CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

[quote name='LordKefka06']Be silenced! That was the best COD4 map, by far.

CTF on Bloc....:drool:[/QUOTE]

There was no CTF on COD4, unless you mean Domination. That has flags, but it's essentially king of the hill.
[quote name='Matt Young']There was no CTF on COD4, unless you mean Domination. That has flags, but it's essentially king of the hill.[/QUOTE]

I think they were saying that, should Bloc come to MW2, CTF would be amazing on it.

I don't ever play CTF since people treat every gamemode as a deathmatch, so I can't form an opinion.
[quote name='Matt Young']There was no CTF on COD4, unless you mean Domination. That has flags, but it's essentially king of the hill.[/QUOTE]

He's salivating at the thought of CTF on Bloc.

Domination is nothing like King of the Hill.
Oh, my mistake on the CTF statement.

Domination is like KOTH in the fact that you attempt to control and defend multiple points. It's just that those points don't move during the course of the match, and the points don't stop counting when you leave the designated area, unless there's an enemy in there, too (that also applies if you are still in the cap point). I don't really see any other difference. Not trying to be argumentative... I just think there are many similarities.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']Bloc is not the one he's talking about. That was in Russia in an apartment complex. Strike is the one he's talking about. There is a section of the level that has a statue. And it's also in a "desert" type environment.[/QUOTE]

I think he's actually talking about Showdown. There are a lot of levels with Statues in COD4 come to think of it... But Showdown's got some banners and flags and shit, so I'm guessing that's where he gets "embassy."
[quote name='AlphaPanda']I think they were saying that, should Bloc come to MW2, CTF would be amazing on it.

I don't ever play CTF since people treat every gamemode as a deathmatch, so I can't form an opinion.[/QUOTE]

You got that right! And that isn't something common with just CoD. It's any game where the individual is rewarded more for sitting back and killing as opposed to accomplishing the objective. Which is every war shooter out there with a leveling system. You can either kill 2 dudes or you can get your ass raped several times before finally being able to capture the point or destroy it; which yields the same amount of points as some diddly number of kills.
Yeah, do not even think about CTF when playing solo.

It helps when we get a group of 6 together & rush them so bad that they can't do shit.
I love it when people. Play for kills instead of the objective. I played a game of Harcore HQ Pro the other night where I had the top score overall and my team won even though I had fewer than 10 kills. Then some asshat on the other team starts talking about how his team raped us. How dumb do you have to be to brag about losing?

Also, fuck people who brag about their nukes in objective based games. Most of the time they're on the losing side of thngs.
[quote name='Ziv']I love it when people. Play for kills instead of the objective. I played a game of Harcore HQ Pro the other night where I had the top score overall and my team won even though I had fewer than 10 kills. Then some asshat on the other team starts talking about how his team raped us. How dumb do you have to be to brag about losing?

Also, fuck people who brag about their nukes in objective based games. Most of the time they're on the losing side of thngs.[/QUOTE]

Not always, I had 2 nukes in 5 matches of capture the flag the other night. I was playing with a full group, so since we had 2-3 dedicated flag runners I was giving them cover and covering the flag, we only had 4 flags scored on us in about 20 matches, so I think I am doing something right by not objective rushing.

Now I will say that if my team were losing or having a hard time scoring, I will be the first one to change what I am doing and get in there as well. It is the same for domination or HQ, I will be the first one to rush in and die, but once it is captured I am going to post up and watch it rather than run to my death over and over.

I will also add that HC HQ is insanely stupid. The team that seems to have the majority of deaths seems to constantly respawn near the HQ over and over. There have been tons of HC HQ matches where everyone on my team is positive, but because the enemies keep respawning by it we can't seem to capture and we will all respawn on the other side of the map from the objective.
I got about 30 nukes back in November when the game first game out. They've since lost their appeal and I'd rather have my whole team using UAV over the novelty of a nuke. Not one time were we losing when I flipped the switch, though. I think we ended up letting the team get the lead one time so that I could get the "nuke the enemy team when you're losing" challenge.
[quote name='Trakan']I got about 30 nukes back in November when the game first game out. They've since lost their appeal and I'd rather have my whole team using UAV over the novelty of a nuke. Not one time were we losing when I flipped the switch, though. I think we ended up letting the team get the lead one time so that I could get the "nuke the enemy team when you're losing" challenge.[/QUOTE]

Nice! I mainly just keep it on to finish challenges and to drive away annoying teams (the ones that want to start stuff in the lobby before you can even mute them). Embarrassing them with the nuke is my favorite thing to do and they all usually dashboard or just leave when it happens.
CTF, that game type is great, IMO. I usually go and score as many as I can in the first half, then hang bang and snipe, usually fixing my kd spread, because i am not a 7-17 type of player, LordKefka6, would attest to that. But I had a great time in a match of S&D where I went 13-0(no assists, :( ), called in EAD, Pavlow and almost got my EMP. Although I did get one in the air drop. :)
I would love it if K/D ratios didn't include objective-based games. It wouldn't solve the problem entirely due to gun challenges, etc. But it would certainly help.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Nice! I mainly just keep it on to finish challenges and to drive away annoying teams (the ones that want to start stuff in the lobby before you can even mute them). Embarrassing them with the nuke is my favorite thing to do and they all usually dashboard or just leave when it happens.[/QUOTE]

Oh if I would get the nuke say 100 points into a domination game, I'd definitely wait until we were in the 190s to call it in if the people were being douches. Another reason I stopped going for it is because the other team will dashboard or quit and if they dashboard I end up losing my match bonus and taking a loss. That is honestly really stupid, I wish the came could migrate host even if the host turns off his box or dashboards.
What's the trick to hooking up a homie with map pack? I have to sign in to my profile on their xbox right? Then I can re-download on my xbox?

Someone please confirm
Uh oh. Been running to more glitchers lately. Had been a long time since I had seen glitching but last night a group was wall glitching on Invasion in the room with the mannequins and the worst was a capture the flag match on Favela. When I joined the nuke symbol was going on with 1443.xx minutes until detonating, players on the other team had 150+ kills and when you shot them you couldn't kill them and did not get any hit markers. (and I unloaded on them). Left the room and kept getting pulled back into the match until I switched modes.
[quote name='jgon85']What's the trick to hooking up a homie with map pack? I have to sign in to my profile on their xbox right? Then I can re-download on my xbox?

Someone please confirm[/QUOTE]

sign in on their xbox, pay for and download item on their console. (its now able to be used by anyone on their console) then re-download on your console, you have it for yourself on your console..... this is what i did, split the cost with a friend, as well as getting a cheapish code on ebay.
[quote name='kklems']Uh oh. Been running to more glitchers lately. Had been a long time since I had seen glitching but last night a group was wall glitching on Invasion in the room with the mannequins and the worst was a capture the flag match on Favela. When I joined the nuke symbol was going on with 1443.xx minutes until detonating, players on the other team had 150+ kills and when you shot them you couldn't kill them and did not get any hit markers. (and I unloaded on them). Left the room and kept getting pulled back into the match until I switched modes.[/QUOTE]

There is apparently a mod going around for care packages. You can set it up to get like all chopper gunner/ ac-130/ or a nuke in it. I have no idea how to do it and haven't seen it personally *knocked on wood*, but I have had 3 friends see it and one that managed to get a nuke in search and destroy from it (the whole room gets the same care package).
Can't believe we're already getting a second map pack for MW2. Why couldn't they have done this with Call of Duty 4? D:

I hope we get a remake of Chinatown/Carentan at some point. I loved that map in the first two Call of Duty games, and I thought the remake of it in CoD4 was even better. It was one of my favorite maps tbh.

I wouldn't bother staying up late waiting for the new maps. I'm always up till 5am, and the last time the new maps were out, there weren't even live by 6am PST and when they were, there were issues playing online.
I really wish I could play just one single round without a single person using noob tube, danger close and one man army, just one fucking round, seriously, thats all I ask.
[quote name='drbutchevil']I really wish I could play just one single round without a single person using noob tube, danger close and one man army, just one fucking round, seriously, thats all I ask.[/QUOTE]

Delete the map pack. Seriously.
I started playing this again a few weeks ago, and I get tubed maybe once every other game.
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[quote name='moojuice']Delete the map pack. Seriously.
I started playing this again a few weeks ago, and I get tubed maybe once every other game.[/QUOTE]

lol thats what i did, playing with the map pack is annoying as hell. it sucks so bad that i spent money on that map pack..... wont make that mistake again. it would be fine, id like the map pack, if it wasnt for all the noob tubes and campers.
Sorry to hear the map pack sucks. I sold this game a month ago due to the bullshit online. Get rid of it while it still has some monetary value!
Anyone get the new Resurgence map pack yet? It wasn't up when I tried 15 minutes ago. And I even when to the game add ons section then peeked into Modern Warfare. Nada. I'd like to start downloading before I go to work.
Looks like that rumor was wrong. Still waiting. My points are just sitting there begging to pay for this.
Damnit MS, I can't use my iPhone to start the download to my xbox at home. I left it on for this reason. Grrrr.
[quote name='jonathanp']Is it worth the 1200 MP admission?[/QUOTE]

If you're going to be playing the game for the summer, is the price really a relevant portion of the equation?
[quote name='drbutchevil']If you're going to be playing the game for the summer, is the price really a relevant portion of the equation?[/QUOTE]

Yes, since I wouldn't want to drop $15 on maps that suck. I didn't buy the first map pack because I'm not experiencing "map fatigue", but I'm interested in this one because Carnival looks like it would be fun to play on. Since the majority of you guys will end up getting the pack before I will, I wanted some insight.
Fuel sucks for Capture the Flag. One game the opposite team had our flag covered forcing us to spawn all the way across the map in the open area.

It would be a better map if that extra empty field area wasn't included.
For the price of two map packs, you can pretty much get Splinter Cell Conviction CE with that current deal going around. Not saying that makes sense for every gamer, but for me it sure does...
[quote name='dastly75']For the price of two map packs, you can pretty much get Splinter Cell Conviction CE with that current deal going around. Not saying that makes sense for every gamer, but for me it sure does...[/QUOTE]

Apples to oranges. You could probably also get Fallout 3 and Oblivion for $15 a pop now and spend 300+ hours on those.
[quote name='Trakan']I'll put more time into the map packs than if I beat Splinter Cell's campaign and co-op. Twice.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure thats the case with most people. dastly should have picked a game with a longer campaign or more replay value to make it sound like buying the maps was not a good idea for the price.
My review:

Carnival - Awesome setting, very balanced, somewhat a camping map, but a huge number of ways through the various chokepoints and counter camping spots. I like it, a lot.

Fuel - As advertised, it is quite large. Pretty good map, could do without the wide open portion on one side of the map, but still enjoyable.

Trailer Park - Run and gun map, pretty cool, shotgun heaven or hell, depending on which side of it you're on. Overall seems good though.

Strike - Didn't really like it in COD4 (dependent on game mode) and really, honestly, still don't care for it (dependent on game mode), it does look prettier though, which is more than we can say about the Stim Pack map remakes.

Vacant - Same old Vacant you know and love sans one change where they previously had a doorway blocked, it now is open. It looks a lot better, though.

I'd say its worth the $15 if you plan to play the game a lot, if you plan to play casually, wait for a sale on MS points or something obviously.
bread's done