[quote name='PancakesAreLove']Someone fairly new to Jrpgs could not know FF.
I was just going by what you said which was well known PS2 jrpgs which are X, XII. Not starting an argument, just saying.[/QUOTE]
I'm well aware of FF, though I must say I've never played one.
[quote name='Hemi']Didn't forget, but who doesn't know final fantasy? Besides It's soo well known I didn't feel the need to push onto him, and I tryed to keep it to PS2 games (besides digimon world), and FF is mostly PS1.[/QUOTE]
I've been thinking of picking one up with the PSN sale, where should I start? I'm hearing 7, but I've also heard that it's people's least favorite (lots of passionate opinions)
[quote name='PancakesAreLove']I'm surprised you forgot Final Fantasy but I love all your choices. Digimon world is probably my favorite game just because it has so much meaning to me. I must have bought at least 4 copies since they keep getting scratched up. I wish they would release it on PSN as it isn't getting any cheaper.[/QUOTE]
Somehow I always thought Digimon was just a dumb cartoon trying to rip off Pokemon. I'll definitely keep an eye out for them now
[quote name='Hemi']Some of the more well known JRPG'S for PS2 are Dark cloud 1 & 2, Persona 3 (theres 2 versions of 3 odd enough) & 4, Xenosaga I II and III, and the .Hack's, I would reccomend them to ANYONE with a PS2, HECK while your at it, the PS1 games Digimon World 1 2 & 3 are fantastic as well! The best way to get into it is watch a few gameplay videos, see if you can get into it a little, if it looks fun then, pick it up, the great part is (minus digimon world) you can find the first game CIB for real cheap and easily. Most of them it's a $10 investment for the first one, so why not? (Persona 4 you can pick up new/sealed for about $20+)[/QUOTE]
Thanks for all the recommendations. I'm watching the Persona 4 anime right now and really liking it, so I'm tempted to pick it up, though I wonder if it would ruin it if I know what happens:/ Dark Cloud has been on my list, but I'm having trouble finding it for a good price. What I was really asking though was how easy Xenoblade was to get into (must have missed something that was posted before me). I really want to try some of these out now though, after I get through my backlog (it's becoming alarming)