DC Universe Online Thread *Lightning Strikes DLC 12/6/11* Free to play

The game seems to be selling really well, even selling out at some retailers:

While many MMOs fail to make a serious impression on the gaming industry, DC Universe Online has a serious chance at capturing not only MMO fans, but also comic book and console fans. Even though the game has been out for less than a week, DCUO is selling better than hot cakes, with publisher SOE apologising for the limited stock and promising to send more to retail as soon as possible.

John Smedley, President of Sony Online Entertainment explained on his twitter that the game was sold out in most stores:

More units of DCUO are otw [on the way] to retail. The game is sold out in a lot of stores. Sorry. More coming asap

A later tweet shows that not only are the people buying the game in droves, but that they are also continuing to play the game, with servers at maximum capacity – despite the publisher already having added new servers:

We are hitting very high usage on our servers and are working on adding capacity. Sorry for any short downtime while we are doing that.

With Sony Online Entertainment having predicted big things for the apparently $50 million blockbuster game, sales must have been truly incredible to beat their expectations.

Do you have DCUO, or are you planning on picking it up at a later date? Let us know in the comments below.

I wonder how many people will continue playing once their first month is up.
[quote name='Ecofreak']The game seems to be selling really well, even selling out at some retailers:

I wonder how many people will continue playing once their first month is up.[/QUOTE]

id like to know that as well and to know how many copies have been sold for the ps3. it is a great game and if not for the 14.99 monthly fee id have been all over that game.
Is this an action game where you use attacks simply by hitting buttons on the controller or is it a turn based game? That would be the ultimate deciding factor for me really. If it's along the lines of a God Of War, where I can melee without having to wait for my attacks to 'recharge', then I might even consider upgrading my "Brazilian internet' AND paying the $15 a month fee to play beyond the first month.

Otherwise I'll save my money for another game I might like better that won't have some monthly fee associated with it.
[quote name='Thongsy']Do PS3 and PC players play together or are they separated?[/QUOTE]

PC and PS3 are not able to play together.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Is this an action game where you use attacks simply by hitting buttons on the controller or is it a turn based game? That would be the ultimate deciding factor for me really. If it's along the lines of a God Of War, where I can melee without having to wait for my attacks to 'recharge', then I might even consider upgrading my "Brazilian internet' AND paying the $15 a month fee to play beyond the first month.

Otherwise I'll save my money for another game I might like better that won't have some monthly fee associated with it.[/QUOTE]

It's not turn-based, it's a keyboard/button masher. Some attacks do have cool-downs and whatnot, but all the fighting is done in real-time.
I wonder how many people are getting completely turned off to the game by the server issues. This is my first MMO and I was having fun with it during the day yesterday, but it's been crap whenever I've tried it for the last 30 hours or so. The few times I've actually gotten it to start up, I've had quite a few dropped games and multiple game-ending glitches.

It's actually annoying enough that I went to look up how much I could trade it in for and found that you can't re-sell this game. I think that should just about be the first thing in the first post of this thread or even in the thread title. I figured I'd drop the $60, play for a month and give it a shot. If it hooked me enough to be worth the monthly fee, I'd stick with it. If not, I'd sell it or trade it in for $30 or $40. Apparently, though, the activation code links it to your account and once it's linked, there's no going back. Considering that I only buy one or two PS3 games a year, I'm seriously thinking about throwing my console and games up on ebay and just buying a Blu-ray player to take it's place. Sony's pissed me off that much with this.
You really thought you'd be able to trade the game back in? Way to not read up on how MMO's work before purchasing the game.

Also, SOE posted on their Facebook that the servers have been having issues. Welcome to the first month of an MMO.
Ive had hardly any lag!

Loving this game so much.

Ive played lots of MMO's and this is a mmo i can play comfortably on my couch. Loving the vaults and instances.
[quote name='Big St3ph3n']Ive had hardly any lag!

Loving this game so much.

Ive played lots of MMO's and this is a mmo i can play comfortably on my couch. Loving the vaults and instances.[/QUOTE]

Getting to access the Vault daily was my favorite part of the beta. I loved finding new, cool stuff to use on my character in there.
Yeah and you can buy extra vault tickets for a price. Its weird, i forgot to use the vault yesterday... logged on today and went in, and got 3 extra greens. Hmmm maybe percentage rates increase if you wait? Or was i just ultra lucky?
[quote name='SEH']
It's not turn-based, it's a keyboard/button masher. Some attacks do have cool-downs and whatnot, but all the fighting is done in real-time.[/QUOTE]
That's interesting then. I cannot stand turn based games for the most part. The only one I ever got into was Civ Rev and that was only just to say I'd played it, then I traded it away.:D
[quote name='SEH']You really thought you'd be able to trade the game back in? Way to not read up on how MMO's work before purchasing the game.

Also, SOE posted on their Facebook that the servers have been having issues. Welcome to the first month of an MMO.[/QUOTE]

There's an attitude that's going to make this game a real hit with people trying out their first MMO. Thanks for the helpful post, though.
[quote name='maxfisher']There's an attitude that's going to make this game a real hit with people trying out their first MMO. Thanks for the helpful post, though.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? Had the guy done an ounce of reading he would've realized the game is subscription based and that a scratch off code for a free month is obviously a one-time use thing. Don't blame Sony for your (not you) inability to read.
[quote name='SEH']Seriously? Had the guy done an ounce of reading he would've realized the game is subscription based and that a scratch off code for a free month is obviously a one-time use thing. Don't blame Sony for your (not you) inability to read.[/QUOTE]

Um, he was the person you originally replied to who complained that he couldn't resell the game. So yes, it was him who thought he could trade it in.
I agree with SEH. Don't blame Sony for your not understanding how MMOs work, I don't know why you'd think that you could trade it in after using the activation key anyways.
[quote name='SEH']Seriously? Had the guy done an ounce of reading he would've realized the game is subscription based and that a scratch off code for a free month is obviously a one-time use thing. Don't blame Sony for your (not you) inability to read.[/QUOTE]

Of course I realize all of that. My point is that the activation code isn't just for the 30 free days. It's necessary to play the game at all. That is, when I purchased the game, I figured, well, I'm basically paying $45 for the game and $15 for the activation code to try it for a month. Under that logic, I assumed I'd be able to sell the 'game' portion after a month if I didn't like it, say for $30 or $35, to someone who would be able to play it by paying $15/month from the get-go. That's not how it works though. In reality, I paid $60 for the first month. I know that a lot of PC games come with activation codes so that only the original buyer can play them, but this is the first time I've ever seen a physical console game that cannot be resold.
[quote name='SEH']Seriously? Had the guy done an ounce of reading he would've realized the game is subscription based and that a scratch off code for a free month is obviously a one-time use thing. Don't blame Sony for your (not you) inability to read.[/QUOTE]
Games with DLC vouchers in them are not invalidated and limited to one use just because someone uses the DLC voucher, so why should a game in disc format be 'used up' and unable to be traded in if the voucher for a free month is used?

It makes no sense really.

But this is definitely a killer for me. I'll likely wait for a price drop to $20-30 so I'm not losing $30-40+ in value if I can't stand the game.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I agree with SEH. Don't blame Sony for your not understanding how MMOs work, I don't know why you'd think that you could trade it in after using the activation key anyways.[/QUOTE]

PC games have long required unique activation codes to play them, eliminating the possibility of reselling them. Console games never have. What about MMOs would possibly cause someone to think, 'yeah, this genre will use a totally different pricing structure than every online console game that's come before'? I really don't get how I'm being ignorant by assuming the code was something along the lines of what EA did with Mass Effect 2, where if you bought a used copy, you had to pay extra to get access to everything.
Servers are having massive issues. Lots of people bought this game this weekend. :) that makes me me happy, just hate not being able to play. :) soon tho.
To be fair , while its going a bit back in time , Phantasy Star Online did something similar. It came with a registration code that allowed you to play online. If you used the code and then sold/gave the game to a friend , the friend could play the game offline , but not online as the code was tied specifically to that copy of the game and then in turn the console , course PSO 1 was free to play online , but 2 wasn't and used the same setup. Not sure about the later :gc: and :xbox: versions.

The game coming with a 1 month free trial is news to me. I know that typically MMOs do come with one , but I wasn't sure if this would given it being released on a console. I guess the whole game registration thing though solves that issue. This might make me reconsider getting the game (in a good way) as getting to try the game out for a month would go a long way towards convincing me of paying the monthly fee later. Now I just need to look into getting a bigger harddrive , as that was the same reason I couldn't try out the beta.
[quote name='robin2099']Um, he was the person you originally replied to who complained that he couldn't resell the game. So yes, it was him who thought he could trade it in.[/QUOTE]

Ah, yeah, I looked at it wrong and thought Big Stephen was the original guy complaining.

Anyways, so what if you didn't know going in and that consoles never really had MMO's before. This is the internet, you could've asked here or some other forum and I'm sure someone would've been glad to inform you (that, or you could've read the fine print).

Crying and threatening to sell your PS3 seems dumb to me when you could've easily avoided this issue.
[quote name='SEH']Ah, yeah, I looked at it wrong and thought Big Stephen was the original guy complaining.

Anyways, so what if you didn't know going in and that consoles never really had MMO's before. This is the internet, you could've asked here or some other forum and I'm sure someone would've been glad to inform you (that, or you could've read the fine print).

Crying and threatening to sell your PS3 seems dumb to me when you could've easily avoided this issue.[/QUOTE]

I read the first post and a good chunk of the thread here, along with coverage of the game on a handful of gaming sites. I also read the entirety of the fine print on the back of the box. Multiple places, including the back of the box, mention that the code for 30 days is only usable once. Nowhere that I looked mentioned that the code is necessary to play the game in any capacity and that they've completely eliminated the option of selling the game if you don't like it. Again, when there have been plenty of PC games ported over to consoles without this type of thing, I'm not sure why you think it would occur to someone to even ask if they'd be able to resell a copy.

Anyway, my original point was that the way they've handled this is going to piss off a lot of console gamers. First, you're going to have the group that doesn't know about the monthly fee until they buy it. Then you're going to have people like me, who knew about the fee, but thought that they could at least recoup some of their money if they tried it for a month and didn't like it. Add in the server issues and you're going to have a lot of people who try this out because of the IP and the fact it looks neat, only to come away pissed at Sony specifically and swearing off trying anymore MMO's in general.
Wah Wah Wah. Every MMORPG uses identical pricing structures. FYI it was the same way for FFXI on 360 so this isn't the first time a console MMORPG has been done in that manner.

So no whining just because you didn't do any research. Also how is it the developers fault if third party stores like gamestop choose not to buy it back?
I absolutely fail at getting decent gear in this game :whistle2:(

Does anyone know how to build some reknown to buy specific weapons from other factions. I need 250 "skulls"
[quote name='Brian9824']Wah Wah Wah. Every MMORPG uses identical pricing structures. FYI it was the same way for FFXI on 360 so this isn't the first time a console MMORPG has been done in that manner.

So no whining just because you didn't do any research. Also how is it the developers fault if third party stores like gamestop choose not to buy it back?[/QUOTE]

At least read my posts before condescending to me. As stated, I did do research. Feel free to point out to me where it's been publicized that the game disc is entirely worthless without an activation code. That info's out there, but only if you're specifically digging for it. I've not seen it in any general stories for the game and it's not on the packaging.

And really? How is it the developers' fault that they made the game so that once you play it, you're the only one that can play it? I feel like I'm in a PC forum instead of a community of console gamers. Don't people around here still get riled up when the publishers start talking about eliminating the used market by going digital only? How is this any different?
[quote name='maxfisher']At least read my posts before condescending to me. As stated, I did do research. Feel free to point out to me where it's been publicized that the game disc is entirely worthless without an activation code. That info's out there, but only if you're specifically digging for it. I've not seen it in any general stories for the game and it's not on the packaging.

And really? How is it the developers' fault that they made the game so that once you play it, you're the only one that can play it? I feel like I'm in a PC forum instead of a community of console gamers. Don't people around here still get riled up when the publishers start talking about eliminating the used market by going digital only? How is this any different?[/QUOTE]

It's not worthless, stores just wont buy it. You can still sell it on amazon, ebay, etc. The pricing/disc model is the same as every other MMORPG that has ever been created, the account is what you pay for, the discs are basically useless once the game has been out, patched, etc. It's just their to speed up the initial install.
[quote name='Brian9824']It's not worthless, stores just wont buy it. You can still sell it on amazon, ebay, etc. The pricing/disc model is the same as every other MMORPG that has ever been created, the account is what you pay for, the discs are basically useless once the game has been out, patched, etc. It's just their to speed up the initial install.[/QUOTE]

Actually, according to a response on the DCU forums, you can't sell a used copy on amazon, ebay, etc. Well, I suppose you could if you found an uniformed buyer, but it would be unusable for them unless you also let them use your PSN log-in. Without the activation code in the package, you cannot play the game at all and once the activation code is used, it's permanently tied to your PSN info and can't be transferred. At least that was what was posted on their forum. I can't look it up now because I'm at work. I'm not pissed about the pricing model, as that was obvious going in. I'm pissed that I can't turn around and sell the disc to someone who doesn't care about the free month if the game isn't worth $15/month to me.

ETA: While I can't view the official Sony/DCU forum here, I found this, where a poster was told the same thing as was posted on their board:

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[quote name='maxfisher']Of course I realize all of that. My point is that the activation code isn't just for the 30 free days. It's necessary to play the game at all. That is, when I purchased the game, I figured, well, I'm basically paying $45 for the game and $15 for the activation code to try it for a month. Under that logic, I assumed I'd be able to sell the 'game' portion after a month if I didn't like it, say for $30 or $35, to someone who would be able to play it by paying $15/month from the get-go. That's not how it works though. In reality, I paid $60 for the first month. I know that a lot of PC games come with activation codes so that only the original buyer can play them, but this is the first time I've ever seen a physical console game that cannot be resold.[/QUOTE]

Does anyone know if activation codes will be sold on the PSN store (like EA's online passes)? or if there's a way to purchase an activation code directly form inside the game?
[quote name='SEH']The discs aren't tied to anything.[/QUOTE]

But without an activation code (or the ability to purchase one) they are pretty useless (from what I understand) right?
[quote name='erequena']But without an activation code (or the ability to purchase one) they are pretty useless (from what I understand) right?[/QUOTE]

Right now, yes, the discs are useless. However, that may not always be the case.

Look at WOW. You can go to the store and purchase the game for $30 or whatever it is. With that you get a disc with the base game and a 30-day timecard. Alternatively, you could go to Blizzards site and download a free trial, totally bypass that $30 charge, and create an account that's setup to bill like any standard account.

Basically the disc is there to cut-down install/download times. Right now, that's not possible with DCUO as they don't offer any trial or the download of the client off their website. I'm sure in the future though they will do something similar to that.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']this thread has gone to sh!t quick...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that is CAG for you.

I'll get around to up dating the op with some info that should help new players through.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']i was hoping to discuss the game is all...

I won't hold my breath[/QUOTE]

Because discussing/informing people of the way the account process works is really making this thread "go to shit". There are plenty of people still discussing other things about the game.
I understood what you meant, but you got to remember this is cheapassgamer and when it comes to money and games, both of which are going to be big topics beyond general game play discussions. :)
hi all. i purchased this game from toys r us saturday and i love it! i played the beta for it and totally dug it then aswell. what i'm posting about is a question to anyone out there that may have an extra pre-order code.. please pm me. as my main reason for asking is the ability to play as batman in the legends pvp. i thought i would be able to purchase him ingame like the other characters but he is not there. please please help!!

also currently i am on the pvp server "the killing joke" and my character's name is "WannabeSupes". my psn is "thetruth1013". feel free to add me if you would like to play sometime.
To be more positive.

[quote name='kurrptsenate']I absolutely fail at getting decent gear in this game :whistle2:(

Does anyone know how to build some reknown to buy specific weapons from other factions. I need 250 "skulls"[/QUOTE]

Yeah dude, i have gotten a couple blues, you get the best gear in alerts and pvp legends. Ive just been having a blast getting mediocre gear.

Its so crazy to see max leveled people a week from release lol. FIENDS.
my brother was lvl 30 as of 2 days ago. I think I'm on 19 now playing pretty regularly.

I noticed bands of people going around with their flags on and completely gang raping anyone dumb enough to have their PvP flag on. Its a group of about 6-8 lvl 30s

stupid good guys :whistle2:/
So the game is just having server issues? That's actually quite impressive seeing as how unstable the last beta build was. I may have to give the game another try in a few months, I'm glad to see a lot of those issues were seemingly resolved!
for some reason after the update it is taking a year to actually log into my account. don't ask me why. my mic was also non-functional yesterday
Yeah, I reached 30 two days after release. Been farming for Marks to get tier 1 gear. Taking forever. Need to join up with my league to get more.
Well I'm loading everything up now so if anyone wants to play just add me, PSN account TheUMX. I'd like to get a league or something going. I think I'll get a character on the Killing Joke server first since it seems to be used by a lot of people I know.
Carefull matt, killing joke is the most used server. HIgh population and is always the server to go down/disconnect it seems.

Glad you got the game.
Well I made a character on Killing Joke, but will gladly play on other servers with you guys, just let me know which ones are best.

I'm going to make a villain on one of the servers soon.
bread's done