Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

[quote name='blindinglights']It's because nobody likes to talk about the amount of empty handed trips it takes to find something good.

For example, I go to Good Will five days a week in the morning and in the afternoon (it's 2 blocks down from where I work) and I probably find 1-2 things a week. When I say 1-2 things, I mean in general not video games even though that is what I primarily look for along with other various electronics. Of course I could just become more familiar with other valuable items and resell stuff to make it more worth it, but I pretty much just do it to find things for myself.

It's a game of patience, but every now and then a $2 pristine copy of Einhänder tucked between Britney Spears' debut album and a long forgotten Gin Blossoms CD makes it worth it. :D[/QUOTE]
I think it's more about your location. I go thifting maybe 2-3 times a week, and to the flea market once every week or every other week and I nearly never walk away empty handed. But my goodwill picks up stuff from a really rich area north of town, so we get all their old stuff that they don't care to check the value of.
^^^ it's totally about location. I hate when people insist that someone just "isn't looking hard enough". There isn't always the option of looking hard enough.

We used to have an awesome weekly bizarre here, but it shut down a couple I years ago and there really aren't any other flea markets around (this one was so big, that I don't think there was any competition, and nothing has sprung up in its place).

Also, our Goodwill and Salvation Army stores have dick.

And, Cleveland is a big video game town. Considering we have 6 months of winter, playing games is something a lot of folks do. As a result, it's hard to find someoe selling a box of CIB SNES games that their kid left behind 10 years ago. These people just tend to know what they've got and what it's worth. Deals are to be had, but they are few and far between.

The saving grace is a shit ton of retro game stores that have fair market value prices. So even though finding earthbound for 10 bucks ain't gonna happen, I can quite often just walk into a shop and buy it off a shelf.
[quote name='Vinny']I've been in the process of re-arranging my stuff too and I'm struggling to make things fit. I might have to settle for storing my stuff in boxes for a while.

Maybe I'm the only one, but do those threads always make me shake my head as to how others can find good deals while all I can find is "original Xbox with 10 sports games for $300". I stopped by numerous pawn shops, yard sales, check Craigslists and what have you over years and never found anything good. And I don't just mean that I never see any good deals, but I never see any good games... just junk or common fodder (overpriced, of course).[/QUOTE]

There is a Goodwill that is about 20 minutes from my house where they never have anything good.....never.

They JUST opened up a Salvation Army store in my town, so I went to check it out...

Go to the electronics.....holy NES....$50...damn.....PSX....$80....damn....Genessis with some sports games and an extra controller....$100!!!!

WTF, I hope no one buys that crap because then those will be acceptable prices.
[quote name='aptanor']I think it's more about your location. I go thifting maybe 2-3 times a week, and to the flea market once every week or every other week and I nearly never walk away empty handed. But my goodwill picks up stuff from a really rich area north of town, so we get all their old stuff that they don't care to check the value of.[/QUOTE]

hopefully you grabbed the Gin blossoms cd as well as my favorite side-scrolling shooter of all time (ie: einhander) :whistle2:D
[quote name='Monoxide1986']I have a computer degree as well (Bachelor Degree), and I've worked at the same place since graduating in 2008. Not a week goes by where I wish I could find something better (over-worked, under-staffed). Only saving grace is that it kind-of pays decent (a stretch at times compared to what other companies in the area are paying). I've tried getting a job elsewhere, but it seems like since the economic collapse in 2008 (shortly after I got hired) companies got tight on the resources they put into IT. Combine that with all the IT grads coming out after being assured that computers/IT was the way to go and there is a bottle neck on grads getting real jobs.

Though, I love all the commercials on the radio advertising to get a job in IT because it's soooo in demand...

Hope you find something eventually though.[/QUOTE]

Are you serious? I got a computer degree and don't even use it. I'm a Business Analyst and work mostly with the financial markets in the NYC area. Granted I'm a consultant and get laid off every 2 years on average, but I always manage to find a job and still make the same hourly pay or more. In fact I'm getting laid off here end of the month, but I've got 2 job interviews lined up next week.

Most of my colleagues here have it degrees.

anyways I digress.

We need more photos so I can get more motivation to build some type of mega huge cabinet for my gaming addiction.
Just because I'm partially responsible for derailing the thread (mentioning I had to pay for education instead of games) I will post my limited collection at 2 when I get home just to get some pics in the thread.
Talk of pics =/= pics. I call shenanigans.

And just so I'm not contributing to the problem, pic of the "dark side" of my collection (ironically stored in a very light room unlike the rest of my collection). AKA the boneyard, AKA project limbo, AKA extra fucking crap that I don't need.

[quote name='wiggyx']Talk of pics =/= pics. I call shenanigans.

And just so I'm not contributing to the problem, pic of the "dark side" of my collection (ironically stored in a very light room unlike the rest of my collection). AKA the boneyard, AKA project limbo, AKA extra fucking crap that I don't need.


Ill take one of those dreamcasts off your hands :) nice 360s, I had 4 extra laying around in 2006. Worked at a game store, red rings that people couldn't trade in they'd leave, or give to me. Then MS changed the warranty to 3 years, got them all fixed and sold 3 of them :)
Only one of those DCs has gutty-wuts, the rest are just shells and I think I need a controller port for the one with guts...

(turns around, grabs DC)

Yup, no working controller port :(

I think I've got 3 of the those Xboxes working just fine, but for some reason I just haven't gotten around to unloading them.
[quote name='wiggyx']Only one of those DCs has gutty-wuts, the rest are just shells and I think I need a controller port for the one with guts...

(turns around, grabs DC)

Yup, no working controller port :(

I think I've got 3 of the those Xboxes working just fine, but for some reason I just haven't gotten around to unloading them.[/QUOTE]

Well I'm not looking for a working one, just a shell. Can't find any colored ones anywhere online anymore :(
[quote name='kayne2000']i didn't even think it was still your real head[/QUOTE]


Just let that marinate a bit. Yeah, you can't unsee that one, can you?

[quote name='aTaRiFrEaK223']Well I'm not looking for a working one, just a shell. Can't find any colored ones anywhere online anymore :([/QUOTE]

These are all painted shells from one time or another when I was WAY more into that sort of thing. None have stood the test of time very well.


The white Sonic system I became bored with almost instantly. It's a 3D cutout of Sonic that I made with layers of plexi and was just starting to layup with body filler.

The orange one is meh. From like 2000 when I was cutting these silly intricate stencils by hand. It pains me to look at it. The paint has held up pretty well though.

The solver/gold Sonic system was actually pretty decent, even by my current standards. I really liked the colors on that one. But I used cheap clear and it's cracking like crazy (as you can prolly see).

I was lucky enough to grab a Sega brand yellow shell when they came out back in foever ago. SoOOOoo happy I did since finding them is a total impossibility at this point. I still have a DC in an aftermarket green shell that I'm just looking to trade for something equally quirky ;)

edit: Oh wow! I see that there are quite a few colored shells on ebay now going for a pretty nice chunk o' change. I had like 10 back when they closed them out and I think I paid about 10 a pop. I think most of them ended up being given away to friends. Oh well, I hope they're all enjoying them :)
my friend i've been on the internet since the days of aol 3.0 chatrooms. and this is what truly depresses me is that that photo depresses me far less than the fact ive been on the internet that long. quite frankly i wished such a photo could scare me at this point.

that said why do you know how to find that photo? that one of your stock photos you keep for lonely nights???

that said cool dreamcasts you got there.
I guess my post was too naughty? Sorry to the powers that be :(

Why? Because it's a photoshop of myself form like 10 years ago that I did for some totally unknown reason at this point. It's been in my photobucket for almost as long :p

I'm pretty sure there was someone here that has like 10 PS3s and 10 360s. I'm pretty sure it was ZXT since he keeps having lowballs to import something special edition console or another.:lol:
Why do my posts keep going poof? :( I promise I won't post any more moobs.

This little guy gets a home on the shelf today :)

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[quote name='wiggyx']Why do my posts keep going poof? :( I promise I won't post any more moobs.

This little guy gets a home on the shelf today :)


You'll have to tell me how it is. I'm considering getting one myself.
I promised pictures of my highly UNIMPRESSIVE collection. As I said a few posts back I used to have A LOT. As of early November I actually had NOTHING but a few things I couldn't sell....

So this basically my collection since November.....I'm not a little kid, or poor, just using my funds for other purposes.


Most of this is Black Friday at Walmart....


Past Rage its Red Faction, Resident Evil 5 and Spec Ops: The Line.


Anybody want to give me a SW: FU2 case? lmao.


Started my collection again from scratch the day I bought this...

I also have a lot of OG Xbox games but I'm in the process of selling them to afford college books. Also have other miscellaneous older gen games sitting around, not a lot of note, and no consoles to play them on. :whistle2:(
[quote name='wiggyx']Why do my posts keep going poof? :( I promise I won't post any more moobs.

This little guy gets a home on the shelf today :)


What's the actual cartridge contacts like? I bought a used English modded Terranigma that was made by the same company and the contacts look really worn out... I don't know if that's because it's used (the item looks new) or if that's how they always are. It works fine though and I'm saving up my pennies to get Bahamut Lagoon.

[quote name='gpgorbosjr']
I also have a lot of OG Xbox games but I'm in the process of selling them to afford college books. Also have other miscellaneous older gen games sitting around, not a lot of note, and no consoles to play them on. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

I hate seeing this... people selling games to buy books. It's such a ridiculous scam. And it's only going to get worse when it goes full digital since then, you won't be able to sell your copy. Of course, people always figure out ways to get around DRM.
i agree. college textbooks man....freakin rip off and a half. but i suppose it is what it is. i also can't count the number of times i get a textbook for class then never use it except maybe once 8 weeks into the semester if even that often.
[quote name='wiggyx']Why do my posts keep going poof? :( I promise I won't post any more moobs.

This little guy gets a home on the shelf today :)


Professional photo. Holy crap!
Is that cart painted? What kind of paint did ya use, and how'd you do it? Paint it before you sent it in? What company!?

^--- I don't know if were allowed to talk about this on CAG, kind of a grey area so probably not.

@Vinny, I always laugh at this story, Sony was beat by a sharpie, always a way!
[quote name='skiizim']^--- I don't know if were allowed to talk about this on CAG, kind of a grey area so probably not.

@Vinny, I always laugh at this story, Sony was beat by a sharpie, always a way![/QUOTE]

About reproductions? Why not?
As I mentioned before, I ordered one of these bad boys:

It is waiting for me at Walmart right now and I'm going to pick it up in an hour or so (or tomorrow morning). Although I'll have to take down my wall shelves, I'm excited about having more shelving for my games, but I'm not quite sure how I want to organize them. Basically, I'm torn between two options: I don't know if I should maintain my current method of going left to right with games from one system flowing into another...or if I should dedicate one column to Nintendo, one to Microsoft, and one to Sony. I feel like the latter might look better and it will be easier to keep organized, but I'd have to figure out how I want to place my Atari and Sega games. Hmm, I guess I'll just figure out what I want to do once the shelves are actually set up.

And of course, I will take before and after pictures for you filthy savages because I know anything else would be unforgivable.

[quote name='Vinny']I hate seeing this... people selling games to buy books. It's such a ridiculous scam. And it's only going to get worse when it goes full digital since then, you won't be able to sell your copy. Of course, people always figure out ways to get around DRM.[/QUOTE]
This is why I always bought older editions in college. Most of these textbooks have a new edition every year, so I would just get one from the previous year (or even a few years prior) and they were always almost exactly the same. Same info, same questions, same version would just have some different pictures, a new foreword, or maybe an extra chapter or glossary page. I bought every single one of them for less than $5 apiece (including shipping) on Amazon and saved myself thousands of dollars. The ONLY book that gave me any trouble was Introduction To Telecommunications because it wasn't as widely used and the previous edition was nine years old. But even then, it had almost all of the same information; it had just been rearranged.
Isn't it sorta demented how much excitement we get from just talking about shelving our games? Then of course there's the act of doing so, which is like most satisfying thing I get from my games :D

We are a sick people.

[quote name='Vinny']What's the actual cartridge contacts like? I bought a used English modded Terranigma that was made by the same company and the contacts look really worn out... I don't know if that's because it's used (the item looks new) or if that's how they always are. It works fine though and I'm saving up my pennies to get Bahamut Lagoon.

I hate seeing this... people selling games to buy books. It's such a ridiculous scam. And it's only going to get worse when it goes full digital since then, you won't be able to sell your copy. Of course, people always figure out ways to get around DRM.[/QUOTE]

Since repros are all dependent upon donor carts, the condition will vary :/

[quote name='AugustAPC']Professional photo. Holy crap!
Is that cart painted? What kind of paint did ya use, and how'd you do it? Paint it before you sent it in? What company!?


Click my sig ;)

[quote name='AugustAPC']About reproductions? Why not?[/QUOTE]

They're sorta legal gray area. Some places rather not deal with the potential issues with repros (though it seems like none of the big game companies care, most likely because there's really no financial loss for them).
[quote name='gpgorbosjr']I also have a lot of OG Xbox games but I'm in the process of selling them to afford college books. Also have other miscellaneous older gen games sitting around, not a lot of note, and no consoles to play them on. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

Save the games dude.

Unless your major is bleeding edge computer technology stuff or something that absolutely NEEDS the latest version, buy a previous edition of the text book. You'll have to do a little leg work by letting your professor know that you need to cross reference assigned homework to make sure you're doing the right problems (most science/math textbooks don't change very much from one revision to the next, they might add a couple problems or sections, but generally speaking they pretty much just re-order the problems and call it a new book). Spending over $15 for a textbook is for suckers.

Edit: ZombieToast beat me to it.
there is also the option of renting textbooks now or finding digital PDF versions of the textbooks also to help.

my advice is go to the school book store to look at the text books you need. write them down and the prices of new, used, and rent(if its an option) then compare online. i say this because strangely enough a couple of times the school book store was the cheapest route because every now and then if the teacher hasnt gone to the newest edition the old one goes out of print and might skyrocket in price. doesnt happen often but it has happened to me a couple of times.
Slowdive21's ways to approach college (post #2)

1) Go to lectures
2) Don't buy the book unless it is essential
3) If you need the book, split it with a cute girl in your class (gives an excuse to study together and saves money)
4) Keep games
5) Thank slowdive21

Another option is buying from someone who just took the class. Back in the day we had posting areas on campus and I would buy/sell my books locally. This was before the interweb had trade ins.

Cool Story Bros:
My college actually had 2 bookstores: One that was owned by the university and one that was independent. As you know (just like game trade ins) the price drops as they acquire more copies and eventually the bookstores stop taking them. People used to leave their 'worthless' books in crates to be recycled (as they were in a hurry to get out of town and back home). I would raid the crates, walk to the other independent bookstore (about 1/4 mile) and see if they were still taking the books. I only did it once (my final semester), but I made $180 on junk books and I even kept a couple of the marketing books for myself. :cool:
[quote name='wiggyx']They're sorta legal gray area. Some places rather not deal with the potential issues with repros (though it seems like none of the big game companies care, most likely because there's really no financial loss for them).[/QUOTE]

I don't think they're in a gray area. Just like watching fansubbed anime that isn't licensed in your region isn't a gray area. Not that I personally care, I'm just saying.

[quote name='slowdive21']
1) Go to lectures
2) Don't buy the book unless it is essential
3) If you need the book, split it with a cute girl in your class (gives an excuse to study together and saves money)
4) Keep games
5) Thank slowdive21[/QUOTE]

5) Find out girl parties all the time, and you can't reach her ever since she took the book one time to study for a test.
6) Kill slowdive21.
[quote name='slowdive21']Slowdive21's Wiggy's way to approach college

1) Go to lectures
2) Don't buy the book unless it is essential
3) If you need the book, split it with a cute girl in your class (gives an excuse to study together and saves money)
4) Keep games
5) Thank slowdive21


This pretty much got me through college, although it was design school, so I didn't have tons of heavy reading to do :p
[quote name='ZombieToast']As I mentioned before, I ordered one of these bad boys:

It is waiting for me at Walmart right now and I'm going to pick it up in an hour or so (or tomorrow morning). Although I'll have to take down my wall shelves, I'm excited about having more shelving for my games, but I'm not quite sure how I want to organize them. Basically, I'm torn between two options: I don't know if I should maintain my current method of going left to right with games from one system flowing into another...or if I should dedicate one column to Nintendo, one to Microsoft, and one to Sony. I feel like the latter might look better and it will be easier to keep organized, but I'd have to figure out how I want to place my Atari and Sega games. Hmm, I guess I'll just figure out what I want to do once the shelves are actually set up.

And of course, I will take before and after pictures for you filthy savages because I know anything else would be unforgivable.

I've heard Atlantic shelves are gone down in quality so I look forward to hearing your impressions. Atlantic's shelves always had a solid reputation in the past but it seems like that's not the case anymore... especially because they use the same names but inferior quality material.
[quote name='Vinny']I've heard Atlantic shelves are gone down in quality so I look forward to hearing your impressions. Atlantic's shelves always had a solid reputation in the past but it seems like that's not the case anymore... especially because they use the same names but inferior quality material.[/QUOTE]

The new 1080s have definitely gone considerably down in quality. Thinner material used for each shelf, outer frame is also flimsier, and depth of all pieces seem to be less too so items are more prone to stick out.
[quote name='elessar123']I don't think they're in a gray area. Just like watching fansubbed anime that isn't licensed in your region isn't a gray area. Not that I personally care, I'm just saying.

5) Find out girl parties all the time, and you can't reach her ever since she took the book one time to study for a test.
6) Kill slowdive21.[/QUOTE]

this is a more accurate summary. never ever rely on others in college to do anything for you. also i just want to say i hate group projects with a passion.
We haven't had any collection pics in this thread in what feels like forever and I reorganized and condensed my collection onto one shelf so I figured I'd takes some pics and keep us back on track. I'm still in highschool so cut my collection some slack and sell me your college text books on the cheap. ;)
Pretty much the whole thing on one general purpose shelf from target




Now please follow my example and post your cool collection pics
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Everytime I see people post pics, I want to do the same. But.. I am...

1. Too lazy (or busy with kids) to clean up and make it look nice
3. Too lazy....

I don't want to get ridiculed like the guy with the nasty looking door handle did (though my house isn't nearly that dirty... just dirty from a 4 & 6 year old and me having to work 60 hr weeks..)

Hypothetically speaking though.. if I did take pics, how do you go about posting them in thread? Just link through a photo shack account or something?

Thanks for pics though.
[quote name='elessar123']I don't think they're in a gray area. Just like watching fansubbed anime that isn't licensed in your region isn't a gray area. Not that I personally care, I'm just saying.

5) Find out girl parties all the time, and you can't reach her ever since she took the book one time to study for a test.
6) Kill slowdive21.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='kayne2000']this is a more accurate summary. never ever rely on others in college to do anything for you. also i just want to say i hate group projects with a passion.[/QUOTE]

You guys are doing it wrong. I had her read to me to study for our finals. (no joke) :cool:
[quote name='Monoxide1986']Everytime I see people post pics, I want to do the same. But.. I am...

1. Too lazy (or busy with kids) to clean up and make it look nice
3. Too lazy....

I don't want to get ridiculed like the guy with the nasty looking door handle did (though my house isn't nearly that dirty... just dirty from a 4 & 6 year old and me having to work 60 hr weeks..)

Hypothetically speaking though.. if I did take pics, how do you go about posting them in thread? Just link through a photo shack account or something?

Thanks for pics though.[/QUOTE]
I use pic what you want to upload, resize for forum, let it upload, then copy the link it gives you for posting in a forum. Couldnt be simpler
Alright, giving this a shot. Sorry if the pictures are enormous. I put them in Spoiler Tags so that it doesn't take over the whole page.

Entertainment Center with Consoles. It's kind of a mess with cables and dust, but someday I'll get it cleaned up and looking nice...

Stand next to Entertainment Center (Media Center, Gears 360, and other decorative stuff.

Close up of Statues and stuff (the green stuff in the jar is catnip... not the other stuff...before anyone says anything :lol:)

I will post collection pictures in the next post...Wanna see how these turn out first.
Collection Pictures:

PS3 games on Console Stand:

PS3 Games on Shelf (with some kids movies/anime stuff)

Xbox 360 Games

Xbox 360 Games + Wii + Wii U

Gamecube Games

PS2 Games

PS1 Games

3DS + PSP + a few handhelds

Xbox 1 Games

This doesn't include PS2 games I don't have cases for and all of my retro stuff (NES, SNES, Genesis, etc...)

Hope this satisfies peoples urge to look at others collections...

Again.. please disregard any messes or dust or etc... I work a ton and have two kids that keep me very busy. This makes me wonder where I even fit in time for games....
As of right now I'm not buying any books....but I might need to.

And you can't trust college girls. For being so smart they are at the same time dumb as hell.


Going to post my Xbox games soon....well what I have left....just to get some pics again...and sadly the same pics will probably go on craigslist/ebay.
I keep thinking about taking pictures of my stuff, but I know that in a couple months one of my roommate's is moving out and my wife told me I could use the spare room as a gaming room, so I'm just kind of waiting on that. I currently have a lot of stuff boxed up in my closet that wouldn't end up in the pictures anyways.

Also Monoxide, it's killing me that your games aren't alphabetized.
[quote name='Macheezmo']I keep thinking about taking pictures of my stuff, but I know that in a couple months one of my roommate's is moving out and my wife told me I could use the spare room as a gaming room, so I'm just kind of waiting on that. I currently have a lot of stuff boxed up in my closet that wouldn't end up in the pictures anyways.

Also Monoxide, it's killing me that your games aren't alphabetized.[/QUOTE]

What messes with me is the fact that he keeps series in order (Fable, Gears, AC, etc.) but not the actual whole collection.
bread's done