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  1. Gumby the Green

    What was the last concert/show you went to?

    vanilla ice/mc hammer it was all types of awesome
  2. Gumby the Green

    Japan tips

    oh say what? i am actually about two months away from moving to sendai, japan for two years. any of you guys been up that way and any pointers?
  3. Gumby the Green

    Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

    saw Taken and it was fan-freaking-tastic
  4. Gumby the Green

    Cheapest Price for Starship Troopers 3?

    seriously i am a huge fan of the first, ridiculously big fan, and while you should see it (the curiosity got the better of me) if your a fan, this movie should never, i repeat never be bought, it was so terrible. go buy the first one
  5. Gumby the Green

    GameStop Buy 2, Get 1 Free Used Games (10/17-10/24) + $500 in Gift Cards Giveaway!

    so there is a used dead space at a gamestop 50 miles from me, excellent news that they are all starting to trickle in. If i get amazingly lucky i would be able to get Dead Space Fable 2 Star Wars Force Unleashed
  6. Gumby the Green

    Fallout 3 or Left 4 Dead?

    since Left 4 dead is mainly multiplayer, why not get left 4 dead now and fallout later on. thats what i'm doing to give myself enough time to play through fable and all that jazz. and seeing as fallout is pure singleplayer i think it'll be ok to pick up later on
  7. Gumby the Green

    BING Cashback for Ebay - Currently 8% [Now 40 Uses]

    damn it where is the ebay link? i don't see the banner in anything i type in and search for (i know complete noob question please don't get out the torches, but pitchforks would be fine)
  8. Gumby the Green

    Gamestop Preorder Bonuses Thread - Updated 5/23 - UPDDATING

    oh man that kinda makes me sad, and yeah i was talking about the dead space book, i guess i didn't realize i didn't make a mention of it after editing it. yeah pretty much the only other game I'm kinda interested in but won't have time for it because of fallout and fable and was just looking to...
  9. Gumby the Green

    Reggie Fils-Aime Says the Hardcore is "Insatiable"

    yeah i mean lets be honest, i don't have as much time to game as i would like (damn you college) but there is no support for nintendo, and its sad. Yeah they released fun sequels to their 15+ year old franchises but where is the new stuff, and to me its fine that microsoft doesn't have an...
  10. Gumby the Green

    Gamestop Preorder Bonuses Thread - Updated 5/23 - UPDDATING

    EDIT: I'm a freaking idiot nevermind. but i still ask the guy that got the artbook did you just get the managers copy or what?
  11. Gumby the Green

    New Michael Moore Movie Slacker Uprising Free Download Out Now!

    free is free but how much is your time worth, i mean i'm not a right wing junkie but lets be honest he's kinda full of crap, his movies are always edited to make people look stupid, i'm surprised he hasn't started editing in scenes where he looks at the camera and starts giggling.
  12. Gumby the Green

    Heroes Volume 3: Villains

    seriously i was nervous after Nathan woke up (not trying to start a religious debate) but the 4400 went seriously wrong when that guy came back and became the "messiah" of the 4400, he even grew the Jesus beard, and then it just got lamer. But i am getting pretty excited for this season.
  13. Gumby the Green

    How did I do? N64 Bundle-56k Warning

    i seriously spent the entire summer two summers ago ( well part of it) playing jet force gemini. it was/still is so awesome to me, killing those giant ants and the multiplayer was awesome when you could be the dog on tank tracks. ah good times good times
  14. Gumby the Green

    Heroes Volume 3: Villains

    Lord_Kefka you shut your mouth (jokingly of course) Heroes is in some desperate need of some action. The series has been too dramatic (and i started watching for the drama) i mean claire is being way to melodramatic, and the best episode of season one is the 5 years into the future where they do...
  15. Gumby the Green

    Girl problems.

    please don't let this thread die, it has been one of the most entertaining things in the lifestyle section for a good bit now. please please
  16. Gumby the Green

    Contest! ROUND SEVEN! Win one item of up to $100 in value from King of Swords!

    thanks georox i would kill for the captain america shield
  17. Gumby the Green

    Official Sears Clearance Thread - 2009 - post Sears finds here

    is this a national clearance, cause i thought i kept up somewhat, but if you got the messenger kit then i will most definitely check it out
  18. Gumby the Green

    At least there's a TV and a PS3

    you guys are looking at this all wrong, the sword and armor are the real prize. Seriously if i win its battle time, I'll be bashing up Grandma's in parking lots in no time
  19. Gumby the Green

    Buy the WATCHMEN Graphic Novel for $9.99, that's 50% off

    how fast is the shipping? i know thats not really up to you i'm just wondering cause i'm leaving town thursday and am needing something to read on the trip
  20. Gumby the Green

    Best worst-date stories.

    so i'm gonna have to bump this tread for some more amazing stories. come on now
bread's done