24 TV Series/Movie Discussion: Season 8 DVD/BluRay out 12/7/10 | 24 Movie COMING SOON

Thank you for no longer posting in TV show threads. Also don't listen to LinkinPrime when it comes to shit. That shit might be fine for $$$$$$ ass Heroes, but that shit ain't cool here.

You mods need to get along and come together on a firm and specific rule for when spoilers for TV shows are required.

You can't have different rules for different threads. It's confusing and I get made to look like an asshole for posting by the rules permitted by a mod in another TV show thread I regularly post in. Pretty fucked up when you have a mod telling you not to listen to another mod. Forums need clear rules and all mods should enforce the same rules the same way.

[quote name='CaseyRyback']In other words, you are JolietJake. You and him should start a thread where you have a running dialogue of every show as it airs. It seems that neither of you can exercise any self restraint, so that might be the best solution to the problem.[/QUOTE]

No need for a running dialogue thread. Just need a clear rule on at what time things can be discussed without spoilers after it airs.

I don't think many people like clicking all the damn show spoiler tags if every specific comment on a show has to be spoilered--so pick a time limit and make a thread about it here that's stickied for a while so everyone knows what the rule is for TV shows.
There's no need for Official TV-Show Related Thread Rules. All this "common sense" that you are talking about that other people should have (for not being spoiled) should also be used when you post about the episode before the show is completely off-air.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']There's no need for Official TV-Show Related Thread Rules. All this "common sense" that you are talking about that other people should have (for not being spoiled) should also be used when you post about the episode before the show is completely off-air.[/QUOTE]

It was off air. I posted AFTER the preview for the next episode. Note how I mentioned the preview in my post. The forum clock must run a couple minutes behind Fox's schedule--or the episode simply ended a couple minutes before 10pm EST on my Fox affiliate.

And we need a clear rule along with the common sense. Not posting unspoliered during the episode is clearly not reasonable. So when does it become reasonable? Immediately after it airs on the east? On the west? Never?

It's clearly a problem not having a rule when it's fine to post right after Heroes goes off the air but not right after 24 does.

Sorry for belaboring the point and being a bit of an asshole, but it's a bit absurd and I have little patience currently as I have a bad cold and haven't gotten much sleep lately. Normally I woudn't worry so much about silly things on stupid web forums. But that's enough. I PM'd LinkinPrime, hopefully the mods get it straightened out so the issue doesn't arise for others in the future.

Peace and I'm off to try to get some sleep if this damn cough doesn't keep me up again!
Quit saying he posted before the show was over, he posted it one minute before it ended. The weeks episode, for him, had ended and he was just waiting for commericals and the next weeks preview while he posted.

I'm from the midwest area central timezone and I had the common sense not to come to this thread until after I had watched the episode. If you don't want to know what's going to happen in a new episode you haven't seen yet, probably best not to click on a forum topic that says it's a Discussion Thread of the show. Of course, on the new nights, the discussion is going to be about the episode. If you don't have that much common sense, then you probably are not smart enough to follow the storyline anyway.

I do understand CaseyRyback's problem if he had to edit it to add a spoiler tag and he had yet to watch the show, but again, whoever complained about it needing a spoiler tag should not have been in the thread reading about tonights episode if they haven't watched it yet. What did you expect to come and read? As for the Mod thing, I think you may have went just a bit overboard with the cussing in your previous posts. There was really no need for that. I understand both points of view but I don't think dmaul did anything wrong by posting what he did.

Also, the "you" used in this post is not directed at any certain individual, just so no one takes offense.
A specific rule? Why must everything be dictated by a rule? Shouldn't common sense be enough? Just because someone finished watching the show on the East Coast doesn't mean that there aren't still a lot of people who have not seen it. All that does is reinforce the East Coast bias that goes on in America. Just stick tags around things that are necessary. You revealed a MAJOR storyline development and didn't use tags. That is clearly uncalled for.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']A specific rule? Why must everything be dictated by a rule? Shouldn't common sense be enough? Just because someone finished watching the show on the East Coast doesn't mean that there aren't still a lot of people who have not seen it. All that does is reinforce the East Coast bias that goes on in America. Just stick tags around things that are necessary. You revealed a MAJOR storyline development and didn't use tags. That is clearly uncalled for.[/QUOTE]

Because it's ridiculous to come to the thread tomorrow and have posts upon posts riddled with spoiler tags with people quoting posts hidden with spoilers and and replying with spoilers.

There's no need for them once the show has aired--there just needs to be determination of whether the east coast airing is the cut off or the west coast. Other forums like DVD Talk have such rules in place (they use east coast airing). It prevents these kind of mishaps and solves the problem of having a thread full of spoiler tags--when no one should be reading it until they've seen the latest show anyway! That's the aspect where common sense should be enough!

And of course there's East Coast bias. The west coast sucks! :D And more people live in the east.

Anyway, I'm really off to bed this time! :D
There are 255 posts in this thread. If it really takes that much effort to click the three to five spoiler tags after an episode then you have problems.
Similarly, people apparently have issues if they are compelled to click on a discussion thread for a show the night of a new episode when they haven't seen the episode yet. This is why older versions of this thread just said to hell with it and included "SPOILERS" in the title.

Anyway, another good episode, though I tend to agree that Jack on the run could be considered tired. Depends on where they go with it.
I don't understand this. Why the fuck would you come into a topic about a TV show the night of a new episode and not want to read spoilers? What the fuck do you think the discussion in the topic is going to be about? Gee I don't know maybe people will be discussing THE EPISODE THAT JUST AIRED 2 MINUTES AGO!
Exactly. But whatever, not worth the effort to bother arguing over since other sites have better discussion threads and clear spoiler rules.

Someone PM if clearer heads prevail and there's a clear policy that spoiler tags aren't required after either the east or west coast airings and I'll be happy to enlighten the TV threads with my opinions again. :D But until then I'm out.
Well, I finally caught up on this week's episode after being out of town this past week. Gee, I saw all the new posts on this thread and thought everyone was actually talking about, oh, I don't know, the actual episode?? and not about the etiquette of spoilering---silly me!

Anyway, good episode. Not as good as the last two, which were GREAT, though. I like Jack on the run. And I am bummed now (see my previous comments last week about who I thought was going to get killed), but at least you-know-who went out with honor. I also think that there's a great showdown coming between Jack and the evil agent that framed him. Can't wait!

And oh, yeah, and for the record, I waited until watching the show on DVR before coming in here, mostly because I didn't want to take a chance some asshole would post a clear spoiler without tagging it! :) And also for the record, I don't watch Heros and have never read that thread so how the hell am I supposed to know some "rule" that was decided in there? Anyway, common sense ain't all that common, it seems, but it seems to me that spoilers should be tagged until the show has aired in ALL timezones. Afterwards, who cares--if someone comes in here the day after a show has aired they should expect possible untagged spoilers.
Getting back to 24 related stuff... Season 7 is being released on May 19th on DVD and Blu-Ray. Amazon shows $38.99 for the DVD but no listing yet for the Blu-Ray. Enjoy.

MSRP for the Blu-Ray shows $69.99. The DVD MSRP is $59.99 so I'm thinking come May 19th we'll find the Blu on sale for roughly $49.99 or so.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Getting back to 24 related stuff... Season 7 is being released on May 19th on DVD and Blu-Ray. Amazon shows $38.99 for the DVD but no listing yet for the Blu-Ray. Enjoy.[/quote]

Ha, damn they're releasing it quick.
I'm assuming that means the season is almost over right? How many more episodes to go?
Regarding tonight's episode:

Jack using the bulldozer to knock over the portable during his flee from the police/Quinn was probably the most badass thing I have seen him do in any episode.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Regarding tonight's episode:

Jack using the bulldozer to knock over the portable during his flee from the police/Quinn was probably the most badass thing I have seen him do in any episode.

That shit was outta control. fuck the magnum, he should just use that in every episode. I lost it when he did that.
Once again the writers move things along nice and quick--even I didn't think
the showdown between Quinn and Jack would come THIS quick!! But that WAS a great scene!!! And how about the Senator getting killed? That caught me totally off guard!!
Shit. Just.Got.Real.

That was a great episode. I really hate that FBI guy. What a dickhead!
[quote name='Blackout']Shit. Just.Got.Real.

That was a great episode. I really hate that FBI guy. What a dickhead![/quote]

No shit. He should go back to coaching the Mighty Ducks. :lol:

Jon Voight has the amazing ability to make me absolutely hate him, no matter what bad guy he is playing. He's simply awesome.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']No shit. He should go back to coaching the Mighty Ducks. :lol:

Jon Voight has the amazing ability to make me absolutely hate him, no matter what bad guy he is playing. He's simply awesome.[/quote]

hahaha, the only good thing Larry Moss has going for him is he's from Jersey!
For a while I thought this season was decent. I personally wasn't really crazy about the whole CIP device part of the story. But these last 3 or 4 episodes have really been a lot better. This season definitely seems to be getting better. :whee:
I think Moss is just jealous that the chick has a hard on for Jack and not him.
Best season yet.

This show makes it so damn hard to care about Heroes, which seems to get worse with every episode, with 1 good episode thrown into the mix to try to keep interest.
[quote name='Jack Bauer']Trust isn't my greatest asset[/QUOTE]

Great line! :D


I regret every decision or mistake I might have made that resulted in the loss of a single innocent life. But do you know what I regret the most? That this world even needs people like me.

[quote name='keithp']Great line! :D



Not nearly as great as the line between him and the President when she questioned his allegiances.

"Madam President, with all due respect...Ask Around."
1) For a house that big, I would think Mayer would have some security cameras...or at least a peephole. "Uhh Jack, I see this blond guy with a semi-auto. I don't think he's Metro PD."
2) Quinn fell for the old slightly ajar door bait...always look in the bulldozer first.
3) Gordon Bombay would have known Bauer was being set up from the start. Orion needs to wake up..maybe bust out some Duck jerseys for his employees.
[quote name='will530']9:00-10:00
1) For a house that big, I would think Mayer would have some security cameras...or at least a peephole. "Uhh Jack, I see this blond guy with a semi-auto. I don't think he's Metro PD."
2) Quinn fell for the old slightly ajar door bait...always look in the bulldozer first.
3) Gordon Bombay would have known Bauer was being set up from the start. Orion needs to wake up..maybe bust out some Duck jerseys for his employees.

1)He does have a security system, he turned it off before he went to the door. He knew Bauer was being chased by the FBI and Bauer had no idea they knew where he was. If someone warned him that they were coming after him then he'd probably would have scoped it out first before opening the door considering when he dug up the old files on the Senator's computer he saw Quinn dressed as a cop in the car accident scene so I'm pretty sure he would have put two and two together.
Wow watched last two episodes on Monday keeps getting better!
I was sad to see Bill go down though. Jack and the bulldozer completely owned! Another great line I think it was the ex FBI chick said something to the tune of "I think had we let Jack do his thing we could have avoided the situation entirely!" Olivia Taylor had some good ones too when she was ripping the Secretary of State a new asshole for failing to see the rampant corruption in the administration. He could still be a mole though which would explain his stupidity.
Man, this really has been a paint-by-numbers season of 24. I'm not sure if it's worse than season six, but at best, it's only marginally better. Let's see...

Bauer returns from exile to save the country? Check.
An early seemingly-foreign threat? Check.
Suspects who are killed right before divulging crucial information? Check.
Bauer goes rogue? Check.
The real threat is from within the government? Check.
The good guys go after Jack for something he didn't do? Check.
Bauer threatens to harm a suspect's family to get information? Check.
Only a handful of allies that can be trusted to help Jack save the day? Check.
A ridiculous amount of sub-threats crammed into a 24-hour span? Check.

Puh-lease, I've seen it all before. This is playing out just like seasons 4 and 6 in terms of silliness. It's like watching a "24's Greatest Hits" reel that's trying to pass itself off as a new season. I'm surprised we haven't seen Jack tortured by the bad guys yet, but I'm sure it's still coming. Yawn.
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I'm glad I'm not the one overly thrilled with the season. The first three episodes were woah, but I think after Season 5's Sons of Liberty storyline, it should be notched up a bit.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Man, this really has been a paint-by-numbers season of 24. I'm not sure if it's worse than season six, but at best, it's only marginally better. Let's see...

Puh-lease, I've seen it all before. This is playing out just like seasons 4 and 6 in terms of silliness. It's like watching a "24's Greatest Hits" reel that's trying to pass itself off as a new season. I'm surprised we haven't seen Jack tortured by the bad guys yet, but I'm sure it's still coming. Yawn.[/quote]Just so you know: this kind of post has flame-bait written all over it, especially since you are criticizing some of the core qualities of the show. I'm not attacking your post, I'm just pointing out reasons why your opinions could be wrong:

Bauer returns from exile to save the country? Check.
He didn't return from exile in this season. He was pulled out of a Senate sub-committee hearing.

An early seemingly-foreign threat? Check.
This plot line goes for every season of 24, not just 4-6. I don't understand what the problem with this is. Are you saying the early threat should be purely domestic involving a bunch of white guys?

Suspects who are killed right before divulging crucial information? Check.
Would you rather have every injured man/woman spill their guts and have every plan rendered obsolete 8 episodes into the season? No. It adds to the tension of the show, as well as providing a doorway into other storylines.

Bauer goes rogue? Check.
C'mon, you seriously can't hate on Jack Bauer going dark throughout each season can you? The times where he flies solo contribute to some of the best episodes I can think of across the entire series. Jack seems, at least to me, to be lone wolf by nature. It makes sense for his character to want to handle things his way and he can't always do that with the help/authorization of anyone else, because his methods usually bend and break the rules. If you seriously have a problem with Jack going rogue, I recommend you re-watch the episode in Season 4 where Jack rescues Senator Heller and his daughter at the terrorist compound.

The real threat is from within the government? Check.
I could understand the concern if the real bad guy/girl was the President again, but it's not. They probably use the idea of a corrupted government because, for any of these plans to work, there would need to be people on the inside (aka Government) to make it work. It just makes sense to have bad guys placed throughout different government levels/offices.

The good guys go after Jack for something he didn't do? Check.
The previous seasons have all been building up this idea that Jack is a sort of vigilante that may/may not be trusted. This was one of the reasons that he was in that Senate sub-committee at the beginning of the show. With that idea in mind, it's only natural for regular FBI agents and police officers to assume that Jack went overboard, especially when so many people around him end up dead. This, along with the "Rogue Jack" episodes, has Jack's back pushed up against the wall - where he performs at his best.

Bauer threatens to harm a suspect's family to get information? Check.
This is just a interrogation technique used often in the show. If it works, why not use it? It's the same thing as torture techniques that Jack utilizes throughout all the other seasons - it gets people to talk.

Only a handful of allies that can be trusted to help Jack save the day? Check.
It makes sense to use this in each season because there are only a handful of people that understand what Jack tries to accomplish and can agree to his methods that involve overstepping the boundaries placed before them. This ties back into the storyline where Jack is seen as a vigilante and untrustworthy by the government. The few that help are the few who know it's not right.

A ridiculous amount of sub-threats crammed into a 24-hour span? Check.
The show isn't about realism. If it were advertised as the most realistic show on TV, we'd be seeing Jack taking a shit once or twice per season, eating meals, etc. It's supposed to be over-the-top, nonstop action revolving around a plethora of different threats/circumstances.
Xecutioner..1 Kirin Lemon...0

I don't see how you can say this season is only "marginally" better than 6. I mean, c'mon, didn't you at least like the attack on the White House?
That's the same basic plot outline in every season. Yea the show isn't realistic, but it's a full show and it's why we all love it.

The only real qualm I have with the show is that it tries to base it in our reality, but with everything that has happen in the 24 universe, with assassinations and terrorist attacks it's actually reasonable for Jack to be as brutal and uncaring as he is. It's not like he's never been on the other side of the table either, after he was held by the Chinese.
They haven't dated anything consistently so it's difficult to tell. They have parsed out the seasons, however. Added up, Season 7 is set roughly 13 years after Season 1. So, presuming Season 1 takes place in early 2001, Season 7 would be set in late 2013/early 2014.
[quote name='Magus8472']They haven't dated anything consistently so it's difficult to tell. They have parsed out the seasons, however. Added up, Season 7 is set roughly 13 years after Season 1. So, presuming Season 1 takes place in early 2001, Season 7 would be set in late 2013/early 2014.[/QUOTE]

supposedly as well, season 8 could be only 6 weeks or less after season 7...I think this will be Bauer's last day after what happened tonight quite possibly.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Just so you know: this kind of post has flame-bait written all over it, especially since you are criticizing some of the core qualities of the show. I'm not attacking your post, I'm just pointing out reasons why your opinions could be wrong[/QUOTE]

Get over yourself. I think this season sucks. You don't. That's fine if we disagree, but only the show itself will be able to convince me that it isn't complete crap this season, and it's doing a pretty poor job of that so far.

[quote name='keithp']I don't see how you can say this season is only "marginally" better than 6. I mean, c'mon, didn't you at least like the attack on the White House?[/QUOTE]

I suppose that was one of the highlights, but even that was fairly predictable, and lasted for only one episode. 24 loses me when they throw everything but the kitchen sink into a season, and in that respect, season seven is doing exactly what seasons four and six did before it. They can't decide on a cohesive enough plot to maintain a full season, so instead we get these little "mini-terrors" as filler while the writers decide what it is they want to do. And to think, this time they had a whole extra year to fix this!
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']
I suppose that was one of the highlights, but even that was fairly predictable, and lasted for only one episode. 24 loses me when they throw everything but the kitchen sink into a season, and in that respect, season seven is doing exactly what seasons four and six did before it. They can't decide on a cohesive enough plot to maintain a full season, so instead we get these little "mini-terrors" as filler while the writers decide what it is they want to do. And to think, this time they had a whole extra year to fix this![/quote]
In my opinion I think the writers have decided on the plot pretty firmly. Everything ties in to 24 Redemption.

Starkwood is responsible for supplying weapons to Juma's regime in Sangala. This enables Juma to take over his country. In return Juma allows Starkwood to test their bio-weapons in his country. Eventually the US Government gets involved in the crisis in Sangala, forcing Juma to send Dubaku to the US to send a message for the United States to back out.

Eventually Dubaku fails, and Juma begins to lose his grip on Sangala, and is motivated by personal revenege aganist the US for interfering in his affairs. So he wanted revenge by killing the President. Then when Juma and his men are killed we are left with Starkwood. The company who is behind everything. Without them, Juma and his men would have never had the chance to take Sangala or let alone do anything in the US.

The story flows pretty well, and does not involve any pointless "mini terror" plots that I can see. Every season moves from one arc to another arc. It would be hard to write for a show like 24 to stay with one arc for all 24 episodes. The show is hard enough to write for as it already is because of the real time format.

I understand different people have different opinions, but bottom line is that I am really enjoying this season, and that is all that matters to me.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Get over yourself.[/quote]Way to be a dick about it :roll:

I think this season sucks. You don't. That's fine if we disagree, but only the show itself will be able to convince me that it isn't complete crap this season, and it's doing a pretty poor job of that so far. I suppose that was one of the highlights, but even that was fairly predictable, and lasted for only one episode. 24 loses me when they throw everything but the kitchen sink into a season, and in that respect, season seven is doing exactly what seasons four and six did before it. They can't decide on a cohesive enough plot to maintain a full season, so instead we get these little "mini-terrors" as filler while the writers decide what it is they want to do. And to think, this time they had a whole extra year to fix this!
I understand that people have differing opinions and I also get that it's the cool thing to be the in the extreme minority about certain topics (in this case, being the ~1% of 24 fans who don't like Season 7), but your posts about why you don't like the current season make it look like you're grasping at straws. If you're trying that hard to come up with reasons to stop watching the show, then
don't watch it :dunce:
I really liked the shootout during the episode. I'm definitely enjoying this season.

Also, I'm wondering if the exposure if going to lead to Jack dying at the end of the season. Although, that's impossible since Jack Bauer never dies and I believe Keifer is signed on for 2 more seasons if I'm not mistaken.
[quote name='nevposey']I really liked the shootout during the episode. I'm definitely enjoying this season.

Also, I'm wondering if the exposure if going to lead to Jack dying at the end of the season. Although, that's impossible since Jack Bauer never dies and I believe Keifer is signed on for 2 more seasons if I'm not mistaken.[/QUOTE]

Yep, and he announced today that he's officially back for Season 8, which starts shooting in May.


He even left it kind-of open whether he'd sign on for even MORE seasons after 8!
I think I mentioned this near the beginning of season 7, but I'm new to the show. I wanetd to watch from the beginning, so I ordered all 6 seasons. I was surprised to find that there was a box set released in late October which included seasons 1-5. It wasn't available in any stores in my area, so I ordered from Wal-Mart.com, which had the cheapest price.

After several shipping problems, I received the set last week. The packaging is kind of cheap, but I paid $112 for it so I saved a shitload of money as opposed to if I were to buy all the seasons separately. Throw in the $30 I paid for season 6, and I spent less than $150 on the series. I have all episodes of season 7 saved on my DVR. I've only watched season 1 so far, but it was awesome.

Somewhat blurry pics of the box, DVD briefcase, book, and the XL shirt which they magically fit into a rectangle roughly the size of my hand:

Box front

Box back

ShirtCube 2008

Book front

Book back

DVD briefcase

DVDs separated like file folders

Inside back plus episode guide booklet

Anyone else own this?
Damn, that episode tonight was 100% pure awesome. One of the best I have seen all season, and that is not saying much since this whole entire season has been really good.

I wonder how this whole thing with
Jack is going to play out, with him being infected and all. They need to get him back in the field, and kicking some more ass ASAP.
bread's done