CAG contest is over....Congrats to Super_Nerd!

My favorite game is EARTHBOUND for the snes.

Reason? Let's see, I was maybe around 11 when I 1st played it. Even so young, I appreciated/ saw the charm the game had. The humor stood out, and it was the 1st time I played an rpg that didn't take itself so seriously; but at the same time, it was a serious game, in terms of gameplay and innovation. There was nothing about it that made it feel lackluster when put next to Mario RPG or Final Fantasy. Okay, the combat visuals were a little bland and static, but it was the snes era, anyway!

I would replay the game every few years. It wasnt until I was 18 or so that I played it again and appreciated the actual story; something I was unable to do while I was a toddler. When compared with FF, this story was incredibly deep and touching, it wasn't plagued with metaphorical, melodramatic and philosophical nonsense like most every jrpg game; it had heart, one that you could connect with in some way. Random NPC's around town always had something interesting to say, unlike in jrpg's now where they say a sentence about absolutely nothing, and it doesnt immerse you in their world, it just annoys you that the devs even let you talk to them.

I've replayed it 5 times, and each play discovered something I didn't notice because I was too young to understand. The gameplay still holds up (to me) and I have yet to play a game that has as much charm and charisma as the world of Earthbound. It's a shame there's no true next-gen sequels, because the RPG genre really needed something like Earthbound to keep it's pulse alive. I fear the jrpg genre is dead, and nothing more than a parody of itself now; nostalgic just for nastalgic sakes.
Shining Force II.

I remember asking the owner of my local game rental place for a recommendation and he pointed me in the direction of this game. It was my first introduction to RPGs and it has kept me hooked to the genre ever since. I was completely drawn to the story from the very beginning. A lengthy game, a great battle system, and fantastic art design made me a fan. Plus, my sister made up voices for every character so that it felt like my very own interactive Saturday morning cartoon. I think I rented this like 12 times before I bought it. Soooo totally worth it.
This is a toughie. I would have to say it's Secret of Mana for me. I didn't own an SNES, but all my friends had it, and I would play it, as well as watch it be played, when I was younger. During college, I probably played through it every summer break. The game is nothing super special, but it's what got me into RPGs, and partially, gaming. The system is probably a little bit broken in todays standards, and the story pretty standard as well, but I loved the action RPG aspect of it, and the ability to play with 1-2 others. Watts was also one of my favorite supporting characters in any game, and the music was memorable.

The other contenders were Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, because it's what got me into TRPGs/SRPGs. And I love jugglers, and probably beat the game 3 times, and gotten far in at least one other time. SimCity 2000, Wolf3D, and Doom (along with Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Counter Strike, FF7, and FF8) probably got me into gaming seriously for me. And more recently, Etrian Odyssey 1 and 2, both of which are probably my favorite "current gen" games, as is BioShock.
This isn't my favorite game in terms of gameplay, but it has the most sentimental value.

When I expressed my excitement for Mario Kart SNES back when I was around 7 or so, Dad scoffed and said something about how silly it looked. Nevertheless, Dad went out and got the game for me. I suppose that in the interest of spending some time with me, Dad played a few games of Grand Prix with me. As the days passed, I, of course, would engage in my daily Mario Kart session, and Dad would play with join me. After some time, I started to notice that Dad actually seemed to be enjoying himself, even going so far as to asking if I wanted to join him for some Mario Kart. We both became seasoned veterans, religiously playing the reverse tracks with the shrink code on (anyone remember that?). And whenever we got tired of Grand Prix, we duked it out fiercely in Battle Mode. 'Til this day, I've yet to have battles as intense as those on any Mario Kart.

Since then, the Mario Kart series has had a large presence in our family, later incorporating my younger sister and brother into some of our sessions with later iterations of Mario Kart, and another fond memory being getting the N64 with Mario Kart 64 on my birthday. And there's something strangely pleasing about Dad coming up to me, 15 or so years after our first Mario Kart SNES session, and only days after having bought Mario Kart Wii, and saying "Yeah, I got all the golds in the 150cc with motorcycles, now I'm working on the reverse tracks."
Best game would be Assassins Creed II...Just to epic!

I was wrapped up in the story it just made me think, man who every thought about this stuff must be an atheist. Pissing a lot of people off. Ubisoft must have some balls to release this. The way the story went, it did not seem like an average hack and slash game. I was so enthralled in the game I ended up putting in 60+ hrs the first 2 weeks. Really fun experience. And Final Fantasy VII don't get me started. Ohh boy...
nba 2k10 for ps3. although there are bugs in the game, the my player mode is such a refreshing idea and has ton of potential
It's pretty hard to decide on one, but if I had to, I'd choose Gears of War. It convinced me to grab my own copy along with an arcade after playing coop at my friends house.

In second place would be Pokemon Gold which came with my first hand-held system, GBC. It also got me started at exploring the interwebs for FAQs and walkthroughs which introduced me to many gaming websites and eventually lead me here on CAG. :)
Mass Effect 2. Refined gameplay, carried over game saves, and a stable framerate made me enjoy it even more than the first one, I didn't think that was possible.
Golden Sun for GBA. It's the only game that, to this day, I will randomly go back and play through it. So much depth with the class customization through the Djinni and the Summon cutscenes were just so impressive for a GBA game. I couldn't count how many hours I've sunk into the game, over 10-12 playthroughs. Simply fantastic.
This is a tough one, so many to choose from. Would have to go with the original ninja gaiden for the nes. Not the best game for the system, but it was one of the games i kept going back to play besides the mario ones. Currently i'm having a lot of fun playing Hammerfight; interesting game and addictive.
Tough call for favorite ever but I've probably logged more hours in Fallout 3 than anything else. That must count for something, so Fallout 3 I guess.
Far as this Gen goes. It has to be Gears 2. Why you ask? I've played multi-player games before,but it really got me into them. There's no telling how many hours I've put into the game and I still enjoy it. I could play it for years to come. Also beating it on Insane was one of my main goals. I know some people don't agree,but I just love the game and can't get enough of it.
Thanks for the contest, OP!

My favorite game is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. At the time of release, the combat was ground breaking, meshing real-time action with turn based commands. Also, choosing which characters are included in your party, being able to interact directly with them and having your actions in the world dictate their disposition towards you made the game entirely more interesting and immersive. It really advanced the RPG genre.
Final Fantasy 6 for the SNES was the game that completely turned my thinking around of RPGs, I loved that game, the character development, storyline and the amount of extras was insane. I played that game to death and am thinking about a fifth playthrough sometime.
Favorite game ever would probably be Maniac Mansion.That game was a blast and brings up major gaming nostalgia.Thanks for the contest
My favorite is Zelda: LttP for the SNES. Nothing can compare to it. It's short, but it's so well done and you can't help but finish it from beginning to end. It does everything so well.
Super Mario Brothers 3 on the Nintendo. I remember seeing this game on a movie called The Wizard and was amazed. When I finally got the game it was everything I wanted and more. Til this day it is still my favorite game of all time. The only reason I own a original Nintendo game system.
Legend of Dragoon for PS1. Great story and game that came out near FF7 and just didn't earn the same respect. Anyone who has the chance i recommend playing. It.
It would have to be Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game for the NES. Me and my brothers spent countless hours playing this game when we were younger. To this day, on holidays we break out the old NES and play through the game. It's still as fun now as it was then.
Final Fantasy VIII. I know a lot of people disliked it compared to other FF's, but triple triad was addictively fun, and I thought that the Guardian Forces were really cool. I even liked the junction system.
[quote name='Someone123']Lufia 2 for SNES

Great story, gameplay elements, puzzles, no random battles in dungeons, and tons of replayability because of the ancient dungeon where its 100 floors of randomized dungeon and you start out with level 1 and no equipment other than the blue chests you find in the dungeon itself from previous runs

If I win, I would like the PSN card category[/QUOTE]

I was really hoping someone would list a Lufia game. It's one of my favorite RPGs still, but it didn't make my cut cause of how linear it was (and the story of Lufia was better than Lufia II, but gameplay is much better on II). Capsule monsters and ancient cave ftw!
Favorite game... Hmm... I'd have to go with Anachronox, because it's such an underrated, unappreciated RPG. Everyone should play this game at least once.
Are you serious?? MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2 by far one of the the funnest and greatest games of all time. I along with with millions of other gamers and spent countless hours practicing combos, chain specials, and having all out tournaments. Not to mention that they remastered in higher definition and re released it so it could have online play too.. instantly my favorite as the replay ability is one of the, if not the, highest out of all console games. Also the cast of characters to choose from in MVC 2 has been one of the biggest and and baddest collection of characters to choose from. Thanks for making this contest, you have brought me and many other gamers to reminisce back to good memories !!
For me, it's gotta be Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Probably the only flawless game I've ever played, nothing bad can really be said about it. I still put it in my N64 and play through it every now and then, it never gets old. The dungeon design was so good, and the music so memorable.
The legend of zelda on NES.

I got it for christmas when it came out along with a NES system. Its the first game to really make me feel like I was on a adventure. I loved the giant world and how something new was always around the next corner or how excited I would get when I found a new secret passage or a heart container under a bush I burned, I remember laughing when I burned a bush first time expecting some unknown treasure and it was a old man making me pay for his door I just destroyed.

I also remember how excited I was to finally face ganon since I knew virtually nothing about him except he was a bad man.

But mostly I remember being sad the game was over and then being utterly dumbfounded when I restarted the game again to find out there was a 2nd quest where everything was different, it was like almost a whole new game with new dungeons and such.

Still to this day I consider it to be the best game ever even if the series has turned slowly into shit.

Id played many commodore, atari, colleco, odyssey games before it but zelda is what really made me a gamer.
So many great games to choose from. I would have to go with Modern Warfare 2. Even though the single player campain is only around 6-7 hours it makes you want to do multiple play throughs. I have already put in 50 hours into the game with Spec Ops and multiplayer and I feel like I could play another 50!
It has to be eve online for PC. In no other world does anything go. Lie, scam, cheat, steal, rob, kill, if you can do it without hacking, then it is legal. Complete freedom such as no other game can give you. it really is awesome.
My favorite game of all time would have to be GoldenEye 007 for N64. If it wasn't for this game first person shooter wouldn't have revolutionized like they have now. And you can't go wrong with multiplayer death match mode, I remember spending hours with friends playing split screen and having loads of fun with this game. And I always liked how the AK-47 looked like a Duracell battery.
Starcraft. Everything from the art design to the story to the soundtrack and voice-work just gelled perfectly. I'd say I loved it, but when you start measuring game time in weeks, I think you've officially strayed into addiction territory.
Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars -SNES- I love RPG's and this got me into them. Plus it was the begginnning of Mario role playing games!
Left 4 Dead. I've always been a fan of different FPS's and this game just opened up a new world to me and gave me a lot of replay value.
KotOR II for the old big xbox. Story was great even though a whole subplot was basically cut before release and it was addicting enough for me to play through it tons of times just to try out as many combinations as possible. Also, when the instruction booklet of a game is your preferred toilet reading for months, it obviously shows how good the game is.
I'm going to go with FF6 on the SNES. To date, this is the only full length JRPG I have actually wanted to and actually did play through more than once. My attention span no longer supports doing that...

Though if I had to go by time spent, Star Ocean 2 on PS1 would probably win...
My favorite game of all time is ffIII (aka 6) for SNES. I beat the game over 200 times. Of course, then i was a little kid, and thats the only game I had for a while. I still love that game to this day.
I'd say my top most favorite game would most likely be Final Fantasy 3 (Final Fantasy VI). This game came out at the right time for me and I absolutely loved it. My favorite Final Fantasy game.
Super Mario Bros 3 is my all time favorite game. It's the first game I ever paid for myself when I was a kid. Platforming perfection with tons of hidden secrets, cool power ups, fun mini games, and unique worlds to explore. To this day, I can pick it up and play it for hours anytime on the Wii VC.
Tough choice between Uncharted 2 and Mass Effect 2, but I'm gonna have to go with ME2. Story and the universe is the best out of any game, graphics are great, freedom to explore a huge galaxy and lets not forget the top notch gameplay mechanics. Only wish they added coop and competitive multiplayer, but I guess that should be saved for Mass Effect 3.
Zelda Ocarina of Time. BEST game I have every played, even better than the FF series. haha. This game absolutely rocked and was revolutionary on the N64. :)

The original super mario brothers... because I can beat it with one life (without warping) and that makes me feel like a real man. :)
bread's done