Anime and Manga Thread Vol. 1: Visions of a God

So I got to watch Dragonball Kai last night since they aired it on TV. I have to say that I'm confused. I thought that the series had been completely redrawn and made to look nice in HD. From what I saw, it looked the same as the original series.

The intro movie on the other hand looks pretty awesome. I remember seeing the Japanese version of the intro a few months ago and thought that the entire series would look like that as well. I guess I was wrong.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']So I got to watch Dragonball Kai last night since they aired it on TV. I have to say that I'm confused. I thought that the series had been completely redrawn and made to look nice in HD. From what I saw, it looked the same as the original series.
Nope. The original animation was remastered and edited.
[quote name='dafoomie']I started watching Ranma but its like an entire series of filler episodes, I want to like it and I like the characters but it never goes anywhere.[/QUOTE]

jeez you went mega old-school on this one.
i went through the same thing with ranma in the early 90's or whenever.
you can safely give it up.

in other news I'm loving Kino's Journey so far. KL and i agree on this one.
[quote name='GhostShark']So I finished Baccano! and I liked it. Was funny and had great animation. The music and charcters were superb. Now I think I am going to watch some stuff that netflix has on their instant queue like Gilgamesh, maybe catch up on Saiyuki and The Place Promised in Our Early Days.[/QUOTE]
Yeah man, Baccano def. felt like one of the original anime shows, even though it's probably been done before in that style, I haven't seen it like that.
[quote name='GhostShark']I've watched the first 3 episodes of Soul Eater and I'm really digging it. Love the opening.[/QUOTE]

Just finished the second set (episode 26), it starts off decent and ends AMAZING. Can't wait for the second half.

I think after finishing the first half of Cowboy Bebop, I'm dropping it. I know, I know, everyone and their grandma seems to love it, but I really just don't like it. It's not a bad show, but it's episodic and I just don't seem to care about what's happening.

Before I drop it though, is there any one or two episodes I have to watch (may also watch the movie since it's by Bones).
[quote name='the_punisher']Just finished the second set (episode 26), it starts off decent and ends AMAZING. Can't wait for the second half.

I think after finishing the first half of Cowboy Bebop, I'm dropping it. I know, I know, everyone and their grandma seems to love it, but I really just don't like it. It's not a bad show, but it's episodic and I just don't seem to care about what's happening.

Before I drop it though, is there any one or two episodes I have to watch (may also watch the movie since it's by Bones).[/QUOTE]

Episodes 5,13,14 and the last 6 are all worth watching, but the whole series is worth watching so :p.

And that's good to hear about Soul Eater. FUNimation's page on youtube has most of the episodes so glad to know more good stuff to come.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']jeez you went mega old-school on this one.
i went through the same thing with ranma in the early 90's or whenever.
you can safely give it up.

in other news I'm loving Kino's Journey so far. KL and i agree on this one.[/QUOTE]
I have difficulty finding anime I'm interested in that I haven't already watched. I tried Ranma since its another one of Rumiko Takahashi's shows. She knows how to create compelling characters but I don't need to watch them doing nothing.

I'm actually holding off on finishing Inuyasha since I'll have nothing to watch after.
[quote name='dafoomie']I'm actually holding off on finishing Inuyasha since I'll have nothing to watch after.[/QUOTE]
The lengthy shounen action-oriented genre is pretty popular, I'm sure you can find another series to start once you're done with Inuyasha. Yu Yu Hakusho comes to mind first since it also involves a world where humans and demons don't get along. Hmm, what else... Bleach maybe?
[quote name='lilman']The lengthy shounen action-oriented genre is pretty popular, I'm sure you can find another series to start once you're done with Inuyasha. Yu Yu Hakusho comes to mind first since it also involves a world where humans and demons don't get along. Hmm, what else... Bleach maybe?[/QUOTE]
Already watched all of Yu-Yu Hakusho. Couldn't get into Bleach or Naruto or Fullmetal Alchemist.

Kenshin was a good one, Outlaw Star, Gundam 0079/Z/0083 but not Wing or Seed, Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion of course, and some others I can't think of right now.
[quote name='dafoomie']Already watched all of Yu-Yu Hakusho. Couldn't get into Bleach or Naruto or Fullmetal Alchemist.

Kenshin was a good one, Outlaw Star, Gundam 0079/Z/0083 but not Wing or Seed, Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion of course, and some others I can't think of right now.[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah, Kenshin would be right up your alley. Have you seen GetBackers or the original Dragon Ball series (not Z)?
[quote name='lilman']Oh yeah, Kenshin would be right up your alley. Have you seen GetBackers or the original Dragon Ball series (not Z)?[/QUOTE]
I liked the original Dragon Ball, but I've never seen GetBackers.
[quote name='the_punisher']I think after finishing the first half of Cowboy Bebop, I'm dropping it. I know, I know, everyone and their grandma seems to love it, but I really just don't like it. It's not a bad show, but it's episodic and I just don't seem to care about what's happening.

Before I drop it though, is there any one or two episodes I have to watch (may also watch the movie since it's by Bones).[/QUOTE]

I just have to say... I always felt kinda odd since I never liked Cowboy Bebop.... There's just so much love for it out there. I found it to be pretty blah myself. Of course it's been several years since I watched it so maybe I'll give it another go sometime and see if my opinion has changed.
watch the movie. the cowboy bebop movie was awesome. are you watcing the subs or the dub version of the series? not to beat a dead horse but in the time ive been watching anime the american voice actors can ruin a perfectly good series.
[quote name='dafoomie']Already watched all of Yu-Yu Hakusho. Couldn't get into Bleach or Naruto or Fullmetal Alchemist.

Kenshin was a good one, Outlaw Star, Gundam 0079/Z/0083 but not Wing or Seed, Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion of course, and some others I can't think of right now.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't get into FMA? ...

And what about Soul Eater? Fairy Tale?
[quote name='dafoomie']Already watched all of Yu-Yu Hakusho. Couldn't get into Bleach or Naruto or Fullmetal Alchemist.

Kenshin was a good one, Outlaw Star, Gundam 0079/Z/0083 but not Wing or Seed, Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion of course, and some others I can't think of right now.[/QUOTE]

G Gundam?
[quote name='the_punisher']Couldn't get into FMA? ...

And what about Soul Eater? Fairy Tale?[/QUOTE]

I like the Fairy Tale manga. I can't really get into the anime.
[quote name='lokizz']watch the movie. the cowboy bebop movie was awesome. are you watcing the subs or the dub version of the series? not to beat a dead horse but in the time ive been watching anime the american voice actors can ruin a perfectly good series.[/QUOTE]

Or in Bebop's case, the dub can actually make a great show even *better*.
Just tacked on Samurai Champloo as one of the few anime series to get under my belt. It's so popular and it looked pretty slick so I couldn't help myself.

All in all it was great. Superb animation, probably the most well done action scenes I've seen in an anime up there with Cowboy Bebop. It also had great humor and a real personality to it. I'd say it has a clearer direction towards a younger demographic though, so a few of the episodes were a bit bland to me.

Also saw Claymore recently. Half-demon chicks in plate armor hunting monsters in the medieval West sounded like a concept that was too badass to be true. I watched it all the way up until the last episode, though it kind of felt like work as the sword action had really lazy animation, characters were hardly interesting, and the dialogue was just bottom of the barrel. Plot had a really cool premise but the show was just a boat load of missed potential IMO.

Well that's probably the last two animes I watch in a few years unless I see anything really cool looking.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Or in Bebop's case, the dub can actually make a great show even *better*.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I have no problem with the dub, it's just that the show itself isn't for me. The dub is actually above average. I probably will watch the movie sometime though, it's one cohesive narrative, the main reason I don't like the series is it doesn't have that.
[quote name='the_punisher']Yeah, I have no problem with the dub, it's just that the show itself isn't for me. The dub is actually above average. I probably will watch the movie sometime though, it's one cohesive narrative, the main reason I don't like the series is it doesn't have that.[/QUOTE]

At least try to finish watching all the "plot" episodes, then - 5, 12, 13, 25, and 26. Though you'll be missing some truly amazing episodes near the end by doing this.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']At least try to finish watching all the "plot" episodes, then - 5, 12, 13, 25, and 26. Though you'll be missing some truly amazing episodes near the end by doing this.[/QUOTE]

I've already seen the first 13. Idk, maybe i'll just suck it up and watch it and hope it gets good, but so far it's been disappointing.
[quote name='Gden']Popotan is on Netflix insta queue, so I've been watching it. Its not terrible, but its still pretty bad.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's a pretty bad series. The story were lacked a lot for the final episodes and ending was predictable. One thing I found disturbing was the fact that the one sister they had naked the most was the youngest one.

One series I just finished reading right now is Rosario+Vampire. Started looking at the anime, it's amazing how bad they screwed up the series. The manga at least tried to give a decent story. The anime(original & Capu2) seems like it's nothing by one giant upskirt shot with bits of the manga added in at times(although they are somewhat different).
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Looks like I'm watch Elfen Lied. It's pretty ridiculous.

I love how chill everyone is about this girl having horns. It's totally ruining the mood the show is trying to set here.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Looks like I'm watch Elfen Lied. It's pretty ridiculous.

I love how chill everyone is about this girl having horns. It's totally ruining the mood the show is trying to set here.[/QUOTE]

So bad. So~ ba~d.
Alright, I watched the first episode of Giant Robo (perfect collection) yesterday, and noticed that it has two English dubs. Apparently one is the original dub, which I guess was done some time ago.

My question is, should I watch the show with the newer dub or with the original dub? I'd love to know before proceeding with the rest of the series.

Extremely interesting interview. I have and always did have faith in FUNimation, and that interview just confirms everything I think about them. They're the one anime company that I believe "gets it", and I will always follow them.

Also, I think that whole co-production thing is an excellent idea as long as the series' are quality. If they can get non-anime watchers into watching popular shows (Iron Man, Star Wars, etc.), it may get them to try out other anime, which would be excellent for the industry.

And as for Elfen Lied- it's a great series panzerfaust, don't listen to KL, he sometimes has good recommendations, that's just not one of them ;).
[quote name='panzerfaust']Ok yeah it's pretty awful, I'm gonna put it down.[/QUOTE]

Excellent choice of words. If any anime deserves to be euthanized, it's Elfen Lied.
I've recently finished watching Living for the Day After Tomorrow and Darker Than Black.

Living for the Day After Tomorrow was quite good. It's a slice-of-life show about two girls, a young girl and a young woman, who switch places. Both of the girls make a wish on a wishing stone; Karada, the young girl, wants to become an adult, and Shoko, the young woman, wants to relive her childhood. Their bodies change according to their wishes, but their still essentially the same person, except they now have to deal with a new body. During the beginning it's funny, since Karada needs to get used to trying to act like an adult, even though she's still a young girl that doesn't understand much of the adult world. Also, Shoko is able to do things as a child that she wasn't able to do when she actually was a child. The characters and their relationships are definitely the highlight of the show, and I really enjoyed the premise and what it was able to bring to the story. The only thing that really disappointed me was the ending; it felt rushed, and I would of loved an epilogue. They probably should of had one more episode to satisfactorily conclude the story.

I was disappointed with Darker Than Black. I barely knew anything about it before watching it, but from what I did know, I was expecting a better show. I wasn't expecting an episodic story structure, and there's nothing inherently wrong with episodic storytelling, but most of the two episode long arcs didn't have any bearing on the overall story, and most of the arcs followed the same format — Lee goes to work undercover somewhere for the Syndicate, which became predictable and stale after a while. Another problem that I had with Darker Than Black is that there wasn't enough action. For a show about people with super powers, there sure isn't a lot of action. I guess you could explain the small amount of action by the contractors having to pay their price every time they use their powers, but I still wanted more bad ass action, because what action there was, was well choreographed and well animated.

The ending leaves a lot to be desired as well. It's entirely inconclusive, and the story is basically left at the same point at which the story started — only a minor amount of things have changed. I also didn't like
Huang and Mao's lame deaths. They were two of the central characters, and I didn't like how they died. Sure, I guess Huang's death was a sacrifice for Hei, but it felt unnecessary.
There's already a second season of Darker Than Black, so maybe they start explaining things there, but that's no excuse for not explaining — or at least trying to dive into — the backstory of Darker Than Black's world. It's an interesting setup, but the apocalypse, Heaven's Gate, Hell's Gate, and contractors were never explained, unfortunately.

There were some things that I thought were brilliant though. Gai Kurusawa and Kiko were amazing characters. I don't how Gai is in the Japanese dub, but in the English dub he is voiced by Brandon Potter, who does a fantastic job. Brandon Potter as Sven in Black Cat is one of the reasons I enjoyed Black Cat, and he does not disappoint as Gai. Gai is basically a parody on the cliche, film-noir detective. He's great every time he's on-screen, and Kiko — his high school student, female, otaku partner — provides some brilliant chemistry. Those two are always a blast to watch. Another brilliant part of Darker Than Black is episode 19. Its use of flashbacks and characterizations provide a highly compelling episode; I was quite surprised with how they were now handling
, because before that I didn't really care for him. It was only during this episode that I felt that they were finally going somewhere with developing their characters, but unfortunately this was only one episode. Finally, the arc about the gangster and doll was quite enjoyable; it was my second favorite next to episode 19.
I agree with you on Darker Than Black. I wanted to like it more than I did. In retrospect, if they had cut out every other story arc to shorten the length of the series, it would have kept things fresh and more enjoyable.

I haven't seen the second season yet, but am interested to see if they can explain the outstanding questions.
I recently started watching Peacemaker Kurogane (or just peacemaker as its called over here), as well as Big Wind-up. I don't like sports and don't like most sports animes either, but I really like Big wind-up so far.
I finished watching Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still today, along with the Ginrei special.

Giant Robo was friggin' EPIC. I really didn't think it was going to be that good, but it was. The plot was solid, characters were a mixed bag of seriousness along with goofiness (think batman goofy) that worked really well, and it was all wrapped up in an amazing soundtrack.

The Ginrei special on the other hand was a disappointment since I watched it right after Giant Robo. Sort of like eating broccoli after being served german chocolate cake.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I finished watching Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still today, along with the Ginrei special.

Giant Robo was friggin' EPIC. I really didn't think it was going to be that good, but it was. The plot was solid, characters were a mixed bag of seriousness along with goofiness (think batman goofy) that worked really well, and it was all wrapped up in an amazing soundtrack.

The Ginrei special on the other hand was a disappointment since I watched it right after Giant Robo. Sort of like eating broccoli after being served german chocolate cake.[/QUOTE]

I agree with both of your sentiments for the most part; Giant Robo was awesome, and the Ginrei special was okay — I remember saying it was pretty good, but I can definitely see why you were disappointed. Also, Giant Robo's ending is brilliant.
Giant Robo is definitely a winner. It and Big O are two of my favorite in the genre and I think both could easily pass as western animation.

I recall reading that a sequel was in the works; anyone heard anything more?
Well, Giant Robo was originally a live action series from the 60s based on a manga. The anime we're most familiar with has little to do with the original manga/series though. In 2007, a new anime was made following more closely to the original storyline though. I watched a little bit of it, but I just couldn't get into it. It wasn't nearly as good as The Day the Earth Stood Still.

EDIT: So, I just finished watching Nadia: Secret of Blue Water (Although, I haven't watched the movie. I think I'll save it for another time or skip it all together). It's the first anime I've watched since roughly September.
I enjoyed it a lot, but I had 2 problems with it. 1) It could've been done much more efficiently. It was 39 episodes, but I think it could easily have been done in the normal sort of 26. 2) Nadia was a fucking whore through out most of the series. She was so annoying, and every time she started to get better, she fucked it up in the end. All the other characters were great through out.
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[quote name='the_punisher']Yeah, I have no problem with the dub, it's just that the show itself isn't for me. The dub is actually above average. I probably will watch the movie sometime though, it's one cohesive narrative, the main reason I don't like the series is it doesn't have that.[/QUOTE]

i have the same problem with bebop. i never really liked it much but the movie wasn't bad.

also someone mentioned getbackers which is a really disappointing show because of its non-ending. still dr. jackal is one of my favorite anime characters of all time.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']Does anyone here know what those Funimation S.A.V.E box sets are like? I'm interested in their build quality.[/QUOTE]

They use a normal-sized DVD case instead of a cardboard box containing two thinpaks. That's about it.
[quote name='Gden']I recently started watching Peacemaker Kurogane (or just peacemaker as its called over here), as well as Big Wind-up. I don't like sports and don't like most sports animes either, but I really like Big wind-up so far.[/QUOTE]

I loved Peacemaker. For a second there, I had to think which one was which, because I often confuse Peacemaker with Samurai Deeper Kyo. The Kyo anime is baaaaad. The manga is decent though. And speaking of manga, does anyone know whats the deal with the Peacemaker Kurogane series? ADV used to have it back in the day, stopped after the 3rd book, then TP took over like 2 or 3 years ago. They've been releasing Peacemaker, just not PMK. Unless they've finally gotten around to it.
[quote name='Chronis']I loved Peacemaker. For a second there, I had to think which one was which, because I often confuse Peacemaker with Samurai Deeper Kyo. The Kyo anime is baaaaad. The manga is decent though. And speaking of manga, does anyone know whats the deal with the Peacemaker Kurogane series? ADV used to have it back in the day, stopped after the 3rd book, then TP took over like 2 or 3 years ago. They've been releasing Peacemaker, just not PMK. Unless they've finally gotten around to it.[/QUOTE]

Apparently volume 4 is releasing this month:
I'm 12 episodes into Soul Eater (Thank god for the FUNimation channel on Hulu) and I'm really like it. Smooth music and action scenes and Death the Kid and Black Star are hilarious.
bread's done