll turn on the xbox, turn on your tv, turn on your home theater, you can adjust the volume with your voice, and go to whichever app/game/live tv or snap two together all before you even pick up the controller.
Apples and Oranges? I was speaking to that specific event. What was the need to say Xbox play Forza when his controller was on, in his hand and he could have easily just pressed A to enter Forza.

The Xbox One can't control your tv or your home theater system as far as I'm aware unless I missed something. It can control your cable box and that's it.

If you walk into your living room and say “Xbox On” at the exact same moment as you turn on your TV, the games console should already be on by the time the picture comes up.

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im very impressed how well kinect 2.0 works. I know with first kinect at times you had to scream at the thing even with no other sound in room for it to work and most of the time it still did not understand what i said. 

i really think i might use the tv feature on this thing the guide is much better then att uverse guide and i love the voice control. Only thing that would keep me from using it for that is how hot it seems to run i hope they learn their lession from red ring at start of 360 life span.

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The kinect is an IR you can control your tv & home theater system too
I'm not saying you're wrong but do you have an article stating that? I can't find anything on it

If you want to control the Xbox One in a more traditional manner, you can use the Xbox game controller or SmartGlass on your smartphone or tablet to control your TV. However, don't throw away your remotes just yet. There was no mention of basic home theater controls such as volume, input selection, and so forth.

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I'm not saying you're wrong but do you have an article stating that? I can't find anything on it


There's good news for home theater enthusiasts, too. Microsoft is taking advantage of the console's IR blaster in a big way. The Xbox One can control individual components of your living room setup — a TV, receiver, etc. — recognizing commands like "Xbox, volume up" to make quick changes. The configuration process reportedly resembles that of a Harmony remote; you simply search for a device in your home theater chain rather than dealing with codes or other cumbersome menus."

it was one of the things they kept talking about at gamescom

Oh that's pretty nifty.

So what exactly will we need to hook up the xbox one to our cable box and to control my tv? It comes with an HDMI cable in the box and I've got a few for my 360/PS3/Cable box already. What else do I need though? I'm not super savvy with home theater tech. I don't have a receiver or speaker system set up. 

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That was a different situation. Microsoft doesn't change their policies based on what people on the internet complain about. If that was the case Xbox live gold would be free and you wouldn't need to pay for live to use netflix. I dont work for Microsoft so I can't say for sure what made them change their policies but If I had to guess I'd say it was because they weren't ready for it. As soon as they can figure out trade ins, rentals, and stuff like that, the DRM stuff will be back I guarantee it.
dude, youre in denial if you think they didnt change their policies because of the online uproar. microsoft charging for online didnt get nearly as much hate as the combo of always online, no used games, etc... people defend microsofts xbl gold sub to the teeth (zomg mah cross party chat!). they werent going to defend constant drm and having your console become a brick if it doesnt check in once every 24 hours.

the amount of negative press on microsoft after their e3 launch was mind blowing. ive never seen it that bad before. they needed damage control pronto. all you have to do is watch this interview with major nelson: he specifically stated that they werent changing their policies. now, youre telling me, suddenly they realize OOPS WE ARENT READY FOR THIS INFRASTRUCTURE WISE and decide to change on almost every single one of their unpopular policies? fuck outta here.

dude, youre in denial if you think they didnt change their policies because of the online uproar. microsoft charging for online didnt get nearly as much hate as the combo of always online, no used games, etc... people defend microsofts xbl gold sub to the teeth (zomg mah cross party chat!). they werent going to defend constant drm and having your console become a brick if it doesnt check in once every 24 hours.

the amount of negative press on microsoft after their e3 launch was mind blowing. ive never seen it that bad before. they needed damage control pronto. all you have to do is watch this interview with major nelson: he specifically stated that they werent changing their policies. now, youre telling me, suddenly they realize OOPS WE ARENT READY FOR THIS INFRASTRUCTURE WISE and decide to change on almost every single one of their unpopular policies? fuck outta here.

The funniest part of that interview was Major Nelson saying we can't just turn off the DRM...1 week later DRM removed

What about controlling my tv though (turning it on/off etc...)? Does that require a receiver?
The IR blaster takes care of that. You may have to do some setup, like with a Harmony remote.

I'm debating on whether on not to put the X1 in my office of living room. I'm really digging all of the extra 'living room' features.

I'm debating on whether on not to put the X1 in my office of living room. I'm really digging all of the extra 'living room' features.
Living room for me. The blu-ray playback and potential remote control insures that. Being able to handle my various audio-visual devices via voice control is a major selling point. That feature would be very useful in my living room, much less so in my office.

Apples and Oranges? I was speaking to that specific event. What was the need to say Xbox play Forza when his controller was on, in his hand and he could have easily just pressed A to enter Forza.

The Xbox One can't control your tv or your home theater system as far as I'm aware unless I missed something. It can control your cable box and that's it.
If you walk into your living room and say “Xbox On” at the exact same moment as you turn on your TV, the games console should already be on by the time the picture comes up.

If you have one of those HDMI aware TVs then turning on your Xbox wold turn it on too. As for voice control we use that with k1.0 now when we are preparing to sit down. It only saves a few moments of time but it's nice, but only nice.
To be fair, that's not quite true. That's what the Day One patch is for. So technically it hasn't been removed yet.
Still though they removed it and the arrogance he showed during that whole interview was just bad.

The day one patch is already out. I wonder how many times we can get that dashboard video posted lol.

Guy got Xbox One already from a Target mishap. Downloaded the day one patch...

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I just don't see that as any easier than grabbing my Harmony remote (have the cheap Xbox 360 model), and pressing whatever activity button I want to do. *shrugs*

To each their own I guess. I have had Siri on my iPhones for 2+ years and can't recall the last time I used it. I just don't like talking to my gadgets. I'd rather just press some buttons.
I have the same remote. I'd still rather run everything through my Xbox One with voice command. The Harmony is good but the input switches with my receiver aren't great.
not only that, he was a complete and utter prick about it. seems like someone who was really confident and ready to go DRM full steam, eh? lol
No, he just didn't like someone saying you know you can. I could tell a restaurant owner I know they can do something and he might tell me to fuck off. I saw that video interview, that's all that was.
I have the same remote. I'd still rather run everything through my Xbox One with voice command. The Harmony is good but the input switches with my receiver aren't great.
Fair enough. Though if your receiver isn't great with the Harmony remote, I doubt it will be any better with the X1's IR blaster....

I went to my local Xbox experience in Scottsdale and got to play the following games:
Crimson Dragon
Kinect Sports 2.0
Killer Instinct

Sadly my 7 year old was with me so I didn't try Ryse or DR3.

My impressions were positive by Skylanders looked the cleanest. Killer Instinct looked like the 360 could have done this. The new rumble in the triggers is awesome!
I thought I remember reading that you will be able to preorder digital copies on the Xbox One, anyone else read that? Or confirm?

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No, he just didn't like someone saying you know you can. I could tell a restaurant owner I know they can do something and he might tell me to fuck off. I saw that video interview, that's all that was.
but angry joe was right. listen, you can tell your little restaurant guy whatever you want and he can say whatever he wants. his restaurant isnt eaten at by millions of people a year. major nelson is a major figure in the xbl community and like it or not, he needs to have PR skills since he gets interviewed. when youre doing interviews seen by millions of people, you need to have some tact and not come off like an asshat.

Still though they removed it and the arrogance he showed during that whole interview was just bad.

The day one patch is already out. I wonder how many times we can get that dashboard video posted lol.

Guy got Xbox One already from a Target mishap. Downloaded the day one patch...

and this guy got banned from xb1. hahaha

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Any chance of a $400 console by halo 5 or $500 halo bundle including game?   I set-up a checking account with $50 down and $50 direct deposit a month so that should have enough in it in time for halo. 

Any chance of a $400 console by halo 5 or $500 halo bundle including game? I set-up a checking account with $50 down and $50 direct deposit a month so that should have enough in it in time for halo.
Depends on when Halo 5 is out. If it's next year, probably unlikely for a $400 console. But maybe a bundle deal. Definitely probably at least some retailers giving $50 gift cards with console purchase by then as well (assuming it's next fall). Will also depend on how well its selling (same for PS4). If they're languishing on store shelves come summer/fall, more likely we'll see some deals or decent bundles.

I'll probably wait until the first price drop to make a decision and pick up a PS4 or X1 since i just got a Wii U yesterday and there's a bunch of games out/coming next year I really want to play on that, on top of my PS3 backlog and a few things for 3DS.

Depends on when Halo 5 is out. If it's next year, probably unlikely for a $400 console. But maybe a bundle deal. Definitely probably at least some retailers giving $50 gift cards with console purchase by then as well (assuming it's next fall). Will also depend on how well its selling (same for PS4). If they're languishing on store shelves come summer/fall, more likely we'll see some deals or decent bundles.

I'll probably wait until the first price drop to make a decision and pick up a PS4 or X1 since i just got a Wii U yesterday and there's a bunch of games out/coming next year I really want to play on that, on top of my PS3 backlog and a few things for 3DS.
Problem is that ps3 is still selling for $200-250. I doubt there is much room to cut the price of ps4 anytime soon. You can only get away with selling for 25% more than the competition for so long (especially with nearly identical products). The xbox has a few franchises I care about Halo (i love), Gears of War (fun co-op with friends but friends are too broke to buy xbone anyway), Alan Wake (who knows if we'll ever see another?) and Fable (going downhill). In contrast I already own Killzone Shadowfall and Infamous will be out in a few months. Eventually a new Uncharted will come out as well. I bought an xbox for halo and halo 2, I bought a 360 for halo 3 and 4, I will probably buy an xbone for halo 5. But, it's really hard to justify paying $100 more for something that does the exact same thing and doesn't have as many quality first party developers as Sony. Maybe I'll just pocket the $500 this gen.

Problem is that ps3 is still selling for $200-250. I doubt there is much room to cut the price of ps4 anytime soon.
Yeah, I doubt there will be any price drops on PS4 or X1 until 2015. But I have more than enough games to keep me busy until beyond then on PS3, 3DS and Wii U. And I'm not sure if I'll get one of those consoles, or just get a gaming PC the next time my desktop needs replaced. So I'll take my time with what I already have before buying anything else.

Off the top of my head, for PS3 I have: Heavy Rain, Resistance trilogy, Tomb Raider, Infamous 1 & 2, GT5 and a bunch of PS+ stuff downloaded (Deus Ex: HR, Xcom, LBP 2 etc.) to get through.

3DS I just have Pokemon, but will get the new Zelda and probably some stuff next year like Yoshi. As well as stuff I haven't gotten yet like Zelda: OoT, Mario Kart 7, NSBM2, DKC:R etc.

Wii U I just got so lots to play there--NSMBU, Luigi U, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Zombie U, Mario 3D World, and all the stuff next year like Smash Bros, Mario Kart etc.

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Yeah, I doubt there will be any price drops on PS4 or X1 until 2015. But I have more than enough games to keep me busy until beyond then on PS3, 3DS and Wii U. And I'm not sure if I'll get one of those consoles, or just get a gaming PC the next time my desktop needs replaced. So I'll take my time with what I already have before buying anything else.

Off the top of my head, for PS3 I have: Heavy Rain, Resistance trilogy, Tomb Raider, Infamous 1 & 2, GT5 and a bunch of PS+ stuff downloaded (Deus Ex: HR, Xcom, LBP 2 etc.) to get through.

3DS I just have Pokemon, but will get the new Zelda and probably some stuff next year like Yoshi. As well as stuff I haven't gotten yet like Zelda: OoT, Mario Kart 7, NSBM2, DKC:R etc.

Wii U I just got so lots to play there--NSMBU, Luigi U, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Zombie U, Mario 3D World, and all the stuff next year like Smash Bros, Mario Kart etc.
you need to get to these for sure

Ok I was not interested at all in DR3 but the video they have on Giantbomb's front page where they are looking at several of the Xbox One games makes it look very awesome.

Still though they removed it and the arrogance he showed during that whole interview was just bad.

The day one patch is already out. I wonder how many times we can get that dashboard video posted lol.

Guy got Xbox One already from a Target mishap. Downloaded the day one patch...
Sucks to be the first guy getting console banned next gen before next gen has even started no less. I'd be so pissed, street dates get broken on a fairly regular basis, you shouldn't punish the customer because of a companies fault. Although this is nothing new for MS. People have long gotten banned when high profile street dates get broken.

I thought I remember reading that you will be able to preorder digital copies on the Xbox One, anyone else read that? Or confirm?

Idk about preordering them, maybe in the future, but you should be able to download them day one

I bet we'll see a $50 price drop by Black Friday next year

Sucks to be the first guy getting console banned next gen before next gen has even started no less. I'd be so pissed, street dates get broken on a fairly regular basis, you shouldn't punish the customer because of a companies fault. Although this is nothing new for MS. People have long gotten banned when high profile street dates get broken.
he can still play games offline tho? he just cannot play games online?

Ok I was not interested at all in DR3 but the video they have on Giantbomb's front page where they are looking at several of the Xbox One games makes it look very awesome.

I put my $5 down on DR3 yesterday. I can't wait.
Sucks to be the first guy getting console banned next gen before next gen has even started no less. I'd be so pissed, street dates get broken on a fairly regular basis, you shouldn't punish the customer because of a companies fault. Although this is nothing new for MS. People have long gotten banned when high profile street dates get broken.
Looks like he's just kicked off Live right now on his Xbone. He tweeted his GT was still fine on his 360 too. Microsoft also said the early One consoles will be allowed back on Live closer to launch. And he can still play offline fine right now.

I'd imagine they'll be running lots of tests of live services next week, to button up for launch. Having early consoles out there not under any NDA and talking about lots of screw ups could be bad news.

Microsoft CEO candidate may consider selling Xbox, killing Bing - Report

If Stephen Elop gets the job to replace Steve Ballmer, he may sell or close businesses that are not critical to company's performance, report says.

by Eddie Makuch on
November 8, 2013

If it is former Nokia CEO Stephen Elop who replaces Steve Ballmer as Microsoft CEO, he may consider selling the Xbox business and killing Google competitor Bing, according to a new report from business publication Bloomberg.

People familiar with the matter told the site that Elop, should he get the job, would be ready to sell or close major Microsoft business units if he determines they are not critical to the company's strategic outlook.

Elop joined Microsoft when the company purchased the handset maker's mobile business for $7.2 billion in September. He is on the shortlist of potential successors to replace Ballmer, according to reports.

Microsoft shares reached their highest price since the early 2000s earlier this week, after Nomura Holdings analyst Rick Sherlund said selling Bing and Xbox could boost earnings by 40 percent in fiscal 2015.

"Microsoft is trying to do too much, and these assets add no clear value to the overall business," Sherlund said. He also said that Ford CEO Alan Mulally, reportedly the frontrunner to replace Ballmer, is the most likely candidate for the job.

No potential buyers for the Xbox business were named in the Bloomberg report. Microsoft's Xbox unit has been healthy of late, posting positive figures for the latest quarter. The Xbox One launches two weeks from today on November 22.

In August, Ballmer said he would retire within the space of 12 months, but not before his successor was named. Reuters said this week that the process could take a "few more months," though a past report indicated Microsoft plans to complete the process before the end of the year.

The Bloomberg report also claims that if Elop becomes Microsoft CEO, he would break from years of tradition and focus Microsoft's efforts on bringing Office software like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to a variety of smartphones and tablets, including devices made by Apple and Google.

The kid that got banned got a pretty sweet deal for something he should of been sued over. He is getting to go to the huge XB1 launch party, getting a bunch of free stuff, and will be unbanned in a week or so when it gets closer to launch.

The kid that got banned got a pretty sweet deal for something he should of been sued over. He is getting to go to the huge XB1 launch party, getting a bunch of free stuff, and will be unbanned in a week or so when it gets closer to launch.
Why should he have been sued?
bread's done