GGT 227 Makes Trash Talking Pro CoD players look like Angry Little Children

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As one member has the mentality of an 8 year old and refused to take several notices to keep it on gaming, he has been given a four day silence.

Keep it on topic. Private messages belong in PMs or on social media sites such as facebook. Thanks for the reports, folks. You will have your GGT back, it just may take some weeding out.

Spicey, et all: yes, I am deleting off topic posts as i get reports.
Planetside 2 gets pretty amazing when your connection turns to shit. Tanks and mans hovering all over the battlefield. Just wish they'd sort out the damn grenade launcher bugs; I bought this overpowered weapon with my free space-dollars, and I want to use it.

Also, if you're going to spend every single post running your stupid gimmick further into the ground, please have the basic courtesy to be funny while you do it.
[quote name='distgfx']Shrike used to visit us sometimes; I miss that.[/QUOTE]
True. And we do get CaseyRyback in here every greaaaat once in a while.

Man, it has been a day. I feel like playing some games.
[quote name='GUNNM']No don't get it[/QUOTE]

Don't listen to him! The 3DS Castlevania isn't really that bad, the reaction from the fans is definitely mixed though, try the demo!

[quote name='ActionKazimer']Guys, I ended up getting a WiiU. But it was for like 30 bucks out of pocket after selling shit on Craigslist. Been playing MH all day and it feels sooo gooood. Forgive me prease.[/QUOTE]

Nice! It does feel good to hunt them Monster's don't it!

[quote name='j-cart']I also found out that it is possible to plagiarize yourself too!

I have marks on my University record :D Was pretty damn funny to talk to the dean when she was asking how serious they take plagiarism, only to tell them that it was of my own personal work (previous paper was never written for a grade)!

Yeah, her reaction to that news was priceless. They said they couldn't change the marks that were made to my record. Told her to put an asterisk on it and call me the anti-cheater version of Barry Bonds. ;P[/QUOTE]

That really sucks :/ I just referenced some main points though and didn't even come close writing word for word, looked up old sources etc.
It's unfortunate none of the castlevania dlc of any game is on sale but yeah I'll also be picking up dragonborn. I still need to finish that one vampire dlc too
Guys, I played Flower again. Game is so inspirational. Six-Axis is tight. Blades of grass. All that.

[quote name='guinaevere']My mistake. I hadn't been in here for ages; I only stopped in after seeing a few reports that needed attention.

To answer the question snake postured, the GGT used to always be game only. At least let's be fair and say, 95% gaming related. After my mostly MIA stint over the past couple years, I'm assuming there wasn't much of a mod presence in here, as I was the only GGT-regular/mod before that time. And that seems to have led to an anything goes, OTT-type atmosphere.

Whether that's the case or not, it appears to have gone too far, and the GGT regulars were finally sick of the hook-up posts taking over. So structure has to return.[/QUOTE]

Does this mean that you're going to start posting in here more?

Cuz then okay.
[quote name='GUNNM']It's unfortunate none of the castlevania dlc of any game is on sale but yeah I'll also be picking up dragonborn. I still need to finish that one vampire dlc too[/QUOTE]
The Vampire DLC felt really short. I don't know if that was just me or what, but the Ghost mission that came with the DLC was way, waaaay longer than the Dawnguard missions.

This vid is so great
I only did that part where you free that one person and then go to that other place where you can get that shitty dead horse as a mount. I don't know if the patch fixed the shadowsmere disappearing but I found it just chilling outside of whiterun after being gone for almost a year
[quote name='CaptainJoel']You're lucky. I lost Shadowmere for a while and couldn't find him fuckin' aaaaaanywhere, so I just reloaded a much earlier save. Thankfully I was able to find him after that. Have you killed him before? I went through a weird few days where he kept dying on me in increasingly terrible ways.[/QUOTE]
I spent all day looking for him and I was never able to find him. I found a pretty good replacement horse called frost who had a little less stamina but just as good but I lost him to the stupid shitty dead horse. And no I never killed him I just did a fast travel and I never saw him again
[quote name='GUNNM']I only did that part where you free that one person and then go to that other place where you can get that shitty dead horse as a mount. I don't know if the patch fixed the shadowsmere disappearing but I found it just chilling outside of whiterun after being gone for almost a year[/QUOTE]
You're lucky. I lost Shadowmere for a while and couldn't find him fuckin' aaaaaanywhere, so I just reloaded a much earlier save. Thankfully I was able to find him after that. Have you killed him before? I went through a weird few days where he kept dying on me in increasingly terrible ways.
Can't wait till next year when kojima gets the bluray season 3 of walking dead and gives us his opinions on them. ^__^
[quote name='CaptainJoel']You're lucky. I lost Shadowmere for a while and couldn't find him fuckin' aaaaaanywhere, so I just reloaded a much earlier save. Thankfully I was able to find him after that. Have you killed him before? I went through a weird few days where he kept dying on me in increasingly terrible ways.[/QUOTE]
No I just fast traveled with him and he disappeared I looked for a whole day and was never able to find him. I was able to find a decent replacement horse called frost who had a little less stamina but he was replaced by that shitty dead horse.

He has never died on me. I even play on master and he joins me on the dragon fights like a boss
Dragonborn is immensely superior to Dawnguard, and I loved Dawnguard. Plus, if you're a big H.P. Lovecraft fan or a fan of the Cthulhu Mythology, you'll love Dragonborn.
[quote name='GUNNM']Can't wait till next year when kojima gets the bluray season 3 of walking dead and gives us his opinions on them. ^__^[/QUOTE]
I am legit excited for that too.

[quote name='GUNNM']No I just fast traveled with him and he disappeared I looked for a whole day and was never able to find him. I was able to find a decent replacement horse called frost who had a little less stamina but he was replaced by that shitty dead horse.

He has never died on me. I even play on master and he joins me on the dragon fights like a boss[/QUOTE]
You'e lucky. I've killed him numerous times when climbing the mountains and there was a few peculiar occurrences outside of Whiterun where I tried to jump over a wheelbarrow with him and I got knocked off him and he got slingshotted a few hundred feet into the air and landed dead.

[quote name='GhostShark']Dragonborn is immensely superior to Dawnguard, and I loved Dawnguard. Plus, if you're a big H.P. Lovecraft fan or a fan of the Cthulhu Mythology, you'll love Dragonborn.[/QUOTE]
SWEET! I fucking LOVE Lovecraft.
Jesus Christ, I'd forgotten how godawful the Anticitzen One chapter was in Half-Life 2.

I love that series to death, but holy shit that was bad.
Rayman is soooooooooooo good. I want that Legends.

[quote name='The Crotch']Jesus Christ, I'd forgotten how godawful the Anticitzen One chapter was in Half-Life 2.

I love that series to death, but holy shit that was bad.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Indignate']Why?[/QUOTE]
That's the chapter where they give you squads of worthless rebel soldiers and also Barney. I can not state enough just how fucking terrible the rebel soldiers are. And also Barney.
[quote name='The Crotch']That's the chapter where they give you squads of worthless rebel soldiers and also Barney. I can not state enough just how fucking terrible the rebel soldiers are. And also Barney.[/QUOTE]

I remember the chapter, I don't remember it being a pain or anything.

Was it a case of if any of them died it was game over?

No. Only for Barney, and he was borderline impossible to kill. They would just constantly get in the way in tight spaces, nag at you to reload while you're mid-reload, forget the orders you gave them ten seconds after you told them to fuck off so you could deal with a trap in peace, and generally fuck up everything they tried to do. There was one particular fight near the end of that chapter where you had to kill a group of striders circling your building and the game gave you and endless stream of rebel reinforcements soldiers... and sweet fuck all for them to do, because rebel soldiers can't actually fight striders. Even the ones that spawned with rocket launchers would not only not fire their weapons, they didn't even drop ammo when they died. All they would do is stand around getting shot at and blocking your path when you're trying to run between cover and the ammo crate.
[quote name='The Crotch']No. Only for Barney, and he was borderline impossible to kill. They would just constantly get in the way in tight spaces, nag at you to reload while you're mid-reload, forget the orders you gave them ten seconds after you told them to fuck off so you could deal with a trap in peace, and generally fuck up everything they tried to do. There was one particular fight near the end of that chapter where you had to kill a group of striders circling your building and the game gave you and endless stream of rebel reinforcements soldiers... and sweet fuck all for them to do, because rebel soldiers can't actually fight striders. Even the ones that spawned with rocket launchers would not only not fire their weapons, they didn't even drop ammo when they died. All they would do is stand around getting shot at and blocking your path when you're trying to run between cover and the ammo crate.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Most games seem to have those problems, but I guess since Half-Life only introduced it in one chapter, it can be pretty jarring. I actually remember that strider fight being kind of cool, maybe.

[quote name='mrspicytacoman']awesome

an old comrade from brood war makes in an appearance
in hots campaign
total fan service lol[/QUOTE]

The dude from the secret mission, right?
[quote name='Indignate']Doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Most games seem to have those problems, but I guess since Half-Life only introduced it in one chapter, it can be pretty jarring. I actually remember that strider fight being kind of cool, maybe.[/QUOTE]
Half-Life 2 plays around with giving you allies a lot, which makes sense given the big deal they made about the presence of the scientists and guards in the original, but it's really jarring to go from "Oh man, these antlions are so fucking cool! Alyx and D0G are so fucking awesome!" to "Barney, please take your fucking soldiers and run them all into a field of turrets while I go and win the war, okay?"

EDIT: To be fair, D0G didn't actually have any combat AI. All his attacks are 100% scripted.
[quote name='Indignate'] The dude from the secret mission, right?[/QUOTE]
Duran is there, yes, but he probably means Stukov (the Russian dude from the opening cinematic of Brood War that Duran kills). It's kind of dumb.
I like Resident Evil 6 when it's not trying to be Left 4 Dead. By that, I mean outright stealing enemies from it, like tanks and smokers, and sticking me with 4 worthless people that get in the way and jabber on the whole time.

Anyway, friend and I finished Leon's campaign today in two sittings, only interrupted by pizza time. Was pretty decent, some parts drag on too long, and you spend half the campaign falling, sliding down waterslides, sliding down things, or stumbling around because the ground is shaking. Also fuck that water part. Hate swimming in games. :bomb:
[quote name='The Crotch']That's the chapter where they give you squads of worthless rebel soldiers and also Barney. I can not state enough just how fucking terrible the rebel soldiers are. And also Barney.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='The Crotch']No. Only for Barney, and he was borderline impossible to kill. They would just constantly get in the way in tight spaces, nag at you to reload while you're mid-reload, forget the orders you gave them ten seconds after you told them to fuck off so you could deal with a trap in peace, and generally fuck up everything they tried to do. There was one particular fight near the end of that chapter where you had to kill a group of striders circling your building and the game gave you and endless stream of rebel reinforcements soldiers... and sweet fuck all for them to do, because rebel soldiers can't actually fight striders. Even the ones that spawned with rocket launchers would not only not fire their weapons, they didn't even drop ammo when they died. All they would do is stand around getting shot at and blocking your path when you're trying to run between cover and the ammo crate.[/QUOTE]Don't mess with Barney. He's my pal.

The only part I had issues with was the ant lions because i tried about sixty times for the 'don't walk on the sand' or whatever cheesemint.

And under the bridge because i have a terrible fear of falling. (Which is prolly why i hate platformers.)
[quote name='guinaevere']Don't mess with Barney. He's my pal.

The only part I had issues with was the ant lions because i tried about sixty times for the 'don't walk on the sand' or whatever cheesemint.

And under the bridge because i have a terrible fear of falling. (Which is prolly why i hate platformers.)[/QUOTE]

I remember doing the don't touch the sand part of the game due to the fact that I was around that part at the same time as one of my friends and I was able to get past it on like my first try, and he kept doing it and swears he never touched the sand but still to this day has not got the achievement, good times! I agree that you don't mess with Barney, me and him fought ourselves a lot of aliens back when I used to play Sven-Coop a lot (although evil Barneys were the worst!).
I don't remember if I liked Barney or not. It's been so long since that game was a thing.

And I got that achievement on my first try too.
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