You like playing as chicks?

The 7th Number

33 (100%)
Anyone else like playing games where you are a chick, or pick the chick if given the choice of male or female? I like the Tomb Raider games, gave bulletwitch a try, and chose to be a female in Tony Hawk P8. I probably wouldnt have given bulletwitch a try if the lead was a male. Im already thinking of being a chick in Saints Row 2 if given the choice, wanted female agents in crackdown which never happened, and am hoping the TNA knockouts would be in the new TNA game by midway. I also want to give Heavenly Sword a try when i get a PS3. But to sum this all up, i probably enjoy playing as a female more then a male if it suits the game. I couldnt be a female in Gears, or God of War. But i think for the most part id pick a female. Are there any other gamers out there that feel this way?
It mostly depends on how they look and fit into the game. Don't really havea bias one way or another, so yes, i play as chick characters some times.
I usually just make a stupid character when given the choice in a game (tony hawk). But if the character is chosen already, as long as it fits the story/game I am fine either way.

IE wouldnt want to see jenna jameson in god of war....well maybe i would but not for gaming...
Well 7th, I know how you secretly long to be a woman, from the other board... ;)

Personally, I don't care either way, although I did make Commander Shepard in Mass Effect a woman. Lesbian alien sex > all.
[quote name='chimpian']I usually just make a stupid character when given the choice in a game (tony hawk). But if the character is chosen already, as long as it fits the story/game I am fine either way.

IE wouldnt want to see jenna jameson in god of war....well maybe i would but not for gaming...[/quote]

Yeah sometimes games like Saints Row gives you an option to create your own character. Since i myself would look boring in a video game, i almost never try to create myself. So for Saints Row i just went with the default guy.
not usually, because for some reason their armor or features suffer from aesthetic deficiency or disproportionality (boobs > :booty:)

but sometimes in a good RPG when you're going for the support character, it helps, alot. I noticed that in Guild Wars, most people pair up with hotties, regardless if they're necro/monk/mesmer.
Usually, no. Though I just made a new female clone in Tabula Rasa. Will be interesting to see what kind of pervs hit on me. :p
Basically in Guitar Hero and Rock Band, simply because i have a fetish for chicks and rock music. Though I did make Bad Girl (from No More Heroes) as a vocalist, simply because my friend made Holly Summers as her vocalist. Also I like playing online and using my female character and saying in the most gruff, trucker voice possible "HEY! HOW YOU LITTLE LADIES DOING?!" Usually it goes dead silent afterwards....
Depends on the customization/skills offered. It seems the male character always get the freaking shaft when they're customizable: lousy faces, hair, clothes, etc. If I'm going to be looking at a character for a long time, I at least want them to look interesting.

Also sometimes when the choice of male or female offers different base stats, I usaully chose female since 7 times out of 10 they're faster/more mobile.

Then again sometimes the female offerings are just as bad or tacky. Yes everyone finds the fact that a female's armor/clothing is simply a metal "Princess Leia" bikini funny the first time, but not every single piece of it in every game needs to be revealing, or for them all to be frumpish. Moderation folks!
If I'm going to be staring at a character for 8-10 hours, I'd rather look at a woman than some burly musclebound dude if I have a choice.
I wish Gears of War had the choice of being a woman.

Though, with the way the men looked, she would've probably looked like Chyna. :shock:
[quote name='sandrokstar']not usually, because for some reason their armor or features suffer from aesthetic deficiency or disproportionality (boobs > :booty:[/quote]

My thoughts exactly. I'm a girl, and it really irritates me when the female characters are all whiny little pussies. (Some of them, I'd understand, but if all of them are? no thanks)

Personally though, I usually don't mind whether the protagonist is male or female, so long as they're a badass/cool/have other-redeeming-qualities.
I always pick chick if possible, i don't wanna stare at some dude's ass all day.

[quote name='AshesofWake']all the time, chicka chicka bow wow[/QUOTE]

Where the eff did this come from? My nephew says it all the time whenever he comes over and its annoying.

[quote name='tiredfornow']I wish I was a girl sometimes, so yeah, I always play as a female character.[/QUOTE]

So you can use your finger? :p
[quote name='gokou36']
Where the eff did this come from? My nephew says it all the time whenever he comes over and its annoying.

Re: chicka chicka bow bow

Stupid AXE or something commercial, shoutback to 70s pron music
I love the Tomb Raider games. When I have the choice though, I usually pick a male character. If I play through the game again though I will usually pick the female, just to make it a tad different.

[quote name='chakan']Re: chicka chicka bow bow

Stupid AXE or something commercial, shoutback to 70s pron music[/quote]Exactly, except its actually Bow Chicka Wow Wow in the commercial ;)
[quote name='GF_Eric']If I'm going to be staring at a character for 8-10 hours, I'd rather look at a woman than some burly musclebound dude if I have a choice.[/quote]

I agree completely. Of course it depends on the game and if all other stats are equal.
[quote name='chakan']Re: chicka chicka bow bow

Stupid AXE or something commercial, shoutback to 70s pron music[/quote]Exactly, except its actually Bow Chicka Wow Wow in the commercial ;)
I don't mind playing as a girl in a game that has a girl main character, but I usually won't choose a girl either when creating a character or choosing one like in a fighting game.
2 of my 3 main WoW characters were female. The sexiest Troll Priestess you ever saw and a Belf Priestess after the expansion hit and I got sick of the endgame grind. Plus Priests in WoW inevitably wind up wearing dresses so I figured I should be a chick. It didn't necessarily make finding groups easier but I think I got bitched at less when I would occasionally screw up. In single player games, I usually play as a dude.
I don't really understand the man-parts vs. woman-parts argument. I mean, if video game chicks do something for you, whatever. I'm just hoping you have better reasons for picking women characters.
I pick 'em cause its unexpected.

Like, the other day I was playing RS: Vegas with a friend... I hadn't said anything and out of the blue he gets really close to me and says ''WHY THE fuck ARE YOU A GIRL, THATS fuckING GAY!''

It was good for laughs, which is why I pick the female in multiplayer games usually. My deep voice throws people the fuck off when playing Rock Band/Vegas or somethin'.
Hehe. I can't wait till I join a clan with my female char in Tabula Rasa.

"... wait, you're a dude IRL?!"
*Matrik Somerstar has been removed from the clan
[quote name='GF_Eric']If I'm going to be staring at a character for 8-10 hours, I'd rather look at a woman than some burly musclebound dude if I have a choice.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. I almost always use female characters. I'd say about 95% of the time I prefer the female character. If anyone has played any games with me online they probably noticed this. Also people may have noticed I even take it so far as to always use female avatars on forums.

I have to have everything look attractive to my eye. And guys don't do that for me.
This is actually a good question. I usually play a male character. The only exception was Diablo when I played the Archer (who was a chick). I just like the idea of ranged weapons..thats all.
[quote name='Silent Assassin120']I like fucking chicks....[/quote]

I can tell from your not at all homoerotic sig.

BTW - lol at all the "I pick girls - BUT ONLY BECAUSE I LIKE STARING AT THEIR BREASTESES" responses.
In games where you make your character I always pick a female. Thankfully, the character models have gotten better over the years, although a lot are still pretty butch. Even in some of the fantasy, D&D type games, which surprizes me.

One of the funniest experiences I had was with either the first or second Delta Force. At work after hours we'd play on the network. I had a female character model, and about 40% of the time I'd be a sniper. My coworkers would bust out laughing everytime she'd answer "this is longbow" because the voice didn't exactly match. It was definately a mans voice and someone even came up to my office to tell me, "Gwen, you sound more like James Earl Jones everytime we play." :lol:

For games where there are different stories or walkthroughs for different characters (fighting or RE gamess) I play through with each character.

[quote name='mrelusive']Got to love Epic's new roided-human artstyle.[/quote]I love that even warriors' armor still has to show skin, or she's not an acceptable female character model. :roll:
[quote name='tiredfornow']I wish I was a girl sometimes, so yeah, I always play as a female character.[/QUOTE]


I was really ticked off that in Rock Band, I can't switch the gender of my character. After I grew tired of my Sebastian Bach clone character which I barely spent any $$$ customizing, I wanted to switch to a girl and make her really cute like some of the premade female characters in quickplay mode are. But I can't do that without playing the career mode all over again :(
[quote name='guinaevere'] I love that even warriors' armor still has to show skin, or she's not an acceptable female character model. :roll:[/quote]
I don't know what you're talking about!


No skin here! :lol:
[quote name='guinaevere']I love that even warriors' armor still has to show skin, or she's not an acceptable female character model. :roll:[/quote]

To be fair, without the body cues there wouldn't be alot to indicate that it's female. :D
[quote name='camoor']To be fair, without the body cues there wouldn't be alot to indicate that it's female. :D[/quote]

Except hair, face, voice, sexy walk. lol. I think in unreal the skin is a little bit too much. I dont see slots cut out so i can see the mens ass or balls hanging out.
Depends on the game's models and the attitudes of the characters.

Though, I think a male character has much more "badass" potential than a female.

That just reminded me. Some people seem to have a real problem playing as a female character. Happens to me in Guild Wars every so often. I'll join a PvP team, get on Vent and people will be like, wtf u r guy!? Why u has female char!?!?!?

And I always have my standby argument of, if I'm going to be looking at a character's ass for 2+ hours, it better at least look good.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Except hair, face, voice, sexy walk. lol. I think in unreal the skin is a little bit too much.[/quote]

Are we looking at the same picture?
since I am a girl, yes, i pick a girl whenever one is available (that doesn't suck of course). The only time I really find myself playing as a girl is in fighting games (tekken 5, soul calibur II). Oh yeah and Halo 3...

I'm also a woman in Mass Effect and L'iara wants to do me. We're this | | close to taking it to the next level. :)
[quote name='mrelusive']I don't know what you're talking about!

No skin here! :lol:[/quote]Exactly my point. Of all the areas to leave unprotected, her chest is completely armor free. Darn it, I'm going to go into the heat of battle, but I have to show off my cleavage and my figure? That's just so retarded.

If the game developers HAVE to have some gratuitous content in the game, let the fighters all be realistically suited and throw in some cut scene with some bimbos in the background. I'd respect them in the morning for that.

In the same theme, some game I played about two or three months ago, I totally forget the name. One of the guys' outfit was just as stupid looking for the opposite reason. The hips in his pants were basically cut out and he looked completely idiotic.
I play as a dude...cuz I'm a dude. I guess I'm just not that creative.

I'm not so weird that looking at a male character while playing bothers me.
Yeah, I usually play as a female character when given the choice. If I'm going to be staring at a screen for a couple hours playing a game, I'd like to have the constant grunting, unfing and ahhing that happens in games to be female sounding.

I demand sexy death screams!

I also prefer looking at the female characters. Playing as a male character doesn't bother me, but if I can stare at something nicer, I don't see any reason to not take that option.
bread's done