Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice

wow.... thanks for posting the bootleg!!!

I am sure once the official HQ teaser hits, it's going to be super popular......until the teaser for Star Wars: Episode 7 comes out...which I am thinking we are going to get a teaser for it in December .

It's a fucking comic book movie. How more cheesy/unrealistic can you possibly get than that?! Having her in a costume that looks good is not going to tank the movie. I just think that if they're going to finally have a film with Wonder Woman in it then they should at least try to make her look like Wonder Woman and not Xena the Warrior Princess.
What you would prefer wolverine in yellow spandex because it's a comic book movie? If they put blue in it needs to be muted for the universe they are creating for their movieverse. And I stand by the fact that red and blue with stars and an eagle making no fuck-ing sense for a princess from a mystic island.
To please everyone Wonder Woman should just run around naked throughout the movie. She will blend in well with her plane too.

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After seeing Gal Gadot in costume he as Wonder Woman doesn't bother me as much now as long as she can act.  To me they made her look like she belongs more in something along the lines of Conan the Barbarian than Wonder Woman and I like that.  What I don't like is with the makeup in the picture she looks like she's strung out on crack or meth.  

I can't believe so many people are still upset about Gal Gadot's physique. Believe it or not, Wonder Woman isn't always drawn in the comics to look muscular or even particularly strong. A lot of artists still draw her like typical (well, maybe taller) eye candy. Hell, the most widely known (and arguably most popular) version of the character, from the Justice League and Unlimited cartoons, didn't look any more capable of throwing down with supervillains than Lois Lane.

In theory Diana should be very tall and muscular while still being one of the most beautiful women on the planet. But if that isn't even kept consistently true in the source material, how can anyone expect the same to be true in live action? 

As far as the costume, I like it. The colors could be brighter, yes. Still looks fine. I also subscribe to the fan theory that things will get a bit lighter and brighter in the actual Justice League movie, with Wonder Woman adopting a red, white and blue color scheme (assuming it isn't there on the current costume) while Batman gets the blue cape and cowl (maybe even the yellow oval?) that half of his fandom seems to want.  

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It's not her physique that bothers me. It's the makeup they used. I like that for me she looks like she belongs more in a Conan film than a wonder woman film. Just in the face she looks like a drug addict. I have seen pictures of her and she doesn't look like one.
It's not her physique that bothers me. It's the makeup they used. I like that for me she looks like she belongs more in a Conan film than a wonder woman film. Just in the face she looks like a drug addict. I have seen pictures of her and she doesn't look like one.
Haha even that sometimes happens in the comics. There's one artist in particular... I'm having a total brain fart as I type this and can't remember exactly (it may be Ed Benes?) who always draws his superheroines to look like they're halfway to a drug-induced stupor.

I see what you're saying though, and none of my comments were directed at you or really anyone in particular. I'm just surprised by the general rumblings of the internet, is all.

I didn't have much hopes for her playing the part when she was announced.  I have never seen her acting, but the pictures I saw she was too thin.  I still think she's too thin for the part, but I think with the look, not the crack head look, it works.  What I don't like now is the look of Batman.  Something about him seems off and a bit much.  Could just be the way Affleck is standing.  I don't like it and I hope that's all it is.  Now that all this has been seen the rest of the judgment will have to come from trailers and the film.  For all we know everything that all on the internet hates will end up being the only thing most like.

Seeing her as Wonder Woman now has me wanting her cast in a Conan film if she can act and if they make another one.

I'm really hoping they release the trailer sometime this week. Would be cool to see it released Friday. But I doubt it. I caught the bootleg teaser, but I couldn't see much. 

I hope he's Black Adam, that'd be a better fit.

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Well the studio has gone out to publically state that the teaser will NOT be released on line or in theaters.
Well that sucks. I know they didn't show much, I'd still like to watch it in HD and go crazy because of it. Oh well, I hope they release some kind of teaser to the world soon.

Well that sucks. I know they didn't show much, I'd still like to watch it in HD and go crazy because of it. Oh well, I hope they release some kind of teaser to the world soon.
I don't understand why. I am pretty sure we will see the teaser or a similar form next summer. I guess they won't want the internet to go over the bits of the batsuit for clues. It's bs if you ask me. Just release the damn thing.

wow, WB Blinked and moved the movie up to the new date instead of against Captain America 3.  I truly wonder if it was because of the conflicts some of these theaters would have by showing two major movies the same weekend...again with my argument of who gets more IMAX screen time?  Yes it would have been a major nerd fest that weekend to see two major movies.  

What do you guys think?

I am thinking some of these theater chains got together and talked to the studio about how both movies, although successful would probably hurt sales of the other movies during the first two weeks and the fact that their premium screens (RPX, ETX, IMAX, etc) would get a major work out showing those movies.

Well the studio has gone out to publically state that the teaser will NOT be released on line or in theaters.
Some times I wonder if they wan't people to hate this movie. I had read somewhere that most that did see it really didn't care after seeing the Deadpool test footage.

The best thing about Marvel movies is the range of emotions that one can and should feel, as well as portraying a wide variety of themes.

It may be the last fun DC comics movie was Superman Returns, where everything wasn't so serious.

If you have children, viewer discretion is advised because the WB plans on making their movies gritty and humorless, perfect for that angst ridden teenager.

Considering the direction DC itself has taken the past decade and a half, this isn't too surprising.

And yes, this will be bad news considering how insane the DC Universe is.
The best thing about Marvel movies is the range of emotions that one can and should feel, as well as portraying a wide variety of themes.

It may be the last fun DC comics movie was Superman Returns, where everything wasn't so serious.

If you have children, viewer discretion is advised because the WB plans on making their movies gritty and humorless, perfect for that angst ridden teenager.
I agree anything that isn't Marvel is shit. fuck the new FF movie nobody has seen yet while we're at it.

wow, WB Blinked and moved the movie up to the new date instead of against Captain America 3. I truly wonder if it was because of the conflicts some of these theaters would have by showing two major movies the same weekend...again with my argument of who gets more IMAX screen time? Yes it would have been a major nerd fest that weekend to see two major movies.

What do you guys think?
Now it's opening the same weekend as Beverly Hills Cop, wait there's a new Beverly Hills Cop? This is great news!
Considering Arkham Knight is coming out next year because it's for teh PS4 despite being functionally the same game as City. Gotta keep the fans hungry enough for the 2016 movie.

Saw the pictures yesterday, and I'm not sure what to think so I'm holding off till I see the movie.  However I think I'm starting to like it, but then I think it just seems like they'er trying to modify the Tumbler and that just seems unoriginal.  I guess I have mixed feelings about it.  The one thing I am liking about the film is from what has been shown of Wonder Woman she belongs more in Conan the Barbarian than this.  

it's gonna be epic.... but why deny us online viewers?  There isn't a good movie right now in IMAX that needs to waste money to see the trailer for.  It's almost 20 dollars to see a 3d imax movie at night these days...

I think that might be the new Batman theme and I hear Jeremy Irons right before Affleck.

Awesome trailer though. I am so hyped and having a baby sitter that night...haha.

Diga-me...voca sangra? Vai sangrar!

Translation seems a little off, but it works.

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Everyone knows who Batman is. Really glad they aren't giving him an origin movie.
Actually, I mean the transitional movie to show Superman actually becoming...Superman. We got 5 minutes of that at the end of MoS1 and here he has a statue in the middle of Metropolis already.

And, might I add, Metropolis looks nothing like it did in he last film.
I was really happy with the trailer. Loved how angry Batman was in the teaser too. Really hoping this turns out good. 

bread's done