DC Universe Online Thread *Lightning Strikes DLC 12/6/11* Free to play

[quote name='Chroma914']So what's everyones thoughts on this so far? I'm debating picking this up in the b2g1 best buy deal. I've played WoW since release so how does the questing, combat, playing on ps3, and overall experience compare? I've also played Warhammer and Aion as well and thought that both wore out their welcome way too quick.[/QUOTE]

DCU Online, Mass Effect 2 (gameshared!), Little Big Planet 2...Dead Space 2 next week!

Good time to be a PS3 gamer. I'm digging DCUO so far. Only a level 16 hero (batman/gadgets/staff), been having a great time. The short animation scenes after the 'boss' battles are awesome. The one for Harley Quinn was beast!
[quote name='Chroma914']Anyone?[/QUOTE]

I wish I could compare it to other MMO's, but this is my first. I'm enjoying the game. I wish the character creation had a bit more to it and wish quests were more varied other than kill 20 of these guys, 10 of these guys, then collect 10-20 of these items. Then go fight a hero/villain in a specific building.

The server issues and bugs are what's getting me. After doing a ring war pvp, I got stuck in a stationary position. I tried holding the L3 button to fly really fast, and all it did was make me run in a straight line. I could turn the camera angle to change my direction, but couldn't fight/fly/jump. Only run or remain stationary. So I had to run to an area to be killed basically. I also had another bug where I got stuck in a "squatting to pick up a heavy object" motion. I was trying to pick up a meteor that I dropped from the heavens only to have it blow up when I was trying to pick it up stopping me in that motion. Had to be killed to get out of it.

So I haven't run into any game breaking bugs, just goofy things that irritate you. The combat I have no problem with, the game runs smoothly, and overall I'm pleasantly surprised with how it turned out.
DISCLAIMER: If you don't consider that talking about the "resell" issue of this game to be discussion related the game please move on.....my post might bore you. For the rest, read on...

I'm among those that has never played a MMORPG game before. I did as much research as I could not having inside knowledge on every single place to look but I did learn a lot of things I didn't know about MMORPG and DCUO in particular.

I was a bit turned off to the monthly fee but like many I thought I could get it, use the free month and buy a month or two...getting some use out of it and then later on if I wanted to resell if for even $15 (a pretty low resell value)....I still got my money's worth out of it.

Am I going to sell my PS3 because of it? Heck no....I only paid $150 for a co-worker needing cash fast and I only got it for the Blu-ray and this DCUO. Anything else was icing on the cake.

But I do think that when there is such a large and known market for console games on the secondary market, that the developer should do a better job of getting the word out on something like this. I'd say close to 99% of console games can be resold. I have never heard of a console game (PS3 or XBOX 360) that couldn't be resold due to something like this.

I've never been a big fan of the PS3 but put up with some crap that bothers me cause I got it so cheap, it is the only Blu-ray I got and it has the best DC Comics game out in the market (I'm a comics fan before a video game fan)....and this is just another reason I'm not crazy about the PS3.
I bought this today, Im not sure if I should open it. The only MMO I've ever got into was Phantasy Star Online. I'm a huge comics fan though so it intrigues me.
the ONLY MMo that ever interested me was phantasy online/universe (dreamcast/360)

I must say, this game has the combat of phantasy star, but better, as well as everything else you'd want in a PSO/PSU-esque MMO

you don't have to worry about synth'n items, leveling a bot, or level photon arts for that matter. Theres no guardians colony but just a world. there are instances but you are automatically transported there. oh yea.....PvP!!
DC Universe Onlne for the PC is doing well on its debut. But so far for the PS3 version, it's sales is not fairing so well in the US, Japan, and Europe in general.

The PS3 version did not even crack the Top 10 in sales for the week it was debuted on; DCUO was actually ranked #46:


However, the PS3 version is doing much better in the UK, sneaking in barely at the #10 spot.


Although it sounds good, it's really not that great considering older games that are 3-4 months old are still outselling it in it's debut, and it just beat out The Sims 3 for the 10th spot.

At the rate this is going, and the fact that Sony spent $50 million to make this game, either the retail price of the PS3 version will go down quicker, or the monthly fees will get some kind of discount (or discounted bundle).
The monthly fee will the the last thing to drop in price. I could see the actual retail price go from $60 down to $40 very quickly though.
[quote name='Ratchet & CAG']DC Universe Onlne for the PC is doing well on its debut. But so far for the PS3 version, it's sales is not fairing so well in the US, Japan, and Europe in general.

The PS3 version did not even crack the Top 10 in sales for the week it was debuted on; DCUO was actually ranked #46:


However, the PS3 version is doing much better in the UK, sneaking in barely at the #10 spot.


Although it sounds good, it's really not that great considering older games that are 3-4 months old are still outselling it in it's debut, and it just beat out The Sims 3 for the 10th spot.

At the rate this is going, and the fact that Sony spent $50 million to make this game, either the retail price of the PS3 version will go down quicker, or the monthly fees will get some kind of discount (or discounted bundle).[/QUOTE]

Would be nice if the lifetime membership was on the ps3 also. That might be why the PC is selling so much better. That is why I plan on getting it for the PC. I would get it for the PS3 so I can sit back and play it and not be at a desk but that lifetime membership is the deal for me.
amen, if the lifetime memebership was on ps3, id consider it.

seriously tho, with the success of this game. specially for me because its a action based button mash to a degree, i wouldnt doubt seeing more of these.

Cant wait to play another 4 hours tonite. :)
I am so fucking annoyed right now. I decided to open up my copy only to realize there is a 16gb mandatory install. 16gb? what the fuck? I literally deleted everything on my system and my 20gb hard drive is still 2 gb short.

This is why I don't fuck with my ps3 other than to play blu-rays. Sony completely gave a giant fuck you to any early adopters of their system.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']I am so fucking annoyed right now. I decided to open up my copy only to realize there is a 16gb mandatory install. 16gb? what the fuck? I literally deleted everything on my system and my 20gb hard drive is still 2 gb short.

This is why I don't fuck with my ps3 other than to play blu-rays. Sony completely gave a giant fuck you to any early adopters of their system.[/QUOTE]

it doesnt cost that much to upgrade your harddrive sony didnt screw you everyone here knew that the game required a 15 or more gb install and if you didnt know you could have asked here before buying the game.
[quote name='lokizz']it doesnt cost that much to upgrade your harddrive sony didnt screw you everyone here knew that the game required a 15 or more gb install and if you didnt know you could have asked here before buying the game.[/QUOTE]

I'm used to having to clear out my hard drive for these b.s. mandatory installs but 16gb is downright bullshit for an install size. How are they not screwing their customer base by forcing them to purchase a bigger hard drive if they want to play any of the systems games.

You are right about one thing though, I should have checked before purchasing. I had a $20 gaming coupon that expired today and bought it on a whim, I never would have imagined not being able to play it at all. I mean I'm used to the headache of wiping my hard drive to play other games but to not even be able to play at all even after completely wiping the drive, that's just shit. Even if I had seen the 16gb install size I would have figured I would be fine since the ps3's 20gb hard drive gives 18gb available space.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']I am so fucking annoyed right now. I decided to open up my copy only to realize there is a 16gb mandatory install. 16gb? what the fuck? I literally deleted everything on my system and my 20gb hard drive is still 2 gb short.

This is why I don't fuck with my ps3 other than to play blu-rays. Sony completely gave a giant fuck you to any early adopters of their system.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't it say on the back how much space you need for an install?

[quote name='Big St3ph3n']Agreed. go and by this!


Use the back up utility on the ps3 xmb and your good to go!


People who still have stock hdd's make me laugh.[/QUOTE]

I still have a stock one but my is the old 60 gig and has for the most part been used for blu-rays. May upgrade later but really see no point as of now. My 360 on the other hand I needed to jump from the 20 gig to something more.
[quote name='sendme']Doesn't it say on the back how much space you need for an install?

I still have a stock one but my is the old 60 gig and has for the most part been used for blu-rays. May upgrade later but really see no point as of now. My 360 on the other hand I needed to jump from the 20 gig to something more.[/QUOTE]

I've already pointed out that it was my fault for not checking the back of the box but I never would have guessed a install size that big.

Anyways, I've since cooled down and am looking to head out to best buy and get this drive

The drive Big posted is a better deal but I have a 10% off coupon and $40 in rewards certs. Plus with how little I use this system there is no way I would ever need 500 gigs.
[quote name='lokizz']as great as the game is that monthly fee will always hold it back.[/QUOTE]

That's the only reason I'm not buying the game, simply can't afford yet another monthly fee (internet/XBL/Netflix) on top of everything else.

If it had a free to play option I'd be all over this, as it is though I'll most likely never buy it.
Anyone have problems with mics? At first it worked now its bunk. I find if you have your headset on before you launch game, it will most of the time work. We need a patch. :S
All those free 2 play games, do they have monthly content updates? I figured they only released every couple of months, where as the dcuo devs have stated they plan to have a steady flow of things per month. If they do sizeable content updates on the free2 play every 6 weeks or so that would be great.
They have monthly content updates, however, while technically being "free", they really aren't. Yes, you can play through the game totally free, but your enjoyment in most cases would be severely hampered. F2P MMO's generally rely on micro-transactions where you'd have to buy better armor, weapons, etc... as you play through.
FYI, if anyone else has buyer's remorse, best buy is currently taking this as a trade in. Site says $30, but they gave me $33 when I went in. Probably won't last long and it'll likely be the only chance to get some money for a used copy without ripping someone off on eBay.
[quote name='Big St3ph3n']Anyone have problems with mics? At first it worked now its bunk. I find if you have your headset on before you launch game, it will most of the time work. We need a patch. :S[/QUOTE]

Everyone has problems with mics on this game. After doing some research for a few hours, it's believed that when server volume is high or at peak times, the mic cuts out and will not return until the server is reset (some time in the middle of the night).

Its easily the biggest problem in the game right and is almost a deal breaker with me. I'm contemplating NOT renewing my subscription until the mics are fixed to 100%.

Thankfully I have a PS3 chat pad which makes matters a little better, but the other 2 people I play with do not. Its very hard to coordinate an attack with no speach
[quote name='maxfisher']FYI, if anyone else has buyer's remorse, best buy is currently taking this as a trade in. Site says $30, but they gave me $33 when I went in. Probably won't last long and it'll likely be the only chance to get some money for a used copy without ripping someone off on eBay.[/QUOTE]

amazon is accepting it for $33.00 as well. Wasnt sure if I was going to open my copy from the b2g1, but I might try this out and if I dont like it just send it to amazon. Im sure theyll start selling monthly cards sooner or later.
Is it worth the $15 a month?

would have bought it if they made a 1 year subsciption at a cheaper price.

i want this game soo bad though.....
[quote name='Brainberry']Is it worth the $15 a month?

would have bought it if they made a 1 year subsciption at a cheaper price.

i want this game soo bad though.....[/QUOTE]

imo NO.
[quote name='Brainberry']Is it worth the $15 a month?

would have bought it if they made a 1 year subsciption at a cheaper price.

i want this game soo bad though.....[/QUOTE]

imo no game is worth 15 bucks extra per month to play especially after paying 60 for the game at retail.
[quote name='lokizz']imo no game is worth 15 bucks extra per month to play especially after paying 60 for the game at retail.[/QUOTE]


I guess ill wait until they lower the price or make their servers free......

Dead Space 2 seems like the best choice for a new game.
[quote name='lokizz']imo no game is worth 15 bucks extra per month to play especially after paying 60 for the game at retail.[/QUOTE]

I wholeheartedly disagree.

If an MMO's good, I find it quite easy to spend the $15 a month on it. They'll introduce new content frequently enough to keep it fresh and there's always another objective to achieve. In the event you ever find it stale, you'll have the option to cancel the account (while retaining your characters...usually), until a new patch comes up with new stuff to do.

If the MMO's too good, it becomes the only game I play, and can in fact save me money. Some MMO's are so addicting, they can actually make you feel like playing other games is a waste of time...as the time spent on that game is time you could be spending in the MMO.

As to whether DC:UO was that good...from my time in the Beta, I didn't think so.
Dead Space is a fantastic series, but the campaign mode is only 10-12 hours. The multiplayer aspect of the game is not worth the purchase considering its an after thought and only added on (think bioshock 2)

To me, a game that cost $60 should net you more than 10-12 hours. I played DCUO for about 65 hours or so already.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']Dead Space is a fantastic series, but the campaign mode is only 10-12 hours. The multiplayer aspect of the game is not worth the purchase considering its an after thought and only added on (think bioshock 2)

To me, a game that cost $60 should net you more than 10-12 hours. I played DCUO for about 65 hours or so already.[/QUOTE]

I'm alright with spending that much on a short game. To me it all depends on experience. Arkham Asylum was one of my favorite games I've ever played, payed at full price, and would do so again. and that game only took me about 5 hours to get through, 6 if you count platinuming it.
[quote name='Brainberry']True.

I guess ill wait until they lower the price or make their servers free......

Dead Space 2 seems like the best choice for a new game.[/QUOTE]

hell yes i cant wait to get my copy reviews have been pretty strong for it and i cant wait for a new survival horror experience. its been too many years since weve had one. and youre getting 2 games for 60 bucks.
[quote name='Salamando3000']I wholeheartedly disagree.

If an MMO's good, I find it quite easy to spend the $15 a month on it. They'll introduce new content frequently enough to keep it fresh and there's always another objective to achieve. In the event you ever find it stale, you'll have the option to cancel the account (while retaining your characters...usually), until a new patch comes up with new stuff to do.

If the MMO's too good, it becomes the only game I play, and can in fact save me money. Some MMO's are so addicting, they can actually make you feel like playing other games is a waste of time...as the time spent on that game is time you could be spending in the MMO.

As to whether DC:UO was that good...from my time in the Beta, I didn't think so.[/QUOTE]

if youre into mmorpgs i can see your point but for me personally i cant do it. this game was the first and only mmorpg ive ever played and i liked it but from a money standpoint i could and would never spend 15 a month to play a game. even if i got it for free i wouldnt.

theres too many games with great online play that you can play for free i understand what it is youre paying for having read most of the posts in this topic but for me i cant do it. for what you pay in fees you could get a new game in 4 months or a few decent used games.

add to that all the great games weve got coming down the line for ps3 this year and for me i say no. but by playing dcuo i understand the appeal of mmorpgs more and i see how easy it is to get hooked on them.
[quote name='lokizz']hell yes i cant wait to get my copy reviews have been pretty strong for it and i cant wait for a new survival horror experience. its been too many years since weve had one. and youre getting 2 games for 60 bucks.[/QUOTE]

2 games for 60? does it come with another game? or are you talking about the multiplayer?
[quote name='Brainberry']2 games for 60? does it come with another game? or are you talking about the multiplayer?[/QUOTE]

the first batch of deadspace 2 will come with deadspace 2 and deadspace extraction ( a game that i believe was released on wii and will be cleaned up and i think itll be in hd too). extraction is an on rails shooter.
[quote name='lokizz']the first batch of deadspace 2 will come with deadspace 2 and deadspace extraction ( a game that i believe was released on wii and will be cleaned up and i think itll be in hd too). extraction is an on rails shooter.[/QUOTE]

khool! Do you need Move to play it? or will it be playable with a regular controller?
[quote name='Brainberry']khool! Do you need Move to play it? or will it be playable with a regular controller?[/QUOTE]

you can use move or just use the regular controller.
Being that DCUO is the only PS3 game I really play (my kids playing Little Big Planet doesn't count) I got no idea where to go for the latest update on any particular PS3 game.

Any got any recommendations on any particular site or forum?
I picked this up with some trade in credit, and I really don't see the hate. Yea it has most of the same kinds of missions that most mmos do (kill [x] of [y], bring me [a] you get from ) but the execution is far better than any other super hero mmo that i've played.

Don't get me wrong, champions and city of heroes are nice games, but there's something about seeing Superman and Batman that just does it for me. I've been a DC fan since I was a little kid, so having Nightwing join me on a mission was pretty freakin' awesome.

Kind of shocked that there hasn't been a DCOU wiki put together yet, but i guess that'll come in time.
Just started playing my Villian character tonight. So far i like it, im not typically a mmo guy but thought it would be worth a try since i can play it on my ps3.
Added the new video done by Blur under Story videos of the OP. Aww that Lex...

Also some info on the updated coming in (late) February under updates there too.
I'm still looking for people to group up with and/or start a League possibly. I have players on Crisis and The Killing Joke. So far just heroes, but I'll make some villians somewhere soon. PM me if you want to play some time. Typically, I can be on quite a bit on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons and can arrange times any time in the evening.
DCUO "10 a month" plan.

We hope everyone has had an exciting time becoming the next legend and thank all of you for playing DCUO. You are true heroes in our book! As a thank you we are extending a special offer to you, our loyal players, for a limited time only! This legendary new promotion will give you extraordinary savings on a 3 month DCUO subscription and ensure you are able to participate in our monthly content updates. We look forward to seeing you in game!
Legend Plan Special Offer - Get More Game for Even Less!
In appreciation of the first players who are on the path to becoming legends, we're offering the chance to lock in an extraordinary promotional rate of only $29.99 for the 3-month DC Universe Online Legend Plan. That's over 25% OFF the regular 3-month subscription plan price of $41.99! Keep that rate for as long as you are actively subscribed and watch the savings pile up.
Don't delay! Lock in your savings now!
As a Legend Player, you must lock in this rate prior to the end of the 30-day subscription included with your software purchase. If your current subscription plan kicks in before you choose the Legend Plan, you may still participate, but the Legend Plan rate will apply only after your currently selected plan ends.
This offer ends March 1, 2011, so don't miss out!
Already Subscribed?
PC Players - If you have already subscribed to a 3-month plan, you will automatically be charged Legend Plan pricing of $29.99 when your fee becomes due. If you subscribed to a 1-, 6-, or 12-month plan and choose to switch to the 3-month Legend Plan, you must do so prior to the date when your credit card is charged for your existing selection, or your promotional rate will not apply until the end of your existing plan.
PS3 Players - If you have already subscribed to a 90-day plan, you will automatically be charged Legend Plan pricing of $29.99 when your fee becomes due. If you are on any other plan and choose to switch to the 90-day Legend Plan, you will be charged the new pricing upon completion of your existing plan.
Legend Pricing Plan Terms & Conditions:
3-month promotional subscription pricing of $29.99 (plus applicable taxes) compared to the standard 3-month subscription rate of $41.99 (plus applicable taxes).
Offer ends 3/1/11 at 11:59pm (PST). Individuals with DC Universe Online accounts in good standing and validly subscribing to the Legend Plan prior to this deadline will be eligible to receive this offer and will benefit from the recurring Legend Plan rate of $29.99.
Your credit card will be charged every 3 months at the rate of $29.99 (plus applicable taxes) for the life of the game as long as your DCUO account is in good standing and your DCUO 3-month subscription remains active, paid and valid. In the event SOE or Sony Computer Entertainment terminates your DCUO account, your 3-month promotional subscription expires, or you choose to cancel and then re-subscribe at a later date, you will not be eligible to receive this 3-month promotional rate and you will be subject to the then-current subscription rate.
If you have already selected a 1-, 6-, or 12-month DCUO subscription plan and do not choose to switch to the Legend Plan before your 30-days of game-play included with your qualified purchase of DCUO expires, but decide to switch prior to March 1, 2011 (11:59pm PST), your credit card will be charged for the subscription plan you have already selected and the Legend Plan price of $29.99 for a recurring 3-month subscription will commence when your current subscription period ends.
I'll wait until the game is clearance'd out. The game seems to lack longevity compared to other MMOs and pricing the PS32 version $10 more but still charging $15 a month is laughable. The least they could have done is keep the game price $49.99. Also, why is there no incentive for PS+ members, perhaps $5 off? Way to drop the ball Sony.
This is by far one of the most bipolar games I have ever played.

Levels 1 -30 are decently fun although most of it is fetch quest and collect a thons with no creativity what so ever. Hey, its really fun to be a super hero. But when you reach the level cap which you will in under a week of even the most casual play it does such a hard 180 that I am sure we can win a suit for whiplash.

The end game content is pathetic. I have been asking people questions this entire week because I was confused as to what to do after I completed every single quest in the game. (I am seriously telling you that you can complete every single solo quest in the game in a week...I thought this was a MMO Shouldnt you have hundreds of quests?) It came a point in which I started doing the same quest I did earlier and when I final got answers it was mind blowing.

My question, what am I suppose to do at level 30 if I beat all of the quests? Answer? Do the same 15 or so things over and over again for infinity to collect marks to turn in for gear.

Waaaa? To this day I still feel like I am missing something because it simple can not be this many people in general excited to do the same duo over and over again.

By the way, this game has the worst (and I mean it) community in the history of video games. I have never seen so many people get completely ripped apart for asking very simple questions. What I would kinda like to know is how this game qualifies as a MMO? Yeah there might me a lot of players on the sever but you cant interact with any more than what? 8 people for raids? Hell a decent amount of the content is DUOS which is 2 people. MAG is 100x the MMO this game is.

If anyone in here knows what I am suppose to do at level 30 please fill me in. The game isnt good but I like it enough to keep playing....but I am not about to drop 15 a month to do the same thing over and over.

EDIT: I also feel lied too. At no point in my journey did I ever have a epic battle with the heroes/villains of the dc universe and the other players. Yes you can have bounties on some heroes but they are not part of any actual story and are more like random dragon in forest.

This post doesnt even touch on the fact the game has so many bugs that I feel like I need a can of Raid to play it. Might be good in a couple years when they get everything together and the maybe I will come back but for now this game is a complete disaster.
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