Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

[quote name='mrspicytacoman']they sell for more like 80 bucks

or was it an anniversary edition?[/QUOTE]

Ah, you're right. I was thinking that it was the Anniversary Edition for some reason. Still, turning $5 into $80 is pretty nice.:)

[quote name='Gameboy415']I decided to take a few pics of some new additions to my gaming setup/collection.

Have you posted your collection before? I think I remember being blown away by it a while back... but I'm not entire sure. Very nice, either way.:applause:

I kinda wanna see your handle collection of games. I'm surprised that they're not out in shelves, all nicely displayed like everything else.
[quote name='Vinny']
Have you posted your collection before? I think I remember being blown away by it a while back... but I'm not entire sure. Very nice, either way.:applause:

I kinda wanna see your handle collection of games. I'm surprised that they're not out in shelves, all nicely displayed like everything else.[/QUOTE]

I may have posted it about a year or so ago......I can't remember.
Lots of stuff is new/newly displayed though.

I want to display my handheld games but I'm not sure how/don't have the space yet.

I'm hoping to get an extra media shelf for my living room (by the 3DTV) so I can move all my PS3/360 Games, Blu-Rays, and DVDs out there. I actually have 2 (MUCH smaller) racks full of DVDs in the closet in my game room, so I'm thinking of moving my DS stuff into there after I move the DVDs.
Won't be for a looooooooong while though - gotta save up to pay my stupid property tax pretty soon. :(
At Gameboy415

The hinges for my shelf holds my USB cables for my phone and PS3 controllers.

Desktop, External HD, Blue Snowball Mic, Camcorder, and Mac laptop

PS3, MW3 Xbox 360, HD PVR

N64, Verizon FiOS DVR, Printer

Game collection

Movie Collection (the ones I watch somewhat often, the rest are in a box in my closet)
Second part of my movie collection
[quote name='Gameboy415']I may have posted it about a year or so ago......I can't remember.
Lots of stuff is new/newly displayed though.

I want to display my handheld games but I'm not sure how/don't have the space yet.

I'm hoping to get an extra media shelf for my living room (by the 3DTV) so I can move all my PS3/360 Games, Blu-Rays, and DVDs out there. I actually have 2 (MUCH smaller) racks full of DVDs in the closet in my game room, so I'm thinking of moving my DS stuff into there after I move the DVDs.
Won't be for a looooooooong while though - gotta save up to pay my stupid property tax pretty soon. :([/QUOTE]

I might be able to help you with that property tax when you want to start getting rid of your doubles, send me a PM.:D
This thread has me so conflicted, add to my huge backlog of games, or try and add to my collection? Off to do work on that back log while I ponder it.
[quote name='OrangeArmy']Obiwan, Ferris and Gameboy - all great collections! Gameboy, can't wait to see your handheld stuff too[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I was home with a cold all weekend so I actually got around to photographing my handheld stuff. :)

Misc Handheld systems:

-Tiger Game.Com
-Atari Lynx
-WonderSwan Color (JP)
-Neo Geo Pocket Color
-Sony PSP-1000
-Tiger R-Zone XPG
-Sony PSP-2000 - Limited Edition Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children edition
I don't have too many games of interest for these handhelds and I posted my PSP games earlier.
I also have a Game Gear with several games in a carrying case tucked away somewhere, but I didn't feel like searching for it today.

Misc Nintendo Handhelds & Games:

-Donkey Kong Watch
-Super Mario Bros. Watch
-Pokemon Pikachu virtual pet
-Pokemon Pikachu 2 virtual pet
-Game & Watch: Mario's Cement Factory
-Pokemon Mini handheld & games

Game Boy collection:

-Game Boy
-Game Boy "Play it Loud" edition - Green
-Game Boy Pocket - Silver
-Game Boy Pocket - original Game Boy colors (JP)
-Game Boy Pocket - Famitsu Limited Edition (JP)
-Game Boy Pocket - Hello Kitty Limited Edition (JP)
-Game Boy Light - Gold (JP)
-Game Boy Color - Purple
-Game Boy Color - Pokemon Limited Edition
-Game Boy Advance - Glacier
-Game Boy Advance SP - Silver
-Game Boy Advance SP2 - Black
-Game Boy Advance SP2 - Black
-Game Boy Micro - Silver


-Game Boy Micro - Black (JP)
-Game Boy Micro - Final Fantasy IV Limited Edition (JP)
-Game Boy Micro - Pokemon Center Limited Edition (JP)

Game Boy games:

I have the boxes/manuals for some of these games.

Game Boy (JP) games:

I have the boxes/manuals for almost all of these games.

Game Boy/Game Boy Color games:

I have the boxes/manuals for most of these games.

Game Boy Color games:

I have the boxes/manuals for almost all of these games.

Game Boy Color (JP) games:

I have the boxes/manuals for all of these games.
The "Mobile Golf" game at the bottom left is by the same devs that made Mario Golf and it actually came with an adapter that allowed players to connect a GBC to a mobile phone and upload scores and unlock new characters!

Game Boy Advance games:

I have the boxes/manuals for all but 2 of these games (DKC2 and G&W Gallery 4).
-Classic NES series & GBA Video:

I have the boxes/manuals for all of them.
-Capcom, Square-Enix, & Konami:
-SEGA, Sammy, & RARE:
-Misc GBA Games:
-Japanese Games:
-Bit Generations Series:

DS Collection:

-Nintendo DS (with Children of Mana decal/scratch guard)
-Nintendo DSLite (GH version)
-Nintendo DSi (with Dragon Quest IX hard case)
-Nintendo DSiLL (Japanese version of DSiXL)
-Nintendo DSiXL
-Nintendo 3DS

DS Games:


Well, that's just about everything!
I think I have a few more GBA games tucked away somewhere (I know I have the first Klonoa game, for example) and I have a handful of games for Lynx, Game Gear, etc. so I might post them another time.
Damn, that's a lot of portables... I remember when my dad was buying me my first system, it was either the well known Game Boy (we were a Nintendo family) or an Atari Lynx (color screen on a portable? wow!). It had to be a portable because we only had 1 TV back then. Thank god I didn't get a Lynx.

BTW, Gameboy415, you could easily store your handheld games in a binder using those baseball card sleeves if they're just carts (no box/manual). I think it would actually look pretty nice. Something like these.
I don't have much but here it is....

All in one image



XBOX 360






Random stuff:









[quote name='Vinny']Damn, that's a lot of portables... I remember when my dad was buying me my first system, it was either the well known Game Boy (we were a Nintendo family) or an Atari Lynx (color screen on a portable? wow!). It had to be a portable because we only had 1 TV back then. Thank god I didn't get a Lynx.

BTW, Gameboy415, you could easily store your handheld games in a binder using those baseball card sleeves if they're just carts (no box/manual). I think it would actually look pretty nice. Something like these.[/QUOTE]

I had that very same idea a little while ago but it completely slipped my mind - thanks for the reminder! :D

I actually have Nyko "Deluxe Care Cases" for my GB/GBC games (hard plastic cases that hold 12 games each) but I've been looking for a better solution for loose GBA carts so I'll probably go the card sleeve/binder route.
These actually look like a good fit for GBA carts:
I keep saying Ill post my stuff, but then I dont becauss Im waiting for stuff in the mail. Hopefully by next weekend you'll be able to see my small, but very nice, game collection.
[quote name='slowdive21']I'm pretty sure I have a "Gameboy" branded plastic binder that holds GB games. I have pokmeon branded ones that hold cards, but the gameboy one has horizontal sheets.

EDIT: It looks like these. I think I have both of these too:[/QUOTE]

I'd love to see a pic of the Game Boy binder if you can find it!

I have a couple of those Pokemon binders myself but they're a bit too small for games.
[quote name='slowdive21']If it makes you feel better I saw 3 red ones at Target for 35.xx on clearance. I reported it in the Target thread and when I went back an hour later they were gone. That's when I decided I should buy first, think later when I am at retail stores. :cry:[/QUOTE]

Does not at all make me feel better :( I wasn't at all jealous or anything, just 'mirin' your awesome pickup. I'm actually quite happy that you found such a killer deal :D

And so I'm actually contributing to the topic itself...

The wife and I are saving moolah right now, so the game budget is tight. Not much new to show off, buuuuut I have been trying to find crafty ways to store and display what I already do have to help get my collecting fix. I've got about 1/2 of my handhelds boxed up at this point. They're sort of a pain in the ass, so I've been doing them slowly.




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Well the day after posting my collection I ended up doing a bit of a cleansing to make room, so, here's the state of my collection now.


As you can see I almost halved it. But I'm fine with that. Because as cool as the really big collections on here are, I just can't do that. I don't have the room, and I just don't want to have this room full of games I'm probably never going to touch again, at least on a good 75% of them. PLus it makes room for more games.


And I now have a PS3, so that's a pretty major addition to the collection.
[quote name='wiggyx']The wife and I are saving moolah right now, so the game budget is tight. Not much new to show off, buuuuut I have been trying to find crafty ways to store and display what I already do have to help get my collecting fix. I've got about 1/2 of my handhelds boxed up at this point. They're sort of a pain in the ass, so I've been doing them slowly.[/QUOTE]
Ha ha, those are pretty cool. Did you make those yourself or did you order them from somewhere?
[quote name='Espo']wiggyx you should make a guide on how to build those.[/QUOTE]

He's got a lot more stuff in the Old School section, you should see how much work he puts into each case. I don't care for custom cases and whatnot (probably because I don't have the talent), but even I appreciate his awesome work.
[quote name='wiggyx']Made em :)

I used 2 Universal Game Cases for each. Takes a bunch of work, but I think it was worth it in the end :D[/QUOTE]

Actually I thought you mentioned you mod consoles. I would like to see your work and maybe bounce some ideas off you. I am sitting on 10-12 NESes that want to be pretty.

gameboy: I will work on finding that binder. I just built 4 new shelves for inventory, so I think I shoved them somewhere in the mix.
[quote name='Espo']wiggyx you should make a guide on how to build those.[/QUOTE]

UGC phat how-to


[quote name='Vinny']He's got a lot more stuff in the Old School section, you should see how much work he puts into each case. I don't care for custom cases and whatnot (probably because I don't have the talent), but even I appreciate his awesome work.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! :D

[quote name='slowdive21']Actually I thought you mentioned you mod consoles. I would like to see your work and maybe bounce some ideas off you. I am sitting on 10-12 NESes that want to be pretty.

gameboy: I will work on finding that binder. I just built 4 new shelves for inventory, so I think I shoved them somewhere in the mix.[/QUOTE]

I do all sorts of weird gaming mods, for sure. I'm actually working on a production product that may interest the old fart gamers here. I'll post more on that as I move along with the project.

Anywho, shoot me a pm. We can chat about your many, many NES consoles :cool:
Gotta love Wiggy's stuff, he blows peoples minds over on lol. Also too hes helped me out on a few items, awesome to see you here on my other home away from home

I am trying to get everything of mine into some form of organization for photos, essentially I have enough stuff to fit 7 shelves but only have room for 3 lol.
[quote name='wiggyx']Made em :)

I used 2 Universal Game Cases for each. Takes a bunch of work, but I think it was worth it in the end :D[/QUOTE]
Yeah, definitely, they look great. I thought they looked like UGC's, but it's such a clean job that I thought you must've bought them that way. I unfortunately don't have the patience (or steady hands) for anything crafty like that.
Finally got everything set up. Now I just need to never buy another game again and I'll be fine...

Also I know I have VB and Wii games but neither system.. The VB games were from a lot and I know I'm never finding another complete Jack Bros again so I held on to it, and I had a Wii but my brother kept it when I moved, so I'm probably waiting for the WiiU unless I can find one dirt cheap.


I've got a bunch more posters and stuff I want to hang but they're a bit more difficult to replace, mostly posters from older games, so I want to get them framed instead of just tacking them up.


System/accessory boxes and whatnot.






Complete Genesis/Master System/Sega CD games. Have a few more and some 32X games but ran out of room :/


My extremely meager complete NES/SNES/N64/Saturn collection and DS/3DS/Wii. Found a place recently that has some CIBs they keep in the back and are the same or just over what the cart-onlys cost though, so I'll be checking back there more often now, though pretty much every box I find is destroyed... I kind of wonder if something about Florida kills boxes, the humidity or moisture in the air or something. Love the complete Wisdom Tree games.



Bunch of cart-only NES/SNES/N64 games, power pad and some other junk. The 2 big boxes under my desk are also full of NES carts. Need to find a bin or something to store them in :/



PS2 and Xbox games. Only recently found an Xbox, and as soon as I did the pawn shops and flea market got a huge pile of Xbox games :V


Projector, consoles and guides. Someone was giving the shelf away as it leaned a bit, but a dozen nails later it holds up fine. Sags a bit, but all my consoles (except Saturn) and guides fit on it perfectly.
Top to bottom: SNES, Non-TMSS Genesis with a Power Base Converter, Top loading NES, Gamecube, PS2, N64, Xbox, Dreamcast.
Also, the VCR is to route the RF switches for the older consoles through so I can plug them in to the projector through the VCR's AV out. They're all hooked up by a system selector to the projector.

I'm a sucker for figures in CEs. The Big Daddy it pretty fantastic. Inside the table is a bunch of board games and tabletop games, too.

My desk holds my PS1 and Dreamcast games on the CD rack, as well as all my handheld carts, complete ones are behind my laptop and cart only are in the small bin. Also, the light-up LASER IN USE sign is just too cool for words. It was $4 at Goodwill, and from the box it was in I think it was supposed to have been shipped to the hospital :S Had to splice a new power cord snagged from a broken clock in to it but it works perfectly.



Closeups of the games. Definitely proudest of the complete Jack Bros and Megaman Legends. The Spyros are from the CE but they didn't have the last game anymore :bomb:


Bunch of cart only Genesis games and controllers.

Projector in action.

Laser in action.
@Gameboy - Wow! So much hand held goodness! That boxed Lynx is ridiculous!

@WiggyX - I don't normally care for custom cases either, but yours look fantastic. The love you put in to it really shows.

@aptanor - another beautiful library I'd love to spend a weekend with. Your GC games are so black labely:shock: and no shovelware!!!

This thread has really bounced back after devolving into 10 pages of shelving discussions. I even love seeing the small collections. Hey all you lurkers - don't be shy. Pics. Now. Do it.
[quote name='aptanor']I've got a bunch more posters and stuff I want to hang but they're a bit more difficult to replace, mostly posters from older games, so I want to get them framed instead of just tacking them up.[/QUOTE]
You could also get protectors, which take up much less space and might even be a bit cheaper. They're like giant card protectors for you posters. I don't think they're super common, but you might have some luck if you check your local comic, hobby, and craft shops.
[quote name='Drclaw411']Aptanor, where'd you get that drawer for NES games? I have one for N64 and I'd love one to keep my NES games out of the dust.[/QUOTE]

It's a Nintendo branded drawer. I got one at a garage sale last year. The top shelf has room for 2 controllers and a zapper.
[quote name='ZombieToast']You could also get protectors, which take up much less space and might even be a bit cheaper. They're like giant card protectors for you posters. I don't think they're super common, but you might have some luck if you check your local comic, hobby, and craft shops.[/QUOTE]
Those look perfect. Probably going to order some, danke.
[quote name='Drclaw411']Aptanor, where'd you get that drawer for NES games? I have one for N64 and I'd love one to keep my NES games out of the dust.[/QUOTE]
Sowdive got it. Got mine at a Garage sale, too, full of games for $20 :V It's super sturdy, too.
[quote name='aptanor']Finally got everything set up. Now I just need to never buy another game again and I'll be fine...


very nice.. where did you get that playstation banner that u have on your wall?
[quote name='Madrocsz']Gotta love Wiggy's stuff, he blows peoples minds over on lol. Also too hes helped me out on a few items, awesome to see you here on my other home away from home

I am trying to get everything of mine into some form of organization for photos, essentially I have enough stuff to fit 7 shelves but only have room for 3 lol.[/QUOTE]

I like this forum a lot. The folks here are a chill bunch and rampant trolling isn't an issue. Low stress.

Isn't that often the case? But, at least it gives you a project and goal to work towards. Don't know about you, but I LOVE projects like that :)

[quote name='ZombieToast']Yeah, definitely, they look great. I thought they looked like UGC's, but it's such a clean job that I thought you must've bought them that way. I unfortunately don't have the patience (or steady hands) for anything crafty like that.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, sir. I REALLY enjoy making stuff. Honestly, I have spent very little time actually gaming lately and far more making stuff for my games LOL!

Here's what those cases are holding, in case anyone is interested.



[quote name='OrangeArmy']@Gameboy - Wow! So much hand held goodness! That boxed Lynx is ridiculous!

@WiggyX - I don't normally care for custom cases either, but yours look fantastic. The love you put in to it really shows.

@aptanor - another beautiful library I'd love to spend a weekend with. Your GC games are so black labely:shock: and no shovelware!!!

This thread has really bounced back after devolving into 10 pages of shelving discussions. I even love seeing the small collections. Hey all you lurkers - don't be shy. Pics. Now. Do it.[/QUOTE]

Thank you as well!

It's not something that I was ever interested in until I had to case some loose disc games that I had. Then I got WAY into the whole thing after finding this and the cover project sites. It's like an addiction for me at this point. In fact, I just hit 100 SNES covers completed today :D



Only about 15 more to go. Then it'll be time to go shopping again :cool:

[quote name='Drclaw411']Aptanor, where'd you get that drawer for NES games? I have one for N64 and I'd love one to keep my NES games out of the dust.[/QUOTE]

Those things are getting harder and harder to come by. I've got a few of the N64 drawers that I no longer use since I've been casing my carts, but I don't wanna give them up since I know they'll be hard to replace should I ever want to. Prolly have to just watch eBay and local shops/flea markets/etc. Good luck!

Here's the rest of the stuff as it sits right now. I find myself reorganizing a lot lately. I hate the oddball and varied depth, width, and height of these stupid built in shelves. I really wanna yank 'em this summer and put in something cleaner and simpler.



Those custom covers remind me of what video rental stores were like seeing as they had to put games in plastic and cartridges were so big. They used to just cut the box up and shove it in those clam shells, which always made me sad since I kept all my boxes brand new as a kid. I was so smart saving them in mint condition as a kid and then fucked it all up by throwing them away as a young adult. There just came a point where I didn't have room for them anymore and I'll always regret not making an effort to store them somehow.
wiggy that cases are you using for your handhelds? And are you printing on any special paper? I'd like to do this for my handhelds!
[quote name='Jodou']No tap? WHAT KIND OF BAR DO YOU RUN!?[/QUOTE]
lol well there's a fridge behind the bar. Was gonna build a kegerator with it, but I actually don't drink anymore. I use the room on the other side of the bar mostly, that has my drums, guitars, PA system and a big comfy couch.
bread's done