GGT 227 Makes Trash Talking Pro CoD players look like Angry Little Children

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3 am still doing HW that is due in 7 hours
My back hurts =]
On my 200th replay of the ghost in the shell theme song ^__^
Took her 5 years to realize that a piece of metal rattling around in your mouth everyday will destroy your teeth.
She had a tongue piercing right?
It's better to give into the addiction. Allow Leda to be your heroin. It's for the best.

GUNNM: That's how students roll. Best time to do an assignment is on the night it is due.
fuck that preparation and studying bullshit. I got youtube teachers to help me.
Chatting with you fine folk isnt going to get my work done.
[quote name='j-cart']Crotch, you should kickstart this RPG:

Watch it become the highest rated Kickstarted RPG game...[/QUOTE]

Wow.....also lol at their other project getting a whole 6 backers :p

Not trying to be mean and it's kind of neat, but I like how the camp is like ~800 bucks and they have a $10,000 donation option. (and how it even points out that the extra money is to buy a laptop, anyone want to buy me a laptop? No :(...darned!)
Nah I'm good :p I usually go through kickstarters just to see read about what the product is and then see what the prizes are since they are usually a bunch of stuff that I wouldn't want and/or crazy overpriced (such as the 100+ dollar donations and you get a t-shirt, oh boy!). I've got nothing against using kickstarter but I'll just wait to see end products and buy it then, especially since it seems there's always those hardcore fans out there willing to do the huge donations that come with a huge amount of stuff, who allow me to pick it up for cheap down the road :D
10k bid is still open you get a hand written letter from her brothers and some other goofy shit. Help prove her brothers wrong
Oh yeah, I'll get right on that 10k donation.....I have a paper to write before I go to sleep myself, but it's on a topic I've covered papers on before so I'm just using my old information :D
I'll list all of my old sources! And change the info a bit to be more modern/fit in the topic I'm covering. But I already have the info so I can use it to base some of the information that I need, and it's not worth many points anyways. Also, self-plagiarism is stupid, I wrote the info already >.<

And I'm summarizing up an old 12 page report into one page anyway.
But then, if I list myself as a source, I'm saying look what I did and letting them know! It's all good though, a large majority of my teachers say when your stuck in the field I'm going for and when you help other people most of the time you just look it up online anyways (I'm going for computer support/help desk stuff).
Would you imagine that, that's the topic I'm covering! And yeah, I know a lot of it is :/ That's why I'm focusing more on the physical side of stuff so I can do installs and repairs more so then phone work.
All those guys get hired by cable companies, no? I don't imagine there being much of a supply and demand for that sorta work. Computers are so cheap you can just buy a new one.
Welp HW done I can sleep, masturbate, eat. Which ever comes first.
Oh it's all good, and yeah a lot of stuff is like that. But then when you look at places like Geek Squad and how much people are willing to pay for simple problems and such it shows that there's a smaller more personal market you can get into. But then for work at a bigger job they are teaching things related not only to computers (even though it's the name of the program) but also smart phones, tablets, security cameras, and even things like fridges and cars that are getting computerized.

So while the more classic style computer jobs may be getting more sparse due to advances in technology there's a good amount of companies looking out for IT people who normally wouldn't have needed them to look over their systems. It's something that I enjoy doing though so even if it's hard to find work I'm learning about some stuff that interests me and can actual help me out at home, either way though, I should probably get to sleep myself here and goodnight/morning.
I'm here now to class things up.

Beat ME1 with my renegade FemShep. I played the entire game with Garrus on my team and it didn't award me the trophy! WTH is that shit? It gave me the one for Tali, but not for Garrus. Racist game is racist.
[quote name='Krymner']I'm here now to class things up.

Beat ME1 with my renegade FemShep. I played the entire game with Garrus on my team and it didn't award me the trophy! WTH is that shit? It gave me the one for Tali, but not for Garrus. Racist game is racist.[/QUOTE]
You needed to play more side-missions then. There are different mission requirements for each squad members. I know because I unlocked Tali's waaaay before Garrus or Wrex's. Garrus and Wrex's cheevos/trophies should unlock around the same time.
Nah, I think I'm done with Mass Effect for now. I'll get back to it eventually.

Started up Alpha Protocol. So far, its kinda like a spy version of Mass Effect? Similar combat and stuff. Not bad.
[quote name='Krymner']Nah, I think I'm done with Mass Effect for now. I'll get back to it eventually.

Started up Alpha Protocol. So far, its kinda like a spy version of Mass Effect? Similar combat and stuff. Not bad.[/QUOTE]

It's like Mass Effect but way better.
[quote name='Krymner']I'm here now to class things up.

Beat ME1 with my renegade FemShep. I played the entire game with Garrus on my team and it didn't award me the trophy! WTH is that shit? It gave me the one for Tali, but not for Garrus. Racist game is racist.[/QUOTE]

No those achievements have always been a pain in the ass and it looks like they couldn't fix them for PS3. Basically you have to do nothing but the main story when you hit the Citadel, get Tali, and then decide who's trophies you're getting and then start doing every side quest in the game, including the ones on the Citadel. Basically meet with Anderson/Udina, go to the mob guy, find and save Tali, then take her to testify talking to no one else except Garrus and Wrex.

If you do everything properly before the point of no return, the trophies should pop sometime when you're on Ilos. I think it'll take a minimum of 3 complete playthroughs done absolutely perfectly to get all of those squad specific trophies to pop so you can get the Platinum. Since you can't get Ashley and Kaiden on the same playthrough. That's why that style achievement was dumped for the next two games.
[quote name='snakemaster2389']

Droppin a bomb son[/QUOTE]

Now I know why Jeff Gertsmann has such a boner for that game. I saw the trailer for Shootmania on YT (it runs before each IGN video) and understand why he loves that also. Is it me or does it look completely different from its horrible debut at Ubisoft's E3 presser?
[quote name='Krymner']Nah, I think I'm done with Mass Effect for now. I'll get back to it eventually.

Started up Alpha Protocol. So far, its kinda like a spy version of Mass Effect? Similar combat and stuff. Not bad.[/QUOTE]
Alpha Protocol is pretty awesome. Just don't try to quickload anything.

EDIT: Hey look, Double Fine Adventure has a name.
[quote name='The Crotch']Alpha Protocol is pretty awesome. Just don't try to quickload anything.

EDIT: Hey look, Double Fine Adventure has a name.[/QUOTE]

And here I thought it would be named "I can't believe people gave us money!"
[quote name='GUNNM']Plagiarizing is felony.[/QUOTE]

I also found out that it is possible to plagiarize yourself too!

I have marks on my University record :D Was pretty damn funny to talk to the dean when she was asking how serious they take plagiarism, only to tell them that it was of my own personal work (previous paper was never written for a grade)!

Yeah, her reaction to that news was priceless. They said they couldn't change the marks that were made to my record. Told her to put an asterisk on it and call me the anti-cheater version of Barry Bonds. ;P
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