Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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Not sure if posted yet...Microsoft ambushing Nintendo fans? I think Wombat's analogy of the ex-girlfriend is now substantiated.
The guy in the picture has his backpack on... Probably either on his way in or way out. If he was gonna "ambush" Nintendo fans why would be have his backpack on. Hell for all we know he was just checking out the event on his way to lunch. Just seems like someone has a bone to pick with Microsoft.

i dont know why anybody is under some false idea that sony isnt going to copy microsoft. for starters sony does nothing but copy microsoft and nintendo console ideas. in fact i dont think they have an original idea when it comes to console making.

secondly originally sony said they would have a DRM system in place. suddenly at E3 they change their minds. then a day later ign released an article for what its worth stating sony had again changed their minds. furthermore there is a ton of money behind the microsoft DRM system(EA,ubisoft,even freaking gamestop of all places, activision). you cannot tell me sony is not on some level somewhere in on this.
Did Sony have a DRM plan In place before E3? Probably, but they obviously changed course when they saw the shitstorm MS was getting. Sony has already stated multiple times that there will be no restrictions from third or first party games, they can only implement online passes and thats it. I dont know why its so hard for Xbox fanboys to comphrehend that. Its like you desperately want the PS4 to have DRM so you can justify the XBone being so anti consumer. Sad.

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If I knew that this would result in Steam like prices I would be all over it but having that trust is hard. The 24 hr check is the real hurdle to be honest. I understand why a "check" is needed under the used gamed system but in reality I would just prefer cheaper games, no used games and a Steam like system if this is the route we are going. This in between area is not to my liking.
If Steam prices is what they are trying to achieve I understand it a little bit better, but why not speak out. Your trying to win people over. Saying $30-$35 digital release would be a HUGE step.
I don't think they're going to try to emulate Steam in the near future. In all the years they've run the Games for Windows Live store, not once have they ever had anything close to resembling a Steam sale.

Hell, all you gotta do is look at their current DD prices for the pc games they're selling to realize they are seriously out of touch with competitive pricing.
No one remembers the great Microsoft sale last year, that literally blew away anything Amazon has, um, ever done?

The bottom line is, we dont know. We really dont. If Publishers can set their own prices on the Xbox One Marketplace, odds are we will see prices go down as demand goes down. If they cant, we will likely see it stay the same.

I'd be more worried about costs increasing to be honest, especially with Sony saying they'll charge a "premium for premium games". With the rage that you all have right now, I cant even begin to fathom how much you'd rage at a $99 PS4/Xbox One title.

I'm curious, what EXACTLY about the DRM offends you guys? I feel like people these days are just jumping on the "Hate on XBOX1 DRM" bandwagon just because it's the cool thing to do.

Do I like the DRM? No. Does it affect me? Not really. Does it affect a good portion of the community? No. Really the only people I've seen who can complain about it are military personnel who take xbox overseas for entertainment. My interest is somewhat peaked to get games 50% off. One reason I'm not much into single player games right now is I can't justify 60$ for a game with no replay value that I might not even like - but now with the ability to share games once with a friend for free it is only 30$. They are doing no different than PC games these days - and I don't remember Blizzard coming under fire like MS is today.

I'd like to hear anyone's thoughts on this:
Everyone is freaking out about the "kinect watches me while I sleep". I get the paranoia and I share it, however, how do you think the perception of the xbox would have changed if their marketing department (or whoever scripts their presentations) chose the words more "politically correct".

I remember the presentation months ago they literally said "The XBOXONE is always on" and "Since the XBOXONE camera is always on you can turn it on with a gesture." What they wanted to convey was the fact that you can turn on the xbox with voice commands and gestures - no remote or walking up to the console anymore. What we heard and fixated on was "always on". If they simply would of omitted the words "always on" and instead said something like "Wave your hands to turn the xbox on" or "Simply say the command: XBOX ON to turn your xbox on from anywhere in your living room" - I don't think anyone would have noticed that this insinuates the xbox is always on. Poor choice of words led to a meltdown, pretty interesting.

My thoughts on X1 are going to mirror a small few in here. I understand where everyone is coming from on the always on Kinect, 24 hour check-in and used game sales. For me personally though, it's going to have a small/no impact on my decision to get the device. I don't buy used games and most of my gaming is on the PC and I'm really looking at the X1 as a PC to be honest. Yes I know the console owners don't like that analogy and I'm not saying it's accurate but that's how i'm referencing it for my own view. I'm a huge Steam follower, got 400 some odd games through the service and I only buy when it hits a price I want. I can't resell those, so my thoughts on DRM aren't really changed by the X1 stuff as I've just been accustomed to it from being a PC gamer. I've looked at games since I'd say the Dreamcast/PS2 era on Consoles/PCs the same, we have the physical media but we are purchasing a "license" to use the software and as with PCs now we can't switch the license to a new account (on most items, there are exceptions). Again, not saying it's right but it's just how I've been viewing it.

The real value of the digital marketplace will be seen after we see how much control the game companies have over the pricing. There is "potential" for Steam like sales but I'm not holding my breath. I do like the "theory" behind the family thing with games, though I'm cautious to see how they actually implement that. That could be great for me and my brother, even if only one of us could play the game at the same time. I'm interested to see more on how that is implemented. I probably wont be a first adopter as my gaming is mostly PC anyway and with Steam sales and modding possibilities games are more appealing there. I may just wait a couple months to see what happens. It's the most likely outcume.

I'm curious, what EXACTLY about the DRM offends you guys? I feel like people these days are just jumping on the "Hate on XBOX1 DRM" bandwagon just because it's the cool thing to do.

Do I like the DRM? No. Does it affect me? Not really. Does it affect a good portion of the community? No. Really the only people I've seen who can complain about it are military personnel who take xbox overseas for entertainment. My interest is somewhat peaked to get games 50% off. One reason I'm not much into single player games right now is I can't justify 60$ for a game with no replay value that I might not even like - but now with the ability to share games once with a friend for free it is only 30$. They are doing no different than PC games these days - and I don't remember Blizzard coming under fire like MS is today.

I'd like to hear anyone's thoughts on this:
Everyone is freaking out about the "kinect watches me while I sleep". I get the paranoia and I share it, however, how do you think the perception of the xbox would have changed if their marketing department (or whoever scripts their presentations) chose the words more "politically correct".

I remember the presentation months ago they literally said "The XBOXONE is always on" and "Since the XBOXONE camera is always on you can turn it on with a gesture." What they wanted to convey was the fact that you can turn on the xbox with voice commands and gestures - no remote or walking up to the console anymore. What we heard and fixated on was "always on". If they simply would of omitted the words "always on" and instead said something like "Wave your hands to turn the xbox on" or "Simply say the command: XBOX ON to turn your xbox on from anywhere in your living room" - I don't think anyone would have noticed that this insinuates the xbox is always on. Poor choice of words led to a meltdown, pretty interesting.
I buy a lot of used games and sell games is why I don't like the whole concept. I don't like the idea of it always having to be online either. As broke as I am someday I might not be able to afford my internet or something of that sort or just decide to get rid of it. I like options and don't like to be forced with requirements and restrictions.

Like I said a few days ago...Sony win the battle but who will win the war?
Like I said a few days ago...Sony win the battle but who will win the war?
Well if you go by the comments left the PS4 lol
Dude the war just started. Seriously? You are going to claim that the PS4 is the winner after one press conference?

If the X1 was priced the same as the PS4 they wouldn't have even won that.

Give me a fucking break!
Calm down, of course I think its waaay too early to tell which console will come out victorious. I was just referring to the comments in the article you posted.

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The fact that people are calling this a "war" is pretty hilarious. Games are just games. People will buy what they are interested in, and play games that they want to play. Why does it need to be something more? 

If I knew that this would result in Steam like prices I would be all over it but having that trust is hard. The 24 hr check is the real hurdle to be honest. I understand why a "check" is needed under the used gamed system but in reality I would just prefer cheaper games, no used games and a Steam like system if this is the route we are going. This in between area is not to my liking.
If Steam prices is what they are trying to achieve I understand it a little bit better, but why not speak out. Your trying to win people over. Saying $30-$35 digital release would be a HUGE step.
This is what I've been saying. If that was part of the plan, we would have heard about it by now. There is no way Microsoft would just sit back and take so much heat if they had this huge, really good piece of information up their sleeve. They would be using it to slam the PS4. I'd like to see the fanboys address that point...because just expecting Steam prices might be a huge mistake.
If I knew that this would result in Steam like prices I would be all over it but having that trust is hard. The 24 hr check is the real hurdle to be honest. I understand why a "check" is needed under the used gamed system but in reality I would just prefer cheaper games, no used games and a Steam like system if this is the route we are going. This in between area is not to my liking.
If Steam prices is what they are trying to achieve I understand it a little bit better, but why not speak out. Your trying to win people over. Saying $30-$35 digital release would be a HUGE step.
This is what I've been saying. If that was part of the plan, we would have heard about it by now. There is no way Microsoft would just sit back and take so much heat if they had this huge, really good piece of information up their sleeve. They would be using it to slam the PS4. I'd like to see the fanboys address that point...because just expecting Steam prices might be a huge mistake.
I'm telling you, their PR firm is... at best... monkeys. At worst, it's some fat guy in a $10 walmart pool with a fire pit in the center as his "hot tubz".

They didnt push the family plan, at all. They didnt push the possibility of agreements with Redbox/Gamefly to rent games directly from the Xbox One console. (Deferred that question as "talking about it") Just a ton of things that they arent saying.

I cant begin to explain why, but it's almost as if they went in to this going "Ok, we are #1, so we'll just put this here, and give you all the bad news now... then we'll wait and right before Christmas drop some bombs"... that's literally all I can think as reasons why they are staying quiet.

Steam was also pretty much universally reviled at first, they had to bend over backwards for years to gain the goodwill they have now. Microsoft has let their goodwill slowly erode over the last few years and again trying to shove all this stuff down people's throats and just saying accept it is a terrible way to gain consumer trust and do business.

Like I said a few days ago...Sony win the battle but who will win the war?

Well if you go by the comments left the PS4 lol

Dude the war just started. Seriously? You are going to claim that the PS4 is the winner after one press conference?

If the X1 was priced the same as the PS4 they wouldn't have even won that.

Give me a fucking break!

Calm down, of course I think its waaay too early to tell which console will come out victorious. I was just referring to the comments in the article you posted.

Sorry I meant to speak more general than directing it to you.

In general people need to relax the thing is coming out in 5 months, not tomorrow!
If I knew that this would result in Steam like prices I would be all over it but having that trust is hard. The 24 hr check is the real hurdle to be honest. I understand why a "check" is needed under the used gamed system but in reality I would just prefer cheaper games, no used games and a Steam like system if this is the route we are going. This in between area is not to my liking.
If Steam prices is what they are trying to achieve I understand it a little bit better, but why not speak out. Your trying to win people over. Saying $30-$35 digital release would be a HUGE step.
This is what I've been saying. If that was part of the plan, we would have heard about it by now. There is no way Microsoft would just sit back and take so much heat if they had this huge, really good piece of information up their sleeve. They would be using it to slam the PS4. I'd like to see the fanboys address that point...because just expecting Steam prices might be a huge mistake.
I'm telling you, their PR firm is... at best... monkeys. At worst, it's some fat guy in a $10 walmart pool with a fire pit in the center as his "hot tubz".

They didnt push the family plan, at all. They didnt push the possibility of agreements with Redbox/Gamefly to rent games directly from the Xbox One console. (Deferred that question as "talking about it") Just a ton of things that they arent saying.

I cant begin to explain why, but it's almost as if they went in to this going "Ok, we are #1, so we'll just put this here, and give you all the bad news now... then we'll wait and right before Christmas drop some bombs"... that's literally all I can think as reasons why they are staying quiet.
I really do agree that there is a much better way they could've spun this but unless they actually have a plan in place (and we have no proof they do) that actually benefits the customer in some real tangible way that's still just spinning it. What am I getting for what I am giving up to choose an Xbox One? Right now there is no benefit that most would say is worth giving up. Not having to switch disks? Not really worth it. Family plan? Sony has that too. Nintendo is completely free why am I getting an XBox One for that feature?

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If I knew that this would result in Steam like prices I would be all over it but having that trust is hard. The 24 hr check is the real hurdle to be honest. I understand why a "check" is needed under the used gamed system but in reality I would just prefer cheaper games, no used games and a Steam like system if this is the route we are going. This in between area is not to my liking.
If Steam prices is what they are trying to achieve I understand it a little bit better, but why not speak out. Your trying to win people over. Saying $30-$35 digital release would be a HUGE step.
This is what I've been saying. If that was part of the plan, we would have heard about it by now. There is no way Microsoft would just sit back and take so much heat if they had this huge, really good piece of information up their sleeve. They would be using it to slam the PS4. I'd like to see the fanboys address that point...because just expecting Steam prices might be a huge mistake.
I don't think anyone is "expecting" Steam prices. Both companies, Sony & M$, will lose money for every system sold. So, they are going to have to rely on game sales to make up the difference. If PS4 is killing XBone then game sales will reflect that. Logic would dictate that if M$ (Xbone) struggles out of the gate that they would try to promote game sales by reducing game prices and the cost of the system. Time will tell but digital downloads are the way of the future. There are millions of PC gamers who are not phased by this.

That said, M$ still needs to resolve the DRM issue to allow themselves a bigger piece of the market.

I'm curious, what EXACTLY about the DRM offends you guys?
For me its simple. Will I still be able to play my games years from now like I've been able to with every system released to date? The way this is described the answer is no. Despite being a CAG, I spend a lot of my hard earned money on gaming. To think of the thousands of dollars that would just disappear when these DRM servers go down is just insane.

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If I knew that this would result in Steam like prices I would be all over it but having that trust is hard. The 24 hr check is the real hurdle to be honest. I understand why a "check" is needed under the used gamed system but in reality I would just prefer cheaper games, no used games and a Steam like system if this is the route we are going. This in between area is not to my liking.
If Steam prices is what they are trying to achieve I understand it a little bit better, but why not speak out. Your trying to win people over. Saying $30-$35 digital release would be a HUGE step.
This is what I've been saying. If that was part of the plan, we would have heard about it by now. There is no way Microsoft would just sit back and take so much heat if they had this huge, really good piece of information up their sleeve. They would be using it to slam the PS4. I'd like to see the fanboys address that point...because just expecting Steam prices might be a huge mistake.
I don't think anyone is "expecting" Steam prices. Both companies, Sony & M$, will lose money for every system sold. So, they are going to have to rely on game sales to make up the difference. If PS4 is killing XBone then game sales will reflect that. Logic would dictate that if M$ (Xbone) struggles out of the gate that they would try to promote game sales by reducing game prices and the cost of the system. Time will tell but digital downloads are the way of the future. There are millions of PC gamers who are not phased by this.

That said, M$ still needs to resolve the DRM issue to allow themselves a bigger piece of the market.
MS has the market! The 360 crushed and the are the leader and are entering the next generation as the leader. No matter what the policies are and how the core gamers or extreme like us perceive it Sony still has a lot of work to do. The race wasn't as close as people are acting like it was now. Sony hit a home run with their presser but they have to hit a lot more to overtake MS no matter how much you want to believe it or how many dollar signs you want to childishly put in their name.
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If I knew that this would result in Steam like prices I would be all over it but having that trust is hard. The 24 hr check is the real hurdle to be honest. I understand why a "check" is needed under the used gamed system but in reality I would just prefer cheaper games, no used games and a Steam like system if this is the route we are going. This in between area is not to my liking.
If Steam prices is what they are trying to achieve I understand it a little bit better, but why not speak out. Your trying to win people over. Saying $30-$35 digital release would be a HUGE step.
This is what I've been saying. If that was part of the plan, we would have heard about it by now. There is no way Microsoft would just sit back and take so much heat if they had this huge, really good piece of information up their sleeve. They would be using it to slam the PS4. I'd like to see the fanboys address that point...because just expecting Steam prices might be a huge mistake.
I'm telling you, their PR firm is... at best... monkeys. At worst, it's some fat guy in a $10 walmart pool with a fire pit in the center as his "hot tubz".

They didnt push the family plan, at all. They didnt push the possibility of agreements with Redbox/Gamefly to rent games directly from the Xbox One console. (Deferred that question as "talking about it") Just a ton of things that they arent saying.

I cant begin to explain why, but it's almost as if they went in to this going "Ok, we are #1, so we'll just put this here, and give you all the bad news now... then we'll wait and right before Christmas drop some bombs"... that's literally all I can think as reasons why they are staying quiet.
Then they shouldn't be surprised when they lose customers. People keep asking "why does the DRM bother you?" The DRM wouldn't bother me at all if games were priced accordingly. If publishers are saving on printing, packaging, and distribution costs, and I'm losing my ability to resell games on eBay, then I need to see some benefit of that as well. If MS just wants to beat its chest and expect customers to buy the product no matter what, then the kind of customers they're going to have on XBL are probably people I wouldn't ever want to talk to anyway. But if MS ever feels like catering to the consumer again, I'm listening.
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Microsoft's biggest mistake was not going all digital. People understand that digital games can't be shared. Telling people they can't lend a physical disc just makes them angry. They also would not need the check-in if it was all digital.
I don't buy used games.  My Xbox is connected to the Internet all the time.  I have no issues with Microsoft's policy. It would have nice if the price was $450 instead of $499, but even $500 is not a lot consider I will have the thing for years to come.  What I like about Microsoft approach.

1. The games look great.  There is a great variety and more chances being taken with some of the exclusives

2.  The Dashboard OS looks slick and seems to answer most of my little complaints about the existing dashboard.

3.  I watch Live tv a lot, and if I never have to change an input or I can watch tv and instantly jump into a game it will improve my experience.

4. I don't want to play with a disc in the drive anymore.

The only thing I want to hear more about is how they will interface with media devices.

Microsoft's biggest mistake was not going all digital. People understand that digital games can't be shared. Telling people they can't lend a physical disc just makes them angry. They also would not need the check-in if it was all digital.

I would have been ok with this
I don't buy used games. My Xbox is connected to the Internet all the time. I have no issues with Microsoft's policy. It would have nice if the price was $450 instead of $499, but even $500 is not a lot consider I will have the thing for years to come. What I like about Microsoft approach.

1. The games look great. There is a great variety and more chances being taken with some of the exclusives

2. The Dashboard OS looks slick and seems to answer most of my little complaints about the existing dashboard.

3. I watch Live tv a lot, and if I never have to change an input or I can watch tv and instantly jump into a game it will improve my experience.

4. I don't want to play with a disc in the drive anymore.

The only thing I want to hear more about is how they will interface with media devices.

I agree with all of your points. I can't wait to be watching TV and say play Ryse and boom I'm there and once I get tired of that say play Madden and I'm in seamlessly! To me that is so awesome. I am done with disks!
I'm curious, what EXACTLY about the DRM offends you guys? I feel like people these days are just jumping on the "Hate on XBOX1 DRM" bandwagon just because it's the cool thing to do.

Do I like the DRM? No. Does it affect me? Not really. Does it affect a good portion of the community? No. Really the only people I've seen who can complain about it are military personnel who take xbox overseas for entertainment. My interest is somewhat peaked to get games 50% off. One reason I'm not much into single player games right now is I can't justify 60$ for a game with no replay value that I might not even like - but now with the ability to share games once with a friend for free it is only 30$. They are doing no different than PC games these days - and I don't remember Blizzard coming under fire like MS is today.

1. If you're outside of the supported countries ip address ranges with a one, tough, wont work, even if you have internet. So if I live in Chile or Japan, they don't want my business. Fine. Sony does, apparently.

2. It effectivly kills private used game sales. No yard sales. No pawn shops. No private user sales online. It severly limits trading. I'd say this affects a good portion of the community.

3. Dont compare this to PC. PC is hardware indepented, backwards compatable, multi-retailer, open market. Xbox One is a hardware depened, closed market (Microsoft and "Authorized Retailers")

Also I love all these people posting on a site called Cheapassgamers and are like "Used Games? We dont buy those. Quite beneath our station~" *adjusts monocle*

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If I knew that this would result in Steam like prices I would be all over it but having that trust is hard. The 24 hr check is the real hurdle to be honest. I understand why a "check" is needed under the used gamed system but in reality I would just prefer cheaper games, no used games and a Steam like system if this is the route we are going. This in between area is not to my liking.
If Steam prices is what they are trying to achieve I understand it a little bit better, but why not speak out. Your trying to win people over. Saying $30-$35 digital release would be a HUGE step.
This is what I've been saying. If that was part of the plan, we would have heard about it by now. There is no way Microsoft would just sit back and take so much heat if they had this huge, really good piece of information up their sleeve. They would be using it to slam the PS4. I'd like to see the fanboys address that point...because just expecting Steam prices might be a huge mistake.
I don't think anyone is "expecting" Steam prices. Both companies, Sony & M$, will lose money for every system sold. So, they are going to have to rely on game sales to make up the difference. If PS4 is killing XBone then game sales will reflect that. Logic would dictate that if M$ (Xbone) struggles out of the gate that they would try to promote game sales by reducing game prices and the cost of the system. Time will tell but digital downloads are the way of the future. There are millions of PC gamers who are not phased by this.

That said, M$ still needs to resolve the DRM issue to allow themselves a bigger piece of the market.
MS has the market! The 360 crushed and the are the leader and are entering the next generation as the leader. No matter what the policies are and how the core gamers or extreme like us perceive it Sony still has a lot of work to do. The race wasn't as close as people are acting like it was now. Sony hit a home run with their preset but they have to hit a lot more to overtake MS no matter how much you want to believe it or how many dollar signs you want to childishly put in their name.
Oh please stop with the fanboy shit. I own a Xbox360, I have an Xbox One pre-ordered and paid for on Amazon. I was merely trying to illustrate how Steam prices could come about. Using your analogy, if M$ hits a home run then there is little incentive for them to undercut the market. The reason Steam offers such great sales is because they struggled out of the gate and they want to undermine their competitors at every turn to assure their dominance of the market.

Also, the $ in Microsoft has been used on CAG since the website first started. So please quite taking everything to heart.

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I really do agree that there is a much better way they could've spun this but unless they actually have a plan in place (and we have no proof they do) that actually benefits the customer in some real tangible way that's still just spinning it. What am I getting for what I am giving up to choose an Xbox One? Right now there is no benefit that most would say is worth giving up. Not having to switch disks? Not really worth it. Family plan? Sony has that too. Nintendo is completely free why am I getting an XBox One for that feature?
Wait a minute...

Sony has a family plan that allows you to share games with 10 family members from any distance away, instantly?

Or do you mean Xbox Live Gold and PS+ being shared across the console? Since that's not what I was talking about.

I'm talking about the ability to share games with 10 friends/family halfway across the continent instantly.

Microsoft's biggest mistake was not going all digital. People understand that digital games can't be shared. Telling people they can't lend a physical disc just makes them angry. They also would not need the check-in if it was all digital.
I agree if they had went all digital the backlash probably would've been lessened. I bet that was one of the ideas was to go full digital but they didn't for probably a couple reasons, one being that the speed of internet/data caps would make it hard on some people and other other being people being so used to having a physical item when it comes to their consoles. The first one was probably the biggest thing, as they even mentioned in their first even that the disc is largely used for installation, bypassing the bandwidth complications.

I'm curious, what EXACTLY about the DRM offends you guys? I feel like people these days are just jumping on the "Hate on XBOX1 DRM" bandwagon just because it's the cool thing to do.

Do I like the DRM? No. Does it affect me? Not really. Does it affect a good portion of the community? No. Really the only people I've seen who can complain about it are military personnel who take xbox overseas for entertainment. My interest is somewhat peaked to get games 50% off. One reason I'm not much into single player games right now is I can't justify 60$ for a game with no replay value that I might not even like - but now with the ability to share games once with a friend for free it is only 30$. They are doing no different than PC games these days - and I don't remember Blizzard coming under fire like MS is today.

1. If you're outside of the supported countries ip address ranges with a one, tough, wont work, even if you have internet. So if I live in Chile or Japan, they don't want my business. Fine. Sony does, apparently.

2. It effectivly kills private used game sales. No yard sales. No pawn shops. No private user sales online. It severly limits trading. I'd say this affects a good portion of the community.

3. Dont compare this to PC. PC is hardware indepented, backwards compatable, multi-retailer, open market. Xbox One is a hardware depened, closed market (Microsoft and "Authorized Retailers")

Also I love all these people posting on a site called Cheapassgamers and are like "Used Games? We dont buy those. Quite beneath our station~" *adjusts monicle*

#2 not everyone trades or rents or buys used. Actually the fact that I can't waste money on shit games used will save me more in the long run. I'll only sink my money into the ones I know I want to play!
If I knew that this would result in Steam like prices I would be all over it but having that trust is hard. The 24 hr check is the real hurdle to be honest. I understand why a "check" is needed under the used gamed system but in reality I would just prefer cheaper games, no used games and a Steam like system if this is the route we are going. This in between area is not to my liking.
If Steam prices is what they are trying to achieve I understand it a little bit better, but why not speak out. Your trying to win people over. Saying $30-$35 digital release would be a HUGE step.
This is what I've been saying. If that was part of the plan, we would have heard about it by now. There is no way Microsoft would just sit back and take so much heat if they had this huge, really good piece of information up their sleeve. They would be using it to slam the PS4. I'd like to see the fanboys address that point...because just expecting Steam prices might be a huge mistake.
I don't think anyone is "expecting" Steam prices. Both companies, Sony & M$, will lose money for every system sold. So, they are going to have to rely on game sales to make up the difference. If PS4 is killing XBone then game sales will reflect that. Logic would dictate that if M$ (Xbone) struggles out of the gate that they would try to promote game sales by reducing game prices and the cost of the system. Time will tell but digital downloads are the way of the future. There are millions of PC gamers who are not phased by this.

That said, M$ still needs to resolve the DRM issue to allow themselves a bigger piece of the market.
MS has the market! The 360 crushed and the are the leader and are entering the next generation as the leader. No matter what the policies are and how the core gamers or extreme like us perceive it Sony still has a lot of work to do. The race wasn't as close as people are acting like it was now. Sony hit a home run with their presser but they have to hit a lot more to overtake MS no matter how much you want to believe it or how many dollar signs you want to childishly put in their name.
Uh no the Wii crushed the market. Talk about who "really" won all you won't but the Wii completely dominated sales. PS3 and Xbox 360 are pretty much neck and neck worldwide (and recently Sony PS3 has overtaken 360). You can thank that to a bad launch a year later by Sony. If they had launched at the same time with a competitive price. Now you have as of now a positive launch with a better price at the same time it would've turned out different. Microsoft crushed nothing.

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[quote name="kill3r7" post="10622071" timestamp="1371145191"][quote name="WV Matsui" post="10622000" timestamp="1371144468"][quote name="kill3r7" post="10621969" timestamp="1371144048"][quote name="n8rockerasu" post="10621930" timestamp="1371143411"][quote name="Mako1215" post="10621636" timestamp="1371137515"][quote name="cancerman1120" post="10621617" timestamp="1371137079"]If I knew that this would result in Steam like prices I would be all over it but having that trust is hard. The 24 hr check is the real hurdle to be honest. I understand why a "check" is needed under the used gamed system but in reality I would just prefer cheaper games, no used games and a Steam like system if this is the route we are going. This in between area is not to my liking.[/quote]If Steam prices is what they are trying to achieve I understand it a little bit better, but why not speak out. Your trying to win people over. Saying $30-$35 digital release would be a HUGE step.
[/quote]This is what I've been saying. If that was part of the plan, we would have heard about it by now. There is no way Microsoft would just sit back and take so much heat if they had this huge, really good piece of information up their sleeve. They would be using it to slam the PS4. I'd like to see the fanboys address that point...because just expecting Steam prices might be a huge mistake.

[/quote]I don't think anyone is "expecting" Steam prices. Both companies, Sony & M$, will lose money for every system sold. So, they are going to have to rely on game sales to make up the difference. If PS4 is killing XBone then game sales will reflect that. Logic would dictate that if M$ (Xbone) struggles out of the gate that they would try to promote game sales by reducing game prices and the cost of the system. Time will tell but digital downloads are the way of the future. There are millions of PC gamers who are not phased by this.

That said, M$ still needs to resolve the DRM issue to allow themselves a bigger piece of the market.
MS has the market! The 360 crushed and the are the leader and are entering the next generation as the leader. No matter what the policies are and how the core gamers or extreme like us perceive it Sony still has a lot of work to do. The race wasn't as close as people are acting like it was now. Sony hit a home run with their preset but they have to hit a lot more to overtake MS no matter how much you want to believe it or how many dollar signs you want to childishly put in their name.
Oh please stop with the fanboy shit. I own a Xbox360, I have an Xbox One pre-ordered and paid for on Amazon. I was merely trying to illustrate how Steam prices could come about. Using your analogy, if M$ hits a home run then there is little incentive for them to undercut the market. The reason Steam offers such great sales is because they struggled out of the gate and they want to undermine their competitors at every turn to assure their dominance of the market.

Also, the $ in Microsoft has been used on CAG since the website first started. So please quite taking everything to heart. [/quote]

Congrats on "paying off" your X1 on Amazon......
Actually the fact that I can't waste money on shit games used will save me more in the long run. I'll only sink my money into the ones I know I want to play!
So your saying you dont want options to buy used because you dont have enough self control to not blow your cash on bad games.

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MS has the market! The 360 crushed and the are the leader and are entering the next generation as the leader. No matter what the policies are and how the core gamers or extreme like us perceive it Sony still has a lot of work to do. The race wasn't as close as people are acting like it was now. Sony hit a home run with their presser but they have to hit a lot more to overtake MS no matter how much you want to believe it or how many dollar signs you want to childishly put in their name.
You don't seem to get it. This isn't about how much people love Sony. Sony wouldn't even be a part of the conversation if there were anything else to compare it to. This is about MS creating policies that are not consumer friendly and are setting a horrible precedent for years to come. Personally i love physical media. I don't feel like a really *own* a movie, or music album or game unless I can physically hold it. People may say that's old fashioned or something, but lacking anything physical brings the whole idea of "ownership" into question. The XBone may have physical disks, but they're basically just installs, and once you install the game the disk is trash. If it doesn't bother you, great. Enjoy your Xbone. I'm sure MS will love your business, since only die-hard MS fans are apparently willing to go down with the ship. Then again, there's enough of them (and enough people that are purely uninformed) that the ship won't go down when it should, which is sad.

I don't know why the Internet thing is still a big debate. Obviously, if you don't have high speed Internet or your Internet is shoddy, don't buy the X1. It's nothing to get enraged about, it's just a different platform designed to function differently. There are going to be a number of games that potentially are going to use cloud processing extensively...that's just the way it's built.
I honestly don't mind the online checks so much. I just can't accept the only able to trade into participating retailers part as I sell my games on Amazon (all of them, I don't replay or collect). If there was a way to just deactivate the game license and make the disc able to be sold/trade/given to anyone I choose I'd be able to live with the 24 hour checks and other crap.

If I knew that this would result in Steam like prices I would be all over it but having that trust is hard. The 24 hr check is the real hurdle to be honest. I understand why a "check" is needed under the used gamed system but in reality I would just prefer cheaper games, no used games and a Steam like system if this is the route we are going. This in between area is not to my liking.
Exactly. If there was any chance of getting a Steam like pricing model where I could get most any game I wanted for $5-30 within a year of launch, I'd have little issue just going digital as I'd be spending about the same per game now that I do after reselling, without the hassle of reselling.

But looking at Game on Demand prices in the Xbox Marketplace shows it's almost guaranteed that we won't get regular price drops, crazy sales etc. like on Steam.

I'm curious, what EXACTLY about the DRM offends you guys? I feel like people these days are just jumping on the "Hate on XBOX1 DRM" bandwagon just because it's the cool thing to do.
It does affect me greatly since I sell EVERY game I buy as I don't replay games and have no interest in collecting crap. I'm an anti-hoarder. Both my fiance and I are a bit OCD about clutter and have done a lot of down sizing in useless posessions--and want to do so more as we're not having kids and want to move around every 5-7ish years to experience different cities, countries etc. and thus can't be tied down by useless posessions. And game discs/cases I'll never play again are definitely useless posessions.

Also, I'm just not into gaming enough these days to play the current price ranges without the ability to resell and recoup some costs--and that means not getting fleeced by crappy trade in values at Gamestop or other "participating retailer" and being able to sell it myself and get more money.

So it's all just a matter of whether this stuff affects the way you buy, play or trade/sell games. If it doesn't affect you, then it's not a big deal and you shouldn't have qualms with the model--unless you have moral/principle issues with DRM and consumer rights despite it not affecting you of course.

But for many, it is a big change to how they buy/trade games, or ability to play offline for longer stretches etc. and people are rightly upset in those cases. And they/I understandably don't like seeing a lot of people being ok with it and preordering etc. as if this does well it sends a message that restricting what consumers can do with content they buy is ok (and this is an trend that's been ongoing for a long time as is) and get us to a point were there's simply no way to sell or trade games.

I'm not as irate about it as some, as I'm a bit lukewarm on gaming anway and would not have too much withdrawal pains if the future went that way and I just had to quit console gaming for a while (i.e. until the digital model takes over and we start seeing Steam like prices on consoles that make it not a big deal to not be able to resell games).

MS has the market! The 360 crushed and the are the leader and are entering the next generation as the leader. No matter what the policies are and how the core gamers or extreme like us perceive it Sony still has a lot of work to do. The race wasn't as close as people are acting like it was now. Sony hit a home run with their presser but they have to hit a lot more to overtake MS no matter how much you want to believe it or how many dollar signs you want to childishly put in their name.
Only in the US. PS3 is actually a bit ahead in worldwide sales currently despite being out a year less.

Even if they don't overtake MS in the US, they'll likely have a much bigger worldwide lead. Especilly with MS not even launching in Japan initially--granted they only sold a 1 million some 360s there compared to 9 million some PS3s and 12 million some Wiis so that won't be a huge hit in the numbers. But will mean the 360 will continue to lack niche Japanese developer support--worsened by not being friendly to indie developers.

But I don't think MS cares. They're going for the mainstream gamers that just play games like CoD, Battlefield, Madden etc., and casuals who may be interested in Kinect workout games and the TV stuff etc. Time will tell how that approach/focus works out for them.

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Bottom line is Sony said the PS4 was going to launch at $499 then this is all different. I value the kinect so the $100 price difference is ok with me.

Pack in the kinect like PS Eye and the PS4 clocks in at $458.

Bottom line is Sony said the PS4 was going to launch at $499 then this is all different. I value the kinect so the $100 price difference is ok with me.

Pack in the kinect like PS Eye and the PS4 clocks in at $458.
Which is the exact same price as the Xbox Day One, because it comes with a year free of Xbox Live. ($499-$50=$449)

Shocking that, eh? :p

Both come with limited games (DriveClub PS+ edition, and Killer Instinct).

Bottom line is Sony said the PS4 was going to launch at $499 then this is all different. I value the kinect so the $100 price difference is ok with me.

Pack in the kinect like PS Eye and the PS4 clocks in at $458.
True but at least its optional on Sonys end and not forced on you. I know a lot of Xbox guys who dont value Kinect and would gladly pay $100 less for it not to be included.

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Bottom line is Sony said the PS4 was going to launch at $499 then this is all different. I value the kinect so the $100 price difference is ok with me.

Pack in the kinect like PS Eye and the PS4 clocks in at $458.
I don't think so. People were already irate at DRM. Being $100 cheaper was just an added way to really build momentum.

If both were $500, the only thing that would change for me is that I wouldn't buy either at launch as $500 is too much for a console for me. Franky, $400 is too but I want to reward Sony for being more consumer friendly and not taking away my rights to sell/trade my game discs however I want.

As for Kinect/Eye, this reply sums it up perfectly:

True but at least its optional on Sonys end and not forced on you. I know a lot of Xbox guys who dont value Kinect and would glady pay $100 less for it not to be included.
Sony is again being more consumer friendly and letting people decide for themselves whether a camera/motion control add-on has value to them, rather than forcing everyone to buy it, forcing everyone to have it hooked up etc.

That stuff just doesn't have any value to me. I hated the motion control stuff on the Wii, got a Kinect for free and ended up barely using it and selling it. That type of gaming just doesn't appeal to me, and I don't care much about voice command stuff either--and that could be done with the headset mic anyway if developers really wanted to include that stuff as an option in their games).

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Sony is again being more consumer friendly and letting people decide for themselves whether a camera/motion control add-on has value to them, rather than forcing everyone to buy it, forcing everyone to have it hooked up etc.

That stuff just doesn't have any value to me. I hated the motion control stuff on the Wii, got a Kinect for free and ended up barely using it and selling it. That type of gaming just doesn't appeal to me, and I don't care much about voice command stuff either--and that could be done with the headset mic anyway if developers really wanted to include that stuff as an option in their games).
The problem with that approach is that if its not bundled with the console, developers have no use to develop for it.

The example would be that neat video PS4 put up using the eye, and the controller. But guess what? No Developer is going to do that, because the sell-through rate of the Eye camera isnt going to be that great.

Compare that to a device that's with the console, and every developer knows... my consumer has this, I can add in some things for it.

That my friend is a huge difference. You can say you dont like the eye, fine. Those that do are getting screwed because you dont like it, thus its not bundled, thus reducing developer willingness to add it to games.

The problem with that approach is that if its not bundled with the console, developers have no use to develop for it.

The example would be that neat video PS4 put up using the eye, and the controller. But guess what? No Developer is going to do that, because the sell-through rate of the Eye camera isnt going to be that great.

Compare that to a device that's with the console, and every developer knows... my consumer has this, I can add in some things for it.

That my friend is a huge difference. You can say you dont like the eye, fine. Those that do are getting screwed because you dont like it, thus its not bundled, thus reducing developer willingness to add it to games.

Of course. This is one of those cases where you just have to root for/support what you prefer to happen/win out.

For people that like camera stuff, motion controls etc. then the Xbox One is a great thing as it's packed in and will be better supported etc. And buying one helps support that type of gaming.

For people like me who loathe motion control crap to the point I'd quit if motion controls were shoehorned into every game, the PS4 model is superior as it won't be as supported (and thus not shoehorned into games) and by buying I'm supporting that type of model.

It's games. We should all just be spending money on what we enjoy/prefer and not worrying about what others want.. And hoping that our preferences win out so we can keep enjoying games.

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It's games. We should all just be spending money on what we enjoy/prefer and not worrying about what others want.. And hoping that our preferences win out so we can keep enjoying games.
I don't think you are allowed in this thread with these kind of comments.

I'm buying an X1 and am excited about it. It's a fuck's shame those we are can't get excited about it and talk about what they liked out of the E3 rather than all this additional BS...
I'm buying an X1 and am excited about it. It's a fuck's shame those we are can't get excited about it and talk about what they liked out of the E3 rather than all this additional BS...
Maybe start an "Xbox One Future Owners Thread" or something and post in the OP that it's for discussion for people excited about the X1, and provide a link to this thread for debating DRM etc. and report off topic posts to mods etc.

As annoyed/disappointed I am by X1,those who are excited for it should have a place to discuss that, games they plan on buying etc. But we still need a thread like this for debating DRM and other issues.

Bottom line is Sony said the PS4 was going to launch at $499 then this is all different. I value the kinect so the $100 price difference is ok with me.

Pack in the kinect like PS Eye and the PS4 clocks in at $458.
Which is the exact same price as the Xbox Day One, because it comes with a year free of Xbox Live. ($499-$50=$449)

Shocking that, eh? :p

Both come with limited games (DriveClub PS+ edition, and Killer Instinct).
The Day One system is not coming with a year of live.

Bottom line is Sony said the PS4 was going to launch at $499 then this is all different. I value the kinect so the $100 price difference is ok with me.

Pack in the kinect like PS Eye and the PS4 clocks in at $458.
Which is the exact same price as the Xbox Day One, because it comes with a year free of Xbox Live. ($499-$50=$449)

Shocking that, eh? :p

Both come with limited games (DriveClub PS+ edition, and Killer Instinct).
The Day One system is not coming with a year of live.
Yes it is.


Read the bottom. It's limited in quantities, but it's there.

/Edit/ Could be taken a few ways as well I guess depending upon how you read that ;P Microsoft's PR firm at work again.

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Bottom line is Sony said the PS4 was going to launch at $499 then this is all different. I value the kinect so the $100 price difference is ok with me.

Pack in the kinect like PS Eye and the PS4 clocks in at $458.
Which is the exact same price as the Xbox Day One, because it comes with a year free of Xbox Live. ($499-$50=$449)

Shocking that, eh? :p

Both come with limited games (DriveClub PS+ edition, and Killer Instinct).
The Day One system is not coming with a year of live.
Yes it is.


Read the bottom. It's limited in quantities, but it's there.

/Edit/ Could be taken a few ways as well I guess depending upon how you read that ;P
Doesn't say anything about it being free. I can almost guarantee that it will not. Otherwise, it would, ya know, say so.

The problem with that approach is that if its not bundled with the console, developers have no use to develop for it.

The example would be that neat video PS4 put up using the eye, and the controller. But guess what? No Developer is going to do that, because the sell-through rate of the Eye camera isnt going to be that great.

Compare that to a device that's with the console, and every developer knows... my consumer has this, I can add in some things for it.

That my friend is a huge difference. You can say you dont like the eye, fine. Those that do are getting screwed because you dont like it, thus its not bundled, thus reducing developer willingness to add it to games.

Of course. This is one of those cases where you just have to root for/support what you prefer to happen/win out.

For people that like camera stuff, motion controls etc. then the Xbox One is a great thing as it's packed in and will be better supported etc. And buying one helps support that type of gaming.

For people like me who loathe gaming to the point I'd quit if motion controls were shoehorned into every game, the PS4 model is superior as it won't be as supported (and thus not shoehorned into games) and buy buying I'm supporting that type of model.

It's games. We should all just be spending money on what we enjoy/prefer and not worrying about what others want.. And hoping that our preferences win out so we can keep enjoying games.
How is the new Kinect anyway? Any of you guys got to try it out?

I haven't heard much at all from E3 about Kinect 2.0. Really hope everything works as advertised (1.0 obviously didn't, but all previews from the reveal seemed positive), and MS works with developers to push some amazing games.

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