Search results

  1. A

    Weird eBay issue

    It's been almost 2 months. Personally, I'd probably contact the buyer. Any longer than that and I would not.
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    WWE, UFC, TNA DVD Collection For Sale on Ebay

    Pretty sure this section is for games only...
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    ebay - blizzard messenger bag

    Which is why I don't think the guy will send it. lol
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    ebay - blizzard messenger bag

    Yeah I had a chance to win at the last minute, but I was like "nah what would I even do with this?" Lol..
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    ebay - blizzard messenger bag

    I bid, lol. :)
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    Weird eBay issue

    They bought an iphone and never received it..? And they were like, oh well?
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    ebay - LIKE NEW StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC, 2010) - FAST SHIP!

    4 days, 22 hours left! Many watching, no bids.
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    Worst B&M Game Retailer 2010

    Kmart or gamestop, but I voted kmart. Kmart: prices are higher than any other retailer; store looks nasty and ghetto; a lot of lazy people working there (This is an opinion about the Kmarts in my area, obviously) Gamestop: Overpriced; lots of young, smart-ass kids working there. Walmart: Very...
  9. A

    Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

    Yes it is, but it appears to not be apart of the sale. The page I was looking at before did not make it clear that it is a pack on sale and not just the individual game.
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    Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

    I noticed Steam raised the price of some games before they put it on sale. One of them being CSS. I was looking to buy that but was waiting for the sale. It was $19.99 and always has been. Now it's $14.99 on sale with a strike through the $29.99. What the fuck?
  11. A - Buyer Beware!

    Call your bank and dispute the charges. As long as you aren't banking with assholes, they will comply to your requests.
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    Free Copy Of DogFighter On Steam!

    Oh that sucks I would have entered if I had known! :(
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    Delete Please.

    High shipping for the logitech controller... I'll pass.
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    Physx on an ATI card

    I'm sorry, but that guy in the video sounds like a complete moron.
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    (OVER)Johnsonsville Deli Bites (GONE)

    I got mine a few days ago. Tasty! 6 packages ftw
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    Onion: BTTF Trilogy Blu Ray

    Entered! I hope I win I'm a huge fan :)
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    How much to refund?

    Lol well now he's threatening me so I'm contacting ebay about this extortion.
bread's done