Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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That sounds like what most people were expecting. MS isn't going to audit your "family" and as soon as their info dump hit the Xbox news blog site ppl were joking about taking applications for "brothers".

Why do I have this feeling we will see a repeat of last years Wii launch where there's overwhelming anecdotal evidence about sales but the "faithful" are in denial?
That's what us rational people were expecting ever since it was announced on Monday. I don't understand the hive mind of the Internet. To me, the family share is a bigger plus than the trade/selling restrictions are a detractor. Me and 9 of my friends all buy different games and take turns playing them without having to exchange discs. That's the equivalent of each of us paying $6 per game. I don't know about you, but that's a hell of a lot cheaper than going to GameStop and buying used games. And, at $6 a pop, I have no motivation to ever want to trade it in anyway.

Sure, we'll all have to buy online games if we want to play together, but outside of Borderlands and fighters, that's not an awful lot of games for my crowd.
I'm all for this feature if this was believable with no strings attached. Something this big and Microsoft didn't announce it at their E3 Press Conference? Do you really think big publishers like EA, Ubisoft, and Activision will be okay with this?

The cloud thing I'm curious about. If you ARE playing offline within the 24 hour period, do games look like shit because the cloud isn't there to help?

I have a faceplate as well :)

I think the 10 "family" share is an awesome benefit!

Microsoft's E3 2013 presser may have been epic, but it wasn't quite Epic - the creators of Gears of War were conspicuous by their absence. Pushed for an explanation, the publisher's Phil Spencer has suggested that the franchise needs to "spend some time" away from the limelight, both for its own good and to make room for new IP.

"I love the Gears franchise, I think Epic's done a really nice job building that," Spencer commented. "I think there's an opportunity to spend some time on Gears and on what it means. It's a rare franchise that managed to ship four times on the platform - 1, 2, 3 and then Judgment.

"I also think it's also a really interesting time to launch new IP, and that's something we're really invested in," he went on. "You saw Quantum Break, you saw Sunset Overdrive, you saw Crimson Dragon, you saw games big and small from many different developers.

"I think we were counting, and we had eight or nine different nationalities on stage. It's a cool opportunity to bring a lot of new content."

Epic and Gears of War made our list of prominent E3 no-shows earlier today. There's a rumour doing the rounds that the studio is working on a Gears of War Kinect game for next gen. What do you think?

In other words Judgement was shit and they need to be 100x better next time! :)
The cloud thing I'm curious about. If you ARE playing offline within the 24 hour period, do games look like shit because the cloud isn't there to help?
If you're playing a single player game I doubt it's going to affect you. The cloud is great for condensing server infrastructure and data management so that's why Microsoft is looking to apply it to online gaming. As was mentioned, in this way no game will ever have to have their servers taken offline** from now because they will be run through the cloud. Also these extrapolated servers will run smoother and be easier to hotfix with less required maintenance.

**think of it this way, there will no longer be an expensive need to maintain large locations filled with multitudes of physical servers. A company I recently worked with had over 20 server locations across the states taking up so much square footage and requiring so much daily maintenance, and when moved to the cloud it was essentially reduced to 3. You can house servers within servers and do so much more with cloud.

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Ya we'll see about the no shutting down servers part a couple years from now.  I'll believe it when I see it.  That was one of the main reasonings behind instituting online passes and servers continued to be shut down, if anything at an even quicker pace.

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Yeah, part of EA shutting down servers is to "motivate" you to buy the next game in the series. For sports games especially, if people can continue to play online, they will have less of a reason to move on to the next game (though, I'm trying to remember, I'm not sure any EA games allow you to upload custom rosters like 2K rosters would still be outdated).

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Xbox and PS4 will end up having same DRM
Not at all true. MS will allow publishers to put fees into used games sales or block the sale of specific games used completely. PS4 will allow online passes and some of the biggest names from the PS3 who used them have already said they are done with them.
Not true. Sony stated yesterday that they would not be permitting online passes with PS4.

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Htz, I only got an Xbox chair from Target that morning! I would have much rather had a faceplate.

Drop the 24 hour check in requirement and I'll drop my protest. Simple as that. I posted in the other thread that internet/cable was down all over my area from that string of storms on the east coast. I don't need a bricked console from circumstances out of my control.

I guess Adam Orth would tell me to deal with it or move. Arrogance.
I'm not really concerned about my connection, I'm concerned about Microsoft's. It's unlikely they're going to be running One servers in 10-15 years. I've never sold a single system, I play everything in my collection from time to time. I'm not interested in a system that will be a brick in 10 years. I'm not going to invest in such a system. No other widespread digital market works like this, including MS' own OS and Office software. iTunes, Steam, Amazon, etc... they all require a network connection to purchase/download content, none require it to actually use that content.

Unfortunately, I don't think MS can drop their check-in requirement while they're trying to treat physical media as digital content, it would open too big of a loophole for people to copy media indefinitely without paying for it. They should've either stuck with the 360 model (require the disc be in the tray) or had some balls and went pure digital, then the check-in requirement wouldn't have been necessary. Instead they went with a mish-mash approach that satisfies no one.

Thinking about what that guy said about pricing, the publishers could blow Sony out of the water by making Xbox 1 games $39.99 and PS4 games $59.99.

If what this guy says is true they'll make more money and support the DRM system they want.

So how about it publishers, $39.99 MSRP Xbox One games ?...................................

*Sound of crickets chirping*

I agree that sharing games among 10 friends is a great thing. But as it's already been pointed out, how is this better for publishers than allowing used game sales? If the consumer argument is "whoa...that's like paying $6 for a game!", you don't think the publishers would think of that too? Why would they be ok with that?

Also, it's going to pose a bit of a logistics problem. Think about your XBL friends list. When a new game drops, how many of your friends are playing it at the same time? I know for me, it's a lot. When CoD comes out, almost everyone is playing it. When Madden comes out, almost everyone is playing it. Now, with your group of 10, at BEST, 2 of you will be able to play one game at the same time. Now, granted, this doesn't account for people playing at different times or having more than one copy to share amongst the "family"...but I hope people can see where I'm coming from. While having a "family" to share with can be a great thing, I hope some of you remember what it was like having to share a tv/game system/etc. with a sibling. Except this time, I don't think "mom and dad" are really going to care if it's your turn.

I find it incredibly hard to believe the 10 game sharing will be as completely unrestrained as people are thinking/hoping it will be.  There's going to be limitations, likely along the lines of 1 at a time "sharing" the library (so no online multiplayer together) or some other limitation on how many systems can have a given game running.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great feature.  Unfortunately, the bad is still ridiculously outweighing the good of Xbox One.

Xbox and PS4 will end up having same DRM
Not at all true. MS will allow publishers to put fees into used games sales or block the sale of specific games used completely. PS4 will allow online passes and some of the biggest names from the PS3 who used them have already said they are done with them.
Not true. Sony stated yesterday that they would not be permitting online passes with PS4.
Sony cannot prohibit third party developers from implementing online passes if they choose do so. That said, I don't think many developers will continue with online passes. It would be stupid of them to alienate their consumer base. However, the wave of the future is IAPs or micro transactions and DLC. Why use an online pass, when you can very easily offer co-op mutliplayer as DLC. Next gen will be full of day 1 DLC.

I'm keeping my PS3 just for blus so I don't wear these new consoles out prematurely.
I just have a stand alone bluray player. I'd rather not use consoles for movies as they're more expensive, noisier (maybe the PS4 or X1 will be quieter though) etc.

So, I have an issue here. I can only get all this TV functionality with an HDMI in from a cable box, right? Why is it that in 20+ years of having cable, I have never, ever, had one of these "cable boxes"? My cable is via coax, right into my TV. So I guess all this TV crap that MS is pushing is useless to me, then, right? I'm not sure I get the point of the boxes - I get HD channels and all just via coax.
Really? I've had cable boxes since the late 1990s when "digital cable" came out. I guess TVs due have the needed tuners etc. built in these days so you can get all the channels without a box.

But the box gives you the program guide, and most people have them to have DVRs. I couldn't go without a DVR as my schedule is random and hectic and I watch nothing live outside of sports.

You're right today's preorders don't matter but when the competitors system is $100 less.People are gonna buy the cheapest box that can play their Fifa,Madden or Call of Duty.That's gonna take a huge chunk of the market. Price trumps all,even brand loyalty.
To some degree. The issue with online games is people will get whatever console their friends play on so they can play with them. And games like Call of Duty have much bigger communities on 360 than PS3. So we'll have to see how many CoD players migrate from 360 to PS4 next gen. I quit playing, but from the few people I played with before it seems kind of split down the middle on who's switching to Sony and who's staying with MS--but that's still people switching, so it will be interesting to see how it pans out.

The devils in the details. The game share sounds so good, why not talk about it at your own conference?
Yeah, if it was as good as it sounds you think they'd have touted it for.

Honestly, it's not something I'd likely use anyway. I really only have one gamer friend/family member and I'm not comfortable sharing accounts with people from forums etc. I don't have any issues buying the 7-10 games a year I pick up, so it's not something that really appeals to me (nor was PSN game sharing which I never did). Could be great for those who have gamer friends or don't mind sharing with fellow CAGs etc. if it's not to restrictive in when games can be played etc.

Once the price drops on Xbox ONE and when Halo 5 comes out in 2014.  You all will own ONE.  People will buy it for the right price. 

Not sure why you all dislike this whole DRM.  I buy games to own and don't want anyone to borrow it in risk of not getting it back or having it all scratched up.  Can't resell your games... so what.  Donate it and write it off on your taxes.

Big brother is watching you all the time.  Every time you walk by a ATM - you are on camera.  When you fill up gas for your car... there is a camera watching you.  You don't like Kinect watching you.  Face it against the wall.  Learn to evolve as we head toward the future.

Don't have internet due to some reason. Your PC is a bigger paper weight.  The price is fair compare to all those new video cards for your PC.  You can purchase two consoles for the price of a GTX Titan.

Gamestop can kiss my @$$!!!  Never understood why people are dumb enough to just throw money away at them.  They screw you on your trade in price cause they know they can.  They are nothing but a pawn shop for video games.  Their business model is to make money and people just keep throwing money at them with stupid reason as to "it's collecting dust so I rather have $2 trade in credits even though I spend $60 on it".

I will be getting both consoles... because there are exclusive games for each console.

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Xbox and PS4 will end up having same DRM
Not at all true. MS will allow publishers to put fees into used games sales or block the sale of specific games used completely. PS4 will allow online passes and some of the biggest names from the PS3 who used them have already said they are done with them.
Not true. Sony stated yesterday that they would not be permitting online passes with PS4.
You are incorrect. Hell the first link on your search link even spells it out

"Since then, the company has further elaborated on the actual things developers and publishers of PS4 games can do, with a statement yesterday saying that online passes that prohibit the access of used games to multiplayer can still be used."

Sony said their first party games will not use them and some mistook this as none would have them which is probably why some people are still confused.

Online passes are still allowed on PS4 however Sony and EA have both said they will not be using them and those two are the biggest users of online passes as far as I know, although there definitely have been others.

Once the price drops on Xbox ONE and when Halo 5 comes out in 2014. You all will own ONE. People will buy it for the right price.
I can't speak for others but I can guarantee you I won't unless they change their mind on at least some of the restrictions. I don't care how many exclusives a system gets I am not willing to put up with these kind of restrictive policies, especially not for a franchise that's last installment was rather piss poor IMO.

95% of the games will be exactly the same on both systems, exclusives mean nothing to me.

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I find it incredibly hard to believe the 10 game sharing will be as completely unrestrained as people are thinking/hoping it will be. There's going to be limitations, likely along the lines of 1 at a time "sharing" the library (so no online multiplayer together) or some other limitation on how many systems can have a given game running.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great feature. Unfortunately, the bad is still ridiculously outweighing the good of Xbox One.
Of course there's going to be a limitation. They're not going to let all 10 people play at the same time. The verbiage on their website states it in ambiguous terms at this point where you could read it to state that any 1 person can play the license at a time OR YOU plus any ONE "family" member can play the game at a time.

Also, you could technically buy multiple copies of a game to put in your family of gamers, which would probably work for most people. I might play Borderlands with 2 friends at a time online, even though I know 10 people who play it. Typically all 10 people would have to own their own copies but, in this case, we could all chip in for like 3-4 copies and be fine between the bunch of us.

There are still negatives to MS's system, but when you compare the traditional system (everyone has to have their own copy of the game), there's also negatives to the traditional system (having to physically give someone a disc to loan a game vs being able to share it with 10 people at a time). To a collector, this system won't work. To someone who just wants to play a lot of games, this is a godsend. To me, the positives outweigh the negatives.

That sounds like what most people were expecting. MS isn't going to audit your "family" and as soon as their info dump hit the Xbox news blog site ppl were joking about taking applications for "brothers".

Why do I have this feeling we will see a repeat of last years Wii launch where there's overwhelming anecdotal evidence about sales but the "faithful" are in denial?
That's what us rational people were expecting ever since it was announced on Monday. I don't understand the hive mind of the Internet. To me, the family share is a bigger plus than the trade/selling restrictions are a detractor. Me and 9 of my friends all buy different games and take turns playing them without having to exchange discs. That's the equivalent of each of us paying $6 per game. I don't know about you, but that's a hell of a lot cheaper than going to GameStop and buying used games. And, at $6 a pop, I have no motivation to ever want to trade it in anyway.

Sure, we'll all have to buy online games if we want to play together, but outside of Borderlands and fighters, that's not an awful lot of games for my crowd.
I'm all for this feature if this was believable with no strings attached. Something this big and Microsoft didn't announce it at their E3 Press Conference? Do you really think big publishers like EA, Ubisoft, and Activision will be okay with this?
The thing is, MS DID announce this at their E3 conference, they just didn't explain it down to fine details they should have at the time. People just have selective hearing and chose to ignore it and flame "DRM DRM! DRACONIAN DRM!" If you were only to look at forums, this is all you would have heard this week. Honestly, the Internet is an awful, terrible place that brings out the worst in most people. Instead of listening, processing, and having a mature conversation about how a more restrictive licensing system that allowed instant sharing/pooling of licenses among a small group of people could be good for the industry and actually promote larger sales of games that otherwise wouldn't get much attention, people just decided to jump on the bash train.

You are incorrect. Hell the first link on your search link even spells it out

"Since then, the company has further elaborated on the actual things developers and publishers of PS4 games can do, with a statement yesterday saying that online passes that prohibit the access of used games to multiplayer can still be used."

Sony said their first party games will not use them and some mistook this as none would have them which is probably why some people are still confused.

Online passes are still allowed on PS4 however Sony and EA have both said they will not be using them and those two are the biggest users of online passes as far as I know, although there definitely have been others.
Yeah, mea culpa. I read the article yesterday before clarification and just grabbed the link today. It's possible that 3rd party could still do it.

I find it incredibly hard to believe the 10 game sharing will be as completely unrestrained as people are thinking/hoping it will be. There's going to be limitations, likely along the lines of 1 at a time "sharing" the library (so no online multiplayer together) or some other limitation on how many systems can have a given game running.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great feature. Unfortunately, the bad is still ridiculously outweighing the good of Xbox One.
Of course there's going to be a limitation. They're not going to let all 10 people play at the same time. The verbiage on their website states it in ambiguous terms at this point where you could read it to state that any 1 person can play the license at a time OR YOU plus any ONE "family" member can play the game at a time.

Also, you could technically buy multiple copies of a game to put in your family of gamers, which would probably work for most people. I might play Borderlands with 2 friends at a time online, even though I know 10 people who play it. Typically all 10 people would have to own their own copies but, in this case, we could all chip in for like 3-4 copies and be fine between the bunch of us.

There are still negatives to MS's system, but when you compare the traditional system (everyone has to have their own copy of the game), there's also negatives to the traditional system (having to physically give someone a disc to loan a game vs being able to share it with 10 people at a time). To a collector, this system won't work. To someone who just wants to play a lot of games, this is a godsend. To me, the positives outweigh the negatives.

That sounds like what most people were expecting. MS isn't going to audit your "family" and as soon as their info dump hit the Xbox news blog site ppl were joking about taking applications for "brothers".

Why do I have this feeling we will see a repeat of last years Wii launch where there's overwhelming anecdotal evidence about sales but the "faithful" are in denial?
That's what us rational people were expecting ever since it was announced on Monday. I don't understand the hive mind of the Internet. To me, the family share is a bigger plus than the trade/selling restrictions are a detractor. Me and 9 of my friends all buy different games and take turns playing them without having to exchange discs. That's the equivalent of each of us paying $6 per game. I don't know about you, but that's a hell of a lot cheaper than going to GameStop and buying used games. And, at $6 a pop, I have no motivation to ever want to trade it in anyway.

Sure, we'll all have to buy online games if we want to play together, but outside of Borderlands and fighters, that's not an awful lot of games for my crowd.
I'm all for this feature if this was believable with no strings attached. Something this big and Microsoft didn't announce it at their E3 Press Conference? Do you really think big publishers like EA, Ubisoft, and Activision will be okay with this?
The thing is, MS DID announce this at their E3 conference, they just didn't explain it down to fine details they should have at the time. People just have selective hearing and chose to ignore it and flame "DRM DRM! DRACONIAN DRM!" If you were only to look at forums, this is all you would have heard this week. Honestly, the Internet is an awful, terrible place that brings out the worst in most people. Instead of listening, processing, and having a mature conversation about how a more restrictive licensing system that allowed instant sharing/pooling of licenses among a small group of people could be good for the industry and actually promote larger sales of games that otherwise wouldn't get much attention, people just decided to jump on the bash train.
I mostly agree with you. But this simple phrase that you just said "pooling of licenses among a small group of people could be good for the industry and actually promote larger sales of games that otherwise wouldn't get much attention" is something that could have changed the entire tone of MS's conference. They said nothing like that at all. And we're not hearing about it in those terms from anyone that is actually associated with Microsoft, and that's what bothers people. We can spend all day filling in the blanks and idealizing what we'd like it to be. But if MS wants people to lower their pitchforks, they've gotta start making some intelligent concise statements like yours on their own behalf. Otherwise, you can't really blame people for starting to look elsewhere.

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Once the price drops on Xbox ONE and when Halo 5 comes out in 2014. You all will own ONE. People will buy it for the right price.

Not sure why you all dislike this whole DRM. I buy games to own and don't want anyone to borrow it in risk of not getting it back or having it all scratched up. Can't resell your games... so what. Donate it and write it off on your taxes.

Big brother is watching you all the time. Every time you walk by a ATM - you are on camera. When you fill up gas for your car... there is a camera watching you. You don't like Kinect watching you. Face it against the wall. Learn to evolve as we head toward the future.

Don't have internet due to some reason. Your PC is a bigger paper weight. The price is fair compare to all those new video cards for your PC. You can purchase two consoles for the price of a GTX Titan.

Gamestop can kiss my @$$!!! Never understood why people are dumb enough to just throw money away at them. They screw you on your trade in price cause they know they can. They are nothing but a pawn shop for video games. Their business model is to make money and people just keep throwing money at them with stupid reason as to "it's collecting dust so I rather have $2 trade in credits even though I spend $60 on it".

I will be getting both consoles... because there are exclusive games for each console.
You are one flaccid human being. :lol:

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Amazon is currently doing a poll on which console their customers will be getting. It doesn't look pretty for the xbox one...
but yet both xbox one and ps4 launch day systems are sold out
anyone can vote that poll i bet half of those people for ps4 are kids that will not even be getting any thing
While it might not mean much either, the Xbox One is currently Amazon's top seller - over the PS4 - in video games.

Doesn't look that way anymore. PS4 Standard Edition is now #1.
It's striking when you consider they're breaking the PS3 up into two different items on the chart. They sold out of day one consoles and now they're selling consoles for subsequent shipments and now that's surpassed the X1. I bet in 5 years from now the X1 has no more than 60 million sales and possibly as low as 30-40 million while be ps4 is well over 100 million.
The Xbox One also had two sku's. AFAIK, the standard edition sku is gone. Not sure where it went, but it was right behind last of us on the list a few days ago.

Amazon appears to be simply rolling preorders into Launch Day Editions for both versions of the PS4 and Xbox One. (So if you had a standard edition PS4 or Xbox One preorder, and they got launch day's in.. your order automatically went to launch day)

Once the price drops on Xbox ONE and when Halo 5 comes out in 2014. You all will own ONE. People will buy it for the right price.

Not sure why you all dislike this whole DRM. I buy games to own and don't want anyone to borrow it in risk of not getting it back or having it all scratched up. Can't resell your games... so what. Donate it and write it off on your taxes.
Donate a game that the charity can't resell? With this DRM the ability to donate is also gone--unless Goodwill or someother place becomes an "participating retailer."

I was only going to buy one console next gen anyway as I just don't game enough to keep up with all the AAA games on more than one platform. I was planning on it being the next Xbox as played the 360 more, but now it will be PS4 due to MSs DRM and it being $100 left.

interesting, from what I've read the whole DRM thing is being blown out of proportion (Xbox and PS4 will end up having same DRM) and lots of half-truths and lies being posted online. But this is Microsoft's fault they need to release a CLEAR explanation of their policies.
Blown out of proportion? My entire county has multiple areas where the cable is out (internet) as a result of the storms yesterday. So now I would have a $500 paperweight, but oh, it plays movies. Deal with it? I think not. The 24 hour check in is ridiculous.
Because absolutely no one has a smart phone these days that works through even hurricanes. /Tether../Check.../Keep on playing.

interesting, from what I've read the whole DRM thing is being blown out of proportion (Xbox and PS4 will end up having same DRM) and lots of half-truths and lies being posted online. But this is Microsoft's fault they need to release a CLEAR explanation of their policies.
Blown out of proportion? My entire county has multiple areas where the cable is out (internet) as a result of the storms yesterday. So now I would have a $500 paperweight, but oh, it plays movies. Deal with it? I think not. The 24 hour check in is ridiculous.
Because absolutely no one has a smart phone these days that works through even hurricanes. /Tether../Check.../Keep on playing.
Hey defender of everything MS,

what about people who have camps on lakes/ponds/ocean etc. that don't have internet access? They can't bring their console with them for the summer now can they?

Most RV's and SUV's won't work either. I've tailgated at many many many major College stadiums and a lot of people like to play NCAA/Madden while waiting for the game.

What about kids who live in dorms with no internet access (Like Job Corps)? What about functions that like to hold tournaments (NBA 2Kx or Madden)? Not going to be doing that as easily either.

interesting, from what I've read the whole DRM thing is being blown out of proportion (Xbox and PS4 will end up having same DRM) and lots of half-truths and lies being posted online. But this is Microsoft's fault they need to release a CLEAR explanation of their policies.
Blown out of proportion? My entire county has multiple areas where the cable is out (internet) as a result of the storms yesterday. So now I would have a $500 paperweight, but oh, it plays movies. Deal with it? I think not. The 24 hour check in is ridiculous.
Because absolutely no one has a smart phone these days that works through even hurricanes. /Tether../Check.../Keep on playing.
Hey defender of everything MS,

what about people who have camps on lakes/ponds/ocean etc. that don't have internet access? They can't bring their console with them for the summer now can they?

Most RV's and SUV's won't work either. I've tailgated at many many many major College stadiums and a lot of people like to play NCAA/Madden while waiting for the game.

What about kids who live in dorms with no internet access (Like Job Corps)? What about functions that like to hold tournaments (NBA 2Kx or Madden)? Not going to be doing that as easily either.
Again, because apparently college students dont have smart phones. .../LOLOLOL. Sorry, I coudnt say that with a straight face. I mean, holy crap.

You missed the cabin in the hills one though. Although Blue Ridge has pretty good internet access, who knows about every where else ;P

However, if you absolutely insist they have.. A) No Internet *ever*.. then I'd suggest they not get the next generation of consoles, and stick with the modified PS3, which is called the "PS3.5".

your scenario doesn't get affected by the 24-hour check. the check is done at night (presumably late night). I don't think you're tailgating at a football game at 2AM. and you could always tether your phone for that quick check.

what about people who have camps on lakes/ponds/ocean etc. that don't have internet access? They can't bring their console with them for the summer now can they?

Most RV's and SUV's won't work either. I've tailgated at many many many major College stadiums and a lot of people like to play NCAA/Madden while waiting for the game.

What about kids who live in dorms with no internet access (Like Job Corps)? What about functions that like to hold tournaments (NBA 2Kx or Madden)? Not going to be doing that as easily either.
Xbox One may not be as heavy-handed with content restriction as it first appears, according to some new chatter from Microsoft’s Phil Spencer. He has said in a new interview that players will be able to share their game library with people outside their household.

Now, don’t take the above paragraph as some kind of all-forgiving about-face on Microsoft’s restrictions so far, but what Spencer has said does seem to cool the flames a little, although they’re far from doused.

It was recently confirmed that Xbox One will allow users to share their library of games with up to ten family members, but as it happens those people don’t have to be in your family. At all.

Speaking with Penny Arcade, Spencer said, “I think the policy makes sense.

“It’s not ten different people all playing the game concurrently, but when you think about a real usage scenario, and we thought about it around a family, and I know certain people will create a family group of people that aren’t all part of the same family. And I do think that’s an advantage, and people will use that.

“I saw it on NeoGAF instantly, the Xbox Family creation threads, where people said ‘Hey be a part of my family’. No birth certificates will need to be sent in. I do think that’s an advantage of the ecosystem that we have.”

There’s also confirmation that two people in your ‘family’ will be able to access the same files in your library simultaneously, but it’s unclear if this will apply to full games or not.

What’s your take on the above?

Thanks OXM.
If it works the way I'm thinking it will then this could be huge for MS. I used to gameshare with my buddy all the time on the ps3, and then when I found out about CAG it would be a 5 way split (now four). But why not be more vocal about this feature? They're getting tons of bad press and this could really help alleviate some of that. To me It makes it look like this was a last minute idea and they're still unsure how its going to work.

If it works the way I'm thinking it will then this could be huge for MS. I used to gameshare with my buddy all the time on the ps3, and then when I found out about CAG it would be a 5 way split (now four). But why not be more vocal about this feature? They're getting tons of bad press and this could really help alleviate some of that. To me It makes it look like this was a last minute idea and they're still unsure how its going to work.
It kinda makes sense from a certain perspective. Right now, haters are gonna hate. "Xbone" is probably the biggest meme on the Internet right now. People are having too much fun with it. They could say whatever they want and the hive mind is going to be all like "nyah nyah nyah" and stick their fingers in their ears.

You gotta remember, the launch of these systems is far off. Microsoft even stated it's not a sprint, they're going for the slow burn tactic. I expect them to really DRIVE this concept home at GamesCon in August. After all, it doesn't matter who has good will with the community now, it matters who has good will with the community come NOVEMBER. This could be what they need to get their momentum going at the right time. Then again, it's Microsoft. They have this amazing history of creating amazing products and doing EVERYTHING right except for ONE detail, and that ends up being the deal breaker. We can only wait and see at this point.

I'm keeping my PS3 just for blus so I don't wear these new consoles out prematurely.
I just have a stand alone bluray player. I'd rather not use consoles for movies as they're more expensive, noisier (maybe the PS4 or X1 will be quieter though) etc..
Even moreso, PS3s (not sure about the slim model) use about 4x-5x more electricity than standard Blu-ray players (and this was reported years ago, compared to current players it might be higher).
I'm assuming all of the "just tether ur phone LlOLZ" asshats have never been in actual rural areas before. You're lucky to get a cell signal period, let alone a data signal.

interesting, from what I've read the whole DRM thing is being blown out of proportion (Xbox and PS4 will end up having same DRM) and lots of half-truths and lies being posted online. But this is Microsoft's fault they need to release a CLEAR explanation of their policies.
Blown out of proportion? My entire county has multiple areas where the cable is out (internet) as a result of the storms yesterday. So now I would have a $500 paperweight, but oh, it plays movies. Deal with it? I think not. The 24 hour check in is ridiculous.
Because absolutely no one has a smart phone these days that works through even hurricanes. /Tether../Check.../Keep on playing.
Dude, I have shit reception IN MY fuckING HOUSE. I usually have to walk outside and I live in St. Louis, it's not some rural area. I couldn't tether shit. I doubt I'm an exception. Dead spots are everywhere.

The thing is, MS DID announce this at their E3 conference, they just didn't explain it down to fine details they should have at the time. People just have selective hearing and chose to ignore it and flame "DRM DRM! DRACONIAN DRM!" If you were only to look at forums, this is all you would have heard this week. Honestly, the Internet is an awful, terrible place that brings out the worst in most people. Instead of listening, processing, and having a mature conversation about how a more restrictive licensing system that allowed instant sharing/pooling of licenses among a small group of people could be good for the industry and actually promote larger sales of games that otherwise wouldn't get much attention, people just decided to jump on the bash train.
No they didn't, they talked about it on their new xbox blog, 4 days before the conference. That is how people found out about the family share benefit. Like I said before, if this thing is no strings attached. How come Microsoft hasn't been more specific about it and advertised it as a huge benefit for us?

Honestly, the Internet is an awful, terrible place that brings out the worst in most people. Instead of listening, processing, and having a mature conversation about how a more restrictive licensing system that allowed instant sharing/pooling of licenses among a small group of people could be good for the industry and actually promote larger sales of games that otherwise wouldn't get much attention, people just decided to jump on the bash train.
People are listening and having a mature conversation on this subject. If only Microsoft did the same thing, instead of backpeddling, blaming journalists, and asking us to deal with it. We wouldn't be having this issue in the first place.

You have to be naive to think a more restrictive licensing system means publishers like EA, Activision, Ubisoft, etc... will allow you to share games with a small group of people (in this case 10). I don't even consider 10 a small group, that is like half a classroom of students. I would also like to know how does allowing 10 people to share 1 game promote larger sales of "niche games". Go tell that to Bobby Kotick and he will laugh his ass off.

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interesting, from what I've read the whole DRM thing is being blown out of proportion (Xbox and PS4 will end up having same DRM) and lots of half-truths and lies being posted online. But this is Microsoft's fault they need to release a CLEAR explanation of their policies.
Blown out of proportion? My entire county has multiple areas where the cable is out (internet) as a result of the storms yesterday. So now I would have a $500 paperweight, but oh, it plays movies. Deal with it? I think not. The 24 hour check in is ridiculous.
Because absolutely no one has a smart phone these days that works through even hurricanes. /Tether../Check.../Keep on playing.
Hey defender of everything MS,

what about people who have camps on lakes/ponds/ocean etc. that don't have internet access? They can't bring their console with them for the summer now can they?

Most RV's and SUV's won't work either. I've tailgated at many many many major College stadiums and a lot of people like to play NCAA/Madden while waiting for the game.

What about kids who live in dorms with no internet access (Like Job Corps)? What about functions that like to hold tournaments (NBA 2Kx or Madden)? Not going to be doing that as easily either.
Again, because apparently college students dont have smart phones. .../LOLOLOL. Sorry, I coudnt say that with a straight face. I mean, holy crap.

You missed the cabin in the hills one though. Although Blue Ridge has pretty good internet access, who knows about every where else ;P

However, if you absolutely insist they have.. A) No Internet *ever*.. then I'd suggest they not get the next generation of consoles, and stick with the modified PS3, which is called the "PS3.5".

Right because no one has camps near remote ski areas or lakes or has current gen consoles in their RV or trailer (Camping/hunting) or boat or car. I guess they can the buy "The Xbox 360" right? Because MS supports all their old technology so graciously....

Because people really want to take 8 consoles and "Check-in" prior to having an outdoor madden tournament.

I bet you less then 5% of all cell phone users use their cell phone to create a wifi signal.

MS is handling the Xbox One like Abercrombie handles their clothing line "“I really don’t care what anyone other than our target customer thinks.”"

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I understand the back and forth talk about PS4 vs Xbox one, but my god can some people please stop spamming up any and every post that has to do with Xbox?? Trying to read through the comments about the new fightstick for the Xbox One gives me page after page of typical internet post about how Xbox is going to bone you and PS4 is better. 

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I'm assuming all of the "just tether ur phone LlOLZ" asshats have never been in actual rural areas before. You're lucky to get a cell signal period, let alone a data signal.
I agree, tethering isn't even a free feature for most carriers, it is an additional cost on top of the data plan. I don't get the people defending Microsoft. If Microsoft's proposed policies don't affect you... Why the hell are you defending them against the ones that are being affected? If Microsoft backpeddles and goes back to the same policies as xbox 360 it won't affect you either way.

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Once the price drops on Xbox ONE and when Halo 5 comes out in 2014. You all will own ONE. People will buy it for the right price.
You mean the XBox One will be dropping down to $40? Though I am willing to go as high as $50.

Though they are going to have to increase their exclusives. The only games on either XBox console that I want that I can't get anywhere else are DOA Volleyball and the Naruto games. And even then the PS3 ones are better.

Don't have internet due to some reason. Your PC is a bigger paper weight. The price is fair compare to all those new video cards for your PC. You can purchase two consoles for the price of a GTX Titan.
Except you can still buy physical copies of games, plus do any regular work, without needing internet access.
Because absolutely no one has a smart phone these days that works through even hurricanes. /Tether../Check.../Keep on playing.
Hey defender of everything MS,

what about people who have camps on lakes/ponds/ocean etc. that don't have internet access? They can't bring their console with them for the summer now can they?

Most RV's and SUV's won't work either. I've tailgated at many many many major College stadiums and a lot of people like to play NCAA/Madden while waiting for the game.

What about kids who live in dorms with no internet access (Like Job Corps)? What about functions that like to hold tournaments (NBA 2Kx or Madden)? Not going to be doing that as easily either.
Again, because apparently college students dont have smart phones. .../LOLOLOL. Sorry, I coudnt say that with a straight face. I mean, holy crap.

You missed the cabin in the hills one though. Although Blue Ridge has pretty good internet access, who knows about every where else ;P

However, if you absolutely insist they have.. A) No Internet *ever*.. then I'd suggest they not get the next generation of consoles, and stick with the modified PS3, which is called the "PS3.5".

Right because no one has camps near remote ski areas or lakes or has current gen consoles in their RV or trailer (Camping/hunting) or boat or car. I guess they can the buy "The Xbox 360" right? Because MS supports all their old technology so graciously....

Because people really want to take 8 consoles and "Check-in" prior to having an outdoor madden tournament.

I bet you less then 5% of all cell phone users use their cell phone to create a wifi signal.

MS is handling the Xbox One like Abercrombie handles their clothing line "“I really don’t care what anyone other than our target customer thinks.”"
Actually the reason phone companies push hot spots as part of what you're getting is because of how many people use it. I don't have the exact number but definitely more than 1/3 of smart phone users use the option on occasion. Other than that I think your comparison of Microsoft to AF is being generous in terms of how narrow their vision has become.

If Microsoft's proposed policies don't affect you... Why the hell are you defending them against the ones that are being affected?
Couldn't agree with this more. People are voicing legitimate concerns all over CAG that affect many people and a handful of people have popped up not only defending every single decision because it doesn't affect them personally but at times insulting others because they are affected by these policies.

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Realistically, it probably wouldn't affect me much at all (aside from buying less game on their release day because I do trade in games to help pay for new games). But there is the possibility it can (again plenty of extreme weather here that can easily knock out the internet for more than 24 hours-especially say in the winter when the best thing to do is stay indoors and play games) and it is also a principle thing. I don't like these ridiculous policies and I won't support them if there isn't much of a tangible benefit (like this supposed steam-like world of cheaper games, which isn't fucking happening because it's a closed platform where MS controls all that).

Then, quiet simply, dont buy it. Dont buy it, and have fun over in the PS4 section.

Why, oh why, oh why do you want to keep attempting to sway people with phantom arguments about what could happen in the future?

It's obvious some of us are excited for the console. That's absolutely no secret. I'd like to discuss it with others excited for it, and not having to keep reading about how horrible it is from people who say they arent going to purchase it. 

I understand your upset. I get it. Typically when people are upset they lash out as fast and as furious as they can to everyone associated with said company, to anyone who likes that companies products, and especially to anyone buying that companies products. Can we please just be a little better then that? Just a little?

Then, quiet simply, dont buy it. Dont buy it, and have fun over in the PS4 section.

Why, oh why, oh why do you want to keep attempting to sway people with phantom arguments about what could happen in the future?

It's obvious some of us are excited for the console. That's absolutely no secret. I'd like to discuss it with others excited for it, and not having to keep reading about how horrible it is from people who say they arent going to purchase it.

I understand your upset. I get it. Typically when people are upset they lash out as fast and as furious as they can to everyone associated with said company, to anyone who likes that companies products, and especially to anyone buying that companies products. Can we please just be a little better then that? Just a little?
This is the internet genius, we see bullshit and call people on it. And QUITE frankly your continued incorrect use of "quiet" makes me think you had a lobotomy...

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Once the price drops on Xbox ONE and when Halo 5 comes out in 2014. You all will own ONE. People will buy it for the right price.

Not sure why you all dislike this whole DRM. I buy games to own and don't want anyone to borrow it in risk of not getting it back or having it all scratched up. Can't resell your games... so what. Donate it and write it off on your taxes.

Big brother is watching you all the time. Every time you walk by a ATM - you are on camera. When you fill up gas for your car... there is a camera watching you. You don't like Kinect watching you. Face it against the wall. Learn to evolve as we head toward the future.

Don't have internet due to some reason. Your PC is a bigger paper weight. The price is fair compare to all those new video cards for your PC. You can purchase two consoles for the price of a GTX Titan.

Gamestop can kiss my @$$!!! Never understood why people are dumb enough to just throw money away at them. They screw you on your trade in price cause they know they can. They are nothing but a pawn shop for video games. Their business model is to make money and people just keep throwing money at them with stupid reason as to "it's collecting dust so I rather have $2 trade in credits even though I spend $60 on it".

I will be getting both consoles... because there are exclusive games for each console.
If the introduced price isn't lower than the PS4 it will never be lower throughout the lifespan of the generation. The only thing Microsoft can do is offer a contract version, but so can Sony. And Halo isn't Halo any more, it's some sort of Call of Duty wannabe with a Halo skin suit on it. It isn't the series it once was. And people who want Halo will be playing Destiny anyway.

As for the DRM, Microsoft can beat their chest and say they are just going to be like steam all they want. But nobody trusts them and for good reason. You just have to look at how they ran their store on 360. Unlike steam, xbox live arcade games started out being 400 points. and now they have ballooned to some being 1600 points, 4x the amount! This is completely opposite to how steam operates. And then if we take a look at Games on Demand, there are games in the bargain bin at retailers for 5$ still sitting at 40$ on Xbox Live. Why would anyone trust that it will be different on the Xbox One where there will be even less competition than there is now? Wish people were smarter than to buy in to this crap Microsoft is shoveling.

And big brother isn't always watching, but they will be with Kinect because you can't disconnect the thing. I don't care what Microsoft says and why would I trust the first company to partner with the NSA trampling on all their customers right of privacy. Don't feed me with cameras are watching everywhere so I should accept it in my living room BS.
Not even going to try and argue your internet PC brick comment, it's beyond stupid.

And while you may hate GameStop, we'll see how much you like Microsoft if this box gets a foothold and they get to control all aspects of pricing.

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Then, quiet simply, dont buy it. Dont buy it, and have fun over in the PS4 section.

Why, oh why, oh why do you want to keep attempting to sway people with phantom arguments about what could happen in the future?

It's obvious some of us are excited for the console. That's absolutely no secret. I'd like to discuss it with others excited for it, and not having to keep reading about how horrible it is from people who say they arent going to purchase it.

I understand your upset. I get it. Typically when people are upset they lash out as fast and as furious as they can to everyone associated with said company, to anyone who likes that companies products, and especially to anyone buying that companies products. Can we please just be a little better then that? Just a little?
This is the internet genius, we see bullshit and call people on it. And QUITE frankly your continued incorrect use of "quiet" makes me think you had a lobotomy...
So, no, no you really wont be bothered to let those people who like the Xbox One and would like to discuss our excitement for it do so? Hmm, I'm not surprised.

As to the word, whatever, just using swype on the tablet if it comes up wrong it comes up wrong :D (Android Fire HD)

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So, no, no you really wont be bothered to let those people who like the Xbox One and would like to discuss our excitement for it do so? Hmm, I'm not surprised.

As to the word, whatever, just using swype on the tablet if it comes up wrong it comes up wrong :D (Android Fire HD)
So, no, no you really wont be bothered to let those people who dislike the xbox one and would like to discuss our lack of excitement for it do so? Hmm, I'm not surprised.

Then, quiet simply, dont buy it. Dont buy it, and have fun over in the PS4 section.

Why, oh why, oh why do you want to keep attempting to sway people with phantom arguments about what could happen in the future?

It's obvious some of us are excited for the console. That's absolutely no secret. I'd like to discuss it with others excited for it, and not having to keep reading about how horrible it is from people who say they arent going to purchase it.

I understand your upset. I get it. Typically when people are upset they lash out as fast and as furious as they can to everyone associated with said company, to anyone who likes that companies products, and especially to anyone buying that companies products. Can we please just be a little better then that? Just a little?
If we didn't care about MS's products, we wouldn't be upset in the first place. I would actually like to buy halo, quantum break, and sunset overdrive at some point if MS adopts the same policies as Sony. Nobody is stopping you from being excited about the xbox one, just don't come here defending their actions, and expect a nice reply in return.

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So, no, no you really wont be bothered to let those people who like the Xbox One and would like to discuss our excitement for it do so? Hmm, I'm not surprised.

As to the word, whatever, just using swype on the tablet if it comes up wrong it comes up wrong :D (Android Fire HD)
So, no, no you really wont be bothered to let those people who dislike the xbox one and would like to discuss our lack of excitement for it do so? Hmm, I'm not surprised.
Who knew Reddit could be a better discussion place for the Xbox One?

Anyway, I'd encourage anyone who would like to actually discuss the Xbox One in a positive environment without angry internet trolls being allowed to run rampant should likely head over to which is heavily moderated to stop *both* sides of the trolling and simply allow discussion. (or, alternatively.. which is for those who love the sony console).

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